Excel 2022: The most updated bible to master Microsoft Excel from scratch in less than 7 minutes a day | Discover all the features & formulas with step-by-step tutorials

by: Leonard J. Ledger (0)

Do you use Microsoft Excel at work or at home?

Are you looking to improve your Microsoft Excel skills and save valuable time from your everyday work life?

Do you want increase your skills by learning even the most advanced calculation operations to exploit the full potential of Excel?

Well...if you answered yes, this
"explosive concentration of information" is the solution to your problems.

in recent years
excel has become fundamental, it is used in any office work and an excellent level of mastery is required.

Surely you have been given a job to do, but have no idea how to do it.
You don't know the formulas to use, you write every word manually because you don't know how to take advantage of excel's potential.

All this obviously causes you stress and creates a lot of backlog that you will have to finish by working overtime.

But now, you can say goodbye to stress and late nights spent in front of excel tables. You can finally get rid of your work in less than 10 minutes, just by learning how to use all the features of this fantastic software.

All this,
thanks to Excell 2022! In this book you will find:
  • EXCEL COMPLETE GUIDE: All you need to know for become a master of Excel. Start from the basic command and learn until the most advanced formula.
  • STEP-BY-STEP PICTURES: Follow the step-by-step process, you will never go wrong thanks to the photos of every step.
  • HOW TO USE THE FORMULA FUNCTION IN EXCEL: including ALL of the primary functions in Excel such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.
  • THE EXCEL SHORTCUTS, TIPS & TRICKS: Secret tips from a professional excel user that you absolutely must know to increase your productivity.

Are you ready to learn how to use excel like a pro and reduce your stress at work?! don't waste any more time!

Scroll up, click the
“BUY NOW” button and get started!

The Reviews

This book has made it extremely easy for me to learn all I need to know about Microsoft Excel and how I can use it on an everyday basis. Microsoft Excel is not just a great program for adults, but also for our students as well. This book gets us started by explaining what Microsoft Excel is and how it came to be. I also like that it actually walks us through exactly how to download Microsoft Excel and also explains what the extensions of Excel are. After reading this book, I can now create different tables within Microsoft excel, which is great for different projects and/or tasks at hand. My favorite chapter in this book is chapter 12: Excel and Daily Life. I am now able to manage my expenses and keep track of all appointments that are coming up and what I need to do to get ready for those appointments. I also love that Microsoft Excel is very secure.

This is one of the better Excel guides that I have seen. There is plenty of pictures that will help make sure that you are in the right spot (and aren't spending several minutes trying to figure out where it's at). Excel can do a lot of things and this book will help you unlock the powers that are built into Excel. I think most people would be impressed with what excel can do in seconds.

this book is perfect if you are a beginner, but also if you are an advanced. it is really well done and very detailed. there are more than 50 photos, it is all really greatPRO:- High quality photos that explain in detail all the various steps to follow- All formulas and basic commands are clearly explained and easy to understand- There is a section on more advanced formulas, tables, graphs and advanced calculation tools- the index is intuitive, so it's perfect to keep on your desk and quickly refer to while you're working.by now my book is already full of notes, I love it.

If you want to learn Excel quickly this book can help you using the step by step tutorials to help you learn and discover the features and formulas Excel offers. I love chapter 12 that explains how Excel is used in daily life. Chapter 13 is extremely useful explaining how Excel is used in the business world.

This is a nice book to help you enhance your Microsoft Excel skills. You learn about the most up to date features of Excel and with just a few minutes each day the author states you can become a master in Microsoft Excel. Whether you need a brush up on how to do formulas, add charts, do pivot tables, or you need help learning the basics such as how to format cells, use a worksheet, change font, etc. you are sure to learn something new in this book. Knowing how to use Microsoft Excel is definitely a good thing as most jobs require you to know it to some degree.

I’m a little rusty on my Excel skills since I haven’t used it in a while. So I figured this book will get me back up to speed with Excel. This book is for anyone who wants to learn Excel or just needs a refresher or crash course. It starts out with the basics and then introduces you into more of the complex parts of excel for example, formatting, formulas, charts and graphs. This was exactly what I needed as a refresher to Excel.

A lot of typos that make examples confusing, and certain images don’t match text instructions associated with it. Better resources available online for free, much of the instructions & explanations are directly pulled from the Microsoft website. It’s also a very short book, with half of it being dedicated to useless information (history of excel, why excel is so great, who should use excel, etc.) If you’re looking to actually learn how to use Excel, I can’t recommend spending time with this. Very disappointed.

I don't want to write any comments, only this: GET IT.

This book is fantastic; I was seeking for a quick and easy approach to learn Excel because it’s a requirement in college. The 7-minute crash course is simple to follow yet extremely beneficial in learning how to use Excel correctly. This guidebook's step-by-step instructions and images make learning everything this application can accomplish a breeze. For beginners, this is an excellent resource. Thanks to the book, I can work really quickly and do all of my college assignment in half the time. The section on "home business" is particularly useful, as it has numerous ideas and tricks for tracking my monthly costs, creating a budget, and managing it using simple formulas and works excellent for my pastry business. I recommend this book to anyone; it is ideal for beginners, but it is also suitable for advanced users, as it has numerous chapters on complicated formulas.

The book provides an overview of Microsoft Excel. I am somewhat familiar with Excel and other Microsoft Office programs, so the material appears valid. However, while reading the first page, I assumed that the writer must be someone for whom English is a second language. The syntax and word choice are odd. The author introduces items such as "pivot tables" without explanation and moves on. There are numerous instances of the paragraphs being split apart, indicating that no one edited this book before publication. I am assuming that the name of the author, "Ledger," is meant to be a pun on spreadsheets. If Mr. Ledger exists, he needs to hire a proofreader. If you want to learn about Microsoft Excel 365, don't waste your seven dollars on this book.

Search on Google yourself - you can't find any such author. I don't think it's a real person. I almost placed an order for this book, but was suspicious about the cheap price for a new paperback Excel book. After reading all the positive reviews with VERY similar wording, such as "I love it. I finally found an Amazing Excel book..." with a video flipping the pages of the book and someone even wrote about "I always put it on my desk for reference". Look, this book was released April 1st, and that review was posted in mid April, what do you mean by "always"? That instantly alerted me. Do your own research before buying this. I did my research and I did not buy it.

WOW! this book is great! A well done book with lots of pictures and useful tips for those who use excel. I am an entrepreneur who bought this book to better understand how to manage my excel sheets, but after receiving it I decided to order more copies to give to my team! I'm sure my guys will love it, improve and be more productive! Beware of the many copy-books, I have seen many similar books published recently, but this is the only one that really deserves my money. I have already tried others, but they are either without pictures or with an old version. This book on the other hand has nice photos, the updated version, but most importantly...written in CORRECT English! beware of imitations!

I was looking for a guide to learn how to use Excel at its best... I bought many books, but they were all without pictures (but how is it possible to follow tutorials without being able to look at them?!?). The few books that had pictures were of very poor quality, with formulas that didn't work. This book, on the other hand, solved my problems! All the formulas are perfect, the pictures are made with the latest version of excel (some parts are also made for older versions, good choice). It is perfect on both MAC and Windows. At this price it is the best book I could buy. Impossible not to like this book, the author was very clever to include an image for each formula or graph. Very simple for beginners! I highly recommend it

This book is perfect. I needed a guide to quickly learn how to use excel. I just got hired in a new office and was required to learn how to use excel in less than 1 month. Thanks to the step by step tutorials and the pictures I was able to improve considerably. I still have a lot to learn, but with this book I am very comfortable. Every day I enjoy trying out the many formulas and exercises the author has included, I didn't think it was so easy to use excel. If you need to learn fast, this is the book for you! I always keep it with me on my desk, when I need it I open it and look for the formula that interests me. The index in this book is very convenient, I can find the formula that interests me in seconds! Thank you very much!

This is definitely the best book I could find. Full of pictures, the latest version of excel is shown. Many books have pictures of older versions of excel, so impossible to use today. This book is very well done, with attention to every detail. There are formulas for beginners, advanced formulas and tips for use. I am using it for my work in the office and it has helped me speed up a lot of tedious work. I now have more free time and do not have to work from home to clear my backlog of work. It is impossible to give this book a negative review, it is really well done! Kudos to the author.

this book is perfect if you are a beginner, but also if you are an advanced. it is really well done and very detailed. there are more than 50 photos, it is all really greatPRO:- High quality photos that explain in detail all the various steps to follow- All formulas and basic commands are clearly explained and easy to understand- There is a section on more advanced formulas, tables, graphs and advanced calculation tools- the index is intuitive, so it's perfect to keep on your desk and quickly refer to while you're working.by now my book is already full of notes, I love it.

I had to buy 2 more books before I found the right one. A friend of mine recommended this book, but I accidentally got others with a similar cover!!! THIS is the original, full of new and updated pictures. This book has really useful information, it is not just a copy of online blogs!!! this information I could not find online. The other books are mere copies, but this one is really well done. The price is great, it is worth much more! I recommend this book if you are a beginner or if you want to discover new advanced formulas. I will now enjoy surprising my colleagues with formulas that allow me to do my work in half the time! Truly excellent, I recommend it to everyone! The cover is fantastic!!

Fantastic book. I am already at an advanced level with excel, I was looking for something to stimulate my curiosity and solve some small doubts. In this book I found several interesting insights that I will definitely implement in my business.PRO:high definition imagesupdated version of excel (even old versions)working and useful formulasperfect grammarI recommend this book to everyone, it is very clear why it is the BEST SELLER in the "microsoft guide" category.

"I bought this book to learn how to use excel and it is really good. I found all the formulas with their pictures, the steps are really step by step, it is impossible to make mistakes. I have also recommended this book to my college friends and they are having a great time! They too have improved a lot and have learnt to use excel better. I am very satisfied with my purchase! Congratulations"

this book is perfect if you are a beginner, but also if you are an advanced. it is really well done and very detailed. there are more than 50 photos, it is all really greatPRO:- High quality photos that explain in detail all the various steps to follow- All formulas and basic commands are clearly explained and easy to understand- There is a section on more advanced formulas, tables, graphs and advanced calculation tools- the index is intuitive, so it's perfect to keep on your desk and quickly refer to while you're working.by now my book is already full of notes, I love it.

This book is perfect. I needed a guide to quickly learn how to use excel. I just got hired in a new office and was required to learn how to use excel in less than 1 month. Thanks to the step by step tutorials and the pictures I was able to improve considerably. I still have a lot to learn, but with this book I am very comfortable. Every day I enjoy trying out the many formulas and exercises the author has included, I didn't think it was so easy to use excel. If you need to learn fast, this is the book for you! I always keep it with me on my desk, when I need it I open it and look for the formula that interests me. The index in this book is very convenient, I can find the formula that interests me in seconds! Thank you very much!

"I bought this book to learn how to use excel and it is really good. I found all the formulas with their pictures, the steps are really step by step, it is impossible to make mistakes. I have also recommended this book to my college friends and they are having a great time! They too have improved a lot and have learnt to use excel better. I am very satisfied with my purchase! Congratulations"

Excel 2022: The most updated bible to master Microsoft Excel from scratch in less than 7 minutes a day | Discover all the features & formulas with step-by-step tutorials
⭐ 4.2 💛 389
paperback: $24.30
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