101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think

by: Brianna Wiest (0)

101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think, the global bestseller and social media phenomenon, is a collection of author Brianna Wiest's most beloved pieces of writing. Her meditations include why you should pursue purpose over passion, embrace negative thinking, see the wisdom in daily routine, and become aware of the cognitive biases that are creating the way you see your life. Some of these pieces have never been seen; others have been read by millions of people around the world. Regardless, each will leave you thinking: this idea changed my life.

The Quotes

Accomplishing goals is not success. How much you expand in the process is.

Your habits create your mood, and your mood is a filter through which you experience your life.

You must learn to let your conscious decisions dictate your dayā€”not your fears or impulses.

The Reviews

Out of all of the self help books that Iā€™ve read (and there have been many!) this is the one and only book that left a profound impression on how I view the world. After years of battling depression and anxiety I now feel that I have practical tools to comfort myself in those intense moments. This is a gift that is of more value than can ever be measured and I am so thankful that someone put into words what Iā€™ve needed to hear my whole life. I now realize how important it is to take responsibility for my own mental health. I was so lost and disconnected from who I was as a child and this book brought me back to that place, when my values were more clear cut and societal norms had less of an influence on what influenced my level of happiness. Hope that more people are able to get out of this book what I was able to. šŸ˜ŠšŸ™šŸ¼

I got this book cause it seemed like a good read. I am a couple of essays in. I think the names really hook you of each essay, but at least the first 5 essays that I have read are mostly in lists (and skimming through the pages, most are), and seem to keep say the same message over and over again. This book won't change the way you think, cause the other doesn't change the message. To sum up the message and save you the money and 400 pages of reading, break your routine and don't be afraid of things that scare you - it means you care. Also, take charge of the way you feel.

I discovered Brianna on Instagram and was intrigued by her practical perspective on happiness and emotional well being. And her book definitely expanded on all the thoughts she shares on social.What I particularly liked is that her work isnā€™t the rah-rah fare thatā€™s pumped out by the motivational gurus. Rather, it shares a path to awareness reminiscent of Wayne Dyerā€™s early books.Some of the material may surprise some people. For example, I appreciated how she notes that routine can be positive and keep you on track (which is something that Iā€™ve discovered).Highly recommend and am looking forward to reading more of her work.

I LOVE this book. I saw this as a recommendation by YouTuber Jenn Im, and I'm so glad that I read it. Each essay is its own therapy session. I even told my therapist about it, and it's helped me so much more than I can ever put to words. With a lot of positive reinforcement and references to Buddhist meditation practices, it's the perfect book for someone who wants to improve their mental health. Every essay is so well-written and perfectly summarizes the do's and don't's of your emotional and mental well-being. It's 100% worth the read. No doubt about it.

Saw this on YouTube and decided to read it myself. Wow, Iā€™m glad I decided to purchase this book. I like that the chapters are short because I can read 2-3 pages right before bed. I have other books Iā€™m reading as well so I can only juggle so many right now! But this is really nice, insightful book that anyone can read. Iā€™m also happy with the shipping time as it initially said it would come mid September since it wasnā€™t Prime. I got 2 days after I purchased it! Anyways, if youā€™re on the fence about purchasing this, just buy it. Itā€™s a nice read. :)

This book changed my entire mind set. I could go on for days about how incredibly transforming this book has been on my life, but I will just say Iā€™m a completely different person than I was a month ago when I started reading it. My mind and my heart has been forever changed and I can only hope that others will share the same experience.

I chose this rating because it indicates the level of enjoyment, support and inspiration ---------Oh and affirmation i experienced in reading and embodying your thoughts. I will recommend this book to my friends, relatives and associates and I am Xeroxing some chapters to read and discuss with my groups. I must have this book in book form so that I may go back to some underlined sections again and again. Thank you. Beatrice Stewart.

There was several typos in this book that were distracting but ultimately didnā€™t take away from the message. This was one of the most profound books Iā€™ve ever read. Donā€™t go into it expecting a traditional ā€˜self helpā€™ book. This book isnā€™t going to teach you new coping mechanisms you donā€™t have. Look at it more as an affirmation. This book came at a time when I really needed to be seen and heard and so much of it resonated with me and out words to feelings I didnā€™t know how to express. To anyone feeling lost or directionless, I highly recommend giving this book a chance.

This reviewer was drawn to this 2016 book entitled: ā€œ101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Thinkā€ by Brianna Wiest by its catchy title and good reviews. There were indeed 101 Essays and some of them truly thought provoking that make the book worth purchasing and reading.All of the essays were short and some of them were excellent and ā€œspot-onā€. Other essays seemed as if they were more appropriate for a self-help therapy session book that may or may not apply to the reader. Some of the essays were fascinating and some were a struggle to finish reading. One of the 101 essays is entitled: ā€œ101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Thinkā€, that is, the exact same title as the book, which rather begs the question of what is added by the other 100 essays.Sometimes the book provided sources used to influence the authorā€™s essays. Sometimes scholarly references were in footnotes. There were several features of the book, as published in Kindle format, that left this reviewer disappointed. In terms of format, when highlighting sections to be excerpted (as allowed by the publisher), the numbers were somehow embedded in the format and were NOT highlighted for excerption.As an example of the authorā€™s substance and style Wiest writes: ā€œIn his book Sapiensā€¦ Harari explains that at one point, there were more than just Homo sapiens roaming the Earthā€¦ Thereā€™s a reason Homo sapiens still exist today and the others didnā€™t continue to evolve: a prefrontal cortex,.. was because of language and thought that... we could create a world within our minds, and ultimately, it is because of language and thought that we have evolved into the society we have todayā€¦ā€ Wiest writes: ā€œEvery generation has a ā€œmonocultureā€ of sorts, a governing pattern or system of beliefs that people unconsciously accept as ā€œtruth.ā€ā€¦ The objectivity required to see the effects of present monoculture is very difficult to develop. Once you have so deeply accepted an idea as ā€œtruthā€ it doesnā€™t register as ā€œculturalā€ or ā€œsubjectiveā€ anymoreā€¦ The fundamentals of any given monoculture tend to surround what we should be living forā€¦ You believe that creating your best life is a matter of deciding what you want and then going after it, but in reality, you are psychologically incapable of being able to predict what will make you happyā€¦ You extrapolate the present moment because you believe that success is somewhere you ā€œarrive,ā€ so you are constantly trying to take a snapshot of your life and see if you can be happy yetā€¦ You convince yourself that any given moment is representative of your life as a whole. Because weā€™re wired to believe that success is somewhere we get toā€”when goals are accomplished and things are completedā€¦ Accomplishing goals is not success. How much you expand in the process isā€¦. You think ā€œproblemsā€ are roadblocks to achieving what you want, when in reality they are pathwaysā€¦ Simply, running into a ā€œproblemā€ forces you to take action to resolve it.ā€ Wiest writes: ā€œThe Psychology of Daily Routineā€¦ what we donā€™t realize is that having a routine doesnā€™t mean you sit in the same office every day for the same number of hours. Your routine could be traveling to a different country every monthā€¦ In short, routine is important because habitualness creates mood, and mood creates the ā€œnurtureā€ aspect of your personality, not to mention that letting yourself be jerked around by impulsivenessā€¦ routine is so important (and happy people tend to follow them more)ā€¦ Your habits create your mood, and your mood is a filter through which you experience your lifeā€¦ Happiness is not how many things you do, but how well you do them. More is not betterā€¦ As children, routine gives us a feeling of safety. As adults, it gives us a feeling of purpose.ā€ Wiest writes: ā€œPeople who are socially intelligent think and behave in a way that spans beyond whatā€™s culturally acceptable at any given moment in time. They function in such a way that they are able to communicate with others and leave them feeling at ease without sacrificing who they are and what they want to sayā€¦ Here, the core traits of someone who is socially intelligent:ā€¦ They do not try to elicit a strong emotional response from anyone they are holding a conversation withā€¦ They do not speak in [definite terms] about people, politics, or ideasā€¦ The fastest way to sound unintelligent is to say, ā€œThis idea is wrong.ā€ā€¦ To speak definitively about any one person or idea is to be blind to the multitude of perspectives that exist on it. It is the definition of closed-minded and short-sightednessā€¦ They donā€™t immediately deny criticism, or have such a strong emotional reaction to it that they become unapproachable or unchangeableā€¦ Socially intelligent people listen to criticism before they respond to itā€¦ They speak calmly, simply, concisely, and mindfully. They focus on communicating somethingā€¦ Theyā€¦ know that the world does not revolve around them. They are able to listen to someone without worrying that any given statement they make is actually a slight against themā€¦ They do not try to inform people of their ignoranceā€¦ When you accuse someone of being wrong, you close them off to considering another perspective by heightening their defenses. If you first validate their stance (ā€œ Thatā€™s interesting, I never thought of it that wayā€¦ā€) and then present your own opinion (ā€œ Something I recently learned is thisā€¦ā€).. (ā€œ What do you think about that?ā€), you open them up to engaging in a conversation where both of you can learn rather than just defendā€¦ They validate other peopleā€™s feelingsā€¦ validating feelings is not the same thing as validating ideasā€¦ Socially intelligent people know that not everybody wants to communicate, learn, grow or connectā€”and so they do not try to force themā€¦ They listen to hear, not respondā€¦ While listening to other people speak, they focus on what is being said, not how they are going to respondā€¦ They do not consider themselves a judge of whatā€™s true. They donā€™t say, ā€œyouā€™re wrongā€; they say, ā€œI think you are wrong.ā€ā€¦ They donā€™t ā€œpoison the wellā€ or fall for ad hominem fallacy to disprove a point. ā€œPoisoning the wellā€ is when someone attacks the character of a person so as to shift the attention away from the (possibly very valid) point being made.ā€ About, the ā€œHappiness of Excellenceā€, Wiest writes: ā€œEric Greitens says that there are three primary forms of happiness: the happiness of pleasure, the happiness of grace, and the happiness of excellence. He compares them to the primary colors, the basis on which the entire spectrum is createdā€¦ The happiness of pleasure is largely sensoryā€¦ The happiness of grace is gratitudeā€¦ And then there is the happiness of excellence. The kind of happiness that comes from the pursuit of something great. Not the moment you arrive at the top of the mountain and raise your fists in victory, but the process of falling in love with the hike. It is meaningful workā€¦ One cannot replace another. They are all necessaryā€¦ ā€œLots and lots of red will never make blue. Pleasures will never make you whole.ā€ā€¦ The happiness of excellence is the work of emotional resilience. Itā€™s the highest ranking on Maslowā€™s hierarchy. It is measured, deliberate, and consistentā€ Wiest .writes: ā€œIf you ask any young adult what their primary stressor in life is, itā€™s likely something that relates to uncertaintyā€¦ Nobodyā€”not one of usā€”knows ā€œwhat weā€™re doing with our lives.ā€ ā€¦ ā€œWhat do I want?ā€ is a question you need to ask yourself every dayā€¦ The good news is that your life is probably different than how you think it is. Unfortunately, thatā€™s the bad news, tooā€¦ Kahneman says: ā€œThe confidence people have in their beliefs is not a measure of the quality of evidence, but of the coherence of the story that the mind has managed to construct.ā€ ā€¦ [Wiest discusses the] biases that affect us so deeplyā€¦ā€ Wiest writes: ā€œLearn to love things that donā€™t cost much. Learn to love simple food and cooking it, being outside, the company of a friend, going for walks, watching the sunrise, a full nightā€™s sleep, a good dayā€™s workā€¦ Learn to live within your meansā€”no matter how much money you make, your ā€œpercentage habitsā€ will remain the same. If youā€™re in the habit of seeing all of the income you make as ā€œspending moneyā€ (as opposed to investing money, saving money, etc.) you will always revert to that habit, no matter how much you make. It is only by learning to live comfortably within your means that youā€™re able to actually achieve your goals when you earn moreā€¦ Differentiate the fine line between what you can and canā€™t controlā€¦ ā€œChoose not to be harmedā€”and you wonā€™t feel harmed. Donā€™t feel harmedā€”and you havenā€™t been.ā€ā€”Marcus Aureliusā€ Wiest writes: ā€œRe-write your ā€œsuccessā€ narrativeā€¦ Sometimes itā€™s doing what you know is right despite the fact that everyone else in your life is looking down on it. Sometimes itā€™s just getting through the day or the month. Lower your expectationsā€¦ Connect with peopleā€¦ Redefine ā€œhappinessā€ not as something you experience when you get what you want, but something you feel when you have something meaningful to work toward each dayā€¦ Focus on getting better, but let go of the end goal. You get better, not perfectā€¦ Stop judging other people. See everyone with dignity, with a story, with reasons for why they are how they are and why they do what they doā€¦ Read books that interest youā€¦Hearing a new voice in your mind will teach you how to think differentlyā€¦ Donā€™t stand in front of the road sign forever; map a new pathā€¦ā€ Wiest writes: ā€œā€¦it seems that the most effective creative process is one that follows the art of Zenā€”meditation, mindfulness, intuition, non-resistance, non-judgment, etcā€¦ The single most powerful, liberating thing any one of us can do is choose to believe that everything is here to help us. If you want to understand why you perceive your life the way you do, ask yourself what you think the point of it is. This isnā€™t a lofty, philosophical questionā€¦ This is the underbelly of how you think and behaveā€¦ You either see yourself as a victim of what happens to you, or as someone given opportunity to change, grow, see differently, and expandā€¦ When people believe that they are victims, they forfeit their power.ā€ Wiest writes: ā€œSuccess is more a product of habit than it is skill. To excel at something, you must be able to do it prolificallyā€¦ What separates experts from the rest of us is a blend of profound self-control, disciplined routine, and unwavering dedicationā€¦ While natural skill is more or less something youā€™re born with, self-control is something you developā€¦ Start where you are, use what you have, do what you canā€¦ My life consists of my daysā€”what am I doing with this one?ā€ Wiest writes: ā€œThe 7 Main Ways People Fightā€¦ At its most basic level, argumentativeness is a reflex, not a choice. When we feel threatened in some way, we either respond by fleeing, freezing, or fighting. Eventually, most people begin to realize that unconsciously responding to random, external stimuli is exhausting at best and destructive at worst. We begin to censor our responses to thingsā€”these are the seeds of self-awarenessā€¦ there are a lot of idiotic ways that people try to argue with one another, and most of them do not workā€¦ā€ Wiest writes that there are: ā€œ16 Questions that will show you Who You Are (and what you're meant to do) [and] The real work of anything is simply becoming conscious of what is already trueā€¦ Get rid of things that arenā€™t purposeful or meaningful. The reason why this is so important is because things are defining, especially when we buy them with the intention of making us ā€œdifferent.ā€ā€¦ Itā€™s not about having as little as possible, itā€™s about having only things that serve purpose or hold meaning.ā€ On seeking comfort, Wiest writes: ā€œThereā€™s no such thing as true securityā€¦ Our bodies were made to evolve, our physical items are temporary and can be lost and broken, etc. To combat this, we seek comfort rather than accepting the transitory nature of lifeā€¦ The only way you grow is by stepping into the unknownā€¦ Thereā€™s no such thing as real comfort; thereā€™s only the idea of whatā€™s safeā€¦ Comfortable is just an idea. You choose what you want to base yours onā€¦ The people who have been through a lot are often the ones who are wiser and kinder and happier overallā€¦ Truly coming to peace with anything is being able to say: ā€œThank you for that experience.ā€ To fully move on from anything,.. you must be able to recognize what purpose it served and how it made you better. Until that moment, youā€™ll only be ruminating over how it made things worse, which means youā€™re not to the other side yet. To fully accept your lifeā€”the highs, lows, good, badā€”is to be grateful for all of it, and to know that the ā€œgoodā€ teaches you well, but the ā€œbadā€ teaches you betterā€¦ Clarity comes from doing, not thinking about doingā€¦ A good life comes from choosing to work with what you have,.. ā€ Wiest writes: ā€œItā€™s not about following passion; itā€™s about following purpose passionately. Passion is a manner ofā€¦ traveling, not a means to determine a destination. Passion is the spark that lights the fire; purpose is the kindling that keeps it burning all nightā€¦ Cultivating a sense of gratitudeā€”which is not waiting for a feeling of being happy with your life but choosing it by actively focusing on what youā€™re fortunate, grateful, and proud to haveā€”is essential to ever feeling satisfied with your life, because it puts you in a mindset to seek more to be grateful forā€¦ Itā€™s doing, not thinking about doing, that creates a life well livedā€¦ purposeful work is cultivated by doing it, not thinking about why you shouldā€ Wiest writes: ā€œYour impermanence is a thing you should meditate on every day: There is nothing more sobering, nor scaryā€¦ than to remember that you do not have forever. What defines your life, when itā€™s all said and done, is how much you influence other peopleā€™s lives, oftentimes just through your daily interactions and the courage with which you live your own. Thatā€™s what people remember. Thatā€™s what you will be known for when youā€™re no longer around to define yourselfā€¦ [Liberation] begins with one question: What do you think youā€™re here for?... Explore what you most inherently believe, and then determine how you can live that out to the best of your abilityā€¦ Why do you do what you do each day?... Thereā€™s no right or wrong answerā€¦ the point is simply just to know what most strongly motivates youā€¦ Everybody has one thing that ultimately owns them, drives them, controls them at some visceral levelā€¦ Itā€™s usually not about freeing yourself from these ties that bind you, but learning to wield them for a greater purposeā€¦ There is a purpose to all things. Your job is not to understand why, but just to find it in the first placeā€¦ A good life isnā€™t passionate, itā€™s purposeful. Passion is the spark that lights the fire; purpose is the kindling that keeps the flame burning all nightā€¦ A good life is not measured by what you do, itā€™s about what you areā€¦ A good life is not how it adds up in the end, but what youā€™re counting along the wayā€¦ External acquisition does not yield internal contentmentā€¦ā€ Wiest writes: ā€œā€œThere is no grand moment in life. You donā€™t wake up and say, ā€˜Aha! Iā€™ve made it!ā€™ Happiness is all in details, the joy is all in the journeyā€¦ ā€œYou havenā€™t failed until youā€™ve stopped trying.ā€ā€¦ ā€œDonā€™t take anything too seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.ā€ā€¦ ā€œWe take our lives way too seriouslyā€¦ in a few hundred years, most people will be completely forgotten about. Thatā€™s not depressing, that is liberatingā€¦ do what you most genuinely want to. It wonā€™t matter anyway, so make it matter now.ā€ā€¦ Whether success is a product of chance or fate, all you can control is how much work you put inā€¦ Nobody ever got anything from just wanting it badly enough. You have to want it badly enough to sacrifice, and to work hardā€ Wiest writes: ā€œThe amount of life we waste gathering and holding onto the things that will never really serve us does one thing and one thing only: keeps us away from the things that matterā€¦. Never taking the initiative to learn how to live within your meansā€”whatever your means might be. It doesnā€™t matter how much or how little money you are making, how many investments you have or savings accounts that are stacked or absolutely empty, it doesnā€™t matter how much or little debt you still have to pay off, if you are not already in the mindset and lifestyle of living within the means youā€¦ have, the same financial problems will follow you no matter where you go or what you achieve.ā€ Wiest writes: ā€œWe all have an aching desire to live a meaningful life, and yet none of us seems to know howā€¦ Success is falling in love with the process, not the outcomeā€¦ Only some happiness is valued in society. Not everybody will applaud that you left your job to work at a coffee shop because itā€™s what you loveā€¦ Someone elseā€™s success doesnā€™t make you less successful. Someone else receiving love or praise doesnā€™t mean you arenā€™t love or praiseworthyā€¦ The happier you are with a decision, the less you need other people to beā€¦ You donā€™t have to go to work; you get to go to work. You donā€™t have to wake up early; you get to wake up early. When you start considering things not as obligations but as opportunities, you start taking advantage of them rather than trying to avoid themā€¦ Anything that exists in your life exists because you created it. Anything that persists does so because you are feeding itā€¦ You probably canā€™t be whatever you want, but if youā€™re really lucky and you work really hard, you can be exactly who you are.ā€ Wiest writes: ā€œLearn to like what doesnā€™t cost muchā€¦ Learn to like reading, whatever it is you like to read. Learn to like talking and people, even when theyā€™re not the same as you. Learn that truths can coexist. Thatā€™s the one thing that will set you free in this worldā€¦ Learn to keep your needs simple and your wants smallā€¦ Decide to keep nothing but what is meaningful and purposefulā€¦ Stop asking: ā€œWhat am I doing with my life?ā€ and start asking: ā€œWhat am I doing with today?ā€ Wiest writes: ā€œYou Are A Book of Stories, Not A Novelā€¦ Life is vivid and changing and real and unpredictableā€¦ With no plot other than the one weā€™re living in the moment, here and nowā€¦ if you didnā€™t have rainy days, you wouldnā€™t be able to appreciate the sunny ones?ā€¦ The same is true of nature: It sustains itself through a cycle of creation and destruction, as does human lifeā€¦ There is no good without bad, high without low, or life without pain.ā€ Wiest writes: ā€œWhen the Western Zen renaissance began in the 50sā€¦ it was a manifestation aligned precisely what ancient teachings hoped and intended for humanity: to adopt it into our lifestyleā€¦ The way that non-resistance was intended to be practiced was by striking a fine balance between what you can and cannot control in your lifeā€¦ it is realizing that the path of non-resistance does not call for us to completely surrender to ā€œwhateverā€ happens in life. Rather, it is to be discerning about how we exert control... To think well is to think objectively and factually. The human brain is wired to affirm itself; we are programmed to find evidence that supports what we most want to believeā€¦ Despite being a derivative of Buddhist teaching, Zen is simply the art of self-awareness. It does not dictate what you should feel or believe in; how you should be or what you should doā€¦ only that you should be conscious of your experience, fully immersed in it. Itā€™s for this reason that Zen principles are universalā€”they can apply to any dogma or lifestyleā€¦ [Wiest enumerates] eight ancient teachings of Zen and how to navigate them in the modern worldā€¦ Stop Chasing Happinessā€¦ It is wiser to spend a life chasing knowledge, or the ability to think clearly and with more dimension, than it is to just chase what ā€œfeels good.ā€ā€

I literally paused reading this book to write this. I have been STRUGGLING and I swear this book has helped more than I ever thought. It never fails I'll start reading where I left off last and the essay will be EXACTLY what I need to hear. I definitely recommend this book

I always purchase this for a graduation gift for both high school and collage seniors. This book changed my life when it was gifted to me. Book was received on time and perfectly packaged. Highly recommend this book and ordering from this vendor as I will be again in the future. šŸ‘

In honesty I don't read a lot because it often doesn't intrigue me, but this book gave me a different outlook on life in the most positive way. I have never enjoyed reading so much, it is very good for self reflection and tips to become the best version of yourself.

This book will leave you revisiting things in your life that have happened and putting some form of foundation or reasoning behind them one before you never really could. Even simple statements like we all have bad days and it's okay really makes you think the next time you have a tough little hiccup instead of focusing on the hiccup thinking this too shall pass... There's a lot of thoughtful insights in this book that will just make you say hmmmm... Interesting and helpful.

The book itself was in perfect condition when I got it! Itā€™s one of my new favorite easy reads, the essays are digestible and shorter in length which holds the attention easily! An easy read perfect for book clubs to create conversation or even as a morning starter!

I've had paperback books that have gotten messed up in the mail but this seller did an excellent job of thoughtfully packing the book and it arrived in perfect condition. Excited to read, thank you :)

It really changes the way you think about a lot of stuff. It gives you a different and better perspective of things and situations in life.

When I first read the title, I was skeptical. Sounds like the usual platitude, but you'll soon realize that each essay does make you think. The author openly admits that some things in the essays may sound like another platitude but as they explain, you start to see it in another way. Some of the essays seemed like a differently worded version of previous essays but I stuck with it and I am glad I did. Even the essays that seem redundant make you think and some things are worth talking about more than once so I was okay with it in the end. This is a book that I'll keep in my library and re-read over and over again, it's definitely not a 'one and done'!

I think every person should have to read this book.

Great value, the folders are perfect for making lap books or just keeping files.

Definitely sturdy and durable, but for the price I think it needs more in a pack

Great quality product in various colors

I am a very organized person and like to color coordinate my files. These are perfect for that!! They are durable and sturdy and serves my needs just perfectly.

Colored cardboard as described. Sturdy enough for general use

This is like a folder. Well, it is a folder. A bunch of folders. I'm not sure why it is a folder. or to be exact, why it is called a folder. I've never folder any paper to put into a folder, nor am I aware that the folder needs to be folded for any reason. It's as if the folder was invented ages ago in a time when perhaps parchment long and thin were used to write on and when it came time to store somewhere, they need to fold it to fit. Yet now, the basic 8.5 x 11 goes into this folder like a charm. It sits perfectly in place and remains congenial with other papers that may join it later, or in times of great paperwork, enter at the same time. I have enjoyed these folders now for two years and can now safely vouch for their equal longevity as well as their stellar color schemes. Blue is my favorite.

Just what I wanted. Sturdy enough for what I needed.


Iā€™m pleased I read this! Want to send copies to my special people. Treat yourself if your ready for the challenge.

This is the best book Iā€™ve read so far. It really pulls your attention and makes you keep reading but the advice this book has given me has really changed my point of view on things, I love this book I think itā€™s great for mental health.

Great read! New way to think about life

I listen to this on an audio setting and had to have it. So many good points and background information to consider.

So like I seen this book on tiktok and I got it for myself since I love reading and yes get the book! You will not regret it. It has changed the way I think and itā€™s a book Iā€™ll be passing down to my kids or family members and friends.

Love it

Igual foto

Liked every thing about this book. It is helping me see my life more as it really is, and what I need to change and how to succeed at changing.

The book gives you different perspectives on how you should treat your life and others. This is probably one of the best books i read as it gives me a new view on life like why we suffer or why that didnā€™t work out or this and that.

Iā€™m only halfway through, but this is such a good book!

Iā€™ve been trying to get back into reading and this book was perfect. If your looking for something to help motivate you or even help you realize everything is going to be ok, this is the book for you. Iā€™m in my 20ā€™s and Iā€™m his book really gave me a great insight on life. My boyfriend even started it and he really enjoyed it. Definitely recommend!

I love this book Iā€™m only a quarter way through and it already has me changing my way of thinking things

She said she loved it.

This is a very useful book. It's not bogged down by long dialog about each point. Instead, it's like a bulleted list supporting each point. An easy, and meaningful read.

This book has something for everyone in it! I gave one to all of my relatives for Christmas and have received several great comments on it.

This book is full of wisdom. Itā€™s so good I like to gift it to others all the time.

I absolutely LOVED this book!! Every essay felt like I was having a conversation with a close friend. Easily 50+ sections I marked off to read/reference again.Would highly recommend to any avid reader in their 20s-30s!

I really enjoyed this book. It gave me a lot to think about and it helped me change some past ways of thinking that have been holding me back. It also opened up my eyes to how I want my future to be. Can't say that it will be a good fit for everyone but I definitely felt it benefited me for my chapter two.

I got this book for myself and for my sister. If you are having a hard time understanding how life can change and how to focus more on self-healing get this book. It really changes how you see things and puts it more in a positive perspective.

Ultimately, just a very good read this definitely changed the way I think and it will continue to do so for the next few years as I continue to read each page. Great comfort book!

Honestly everyone should read this book. There are so many thought provoking pages. So many new ways to look at life

101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think
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