Breakout Valuation: How to Finance Your Future Today

by: Patrick E. Donohue (0)

WARNING: Investors and lenders do not want you to read this book!

With trillions of dollars at stake, those who own and control investment capital profit handsomely by severely undervaluing privately held businesses.

Lenders lure you with teaser rates. Investment partnerships dazzle you with fancy marketing materials. These are the tools of their trade, helping them earn excess returns on your hard work.

Breakout Valuation provides entrepreneurs with the insider knowledge they need to build what matters—a valuable business.

Written by an author who shares your entrepreneurial journey and has spent three decades investing, analyzing, and advising billions of dollars of transactions,
Breakout Valuation tells you everything you need to know to finance your future today.

can finance growth and stick to your moral compass while avoiding the tricks of the hucksters who want to take outsized returns on your hard work and innovation. You hold in your hands the knowledge to achieve a Breakout Valuation!

The Reviews

This book combines advice on how and why to be an entrepreneur with how to raise capital and run a company. Books such as Zero To One and The Lean Start Up provide excellent depth on the entrepreneurship. Breakout Valuation provides breadth and practical advice along the way. One of the things I really like is the way Patrick pays close attention to soft skills and the human side of becoming an entrepreneur. Starting something new to the world is a very personal endeavor.

This book offers a unique roadmap for any entrepreneur, while arming the reader with meaningful techniques for growth and genuine advice for avoiding hucksters who seek to take advantage of entrepreneurs.

The book is a valuable resource for any entrepreneur looking to better understand their business potential/valuation and forming financial relationships with the right partners.

Breakout Valuation brings the life of an entrepeneur alive. It challenges a few decades old beliefs about business valuations, which can result in thought provoking dialogs. It is a must read for entrepreneurs, especially those buying or selling a business.

If you are a business owner or entrepreneur you really need to read this book. Great a insights on the value you create in your business and how to truly maximize and think about your valuation. Excellent read.

Patrick is a business finance genius and this book offers an important framework for entrepreneurs to better understand the levers they can pull to build the financial engine (and sale value) of their business.

A great book for business owners and entrepreneurs looking to better understand and maximize hidden potential. Great Read

This book is full of practical advice on how a new entrepreneur can finance a new business without giving up control and equity. A must read for those looking to break out of corporate and get started on their new life!

If you are a small business owner who wants to build long term value, Patrick's book is a must read!

I sought this book out because I'm just about to retire and ready for another adventure before I'm in the supine position looking at the other side of grass. The author takes seemingly complex financial realities and makes them understandable to a lay person like me. It reminds me of a book I read years ago by John Gibson called Deep Simplicity. The purest of ideas can have the most profound affect on one's life. And there's something even more deeply mysterious going on in this work than "how to become a millionaire." The author appears to understand that the human heart will never be satisfied with money alone. Based on the moral lessons peppered throughout the book he puts family and friends first and then has a ton of fun making a bundle of money in the process. If I were you I'd keep this book by my bedside and take a romp through it when you're feeling creative and adventurous.

Using story approach and long experience on the numbers side Donahue breakdowns mysterious concepts/acronyms and reveals them for what they should be - simples steps on the entrepreneur's path to success. Valuation shouldn't be a strange word that only comes up when the funding people show up. Donohue unpacks valuation, step-by-step, and adds it to the entrepreneur's toolkit.A much needed model for valuation delivered by a friendly guide!

This book will save a lot of entrepreneurs a lot of heartaches as they look to maximize their full potential. Decades of wisdom are summarized in a logical, easy-to-follow manner that is both practical and actionable. The business you built took sheer grit, talent, and determination to make it a success. Maximizing the company's valuation shouldn't!

The author has obviously been part of a great many exits in a variety of roles and is so much a master of the craft he's able to break it down to its simple components. A must read for anyone hoping to establish their "entrepreneurial legacy"... and become wildly rich ;)

The book helps entrepreneurs determine how to optimize both their business, and the valuation of their business, using 9 key factors. Book is an easy and positive read dealing with many of the soft skills needed to take a businesses to the next level, in addition to the hard skills that most of us are already aware of. Interesting perspective which I think will be adding to market capitalization for numerous companies.

Breakout Valuation does a great job of describing the various types of social and financial risks that an entrepreneur will face on their journey to start and grow their business. The book details the risk and reward involved in breaking from society's status quo to turn your "side hustle" into your dream job. As an entrepreneur myself, I found it motivating and very informative. Great read!

This is a great resource for understanding valuation or just a practical guide to running your business. Running a small business requires multitasking and often lacks attention or expertise in areas like finance. Unfortunately, financial failure is the demise of many great ventures. This book cuts through the confusion and breaks finance into understandable and applicable tools that provide a clear path to financial governance critical to success.

Understanding valuation is a critical part to getting a business launched and funded. Patrick does a great job in providing a framework that will help any entrepreneur.

This book brings together the knowledge about the many aspects of building a valuable business which makes it a powerful tool for any entrepreneur.

Breakout Valuation: How to Finance Your Future Today
⭐ 5.0 💛 33
kindle: $1.19
hardcover: $41.36
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