Catching Up to Crypto: Your Guide to Bitcoin and the New Digital Economy

by: Ben Armstrong (0)

A fun and authoritative guide to bitcoin and the future of money

In Catching Up to Crypto: Your Guide to Bitcoin and the New Digital Economy, celebrated crypto and Bitcoin expert Ben Armstrong delivers an exciting and fresh new exploration of Bitcoin and digital currencies. He explains what Bitcoin is, how it works, and how and why weā€™re all transitioning to a digital economy as we speak. He discusses the deficiencies of traditional fiat currency, how itā€™s commonly manipulated, and how we can all benefit from the adoption of new, digital assets.

In the book, youā€™ll discover how Bitcoin operates in the real-world and how the underlying technologyā€•known as the blockchainā€•operates. Youā€™ll also learn about:

  • The importance of decentralization, trust-less commerce and cryptographic consensus.
  • The humble origins of Bitcoin, as well as how it nearly died out, and how it went on to take over the world
  • How monetary and financial policy is being revolutionized by the introduction of Bitcoin and other crypto-assets.

An essential and engaging review of Bitcoin, digital assets, and the new digital economy, Catching Up to Crypto is the hands-on and comprehensive introduction to crypto that investors, enthusiasts, the crypto-curious, and finance professionals have been waiting for.

The Reviews

Ben Armstrong does a great job making complex topics such as world banking, economics, personal finance and investing, and of course, crypto easy to understand and entertaining. If youā€™re curious and want to learn more about crypto and how our countryā€™s currency system works, this book is a must read!

Read this book before the next bull run. Its coming..

Very knowledgeable and to the point.Appreciate the world view of all aspects of Blockchain and Crypto assets.

This book will be a part of the foundation of building blocks as you intend to Free Yourself from the seemingly "mandatory" hamster wheel that they would love to have us all running on.

This is an awesome read! Super easy to understand

Ben really hit a home run. Fun easy read I finished over a weekend trip. I have in cryptos since 2017 and I still learned plenty I didnt know. Go Dawgs! Go Braves!

It does what the title says.

The media could not be loaded.

This is a great read for anyone who is interested in crypto. It takes you through a history of the early days of crypto to get a better understanding of how it came to be. It gives you a good basic start point of knowledge as to what crypto and the technology is about. It provides many tips and references to help get you on your way to investing in crypto.I highly recommend this book and the Bitboy Crypto YouTube channel for anyone interested in crypto.

Ben has created the definitive book on Crypto. This book is single handedly the best source of information for anyone that touches crypto currency. The level of detail and tone is straight fire and spot on.

Great job Ben! This book was exactly what I have been waiting for. I have been following Ben since the very beginning of the bear market in Nov 2021. I am going to share this book with those I know who have doubts and or are scared about the space.Thank you Ben for writing this.

I am brand new to crypto (only been dabbling for a few months), and this book gave me a much more thorough understanding of the digital currency. Ben takes you through the history of crypto, itā€™s underlying philosophy, and the lays out the nuts and bolts of all the fundamental information required to confidently get started. Whether youā€™re brand new to crypto investing, or an experienced aficionado, thereā€™s something for everyone to learn from reading this. The book delivers exactly what itā€™s title states it does. Iā€™ll definitely be rereading this to soak up more of its contents. Highly recommend!

Been in Crypto for 3 years and thought I knew everything I needed to know. I was very wrong and this book definitely filled those voids that I didnā€™t even know I had. Thanks Benā€¦ see you in Phoenix at the meet up.

Great read, no added fluff just the info needed so you can literally "catch up" to what has happened in the Crypto industry/space and no longer feel low IQ when trying to understand what Crypto is.

This book is the best source of information for anyone that wants to learn about crypto currency. The detail and tone is straight fire and spot on.

Ben hit this out of the park and easily explains crypto assets. I've been in the crypto industry for the past 3 years and I've been looking for a book other than the BTC standard that accu t ately explains and teaches what crypto assets are. Thank you, Ben!

Likes:Almost everythingDislikes:No mention of "nothing burgers"

I have been watching Ben for two years and love his "real" presentation of the crypto world. His heart is in helping the common person find financial independence through crypto. This book is excellent in helping catch a person up to the vocabulary that can trip a person up. I am so thrilled to have this and am learning so much. I already plan on re reading it because it is SO FULL of great information. It is likely going to be one of those books that you learn more each time you read it. I am feeling more confident now and I was feeling pretty good before the book. A must have book for the crypto investor. THANK YOU BEN. I'm reading it at bedtime with my headlamp so I don't wake my husband. It's hard to put it down!! I'll be watching for the next book in the years to come.

I bought 3 copies for my family and friends. It's well researched and has a concise history of this emerging industry. The facts documented, are the best written history I have ever read on the subject. Well worth your time to get a fast view into something that was very time consuming to watch it happen over the last 10+ years.Read it slowly and research new things you may find including terms, events, competing blockchains.

This is a great book. Just as the title says it literally gets to caught up with the beginnings and importance of crypto. Its an easy to read. Written to the point with facts in summerized format. Great place to start if you are looking to start a journey into crypto.

Perfect read for this generation and the older ones. It explains things in their simplest form which makes it fun and easy to read. I've been in the game for awhile and still was able to learn allot.

I didnā€™t get into Web3 until 21ā€™ and itā€™s all I do anymore, but I always feel like Iā€™ve missed so much, especially considering how fast this space moves. Catching Up To Crypto is EXACTLY the book I was looking for.Those who are deeply involved in the space may find little value in the explanations of blockchain, mining, forks, trading etc. This is necessary info though - Iā€™ve met plenty of traders who donā€™t actually understand blockchain tech or NFTs because that knowledge isnā€™t necessary to make money.I first heard about Bitcoin in 2017, I went on a date with a guy who was in the process of building a few mining rigs, letā€™s call him Justin. Justin was crazy passionate about crypto and told me to buy Bitcoin - but when I started asking questions, he couldnā€™t give me any real answers. Because of this, I didnā€™t look into it any further.Up until recently, there hasnā€™t been a lot of positive (or educated) media coverage of crypto - most people who got in early and have stuck around either figured it out themselves, or someone who understood it explained it to them. So while some of this information may seem ā€œbasicā€, itā€™s necessary to instill any level of long term conviction.I stopped trading on the stock market after Gamestop trading was suspended on January 28, 2021. Shortly after, I brought all my money over to crypto and Iā€™ll never leave because I understand the value of this technology and I know someday everyone else will recognize that value too.I actually found Justin on FB and sent him a message, excited to tell him. He told me heā€™d sold all his Bitcoin, and was no longer in the market. Education = Conviction. Iā€™ve never been so passionate about anything in my life. Better late than never, but I missed a lot of history, and a lot of it isnā€™t even easily searchable online. It would take a ridiculous amount of work for me to find all the info this book provides - and a lot of it, I wouldnā€™t even know to search for. You had to BE there, and Ben was.This book provides a comprehensive history of blockchain development, the people involved, politics and significant events leading up to where we are now. This information is incredibly valuable.Mainstream adoption wonā€™t happen without education and heā€™s one of the few taking that responsibility seriously.

Hey Ben I hope you do a tour out towards the Northwest man. Because of you I have been able to find what im passionate for and itā€™s cryptocurrency and learning everything there is to know. Also like to thank you for coming out with this amazing book. My wife is not a tv person but likes to read so I hooked her up with this book and now she DCAā€™s every time she sees me buy the dip. She has a different view on banks and crypto now that she understands it. Thanks again manP.s Thank you for helping this Mexican out bro lol.

I almost didn't buy this book. I haven't read a book in years. I received this book Monday and finished it today on Thursday. I couldn't put it down. The history of bitcoin that I never knew about before. I recommend this book. Buy it. Read It. Pass it on to someone else.

Iā€™m not going to pretend like Iā€™m an avid reader, because Iā€™m definitely not. What I am is a believer and fan of crypto. Especially of Ben Armstrong and his team over at BitBoy Crypto. So far, itā€™s an easy read and doesnā€™t feel like Iā€™m reading a generic Wikipedea description of how crypto works. Gets things back to the basics in common terms and current slang. Itā€™s a great refresher for me and still explains a lot of what I didnā€™t understand. Definitely will pass the book along to friends and family whoā€™ve Iā€™ve had a hard time explaining and vouching for the space in general. Iā€™ve been waiting for this book for a long time and canā€™t wait to finish it!

I've been in the crypto space for 2 years. I have been swimming against the current and swirling in information overload for much of this time. This book helped provide some clarity and direction to my self learning. It didn't take many pages read for me to have a few aha moments and a couple Huh's as well. I few light bulbs illuminating my dust comprehension centers helping me with peace of mind.

I didnā€™t get into Web3 until 21ā€™ and itā€™s all I do anymore, but I always feel like Iā€™ve missed so much, especially considering how fast this space moves. Catching Up To Crypto is EXACTLY the book I was looking for.Those who are deeply involved in the space may find little value in the explanations of blockchain, mining, forks, trading etc. This is necessary info though - Iā€™ve met plenty of traders who donā€™t actually understand blockchain tech or NFTs because that knowledge isnā€™t necessary to make money.I first heard about Bitcoin in 2017, I went on a date with a guy who was in the process of building a few mining rigs, letā€™s call him Justin. Justin was crazy passionate about crypto and told me to buy Bitcoin - but when I started asking questions, he couldnā€™t give me any real answers. Because of this, I didnā€™t look into it any further.Up until recently, there hasnā€™t been a lot of positive (or educated) media coverage of crypto - most people who got in early and have stuck around either figured it out themselves, or someone who understood it explained it to them. So while some of this information may seem ā€œbasicā€, itā€™s necessary to instill any level of long term conviction.I stopped trading on the stock market after Gamestop trading was suspended on January 28, 2021. Shortly after, I brought all my money over to crypto and Iā€™ll never leave because I understand the value of this technology and I know someday everyone else will recognize that value too.I actually found Justin on FB and sent him a message, excited to tell him. He told me heā€™d sold all his Bitcoin, and was no longer in the market. Education = Conviction. Iā€™ve never been so passionate about anything in my life. Better late than never, but I missed a lot of history, and a lot of it isnā€™t even easily searchable online. It would take a ridiculous amount of work for me to find all the info this book provides - and a lot of it, I wouldnā€™t even know to search for. You had to BE there, and Ben was.This book provides a comprehensive history of blockchain development, the people involved, politics and significant events leading up to where we are now. This information is incredibly valuable.Mainstream adoption wonā€™t happen without education and heā€™s one of the few taking that responsibility seriously.

I have been watching Ben for two years and love his "real" presentation of the crypto world. His heart is in helping the common person find financial independence through crypto. This book is excellent in helping catch a person up to the vocabulary that can trip a person up. I am so thrilled to have this and am learning so much. I already plan on re reading it because it is SO FULL of great information. It is likely going to be one of those books that you learn more each time you read it. I am feeling more confident now and I was feeling pretty good before the book. A must have book for the crypto investor. THANK YOU BEN. I'm reading it at bedtime with my headlamp so I don't wake my husband. It's hard to put it down!! I'll be watching for the next book in the years to come.

Iā€™m not going to pretend like Iā€™m an avid reader, because Iā€™m definitely not. What I am is a believer and fan of crypto. Especially of Ben Armstrong and his team over at BitBoy Crypto. So far, itā€™s an easy read and doesnā€™t feel like Iā€™m reading a generic Wikipedea description of how crypto works. Gets things back to the basics in common terms and current slang. Itā€™s a great refresher for me and still explains a lot of what I didnā€™t understand. Definitely will pass the book along to friends and family whoā€™ve Iā€™ve had a hard time explaining and vouching for the space in general. Iā€™ve been waiting for this book for a long time and canā€™t wait to finish it!

I've been in crypto for a long time however, the information I learned from this book was really great. From a historical standpoint, this book covers all of crypto's important events. It's easy to read and really breaks down very technical and complex subject matter in a way that makes sense. 10 of 10 recommend this book no matter if you are new to crypto or a veteran or the space. - 6figs

I bought the book three days ago, and I canā€™t put it down. I love it thus far. The book gives me, an average guy, hope and drive to follow my dreams and never give up. Always been a fan of Ben Armstrong on social media and as a subscriber to his channels, but his book has given me a higher level of respect than I already had. Fantastic Job, and keep up the great work. Thank you!

This book is a great primer for all things crypto. Got a family member whoā€™s crypto-curious? Get them this book. Crypto curious yourself? Get this book!Crypto has been a background character in my life since 2017- my partner, my friends, everyone I know has dabbled a little. Crypto YouTube videos have played in the background for years. I would joke and say Crypto was another person in my house. This book has been a huge tool for me. I learned details about things that I had only heard in passing before, like Mt. gox and Robert Ulrich. Ben is an awesome speaker and has a great YouTube channel if you would like to be more informed as well- we went to his book signing in Denver and it was awesome to see him and Aj! Look in your city to see if heā€™s coming! I would consider myself an intermediate crypto user, but ultimately this book has been so useful in completing the entire picture. Highly, highly recommend!

This book was great and I've read almost every crypto book out there! This one is the best. It went over the basics on the crypto market which you need to know. I already knew most of this stuff from the other books however the difference is this gave a in depth history of the crypto market which explains why things are the way they are. Very insightful book as well as just giving good facts. Highly recommend.

This is an excellent book. Ben does such a great job "catching you up to crypto". It is straight forward and is very helpful with filling in the holes of info and past history that you may not know about.....especially if you got into crypto in the last few years. I would recommend this book to anyone getting into crypto. With the knowledge you'll receive from this book, you'll make smarter investments and you will know how to navigate the crypto markets. Ben killed it and I'm so thankful to have found his YouTube channel and to have bought his book. BUY IT. It won't steer you wrong.

If you are new to crypto or even have just been casually investing over the past few years, this book is for you! Tons of great information and a detailed history of crypto. Also if you are just tired of trying to explain crypto to friends and family just hand them this book! It will save you the frustration of trying to explain and it will give a headstart on truly understanding the industry as a whole.

This is a great book that should be a part of everyones Crypto Journey.If you are interested in learning where the future of crypto is going and where we have already been, well, Ben Armstrong is the best guide.Armstrong has been an active member of the Crypto Community for more than a decade, quickly becoming the top YouTuber in the space during the 2021 Cycle Top.There is a lot involved in Crypto, and this book is able to break everything down that you need to know into easy to read, understand and remember content style.I can easily see this book being expanded into a text book that is taught in more progressive educational systems.

I've been in Crypto for about 2 and a half years now and I'm constantly trying to stay up to date with all that's going on. They say that you can see the future by looking at the past. I have learned so much from this book about Crypto's beginnings, it's successes and failures. It's also helped me see where this may all be heading. I wish this book was out a couple of years ago when I started this journey! If you are at all interested in Crypto, get this book, digest it and become a member of the BitSquad (if you're unaware, Ben Armstrong has a huge YouTube Channel with an amazing community). Love Ben or hate him, you can't say that this book is anything but amazing content to 'Catch You Up' to Crypto.

Do you think Bitcoin is a pyramid scheme? Do you wonder why every coin is trying to replace the dollar? Are you too late to start investing in Bitcoin or any crypto? Why does SBF have have such great hygiene?These are all questions I had (well maybe not the last one), and because of this book, are all laughable topics now because I am informed on how blockchain actually works, what these coins represent in the greater picture, and a lot of other beginner intermediate and advance topics; answering all your questions. Itā€™s an easy read and will keep you in the know about crypto!

Really a great crypto cook that takes you from the beginning of crypto all the Way to the end of 2022. Filled with great information and written so it is so easy to understand. So with this book in your hands you Will no longer need to feel confused in any regard when it comes to crypto. It Will truly catch you up to crypto ;-)

Catching Up to Crypto: Your Guide to Bitcoin and the New Digital Economy
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kindle: $16.00
hardcover: $17.99
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