12 Months to $1 Million: How to Pick a Winning Product, Build a Real Business, and Become a Seven-Figure Entrepreneur

by: Ryan Daniel Moran (0)

This is the road map to a seven-figure business . . . in one year or less

The word "entrepreneur" is today's favorite buzzword, and any aspiring business owner has likely encountered an overwhelming number of so-called "easy paths to success." 

The truth is that building a real, profitable, sustainable business requires thousands of hours of commitment, grit, and hard work. It's no wonder why more than half of new businesses close within six years of opening, and fewer than 5 percent will ever earn more than $1 million annually.
12 Months to $1 Million condenses the startup phase into one fast-paced year that has helped hundreds of new entrepreneurs hit the million-dollar level by using an exclusive and foolproof formula. 

By cutting out the noise and providing a clear and proven plan, this roadmap helps even brand-new entrepreneurs make decisions quickly, get their product up for sale, and launch it to a crowd that is ready and waiting to buy. 

This one-year plan will guide you through the three stages to your first $1 million:

   ‱ The Grind (Months 0-4): This step-by-step plan will help you identify a winning product idea, target customers that are guaranteed to buy, secure funding, and take your first sale within your first four months.     ‱ The Growth (Months 5 - 8): Once you're in business, you will discover how to use cheap and effective advertising strategies to get your product to at least 25 sales per day, so you can prove you have a profitable business.     ‱ The Gold (Months 9-12): It's time to establish series of products available for sale, until you are averaging at least 100 sales per day, getting you closer to the million-dollar mark every single day.

Through his training sessions at Capitalism.com, Ryan Daniel Moran has helped new and experienced entrepreneurs launch scalable and sustainable online businesses. He's seen more than 100 entrepreneurs cross the seven-figure barrier, many of whom go on to sell their businesses. 

If your goal is to be a full-time entrepreneur, get ready for one chaotic, stressful, and rewarding year. If you have the guts to complete it, you will be the proud owner of a million-dollar business and be in a position to call your own shots
for life.

The Quotes

A brand is trust. A brand is an expectation that the customer will be happy with his or her purchase. A brand is something built by creating a group of products that all serve the same person.

When you start with people and create products for them, you become a price setter, not a price follower. That gives you better profit margins. And you get repeat customers, rather than one-off sales.

You’re in The Grind until you can sustain at least twenty-five sales per day on your first product.

The Reviews

Ryan, you deserve all the reviews! I’m not even done yet, but wow you really helped me open my eyes. Your book was a scary read the first chapters. It seemed as if I was reading a book about myself. Confused and lost not knowing what to do or how to start. Thank you Ryan! Hopefully one day, we’re having a conversation at your Capitalism Conference!

At first, I expected a cheesy, get rich quick scheme. That not what this was. Relatable experiences, great insight, and a great message is delivered towards the end.

Using this for a reading group amongst entrepreneurs and everyone is loving it so far!

I'm a newcomer to Ryan's work, having only come across an interview with him recently on the series Money Revealed, but his interview really struck a chord with me and I knew I had to buy his book and go deeper. I usually don't drop this much money on a book - especially a Kindle book - since there's so much else out there at a third of the price, but I was betting on Ryan delivering as he did in that interview, and I was right to do so.I ripped through it fast, slowed down only by the amount of highlighting I found myself doing. There's so much that made real sense and which I knew I'd want to review again later.The writing style is straight and simple, on the nose. No literary ego here. There's no overwriting. It's not bloated to pad out the page count. It's the perfect length, and it powers along focused only on the job it sets out to do - to teach readers a game plan they can follow to launch their own shot at a million dollar business.There is some repetition, but it's deliberate and it never grates. It's in there for a good reason - to hammer home the core tenets of the system so that, by the time you've finished the book, they'll be wired into you.By the end, I felt I had a good handle on things, but more than that, I also felt I had gotten to know Ryan some. Though it's very much a 'how-to' book, with little biography, the last chapter (Conclusion) was more effective precisely because of that contrast. I found myself identifying with Ryan a lot.Honestly, I can't say enough about '12 Months'. I've already started going through it again, thinking about what I can create to give value and build a great business.If you have leanings towards entrepreneurship, buy '12 Months' and dive in.

The first half of the book with the step by step of how to grow your business was already worth the price of admission. It really walks you from zero to the big payday.The last part was just as satisfying when he talked about the emotional reality of having millions of dollars. And well,it's not all roses and candies. Basically you have to deal with your real problems when money is no longer an issue.I appreciate this book and I wish I read it 10 years ago.

If you’re looking to start a business online that centers around strong core principles, then pick up this book. First let me start off by saying who Ryan Moran is and how I found him. Ryan is a previous 8-figure Amazon seller who dominated selling online in the early days, especially on Amazon. I found Ryan through his viral YouTube video with a similar title as this book.Now, why should you read this book? It’s literally the roadmap to building a successful online business. It’s based on actionable steps that you should be taking in each stage and if you complete those steps, you’ll find yourself in a situation of growth. He guides you through the roadblocks, problems and situations you’ll likely encounter at each stage.If you’re anything like me, and you just want to know what to do and why you should do it, he explains just that for you.He tells you what you should look for in your first product, how to find your business safely, how you should approach your customers, and once you’re business has a strong foundation, how to eventually scale it further.It isn’t like some course where they talk off the top and the information is jumbled. The information in this book is clear, concise, and the message is loud and clear for future business owners. If you’re someone who has an idea and a brand that they want to bring to life, take the first step and check out this book so you can get a birds eye view of what you need to do to get started today.You’ll be glad you did!

Absolutely loved this book. I’ve been through Ryan’s Million Dollar Brand’s (MDB) training and also subscribed to his one percent monthly newsletter. I was also a finalist in a $25k scholarship he held for his training students At the end of 2019. And even with all that, I still gained immensely valuable new insights and clarity for a new brand I’m building after picking up his new book. The path to building my million dollar brand that can eventually be valuable and scalable fo point of a 7-8 figure exit was something that I had been struggling to grasp with the last few years. I’ve been around in the online e-commerce space since mid-2017. And while I focused on quick short term opportunities like dabbling in dropshipping, I discovered that it was much harder to play the same game as everyone else. And on top of that, I rarely made any profit at all. I also never enjoyed it really and struggled to breakthrough. After discovering Ryan though, he changed the way I saw what it meant to have a real business and brand. Simply put, it really comes down to people and building relationships to cultivate an audience and community of raving and passionate customers targeting a specific group of people. While most sellers think in terms of product, think in terms of people...specifically the people you serve and sell to. Overall, he’s simplified and spelled out a clear and understandable playbook for even a new e-commerce entrepreneur to find success. Looking forward to being one of Ryan’s next successful 7-figure success story. Already at the Multiple 6-figure mark, so I’m getting closer to that each day.

I would love to give this product five stars, but I cannot, due to minor manufacturing flaws that (for some people) could be a serious problem. I will discuss these issues toward the end of this review. First, I want to describe the many things that are RIGHT about the product.Foremost, the finished product is a good looking, stable, well-designed enclosure that I find very suitable for my need for a storage area for barbecue equipment on my deck.The construction kit includes hardwood frame pieces, some hardwood plywood panels, side brackets and a shelf for the shelf assembly, and for the push handle, made from MDF (medium density fiberboard), four raised-panel style door fronts, parts for two drawers, and all required hardware (screws, pegs, hinges, brackets, handles, etc.).Assembly is not particularly difficult, but it is time-consuming. You will have to install about six dozen wood screws, 12 machine screws, half a dozen wood pegs, 8 hinges, 6 pulls, four wheels, and several sub-assemblies. Expect to take 3 to 5 hours unless you are exceptionally nimble and skilled.The entire assembly comes in two large boxes, each of which is fairly heavy. The parts were well-packed, with plastic foam surrounding them to prevent impact damage and thin plastic sheets between parts, as needed, to protect against damage to the paint finish during shipment. The stainless steel sheet covering the entire top piece comes with a protective film that should not be removed until assembly is complete.The basic “box” is made with standard plywood sheet carcase construction design, using hardwood members surrounding 1/4” plywood sheets. The hardwood pieces are all held together by wood screws that are inserted into pre-drilled holes. All the holes in my kit were properly placed, the right diameter, and the right depth, suggesting that they were created using precision jigs. All pieces were properly dimensioned, so that things fit together properly. The hardwood and plywood pieces were all painted a very, very dark green (near-black) so I cannot attest to the type of wood used, but none of the pieces showed any evidence of knots, cracks, warping or twisting.The finished product is solid and stable. The drawers slide in and out smoothly on wood runners. The doors on the lower cabinets fit well, and once hinges are adjusted properly, align well with each other and with the carcase. The painted finish is smooth and even. The wheels are large enough to allow rolling the cabinet over slightly uneven surfaces, such as one finds in an outdoor environment.Although this is offered as an “outdoor” furniture item, I would not leave it outdoors in rain or snow. The finish is likely to deteriorate under such conditions, leading to wood damage over time. Occasional exposure to light rain should not be a problem. If you must leave it exposed to weather, I recommend a plastic tarp or similar means to keep it dry.I found several production errors in the “kit”. Two were trivial, but another one could have been a show-stopper forcing a lengthy delay in assembly until a replacement part could be obtained from the seller. I suspect that might be a lengthy process, since the product is manufactured in China.The first error was that two parts had the wrong part number stickers applied to them. ”6” and “8” stickers were transposed. The second problem was that part #8, the crossbeam at the top rear of the carcase, did not have a hole drilled in it to accept a wood peg. That was easy to fix with a hand drill. That same piece also had a groove cut along two sides, when it should have had only one. However, that is harmless, since the flaw is hidden by the top piece (#1) in final assembly.The third error was potentially more serious, although I was able to resolve it easily since I own a table saw. There are two cross-pieces that go across the middle of the back panel (#10). Both are supposed to have slots cut top and bottom to accept the plywood panels. However, one of the #10 pieces had only one slot cut into it. See second photo. This manufacturing flaw was easy to resolve with a table saw (see picture 3), but would be difficult to fix without either a table saw,, router, or a hand held circular saw. See Photos 1 and 2 for the “before” and “after” of this simple woodworking surgery.The assembly manual is typical of products of this type that are sold internationally — it’s all drawings with no useful text. You should study these drawings carefully before beginning assembly, inventory all parts to ensure they are included, and also inspect all parts carefully to ensure that they are properly machined. If not, contact the seller. With respect to inventory counts, they have included one or two extra screws of each type, which is considerate. Also note that Part K, a hexagonal metric “Allen” wrench, is included in the plastic bag with the Part A screws, which are driven by the Part K wrench. Several of the illustrations are a bit confusing, but overall the instructions are adequate.I recommend the following assembly practices:spread newspaper or other protective material under the entire assembly area to keep from scratching paint off the cabinet parts;use a power screwdriver or electric drill with Phillips Head bit to drive all wood screws (except the A screws, which should be driven by hand with the supplied hex wrench);Follow the sequence of assembly exactly as outlined in the product assembly manual.You will need the following tools to complete the assembly:Phillips head screwdrivers size #1 and #2; or a power drill or power screwdriver with those bits;Metric hex driver (included as part K);rubber mallet (desirable but not essential to place panels snugly in position);sharp knife or box cutter to open cartons;- tape measure to verify sizes of all parts5/32” drill bit (optional if modifying position of storage rack on side of cabinet; see below.)While assembling the kit, I decided to eliminate the push handle that is supposed to be installed on the right side, and to move the storage rack from the left side to the right. This modification was necessary to fit the cabinet in the available space on my patio. I was able to install the shelf rack using the holes that were pre-drilled for the handle assembly. If one were to install the push handle on the left side, one must drill two additional holes to align with the lower holes on the handle brackets.I also modified the brackets on the sides of the shelf to make it functional as a paper storage rack. I removed the bottom rod from the rack assembly. Then I enlarged the hole on the front side bracket to 3/4” diameter, drilled all the way through, and the hole on the rear side bracket to 3/4”, drilled halfway through the bracket. I used a 15” long piece of 3/4” dowel to form the removable rod for a paper towel roll. One could also use a metal rod. (See right side of first photo.)A few notes on assembly that are not obvious from the printed assembly instructions:when assembling the back panel, the plywood sheets (part #12) stand about 3 mm (about 1/8”) above the frame members. This is the way the whole assembly comes together; the plywood fits into the notch in the bottom of part #8.install the hinges onto the carcase frame first, then attach the doors to the hinges. This is easier than the reverse sequence;the hinges are designed to allow adjustment of the door positions. Loosen the rear screws to move the door forward or backwards, and turn the front screws to move the doors left or right until they almost touch each other.If it weren’t for the manufacturing flaws, I would rate this as five stars. I still have given it four.

I'm quite happy with this unit. It is perfect to serve a specific need in my kitchen. Assembly took around 4 hours and I consider myself pretty handy with projects like this. The instructions are fairly well written using almost exclusively pictures. In a few places there was a need for clarification on things like orientation of the part being installed. A few times I needed to take off parts that I had already installed to flip them. There were some defective parts and there is no help number offered in the instructions. The threads were fouled on both of the drawer handles. I would have like to be able to call to have just new handles sent rather than take everything back apart to ship it back but that wasn't offered as an option. Instead I went to Home Depot and found 2 drawer handles that were a close match and bought them. Suggestions to the company for improvements: 1. Include an 800 number in your instructions to get parts replaced to avoid returns of such a heavy item. 2. I don't like to exposed screw heads on the side, towel rack brace. Design some type of plug that would fill those empty holes.

As other purchasers have indicated, the instructions are not the best. They use drawings to depict what needs to be done and further complicate things by merging multiple steps together in the same drawing.It helped me to go through all the drawings, line up all the parts based on the drawings, and then assemble. I assembled this by myself in about 3.5 hours. Screw holes/parts lined up pretty well and the reason for taking a star off is that several of the cabinet doors have rough spots on the front and several tiny areas where the finish came off (shipped this way). I corrected the areas where the finish came off with a black Sharpie.The Homcom Portable Multi-Storage Rolling Kitchen Island looks very nice. The only drawback is that the drawers do not have stoppers (others have written this in their reviews). Note that I chose not to install the rack and paper towel holder because I wanted a cleaner look.

I received product 2 days earlier than expected. Was very well packaged. Lots of styrofoam and corner reinforcement for shipping dings. Arrived in perfect shape. I will mostly be using as a cabinet. My DIL and I put together in about 2.5 hours. Was pretty easy to assemble but there were a couple steps where we said hmmmm, but figured it out. I do have a small issue with one handle where the screw hole is not properly threaded and now I can’t get the screw in any further or out. If I can’t get it, I’ll call for a door handle replacement. I don’t think it’ll be a problem as other reviewers say CS is great. If not, I’ll revise stars. Overall, extremely satisfied and money well spent.

Really good book

Been using these for a few weeks now, love the pattern and the shirt style bib. Easy enough to wipe clean but once they got soiled I tossed 2 of them into the washing machine. One of the bib linings completely separated while the other bib only did slightly in some spots. Not durable enough for me, would love to be able to toss in the washing machine without damage.

Je l’utilise avec mon Bb de 6mois, pour manger et faire de “ l’art” et pour le moment aucun dĂ©gĂąt!! Je mets quand mĂȘme un mini bavoir en dessous quand on mange ou joue trop liquide mais jusqu’ici ça n’a jamais traversĂ©.Mon but Ă©tait l’impermĂ©able et la protection des vĂȘtements donc je suis satisfaite!! Bon Ă©tat Ă  l’arrivĂ©e et conforme Ă  la description! Les dessins intĂ©ressent bb et permettent de manger tout en s’amusant (Le seul regret Ă©tant que l’on ne puisse pas choisir les motifs/couleur).Encore un peu grand mais l’attache en arriere me permet de le serrer plus pour l’ajuster! Un coup sous l’eau chaude et c’est propre, et sec trĂšs rapidement! TestĂ© au lavage en machine Ă  froid et aucun pb!Je recommande.

Overall these are great! They're a great price and keep baby clean for the most part. Recently I've been folding a paper towel and putting it on baby's shirt as a bib before putting this bib on -- I've found that keeps his shirt from becoming completely soaked. One of the sleeves were ripped when I received this order, but I like the bibs, so I'm going to return & re-order. I haven't fully washed these, just rinse them well after each meal. I plan on only hand washing these and hanging to dry.

These bibs are super easy to clean and do a great job of keeping food off my daughter. The problem is, after about a month of use they all stunk like rotten cheese. I laundered them after every single use. I’ve also tried to get the smell out with vinegar soaks, and various other remedies people recommended- with no luck. So while they work well, I’m debating throwing them out because of the smell they’re holding. I’ve read that’s a problem with polyester bibs

These are ok. Good price and I like the elastic around the wrists. I wish the neck tie was Velcro or snap. They delaminated when I put them in the washing machine though they’re still usable. Perhaps these aren’t supposed to be machine washed but if you’re a baby product in my house, you end up in the washing machine and if you don’t make it, well too bad!

These bibs are good overall. The sleeves have a great elastic which helps keep even long sleeved tops clean. They have really cute patterns and the tie is really easy to do. The only reason I give them four stars is they are a bit thinner than I hoped. They do work either way and I just throw them in the washing machine after use.

Wasn't sure if it was going to be too big but bought anyway. Fits him perfectly in arms and I just tie the back part up nice and snug. Has saved so many of his clothes as hes a messy eater !!

Baby led weaning is messy and these bibs are a must have! They are completely waterproof (unlike a lot of the sleeve bibs that are only waterproof on the main area), they are machine washable, have nice tight elastic at the wrists so they dont ride up, and have held up exceptionally well over the past 6 months. They do stain if not washed right away but don't mold or smell.

Great book! It takes away all product-specific topics to concentrate on the importance of understanding YOUR customer. One thing I thought was missing: B2B

I am a HUGE SAO fan! I've watched everything released multiple times.I was looking for a change in gaming venue, as my pc was getting older and modern games began to out level its capability. It was a hard choice between PlayStation, Xbox, and the new Nintendo Switch, until I saw the PS4 exclusive Sword Art Online game series. It titled my decision towards the PS4 entirely. A week later I had a PS4 with all the bells and whistles, right along with every SAO game I could find.I started playing SAO: Hollow Realization when it arrived, only to find that Lost Soul and Re: Fragment came before. I played through the original story and even bought a season pass for additional content. The game does have a lot of cut scenes, and I can't say that I like every one of them, but the game itself plays very well, combat is awesome, gaining each weapon skill really takes some grinding.However, I feel that the story is there to give you a little glimpse of daily life for the characters, which the shows didn't really do. I love every second of the game and hope they continue to produce more.Right now I have a team of level 80's sitting there waiting for me to catch up on the story.I've played Re: Fragment over the last few weeks and barely scratched the surface of what the first game has to offer.This entire series is fantastic! Highly recommend to anyone looking for more SAO!

This is the best SAO game I have played so far. It is a huge upgrade from the previous games. Graphics are beautiful. Character customization has been improved though it is still just customizing Kirito (which I don't mind). There are still many side stories to read through. Kirito actually talks in this game so he's finally not a silent protagonist anymore. However, the thing that slightly bothers me is the translations. The dialogue differs from what the characters are actually saying, which makes them seem out of character. It just feels like the text sometimes doesn't fall in with their personalities. The overall meaning can be considered the same but it's how it's worded that bothers me. The combat system is awesome with various combos to do. It sort of combines Hollow Fragment and Lost Song together. It brings about an action feel while also keeping the RPG feel to it. I have put almost 40 hours into the game and I'm still not even close to finishing the game. There's definitely a lot to do! This game is a good buy for fellow SAO fans.UPDATE: So I finished the story and it feels sort of empty afterwards. Unlike in Hollow Fragment, there are not many high difficulty areas/quests that you can do in single-player. You'd have to actually go into multiplayer and do solo mode or party to increase the difficulty. The bad thing is that you cannot jump to a different location from the map like in single player. You have to go back to the lobby every time. Monsters in single player remain the same level so they become extremely weak once you pass their level. The drops are the same and not very unique. Weapon designs and armors get recycled with different colors, making it bland. At this point, the endgame seems like a bunch of farming for materials to make legendary weapons. Just have to look forward to the future DLCs that will be coming.

I'm fairly new to the Sword Art Online game franchise and only own Lost Song so I can't input fair contrast vs older games, but I just have to say that out of all the games I own ( Including skyrim special edition and Battlefield 1 on a PS4 Pro) this game is the best looking game and I can't believe that there is bloody first person. First person in a game like this is something I never anticipated since i'm used to the 3rd person view on Jrpg's and it looks good. The fighting is pretty simple and repetitive but at the same time not boring and being in parties definitely helps beat harder bosses. I haven't gotten too far to be honest but I'll update as I get further into the game.

Despite getting a rush order damage on the package, all of the items in this package were undamaged entirely. Amazon knows how to get your stuff delivered without it taking damage.

First off let me say this:I'm a purist when it comes to anime/manga ports.. even I really enjoyed it.. took a minute to get over some of the liberties they took with a few people, but all in all it's definitely one of my favorites.The game itself:I won't give anything away, but the main story has potential. it should/could have been Incorporated into the progressive story Arc somewhere after ALO but before Ordinal Scale.The graphics are much cleaner than the previous game in this series, the affection system has been revamped and is much more convenient to use.even if you're only a minimal SAO fan, buy the game..

The media could not be loaded.  This book is fantastic. It's a page-turner that was difficult to put down once I started reading. It is a step-by-step blueprint on building a brand to get you to that elusive $1M in sales in about 12 months. I feel it covers everything needed; I'm implementing the steps now and feel very confident in reaching that goal. I especially like the "Entrepreneur Spotlight" at the end of the chapters.


In his book, Ryan try to pass on the reader all his experience not only entrepreneurial, but also personal. He detail a step by step process to create a successful business starting from scratch. As an experienced manager for multinationals, I can assure that big companies really need entrepreneurs that create new products, and following Ryan’s process is a good start . Great book!

I'm a newcomer to Ryan's work, having only come across an interview with him recently on the series Money Revealed, but his interview really struck a chord with me and I knew I had to buy his book and go deeper. I usually don't drop this much money on a book - especially a Kindle book - since there's so much else out there at a third of the price, but I was betting on Ryan delivering as he did in that interview, and I was right to do so.I ripped through it fast, slowed down only by the amount of highlighting I found myself doing. There's so much that made real sense and which I knew I'd want to review again later.The writing style is straight and simple, on the nose. No literary ego here. There's no overwriting. It's not bloated to pad out the page count. It's the perfect length, and it powers along focused only on the job it sets out to do - to teach readers a game plan they can follow to launch their own shot at a million dollar business.There is some repetition, but it's deliberate and it never grates. It's in there for a good reason - to hammer home the core tenets of the system so that, by the time you've finished the book, they'll be wired into you.By the end, I felt I had a good handle on things, but more than that, I also felt I had gotten to know Ryan some. Though it's very much a 'how-to' book, with little biography, the last chapter (Conclusion) was more effective precisely because of that contrast. I found myself identifying with Ryan a lot.Honestly, I can't say enough about '12 Months'. I've already started going through it again, thinking about what I can create to give value and build a great business.If you have leanings towards entrepreneurship, buy '12 Months' and dive in.

Awesome book! Really lays out the blueprint for success!

The media could not be loaded.  I ordered a case for my MacBook Pro with Touch Bar, and want to match my MacBook sooo bad I contact them asking if they have an case that match the case I got and they said they do, they didn’t take long to replay to my messages. My is iPad Pro 12.9 inch (4th generation) and so far it working fineeeee! I am so happy with it!!!!!!! And the best part the Apple Pencil also work and charge just fine!

Absolutely loved this book. I’ve been through Ryan’s Million Dollar Brand’s (MDB) training and also subscribed to his one percent monthly newsletter. I was also a finalist in a $25k scholarship he held for his training students At the end of 2019. And even with all that, I still gained immensely valuable new insights and clarity for a new brand I’m building after picking up his new book. The path to building my million dollar brand that can eventually be valuable and scalable fo point of a 7-8 figure exit was something that I had been struggling to grasp with the last few years. I’ve been around in the online e-commerce space since mid-2017. And while I focused on quick short term opportunities like dabbling in dropshipping, I discovered that it was much harder to play the same game as everyone else. And on top of that, I rarely made any profit at all. I also never enjoyed it really and struggled to breakthrough. After discovering Ryan though, he changed the way I saw what it meant to have a real business and brand. Simply put, it really comes down to people and building relationships to cultivate an audience and community of raving and passionate customers targeting a specific group of people. While most sellers think in terms of product, think in terms of people...specifically the people you serve and sell to. Overall, he’s simplified and spelled out a clear and understandable playbook for even a new e-commerce entrepreneur to find success. Looking forward to being one of Ryan’s next successful 7-figure success story. Already at the Multiple 6-figure mark, so I’m getting closer to that each day.

I bought this monitor hesitantly because I usually don't want anything to do with Alienware since Dell bought them years ago out of principle and a usual dislike for all things Dell. However, I needed an OLED monitor because I deal with the medical anomaly of Visual Snow, which includes photophobia/excruciating sensitivity to white light. I'd previously bought an LED smart TV and was running that as my monitor, but, it was traditional LED with backlight which isn't ideal for my condition and lead to things looking blurry, hurting my eyes and made me feel like I needed new glasses because I keep my apartment as dark as possible due to my visual issues. Turns out, no, I didn't need new glasses, despite the size, that TV was causing me severe eye strain even though I wear blue blocker glasses. Sooo, off to searching Amazon for an OLED monitor I went, and, my dear gods, what a search. I was trying to find an OLED that was 27" because space is at a premium, but, was unable to, this was the closest I could find to meet those specs as the other "monitors" I'd seen that were OLED were double the price of this, and, furthermore, were obnoxiously huge.. there's a rant in there regarding monitor size somewhere, but, I've already gone on enough of a tangent, suffice to say, no, I wasn't looking for a 57" pc monitor or anything crazy.Then there was cost, I'd noticed that most of the smaller monitors that claimed OLED were around $3k... Yes, I could've afforded one of them, but, I don't want to be spending more on the monitor than I did on the rig I'm going to be using it for either. This monitor popped up, strangely, as a sponsored ad from amazon that was in the listing but separate, unlike all the other monitors that I was searching which would mention OLED but then, in the product description sneak in that what they were calling OLED was quantum dot on an LCD screen.... Unlike them, this monitor was the closest I could come to my specs.I understand that there seems to be a scalping issue regarding this monitor, when I bought it, it was at the $1.2k price. I hadn't anticipated paying over $1k for a monitor, but, at the same time, this was the best deal on an OLED monitor I could find, and, not to mention, one from a major company instead of a chinese knock off company. So, I bought it, it shipped via FedEx, though, which to me is a problem because, unlike any other carrier, they do not actually have a functional delivery instructions option... I live in a quadplex, it clearly is listed with apartment numbers, FedEx considers the entire property one address, so, even if I could use their delivery manager, it would attach those delivery instructions to the entire building... Especially with something this expensive, I want to make sure it gets delivered to my front door as that's my rented property, FedEx has a bad habit of delivering things to the first floor where the mailboxes are which is not my property and is an actual mis-delivery.Thankfully, though, the package was delivered to my front door and arrived ahead of schedule. The next challenge, though, was the weight... because holy mother of gods, the weight reminded me of my old CRT monitors and the package was far more awkward than them too. By contrast, my bigger LED TV's package was of course bigger, but wasn't near as heavy. It's not an issue if you live on the first floor, but, in my case there are narrow steps that go up to a t-intersection, it was not fun having to lug that thing carefully up the stairs. So, forewarning, a little bit of umph is required for moving it up or down stairs.Assembly is a cinch and shouldn't require any mechanical skills, the most complex part was screwing in the feet of the monitor stand to the monitor stand itself.Now, that stand... I want to take a moment to talk about it... I think the phrase "Graciously over-engineered in a beneficial way" is about as apt a statement as I can say about it. I'm used to manufacturers selling premium products with flimsy additions... especially with monitors, could have a great monitor, but, then you get the monitor stand unpacked and it's just a flimsy piece of plastic that'll probably break, or lead to the monitor topping over... THAT IS NOT THE CASE WITH THIS MONITOR STAND. If I found myself in a fight in my house, and I had enough time to do this, I'd take the stand off the back of the monitor and use that as an improve weapon... I kid you not, it's sturdy enough that I'm pretty sure you could bash in a skull, it's definitely heavy enough.That said, some might consider the weight of the stand a no go... I don't, I see why so much attention was paid to it, it's weight is there to ensure that when you swivel your monitor or adjust height, etc, the balance is always on the stand, and the monitor's weight won't lead to issues of tipping, or moving or anything else, essentially, it was designed to let basic Newtonian physics do all the hard work of making the monitor stable and tip resistant. The stand has some wire control features that tie into the monitor, like some flanges at the back to secure the wires/cables, and a recess at the bottom of the stand for wire routing out the other side. I appreciated that feature because my room is so cable/wire undisciplined, I sometimes feel like I'm living in the storage closet for Doc Ock... having a monitor stand that at least alleviates that concern for itself is always welcomed.There's one concern that I can think of regarding the stand, and that's it's best feature, the weight, if you have a surface you're going to be placing the monitor on which has some weight concerns, check the weight of the unit in the specs above and realize most of that weight is from the stand, so, use that to factor on if it'll cause issues, if it does, a VESA mount is included, although IDK what one because I'm not using it.Now for the monitor, it had a decent amount of ports, a DP, several HDMI ports, some throughput charging USB ports at the base and a few others. My only gripe with this, though, is that the HDMI ports are 2.0 and NOT 2.1.. what that means is that if you're running your rig via HDMI to the monitor, you're locked to 100 hz or lower refresh rate, if you, like me, have a rig that is capable of 144 or higher hz, this may cause a concern or two in your mind. All I can say is that the unit comes with a G-Sync Ultimate module and the hardware to connect it that way. I need HDR, so, I stick with the HDMI for simplicity sake.As far as the monitor itself, it's plug and play, although, there are a few things you wan to adjust when you first plug it in and power it on. You access the monitor menu/OSD by a joystick at the base of the monitor, don't worry, you'll find it, it's one of the RGB components. I cannot explain it that easily, but, getting it to run in HDR mode is a bit of a odd affair, on one hand, windows is supposed to manage that, but, windows was saying the monitor doesn't support HDR... which, of course it does... the OSD menu gives you options for selecting HDR 1000 or HDR 400 True Black... but that doesn't enable HDR... In my case I think the issue is that I've got this connected to a laptop, and so, I had to shut the lid of the laptop to ensure that it wasn't reading as the primary screen.That said, the menu takes some getting used to, not bad, everything is set up intuitively mostly, but, in order to access the full menu instead of the pre-loaded shortcuts (you can change those in the regular settings) you have to flick the joystick towards you (or "up). The options are quite competent with a huge selection of modes to choose from regarding color settings. It is important to note that, at least, as of current firmware, you cannot choose the creators mode option while running the monitor in HDR, that's only available in SDR and I have no idea why.Other than that, the settings were pretty standard, some interesting additions were adding an FPS counter, and timer on-screen... To me that's a novel idea for a monitor, whether it's functional, IDK. What I do know is that I don't touch them.One "feature' I recommend turning off ASAP is Eco Mode. It's currently glitchy and can cause various issues.Now, I guess the elephant in the room is "What about burn in?" It's too early for me to say, and it's also too early for me to say if burn in affects the quantum dots too, hypothetically, since the brights are somewhat handled by the quantum dots, that should minimize burn in for the OLEDs, but, that's an unknown because this is a brand new combo of tech. There are included remedies, though, that are supposed to minimize the risk of burn-in further, namely pixel and panel refresh...Pixel Refresh prompts to allow it to run every 4 hours, during the time it's running, you will not be able to use the monitor, keep that in mind before using the joystick to click okay, for pixel refresh, the maintenance takes around 7 minutes, after which, you may find that you need to manually turn the monitor back on, not a biggie, but, once more, not ideal if you're, say, in a marathon gaming session.Panel Refresh is an older solution that was also included, don't do that unless you're about to go to bed or are going to be away from the PC for an hour, otherwise, the monitor will be unavailable for an hour. Thankfully, you do not need to run panel refresh every 4 hours, it's more like "Run it every once in a while" sort of like the De-gauss function on CRT's. I try to run pixel refresh along the prescribed 4 hours of usage thing, but, since I use my PC most of the day and night for various things including gaming, I'm not going to claim that I'm that great at keeping up with it.Now, for other things that some may be wanting to know about, but that I don't really GAF about... RGB lighting... Yes, it has it, Yes there's an option to customize each component's color, etc, yes it supports Alien sync, no I don't think it supports Aura-sync but don't know because, once more, IDGAF about RGB, aside from if something is advertised as RGB and all that it comes with are fixed LED's that are only one color... that's when I have an issue, otherwise, fancy shifting xmas lights that are fully configurable do nothing to add to performance or increase gaming skills... especially since, when I medicate with maryJ, that'd serve as a distraction... Zones are, the area in the back where the stand connects to the monitor, 2 zones for that ring, the Alienware logo on the left side (when facing the back of the monitor), the power button and the Joystick. The only 2 that are practical for me are the power button and the OSD joystick since that helps me find both in the dark.No... How is the picture? Great. OLED is wonderful in terms of accuracy of darker colors, and, conceivably, the quantum dots help to extend the color profile in ways that OLED traditionally don't. All I can say is that, though white text is still hurting my eyes, it's not near as bad, and my eyes thank me any time a black area of a game or window comes up, because it's actual black and not that annoying backlit "black". I didn't do tests on the color efficiency or anything, Linus Tech Tips and a few other reviewers did, according to them, the claim of 1k nits is true, but, it doesn't hold 1k nits as long as other monitors, or something like that, IDK... seems like the more nits there are, the more my eyes get bothered, the more agitated I get, so, I'm sticking with what I bought the monitor for, gaming with True Black.Would I suggest this monitor? If you're one of those extremely rare individuals with Visual Snow and you can afford it, yes, it's not going to make the "everything I see looks like there's film grain/static" stuff you deal with everyday, but, it will help your eyes feel more comfy in regards to light sensitivity. Otherwise, would I suggest this monitor? Yes I would, for as expensive as it seems, there's not another monitor in the price range that does the job good. So, I'm not a fan of Alienware usually, but, I will say that even though their heat discipline for pre-built pc's, and their component selection for said pre-built pc's are, in my opinion, trash, I am actually impressed by their monitors.Also, apparently, the panel manufacturer, Samsung, has some sort of exchange deal where, after 3 years if there's burn in, they'll exchange this monitor for another one... if that actually happens or not, IDK. Also, final thought, there are additional ports I didn't mention, including a physical headphone jack at the base, I don't know if it'll connect the microphone portion of a headset, though, because I haven't tested it and probably won't, I use a Skullcandy Crusher EVO head set with amazing bluetooth, hardly use the headphone jacks as a result. Oh, and, IDK why they thought this was needed, but, apparently, there's a cooling fan in the back of the monitor around where the mount is, it's internal, I didn't see it, only the exhaust fans, but have no idea why they felt they needed a fan in it... can't tell you if it's noisy or not because I haven't had it kick in, and if it did, I wasn't aware of it because I was wearing my headphones. So, if you were wondering about that aspect, there you go.

Let me start off by saying I never really write reviews for products because they’re okay and mostly do what they’re advertised to do, but this monitor really blew my mind because I was not expecting it to be this fantastic, to the point that it deserves I take time off my day to write a thorough review about everything this monitor does greatly and beyond, and addressing some of its issues that many complain about.This is coming from a previous 27-inch 1440p 16:9 IPS monitor. I have had issues with most games where I always crank the FOV all the way up in the settings and still feel like it’s not enough for me like I don't get enough view of the entire scene at once and it quite bothered me because I am the type to enjoy having everything visible in the frame so I can quickly glance instead of having to move my camera to see something. It also helps in competitive games because I can see enemies easier around the corner in my peripheral vision. Until I stumbled upon this monitor someday, as if it descended from heaven to bless my reality. At first, I was skeptical and did not like the thought of an ultrawide monitor because not many games and apps support it well and I was worried about things being stretched and making me feel nauseous. But after thorough research and watching every single video and reading every review available on the internet about this monitor, I decided it's worth a shot and pulled the trigger, and let me tell you... I have never been this excited about the arrival of an item before. I felt like a kid waiting impatiently for Christmas. I kept checking the Amazon tracker not just every day, but literally every 1 to 2 hours - that's how freaking excited out of my mind I was. I even went as far as checking my carrier's tracker website when it shipped for more in-depth tracking updates. The setup was also pretty easy and straightforward. Only need to screw the feet to the stand and then latch it into the back of the monitor. Push the quick-release button to detach the stand. The excitement also came with serious paranoia from the bad reviews complaining about the color fringing on text, the audible fans noise, the risk of OLED burn-in, and the bubble wrap marks on the screen from the packaging, let alone the panel lottery with the risk of it arriving with a defective panel or a dead pixel. I may have gotten lucky with this unit but I'll write my experience:- Text fringing:While yes I do agree with everyone, the text fringing IS there and it is noticeable, but only if you rub your nose on the screen. From a normal sitting distance, it's not really that noticeable, especially with workarounds like BetterClearType. Honestly, for me, it's not a big deal. But maybe because I was used to the poor text clarity on my previous monitor. If you're coming from a 4K monitor with a high pixel density, then you will definitely notice the downgrade in text clarity and the fringing, but nothing your eyes won't adjust to in time! Regardless, you might not even notice it if you're too focused on what's actually displayed on the screen instead of nitpicking the little pixels.- Fans noise:Personally, I had never heard either of the fans, even while gaming and when I turned eco mode off as well. At times I forgot this monitor even has fans! If you're always wearing headphones and/or blasting music, the fans' noise won't be an issue for you.- OLED burn-in:Like any OLED monitor, this one is not safe from the inevitable doom of burn-in. However, you can reduce the risk of burn-in significantly if you take good care of your monitor by reducing brightness, doing pixel refreshes frequently, and turning off the monitor when you're not using it. If you do experience image retention (not burn-in!), you can do a full panel refresh which could take about an hour and the problem should be fixed afterward. As for the pixel refresh, it prompts you every 4 hours and if you have eco mode on, the hours won't be counted if your monitor is off but still plugged into power. Pixel refresh usually takes about 7 minutes for me to finish and when it's done, the blinking green light on the power indicator will turn off, letting you know your monitor is ready to rock on again! In case in the long run you do experience burn-in, Dell has you covered with a 3-year warranty. Just make sure you register your product on their website using the service tag available in the OSD menu.- Bubble wrap marks:When I opened the box and whipped out the monitor and removed the bubble wrap cover on the screen, I noticed some marks on the edges of the screen, but rest assured, a few good wipes with tissues and the marks are gone! They're basically like fingerprints.- Panel lottery:This is inevitable for every monitor in existence and you just gotta cross your fingers and pray your luck is good. Thankfully, mine came in perfect condition with firmware M0B201. No dead pixels, no broken panel, no flickering, and no coil whine in fans. I got really lucky. You just gotta hope you get lucky too. Just make sure when you order the monitor, to order it new from trusted sellers. For me, I only order expensive premium products sold and shipped by Amazon themselves. I don't trust marketplace sellers.Side note, while the brightness in SDR is great, it's not that bright compared to some LCD monitors. Don't get me wrong, the brightness is great and it gets bright in SDR at 100% (236 cd/m2)! But I would've liked it if it was slightly brighter, mainly because I'm used to full brightness from my previous IPS monitor (311 cd/m2). A white screen still is a serious flashbang regardless, it's just that in dark scenes, the brightness helps. However, the brightness is not an issue in HDR. The brightness in HDR is amazing and it gets pretty bright when gaming. I use HDR400 TB and never really touched HDR1000 because 400 is bright enough for me and I don't want the ABL to ruin my experiences.Aside from the quirks, this monitor packs a punch! Feature-packed and future-proof imo! Everything you throw at it, it just obliterates it. Nothing can beat this bad puppy at this price! Best investment I have made honestly. Contrast, deep blacks, colors, refresh rate, motion handling, G-Sync, everything is perfected. You can't ask for anything better than this. The colors look genuinely amazing. It's literally candy for your eyes. Sugar-coated, tasty, cherry-flavored! Thanks to the quantum dots, certain colors (like red) just "pop" on the screen. Like you could display a range of colors in one frame, and the first color to catch your eye would be the red!If you want more saturation and for the picture to be more vivid and prettier, you can increase the digital vibrance in NVIDIA control panel to your liking. Personally, I settled with 75% digital vibrance in NVIDIA, with 100% brightness and contrast in the monitor's OSD, using creator mode DCI-P3 and a gamma of 2.6. Just my preference.No camera or picture on the internet could truly capture the beauty of the picture quality of this monitor! You'd have to see it for yourself and experience it in person. This is my first QD-OLED monitor and I am never going back to IPS! Never again! The deep blacks make every scene so much better. You can see a lot more details in the dark.I am not big on monitors nor have I owned or tested a lot in person, but from all the monitors I've been using in the past decade, this one takes the crown easily with no hassle. You will get used to the drawbacks of this monitor in time, like the text fringing and fans noise, etc. It'll also take you a while to get adjusted to the 21:9 aspect ratio if you're coming from 16:9, but it'll be worth it, trust me. Nothing can get better than this.TL;DR: Don't think about it. If you have the money, do what I did and pull the trigger. Get it. You'll never regret it. It's about time you treat your eyes with something they deserve! What's the point of a high-end PC if you can't view its full potential with a good monitor? Invest in this monitor!

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