Getting It Done When You're Depressed, 2E: 50 Strategies for Keeping Your Life on Track

by: Julie A. Fast (0)

Don't wait another day to live the life you deserve! Instead, get it done while you're depressed.

Many people experience the hardships of depression and tend to struggle with productivity. This self-help book offers you 50 strategies to break the cycle of unproductivity and live the life you want to live.

Join us in learning how to overcome depression symptoms and take back your livelihood. When facing depression daily, it can be tough to do day to day tasks without it seeming like a giant chore. You won't be able to change this by choosing to feel better but rather by implementing strategies to create a daily structure.

Inside the pages of this self-help book from DK Books, you will learn:
How to create creativity How to wait until your work is complete before you judge it How to think like an athlete How to know when your brain is lying to you and so many more strategies for keeping your life on trackThis insightful book provides strategies to keep your life on track. These strategies are easy to follow and practical for anyone trying to live a more productive life. Our second edition even includes strategies on how to manage social media during depressive outbursts. Additionally, it has scripts on how to communicate with people in your life about your depression.

Don't let depression limit what you're capable of achieving. It's time to be proud of yourself and your abilities by getting things done while you are depressed.

The Reviews

Im not saying dont take your meds. Take them as prescribed, but this book really helped me understand my diagnoses. Made me less hard on myself.I am still managing recent diagnosis of bipolar depression2, and when it hits me hard, there are days i give in. But because of this book, those days are now shorter.I have been recommending this to friends who need it.

As a psychiatrist and child psychiatrist who has been the primary care giver for thousands of children and adults suffering from severe mental illnesses for more than fifty years, in three different countries, I was hesitant to buy and look through the book, but I did because it is written by someone who has first hand knowledge of the issue. In that I was not disappointed. Authors advice to college students I find the strong point of the book. Many of the advise to people in severe states of depression may be difficult to implement by the sufferer. Especially the advise to people in catatonic state that if they try hard they can break out of the catatonic state, is not correct. What is mentioned about use of antidepressants in bipolar depression may be misleading. For people suffering from depressions there may be points that any one individual may find fit to implement and benefit from. Wish the author all the best.George Isaac, MD

My star rating merely reflects my own opinion, not the quality of the material in the book. If you are suffering from depression symptoms, this can certainly help. However, as someone who has dealt with a lot of trauma, it doesn't quite match up and as suggested by the author on podcasts this doesn't quite sync this way either.

Julie A Fast, is one, if not the most knowledgeable people on the topic of Bipolar Depression. Her writing comes from her heart, and soul. She has a system, and her system works. It’s not easy work, yet Julie breaks it down, and makes it easy to understand. She has made something so complicated, doable, through her hard work, and never ending dedication. She is one in a million, I mean trillion.

This book has been very helpful. It's real, and you can tell it's meant for someone with diagnosed depression. It is not a gimmick self-help book, not in the least! If you suffer from depression, this is a MUST read!

The author gave a lot of good ideas of what to do when you are feeling “Low”, but I do not believe he has a clear understanding of true depression. It is not a choice. I can’t imagine someone, who is depressed deciding “ok,I will overlook how I feel and go dancing, instead of jumping out of the window”. A serious problem taken lightly, for whatever reason.

The first thing this author teaches us with this book is that if you have depression you are acting selfishly . . . Alright. Way to reach us!

Getting It Done When You're Depressed, Second Edition, 50 Strategies for Keeping Your Life on Track, by Julie A. Fast and Dr. John D. Preston, PsyD;, ABPP (2021) is a more comprehensive edition than the first edition which was also very well organized and helpful. The additions of social media use and scripts is especially constructive. In the introduction (viii), “depression is defined by established understanding as a physiological illness that needs to be treated as compassionately and as successfully as any physical illness. No matter whether your depression is the result of a certain recent event or if your depression has been around for years, the fact is that your brain is not functioning correctly because of changes in brain chemicals. You need to do all you can to get better, just as you would if you had pneumonia or some other physical illness.”The intent of the authors is successfully deployed in this new edition. This edition includes scripts, social media and its impact on symptoms of depression and anxiety, and anecdotes from people with lived experience as well as Julie A. Fast, one of the authors. The explanations of the symptoms and why a particular strategy is likely to be effective offered by Dr. Preston underscore the value of the solutions offered.The book Is laid out in such a way that every strategy follows a similar format. The format is comprised of an introductory narrative, a person using the strategy, a first-hand account by Julie A. Fast, a script to share with a trusted person, an exercise, a summary question answered by Dr. John D, Preston for research informed support of the strategy, and then final comments. This is a consistent approach used throughout the book and one that is presented in an engaging manner, without judgment, and with the use of layperson language. The chapters are short and therefore very accessible to individuals with depression, their supportive others, and professionals.The author is a prolific writer, researcher, and an individual with lived experience. From the back cover: “JULIE A. FAST has lived with chronic depression since age 19. She uses the strategies she created for this book to move forward in life on the toughest days. Julie is the author of Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder, Take Charge of Bipolar Disorder, OMG, That's Me! 2, and The Health Cards Treatment System for Bipolar Disorder. She is an award winning mental health columnist and educator. Julie also focuses on helping parents and partners understand how depression affects a person's life. You can read more about her work on D. PRESTON, PsyD., ABPP worked as a professor of psychology with Alliant International University, Sacramento, California. Dr. Preston is the author of 18 books on psychotherapy, psychopharmacology, spirituality and emotional healing, and neurobiology, among others. He also authored the "Drugs in Psychiatry" chapter in The Encyclopedia Americana.The tone of the book is friendly, accepting, and easy to relate to. When reading, one can almost sense someone sharing an exciting new strategy that may be helpful. There is no criticism, judgement, or censor. There is a tone of acceptance, informing without badgering, and recommending a “try it, what have you got to lose” approach.I work with caregivers, family members, and professionals impacted by someone with a mental illness/brain disorders through a nonprofit organization called "Grow a Strong Family". I am always on the hunt for resources to guide them into improving and strengthening their families. This book is one that I encourage the families I work with to purchase in hard copy so that they can highlight, make notes, and refer back to when they are feeling hopeless and at a loss when their loved ones are experiencing the symptoms of depression and anxiety.This is a great resource for individuals with lived experience of depression and when they are doing well, can access and incorporate the recommended strategies based on how their illness manifests so that they have a template for when they are beginning to slide into depression. This book is intended to build understanding about depression and its partner anxiety while encouraging symptom management, partnering with others, and overcoming the soul-crushing internal dialogue that is representative of a distorted perspective that masquerades as truth. There are so many tools that are offered to assist in managing the paralysis of depression that one can easily implement whatever is relevant to their needs. I especially like the scripts and the exercises because they offer ways to develop mastery of the use of the tools with the support of others.I highly recommend this book for individuals who experience chronic depression, their supports, and professionals who work with clients who live with depression or love someone with depression. This is a great resource with a comprehensive menu of options for understanding the nuances of depression and its often crippling and debilitating impact on individuals, their significant relationships, and their productivity. Understanding depression, strategies to counter its most deleterious effects, and shifting into a more constructive and affirmative life are certainly worthy of attention. This book offers a way to build a foundation of managing depression more effectively.

Getting It Done When You're Depressed, 2E: 50 Strategies for Keeping Your Life on Track
⭐ 4.5 💛 132
kindle: $1.99
paperback: $2.79
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