53 Must Do Python Projects For All

by: Edcorner Learning (0)

This Book consist of 53 Must Do Python Projects for All Developers/Students to practice different projects and scenarios. Use these learnings in professional tasks or daily learning projects.
At the end of this book, you can download all this projects by using our link.
All 53
python projects are divided into different modules, every python project is special in its own way of performing daily task by a developer. Every python project has its source codes which learners can copy and practice/use on their own systems. If there is special requirement for any python projects, its already mentioned in the book.
Topics covered in
53 Must Do Python Projects for All are as follows:
  • Snake Game
  • Spaceship Game
  • Snapshot of given website
  • Speech-to-Text Converter
  • Speech-To-Text
  • Speed Test
  • Spelling Checker
  • Split a video file by given time period
  • Split Files
  • Split folder into subfolders
  • Spreadsheet Automation
  • Store emails in CSV
  • String search from multiple files
  • Take A Break
  • Terminal-based hangman game
  • Terminal Progress bar with image Resizing
  • Text to Speech
  • Text Editor
  • Textfile Analysis
  • Tic Tac Toe
  • Tic-Tac-Toe-AI
  • Time to load website
  • Todo App using flask
  • Twitter Scrapper Without API
  • Typing Speed Test
  • Instagram Unfollower Bot
  • Unique words in text file
  • Unstructured Supplementary Service Data
  • Unzip File
  • URL Shortner
  • Video To Audio Converter in python
  • Voice Translators
  • Hashing Passwords
  • Weather App
  • Website Summarization API
  • Web Scrapping Comment
  • Website Blocker
  • Whatsapp Bot
  • Whatsapp Automation
  • Instagram Follow- NotFollow
  • Wikipedia infobox scraper
  • Wikipedia Scrapper in Python
  • Instagram Image download
  • Wikipedia summary script with GUI
  • Word Games
  • Worksetup Automation
  • Set a Random desktop background
  • Compress folder and files
  • Organize files in a directory
  • Youtube Trending Feed Scrapper
  • LinkedIn My Connections Scrapper
  • Download Audio – Youtube
  • Youtube Video Downloader
53 Must Do Python Projects For All
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