Black Hat Python, 2nd Edition: Python Programming for Hackers and Pentesters

by: Justin Seitz (0)

Fully-updated for Python 3, the second edition of this worldwide bestseller (over 100,000 copies sold) explores the stealthier side of programming and brings you all new strategies for your hacking projects.

When it comes to creating powerful and effective hacking tools, Python is the language of choice for most security analysts. In this second edition of the bestselling
Black Hat Python, you’ll explore the darker side of Python’s capabilities: everything from writing network sniffers, stealing email credentials, and bruteforcing directories to crafting mutation fuzzers, investigating virtual machines, and creating stealthy trojans.
  All of the code in this edition has been updated to
Python 3.x. You’ll also find new coverage of bit shifting, code hygiene, and offensive forensics with the Volatility Framework as well as expanded explanations of the Python libraries ctypes, struct, lxml, and BeautifulSoup, and offensive hacking strategies like splitting bytes, leveraging computer vision libraries, and scraping websites.
  You’ll even learn how to:
  • Create a trojan command-and-control server using GitHub
  • Detect sandboxing and automate common malware tasks like keylogging and screenshotting
  • Extend the Burp Suite web-hacking tool
  • Escalate Windows privileges with creative process control
  • Use offensive memory forensics tricks to retrieve password hashes and find vulnerabilities on a virtual machine
  • Abuse Windows COM automation
  • Exfiltrate data from a network undetected
  When it comes to offensive security, you need to be able to create powerful tools on the fly. Learn how with Black Hat Python.

The Reviews

Book was in near brand new condition for a used book. Postage was amazingly quick to malaysia. Great book for anyone wanting to learn and play with some of kali linux malicious features. For ethical purposes obviously.


Love the flow of the chapters. Most is still next level hacking.... but the book is great

This book requires some work. By that, I mean you have to tinker with some of the examples because they either contain typos and white space mismatches (which is obviously a no-no with Python), variable name errors left over from the first edition, and required packages that only work with a certain 3.x version of Python that they don’t explicitly communicate. You’ll also be expected to set up your own targets for the scripts you write with very little explanations from the authors. In the grand scheme of things, these drawbacks (and overcoming them to get the examples to work) just reinforce the teaching of a “hacker” mindset in my opinion so it’s not that big a deal. The concepts presented here are very valuable and how to implement them with Python was an illuminating experience overall.

Great content and very informative, a great resource to add to your arsenal!

Followed book on installing VirtualBax and Kali. Had problem instaling Kali.

Black Hat Python, 2nd Edition: Python Programming for Hackers and Pentesters
⭐ 4.7 💛 294
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