Created to Thrive: An Artist's Guide to Living in Divine Abundance

by: Matt Tommey (0)

Revised 2021 - Imagine just for a moment, life the way you have always dreamed it could be. Feeling connected to God and hearing His voice, creating with the Holy Spirit, following His lead as you share your art and see it transform peopleā€™s lives. Imagine a world where artists are free to thrive spiritually, artistically, and financially in everything they do. Imagine a life where your mind is clear, renewed, and focused on Godā€™s purposes for your life and art; no longer struggling with negative patterns of thinking that have held you back for years. My friend, this is not some pie in the sky dream that will never come true. This is the way God designed life to be lived in His Kingdom. This can be your story, fully alive and thriving in everything you do. In Created to Thrive, youā€™ll learn how to start living life from a new blueprint based on Godā€™s Word and His divine design for your life as an artist in His Kingdom. Youā€™ll begin to see your life without limits as you learn to align with Him and cooperate with the Holy Spirit to create new patterns of living. Your mind will be renewed, your heart will be unlocked, and your imagination will be set free to resonate with the Kingdom thatā€™s already living inside of you. You were made to be more than just a frustrated artist, struggling to make sense of your life and art. Get ready to become the artist you were created to be, get ready to thrive!

The Reviews

"God's overwhelming desire is that you and I live in the fullness of His very best." Wow! So with that said, is just knowing Jesus as your personal Saviour enough? Yes, it will get you into heaven but what about life here on earth? Want more? Want to thrive? If so, I HIGHLY recommend this book. The author shares how that for most of his life he "had no clue what it meant to actually live an abundant life in God's kingdom and all that entailed".How do you align yourself with the reality of the Kingdom of God? What is vision? Prophetic revelation? True connection with the Holy Spirit? Think outside the box for a while. Most of us understand prophetic revelation when God speaks into our life through someone else BUT what about your imagination? Can God speak through that? In all this I should add that Matt, the author, has had to learn all this himself. He's been where you might be right now: at the bottom, no money, bills mounting up, phrases from his/your past like "Artists can't/don't make money" running through his/your head.How do you know who you are in Christ and renew your mind? "Scripture is encouraging you not to identify with the way the world does things, but be fundamentally changed through a process of continually encountering God, who ultimately changes your inner reality and affects the way you think and reason.""As you're inspired, say yes to the inspiration and begin to create as the Spirit leads you, developing your skills along the way." Oh my, oh my, did this book inspire me or did it inspire me?! Wow! We purchased a new art business at the end of last year and were really struggling. I love to create but was kind of "bound" by what the previous owners had done thinking I had to do it the same way. As I read through this book I began to put into practice what Matt was explaining and inspiration began to come. His advice on not outlaying any more money but using what you have in front of you REALLY spoke to me. Although we have kept some of the "old" we have also ventured into something new with the same products. It is totally amazing, allowing us to create something totally new out there. If you are struggling with your thinking i.e. doubts get this book, take notes and allow God's inspiration to direct what you create. You will be amazed. I was!I am not affiliated with the author in any way. I had never even heard of him before downloading this book onto my Kindle. I was not required to write a review but chose to do so. Thanks, Liz

Matt Tommey writes a great book-length devotional that will encourage and inspire anyone who has ever considered the possibility that he or she was created with a talent for art. It's my observation that almost everyone has a little artist inside, because each of us is created in God's image. Anyone who prayerfully reads Matt's book will be nudged, no booted, into creative action.Matt also believes that God wants nobody to starve, not even artists. He makes a very convincing, Scripture-grounded, case for his convictions, and if I wanted or needed to make a living with art, I would read that part of the book more closely. My calling is to a ministry which I can finance with God's provision to me from other sources, but if I needed income, I would read and follow the guidance in this book, as well as the recommendations te enter a serious mentoring relationship with Matt.This book kept my attention, and even when I quibble with some of his interpretations of Scripture, I don't see it as an important issue for the book.My biggest issue is the writing style, which appears to be a speech-to-text transcription of Matt talking. It is exactly the way he speaks. I prefer written language that is a little more precise, less folksy, and edited for grammar and spelling.I recommend the book to all.

I have read many books about art and the creative process but have had a hard time finding a book that puts it in context of being a Christian Artist. This book hits the nail on the head. Itā€™s full of scripture but also references science about how our mind works and the problems artists have prospering in their work.Matt Tommey is the real deal as far as presenting this topic. He writes about listening to the Holy Spirit and thriving in your divine design. He also addresses practical issues of selling work, which you donā€™t often see written about in this type of book.I still have a few more pages to read, but I am sure I will be rereading the book in the future. If you feel stuck as a Christian artist, or donā€™t know quite where art fits in your life, the book helps you to find your purpose and start thriving as an artist in Godā€™s Kingdom.

There is a lot that was good about this book. I sat down and read in a couple sittings and enjoyed it. But I felt it was slow to get around to the meat of what I was hoping to get and frankly, never quite got there. I think the book is probably meant to spark further desire in the reader so you'll take one of his courses or workshops. That is not a bad thing, but I bought the book for a reason, because I didn't know when I could take the workshop. The other thing you have to overlook while reading is the omitted words, improper punctuation and sometimes less than stellar writing style. I found those a minor annoyance and somewhat of a distraction. It made it feel less professional. Would I have bought the book had I known about this ahead of time? Maybe not. But all that aside, I'm still glad I did.

More of a spiritual book than an art book, but then, the author makes the point that we are all artists in one way or another. Excellent read on allowing Holy Spirit to direct your path as an artist or in whatever your chosen career is. Good, practical advise on living in the grace, favor, and authority of God, and seeing that show up regularly in our lives. Sure, he plugs his mentorship program a little, but it's not overt and it's not frequent. I've already recommended this book to another artist friend, but I would recommend it to anyone seeking to know God more intimately, walk closer with Him, and really and truly fulfill the place He created for His sons and daughters to be.

Created to Thrive: An Artist's Guide to Living in Divine Abundance
ā­ 4.8 šŸ’› 282
paperback: $11.97
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