100 Ways to Live a Luxurious Life on a Budget

by: Fiona Ferris (0)

If you desire to have more fun, luxury, ease and play in your life but don’t have extra cash to spare, this book is for you. As you read, you will find out how to:

  • Be savvier with your finances so you have more money available for the things that really matter to you.

  • Elevate your mindset to achieve a state of elegance and luxury at a moment’s notice.

  • Put into place simple but beautiful chic anchors to really feel like you are living your dream life but without spending anything extra.

Your empowerment is in your hands.

You get to choose the world in which you live. Would you rather it be magical and beautiful in preference to a staid and boring ‘normal’ existence?

In this mini-book you will find one-hundred tips, ideas and reminders on how to live your most luxurious life on a budget, and a special bonus as well – 50 little extras at the end.

If you are keen to uplevel how you live, please let me warmly welcome you in. Find out all my secrets how I have created a luxurious life for myself, even though I value thrift and simplicity. You can create any kind of reality for yourself too.

‘100 Ways to Live a Luxurious Life on a Budget’ is a quick, inspiring read which you can finish within a few hours. You can put ideas into action immediately. Yes, this book offers instant gratification, but the good kind!

Enhance how you live, call in your dream life today, by treating yourself to this book – click the ‘Buy Now’ button!

The Reviews

I love this author. I’m often fighting stress and overwhelm—I have two little kids, a full-time job, and a challenging home life, there are so many people draining my energy and patience 24/7—and I just need a positive voice reminding me of the fun and good in life. Her books are a real treat when I’m feeling down. I like self-help but I don’t need a research-based book telling me to rethink every little thing in my life and insisting I implement a new system. I need a friendly down-to-earth girlfriend I admire, who can pep me up anytime I need it, even at 4 am when I can’t sleep and I’m bombarded with painful thoughts. That’s what her books are to me. I really appreciate them.

This latest of Fiona's books is probably my favorite. It gets straight to the point and is full of concise, really inspirational ideas to implement in your life right now. I love that it's a smaller size book. It slips right into my purse and I can bring it with me to pop open when I'm waiting for an appointment. It's also one that I will re-read over and over, opening it up at random to get a fresh idea when I'm feeling blah. 10/10!!!

I have almost all of this author’s books. Each one brings a lovely sense of serenity to me while still making me feel inspired.This book is a quick read, almost like a checklist of great ideas to feel more luxurious. It’s a good reminder that a luxurious life starts with a mindset, not a credit card.

I own all of Fiona Ferris’ books. This one is like the cliff notes version of all the books combined. I love her ideas of creating luxury without going into debt.

Written in the same breezy, encouraging tone as all of Fiona’s books, this is just the thing to pull out when you’re tempted to blow your budget. It makes you appreciate and enjoy what you have much more. As a friend told me, “We can do anything, just not everything.” This book celebrates that, and makes budgeting feel like a luxurious choice, not a hardship.

It made me think a lot about our every day living n so many simple ways to make it so much better n happier. Thank you bunches!

This is a great compilation of lifestyle ideas. I love Fiona's books. The style is like she is there chatting with you.

I could read this over and over again. This book is full of ideas that are simple and inexpensive.Everyone can get something from this.

It's a nice short book that has some nice and easy ways to make your life more luxurious without spending a lot of money.. and with some.. not spending any, just using what you already have that maybe you don't right now.One of my favorite things she suggests is to "get rid of things that make you feel poor, broke or inconvenienced" I like that way of wording it. Not everything that you will need to keep will spark joy.. it's just needed. But, letting go of things that make you feel poor or broke or inconvenienced.. when you look at it that way, it might be easier to let go of those things..and keep the things that make you feel like they enrich your life and honestly make it better to live and enjoy life.

Beautiful little book on making your life more luxurious. I was inspired by this book and will visit an art gallery in my neighborhood tomorrow. This book was s a delight and I will be reading more from Ms. Ferris!

Like all Fiona Ferris' books, this one is chock full of great attitude and actionable tips to make your life what you want it to be within the means you have. And I agree with fiona, I love her cover lady!

Upbeat! Outstanding ideas! Perfect for going beyond being average without going into debt. Helps to change your mindset from middle of the road to excellence.

I liked this simple short book very much. There are inspiring reminders to value and enjoy what you currently have but also how to inexpensively take things up a notch. All in a practical simple way.

A very inspirational read with practical ideas easily implemented into daily life. Great reminders of how to be awake to the beauty that is available to us if weCan be aware and reach for it!

Inspiring ideas to get and keep yourself out of a rut. Life is what you make of it each day.

I have read everything Fiona Ferris has written and find myself enjoying each new book more than the last. This one is tightly packed with wonderful ideas. I highly recommend it, and I suggest that anyone who likes it may want to go back and look at Fiona‘s other books; they are truly treasures!

Fiona has done it again! This is such a great book with such wonderful EASY to do ways to bring a better sense of luxury into your life while on a budget - or not! Even if you have plenty of disposable income, some of her hints and suggestions would be so useful! She emphasizes a frame of mindset that ANY budget could improve their lives with. THANK YOU, Fiona!! I love your books and loved this one!

Thank you Fiona !. You put in words all the lifestyle I love !. Go on writing !.

Ladies, this a fabulous book to remind you that living your best luxurious life is attainable! Fiona shares with us, that a rich luxurious life, Is all about how you look at things. Dressing how you want to dress, using those lotions that you saved for a special occasion. Ladies every day is a special occasion. Buy the flowers to add to your bedroom dresser. Wear your oversized sunglasses, spray your perfume, and live your best life!

After I bought this, I bought and read all of the authors other books. I like the peaceful energy and calm I feel while reading her books and there are tons of fantastic ideas on living a more simple life in here.

100 Ways to Live a Luxurious Life on a Budget
⭐ 4.7 💛 310
paperback: $8.99
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