Dare to Discover Your Purpose: Retire, Refire, Rewire

by: George Jerjian (2021)

GEORGE JERJIAN is a mindset mentor, author, and speaker who retired after being given just six months to live by his doctor. Thankfully, the diagnosis was wrong and as soon as he could, he ā€œunretiredā€ and set to work, helping his tribe of baby boomers do the same.

George has a business degree from Bradford University in England and a masterā€™s degree in journalism from New York University. He has been in business for over 40 years, working as a Chartered Marketer, a partner in US commercial real estate, and a financial adviser. He has authored 10 books, is an Emmy award-winning producer, a Distinguished Toastmaster, and founder of Retirement Rebellion.

ā€œWinston Churchill was just hitting his stride in his mid-sixties when he was elected Prime Minister of Great Britain and led the Allied Forces into WW2. Colonel Sanders, at the age of 65, began franchising KFC using his first Social Security check. Dare to Discover Your Purpose provides the mindset blueprint required to kickstart your so-called ā€œretirementā€ years into high gear.ā€
Bob Proctor, Bestselling Author of You Were Born Rich, Toronto, Canada

ā€œJerjianā€™s unique book can help retirees discover their life ā€˜purpose.ā€™ His DARE method guides retiring boomers to delve into their hearts and minds to create a blueprint for a new life of purpose and passion in the third age of life. This book can help reframe retirement and transform obstacles into opportunities.ā€
Ken Dychtwald, PhD, author of What Retirees Want and Radical Curiosity, Orinda, CA, USA

ā€œYou can retire from work, but you canā€™t retire from life. George Jerjian explains the vital importance of having purpose in later life and how to find it.ā€
Maggy Pigott, CBE, Author of How to Age Joyfully: Eight Steps to a Happier, Fuller Life, London, UK

ā€œIf you didnā€™t tiptoe through most of your life, why would you ā€˜tiptoe to a quiet deathā€™? Itā€™s the fundamental question George Jerjian asks all of us to consider as he challenges us to re-evaluate what it means to live life with hope, optimism, and empowerment. We all should dare to live Jerjianā€™s rebellious retirement.ā€
Peter Kaldes, President & CEO, American Society on Aging, San Francisco, CA, USA

ā€œGeorge Jerjian is a rebel with a cause. His cause is to awaken and inspire mid-lifers so they can prepare for the next stage of life. His key point is that every individual has the power to create a future that works for them, where they can flourish and prosper. But this will not just drop in your lap, it takes willingness and work. I commend Georgeā€™s work to you, so read this book, and get started on your journey of the rest of your life.ā€
Hunter Leonard, Bestselling Author, Founder Silver & Wise, Sydney, Australia

To meet George Jerjian in person is one of life's great treats, but if you can't meet him personally, this little book of his will recharge the batteries of your life and change the way you think and behave. Wherever you go, you will create value and the planet will be a better place as a result.
Professor Malcolm McDonald MA(Oxon) MSc PhD DLitt DSc, Emeritus Professor, Cranfield University School of Management, UK

"George Jerjianā€™s DARE method maps why and how to ā€˜unretireā€™ and provides the tools to help you find your own unique purpose."
Martin Hyde, Associate Professor of Gerontology, Swansea University, UK

The Reviews

Many of us think of retirement as a time to relax and enjoy life, away from the responsibilities and stresses of work. However, as the author so aptly points out in his well researched book, we all need to have a purpose that drives us. Without that purpose retirement can become a sad, meaningless time of loneliness, emptiness, and despair. As the expected life expectancy after retirement has dramatically increased, many will run out of savings. If we have the courage to look for our purpose and follow it, retirement can be a time of personal growth, deep meaning, and joy. The author has done extensive research and knows what he is talking about. Given 6 months to live by his doctor, he went on to discover his own path to discovering his passion and purpose. Not only does he describe how to find your purpose but offers a variety of tools we can use to help guide us on our own journey.

DARE to Discover Your Purpose is an inspirational must-read for anyone contemplating retirement. The author, Mr. George Jerjian, writing in a personal style, challenges the commonly held view of retirement as a time of winding down into a less active lifestyle. Instead, he advocates adopting the bold attitude of a ā€œRetirement Rebelā€ and presents a thorough plan for this important turning point in life. Through easy-to-follow guidelines, the reader embarks upon a self-introspective adventure toward discovering their heartā€™s true passion. This book contains thoughtful exercises that include creating positive affirmations, acknowledging gratefulness, bestowing forgiveness, and recollecting long-forgotten joys. The DARE method encourages the reader to release limiting fears and embrace a brightly expanded perspective in their retirement years. By utilizing oneā€™s imagination and engaging in a newly awakened sense of purpose, one can attain enhanced vitality, expanded happiness and a true sense of meaning. The overall message in this heartfelt missive is that we are never too old to pursue what we love ā€“ and you can do it too!

George Jerjianā€™s new book, DARE, is a MUST READ for people approaching or in any way considering ā€˜retirement.ā€™ George advocates a ā€˜retirement rebellion,ā€™ and quite rightly so. Reading his treatise, one quickly grasps and gains enormous respect for Georgeā€™s well-informed reasons. He has obviously read many authors whose own works, studies and theses George then weaves into a comprehensive rationale for the ā€˜retirement rebellion.ā€™ Accordingly, DARE helps its reader to create a mindset, it inspires its reader to give serious thought to establishing a blueprint for the later years of oneā€™s life. Since life expectancy is growing globally so, too, should we craft plans for actively, productively, happily living these added years. As the author urges: Retire, Refire, Rewire. His book will ignite and aid you in this process. Iā€™m enthused to say: DARE has already influenced my perspective and inspired me to take action.

George Jerjian has written an inspirational book based on his life experience and extensive research. It is written in easily digestible chapters that lay the ground work for a mindset shift about retirement.Our old concept of retirement at age 65, is outdated, because we can expect to live another 20-30 years after that. Jerjian's book will help you begin to recognize and embrace your life purpose and live it on your own terms.

The media could not be loaded. Ā Persistence is a great word that George uses in this book. I'm a 75 year old savvy Golden Girl. I wouldn't be without this book for I use it as my bible to focus on my passion which is to be un-retired, happy and active helping others. Thank you for daring to be transparent George and showing us how easy it is to be authentic and robust when we get older. Bravo!!

In this small but mighty book, retirement is called out for what it is: a cultural institution that often does more damage than good by leading people to withdraw from a sense of purpose rather than freeing them up to discover what purpose means to them now. Jerjianā€™s DARE process helps people understand the facts and shift their mindsets to build a healthy, purposeful future. He shows you how to become a ā€˜retirement rebelā€™ with humor, history and how-tos.

They say the meaning of our lives is to find our gift and the purpose is to give it away. George Jerjian has written a concise, yet deep book dedicated to helping us find our gift. While I've long had an interest in the topic of purpose, I found my copy of this book dog-eared because I learned quite a bit. Highly recommended.

This is MUST read for any senior who wants to live a happy and productive retirement. As a life coach and emotional intelligence instructor, I believe Jerjian's book is both timely and essential for our aging population. It's easy to read and replete with valuable insight and tips!

Loved it. Read in 1 day. Iā€™m 57 and on my second mountain. Loving the journey. No plans to retire. I will share with many others

Why is a book on Purpose #1 in the Tax or Exercise Category? Because the author was more concerned about being able to say it was a best seller. This is just a lead magnet for his eight week course. The book is well written and researched, but nothing new or actionable for the reader. The book can be summed up with this one sentenceā€¦ Change your mindset and you will change your life.

A thoughtful and inspiring book of wisdom and gratitude. Thank you! I am not retired or even semi retired I am on a new journey.

This book seems written to provide some courage and context for those that have a retirement goal but are too timid to pursue it.It does not have answers for those who remain disconnected

Thanks, George. This boomer got message. Time to say goodbye to retirement and get to living life as it should be.

I did not find this book helpful. The message of this book could have been convened in a few pages - don't retire, do something you love/enjoy, have a good attitude and be thankful

I am 69 and a Boomer. Retirement is scary and a one way ticket to the end. This book is very enlightening and energizing.

Don't waste your time or money.The core theses in this book are that retirement is an unrealistic goal for most people because they will run out of money and that they must therefore use the crisis associated with retiring to find purpose in life and transform themselves in order thrive in their later years. Said differently, retirement planning is not so much about financial planning, it is about personal development planning that enables adapting to the later years by finding purpose in life that is compatible with reality of needing to still earn a living.The author uses his life experience as a template to illustrate the principles of personal growth and finding purpose in life that are driven by the crisis associated with retiring. He quotes multiple well-known authors and thought leaders, mingling their quotes into an overly-simplistic, soft soap, personal development plan delivered it the voice of a guru who has figured things out and is showing the reader the way forward. He also invites the reader to sign up for his program.He quotes Socrates, "the unexamined life is not worth living." True enough. Examining one's life and discovering purpose is hard work that hopefully begins early in life. Waiting for the crisis of retirement is the wrong time to effectively do this work. Old dog, new tricks.

The book is appropriate if you've retired and either don't have much in retirement savings or you feel lost. I was disappointed that there were few real life examples described in the book. Most of the content was theories and views of the author.

Dare to Discover Your Purpose: Retire, Refire, Rewire
138 pages
ā­ 3.5 šŸ’› 44
kindle: $6.00
paperback: $14.98
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