Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

by: David Allen (0)

The book Lifehack callsĀ "The Bible of business and personal productivity."

"A completely revised and updated edition of the blockbuster bestseller from 'the personal productivity guru'"ā€”Fast Company

Since it was first published almost fifteen years ago, David Allenā€™s
Getting Things Done has become one of the most influential business books of its era, and the ultimate book on personal organization. ā€œGTDā€ is now shorthand for an entire way of approaching professional and personal tasks, and has spawned an entire culture of websites, organizational tools, seminars, and offshoots.
Ā  Allen has rewritten the book from start to finish, tweaking his classic text with important perspectives on the new workplace, and adding material that will make the book fresh and relevant for years to come. This new edition of
Getting Things Done will be welcomed not only by its hundreds of thousands of existing fans but also by a whole new generation eager to adopt its proven principles.

The Quotes

We (1) capture what has our attention; (2) clarify what each item means and what to do about it; (3) organize the results, which presents the options we (4) reflect on, which we then choose to (5) engage with.

Getting things done requires two basic components: defining (1) what ā€œdoneā€ means (outcome) and (2) what ā€œdoingā€ looks like (action).

the real problem is a lack of clarity and definition about what a project really is, and what associated next-action steps are required.

I define a project as any desired result that can be accomplished within a year that requires more than one action step.

Vertical control, in contrast, manages thinking, development, and coordination of individual topics and projects.

The Reviews

The book is him talking about this for 267 pages. Look at the graph. You don't need 267 pages to understand how to use this.

The whole book summarise to , choose a day a week to write and review you plans and ideas. Organize them to immediate, delayed, and maybe actions. Done. Read 50 pages and then you will receive the same poorly written redundant information.

I read the first edition a few years ago and gave copies to everyone on my team. It was very actionable. This 2015 edition is not that.This new edition goes into more theory, but that makes it much harder to use as a concise guide of how to get things done.I loved the first edition, but the 2015 edition was tedious to read and I didn't have the patience to get through it. Too bad he ruined a good thing. It would have been better if he'd added a companion book with all the non-actionable theory, or separate chapters.

This revolutionized my life. I have been well organized... but I didn't know how to organize the FLOW of paperwork in my life. How to keep my in-box empty. !! My desk was always a pile of paper that I didn't know where to put things... and I would actually lose things on my desk. Whew! NO MORE! I got the physical copy of this book as well as the CD version and listen to it going to sleep and waking up in the morning... when I'm driving, or exercising or doing something where I can just let the information flow through my brain again. The clarity and specific depth of insight and clear instructions have helped me to completely reorganize my office so that projects get completed and nothing backs up. I know EXACTLY what to do when I sit down... and then just go do it. I keep my in-box empty... (mostly... still working on it. At last my whole desk is no longer my in-box. LOL.) I'm blown away by this. I no longer feel the conflict of trying to focus on a project and at the same time thinking I should be doing something else. Everything is written down on my List. It's out of my field of concentration until I want to check my List and see all the random other little things I want to accomplish. Clear focus. Zen mind. Peaceful mind. Balance. Wow. I'm deeply grateful.

I'll start by saying, David Allen is very long-winded taking pages to say what should take paragraphs. I really wanted to like this Audiobook but I just couldn't get into how some very basic ideas were spread out over 350 repetitive pages when it could have been done in 150 pages max.Listening to this book to me was very unproductive, which is kind of ironic. If you follow the suggestions and steps in this book, you will spend your days and weeks creating, organizing, filing, prioritizing todo lists in several different spaces, and getting nothing done. This is an unrealistic, overly-complicated strategy for managing your life professionally and personally.I was looking for some updated examples of organizing my day to day professional and personal life. Currently using a paper journal and online programs like G-Suite, Keep, Todoist, and Trello this book did not provide anything useful I didn't already know. Instead, offering more complex options for managing them.There are other books, articles & charts on GTD that give better, more concise ideas and steps on GTD in much shorter and easier steps allowing for a quicker more adaptable implementation to getting organized.Just Google it. ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ

The media could not be loaded. Ā In Getting Things Done, David Allen teaches that you must capture, clarify, and organize absolutely everything, even the seemingly insignificant tasks (i.e. change the lightbulb in the entryway).From reading this book I learned how to properly capture all of my to-dos ā€” all of those notes jotted down on Post-Its, items rolling around in my mind, requests sent to me via text message or Slack, emails that need follow up, etc. I learned how to properly categorize those tasks so that my mind can be clear when needed and I can be most productive during the times where it makes the most sense.Learning how to capture and properly clarify and organize all of your to-do items can take a bit of work. I cover my own process in more detail on my blog. But it is well worth the effort and practice if you want to accomplish peace of mind and sleep better at night.Creating (and following) this system has been a game-changer for me! Sure, I still wake up occasionally with that lingering item in my mind, but I capture it quickly in my Todoist app. Then I can rest easy knowing that due to the system I created based on the GTD methodology, Iā€™ll be able to take care of it the next day when Iā€™m back at work. I now accomplish Inbox Zero every morning by about 8 am, which is something I always thought was a myth among professionals, and Iā€™m known for being a go-to person for getting things done!If youā€™re interested in learning how to better organize your workload and be more productive, Getting Things Done is a must-read!

I read the first edition a few years ago and gave copies to everyone on my team. It was very actionable. This 2015 edition is not that.This new edition goes into more theory, but that makes it much harder to use as a concise guide of how to get things done.I loved the first edition, but the 2015 edition was tedious to read and I didn't have the patience to get through it. Too bad he ruined a good thing. It would have been better if he'd added a companion book with all the non-actionable theory, or separate chapters.

I hate books in this category that have one or two ideas and spend rest of the time trying to convince you they are right. This book was highly recommended by another business-skills author, but when I flipped through it, it looked like a lot of text and not much substance. I WAS WRONG. I skipped all of the intros and Chapter 1 and dove right in to Chapter 2. If after reading Chapter 2 and the first half of Chapter 3, you are not convinced this book will be full of great ideas, don't bother reading the rest and just return it. I, on the other hand, became convinced that reading the rest of the book, going back and reading the intros, and implementing the author's system in all aspects of life, would effect positive change. I was raving about it to a friend, but I refused to let them borrow it because I know I will be using this book as a reference for the rest of my life.One part of the intro that is very important (but now you can skip it by reading this) is the idea that implementing the full system sounds like a daunting task. That's OK! In Chapter 2, add it to your projects list. In Chapter 3, the author describes how to break down a project of any size and scope. In Chapter 10, he goes through all the fine details of how to execute a project using all of the tools you learned in Chapters 4-10.

I am pretty impressed with these curtains. Honestly I wasnā€™t expecting a lot for $27. The material is soft and hangs well. No funky odors or chemical smell. I chose the Jungle Green color and I think itā€™s a beautiful color and represented well by the color on screen. It does make the room quite a bit darker than the curtains I previously had, but I wouldnā€™t call them ā€œblack outā€ curtains. However, they offer the perfect amount of darkening for me. Our previous curtains kept the room too bright for our baby to settle down for nap and these work just right. Our windows are unshaded and south facing so they get blasted with light and you can see from my pictures that the curtains work really well to cut the brightness a lot.My only disappointment with these is that the backside of the curtain is the same color, meaning that all that sunlight is absorbed into the dark curtain fabric and they get HOT. It holds the heat a lot more than it would have if the backside had been a lighter color (say a cream or beige). So I wouldnā€™t necessarily call these thermal curtains. That said, I think that the daytime room temperature has actually gone down from when we had our other curtains and I havenā€™t noticed a night chill at all (my bed is directly underneath the windows) so I think they do offer a certain degree of insulation - much better than our old set of curtains. Also, I would have rather had fabric tie backs than these metallic tassel ones, but thatā€™s just personal preference.Overall, Iā€™m very impressed with them and plan on buying more sets for the rest of our home. I donā€™t think you can beat them for the price.

I am surprised at all the good reviews. These are NOT blackout curtains. They are nice material and the color is good, but they claim it blocks out 90-100% of light, but look at my photo. It hardly does that. It's not lined. They're just regular curtains. The room is darker but definitely not blackout or insulating in any way. If you are looking for nice curtains, you'll probably be happy, but I paid for blackout curtains so these are going back.

Nice quality. Tumble dry to remove wrinkles quickly. The yellow is very bright .... Frenchā€™s Mustard yellow. I was expecting a bit Less intense color but the color worked quite well.

Update 3/17/2022Vendor contacted me requesting to delete my comment in exchange for money.The point of online reviews is to enhance the customer experience providing feedbacks from consumers.The request of deleting my review is unethical and would lead to false advertisement, so I have respectfully declined it and Iā€™m posting this note for public knowledge, hoping Amazon will read this and take appropriate actions.ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”Original review:Overall they would be nice curtains, seems to be made of good and soft fabric, color very realistic too. My biggest disappointment is the false advertisement. In the product description, these curtains show an intermediate high density black layer in between the two external fabrics. The received product has nothing in there, I can see through when looking at the window with back light. I owe other REAL blackout curtains, definitively more expensive bath worth the money. At the end, you get what you pay for, I know that, itā€™s just annoying the false advertisement. Iā€™d rather prefer an honest product description and leave to the customer the choice if buy or not.All in all nice curtains but if you are looking for the real blackout ones, spend more money and get SunZero (level 4): you wonā€™t regret that purchase.

(The product reviewed is on the left in the above image) These are soft, durable, and of quality material. First I used them in my common areas in the summer to block the cool A/C air from escaping my living room into my non-temperature controlled kitchen. It was successful in this way. Then, after my baby was born, we used them in our bedroom, where we all sleep, because he wouldn't take naps during the day (the 8 week old kid knows light means AWAKE). Amazingly, he'll nap now because these curtains give the illusion that it's night time!! God send. I thought the price was very fair. I paid $20 total, I think, for 2 panels. My only complaint is that I don't think these are emerald green; they are darker and much more of a forest green, which bums me out a bit. Regardless, they've been SO useful, so helpful. Totally recommended.

I bought 2 sets of these for my office and spare bedroom that are on the south side of my house and have drafty windows with zero thermal insulation, and they work great! They're exactly what I need to help moderate the temp in my office, it keeps the heat out in the summer and the cold out in the winter, in addition to providing blackout properties for days I have a migraine but still have to work.

These are good light blockers. NOT great. Have used others from WalMart or Target that performed better. However, I would say these look a lot better than the big box stores version. The seams appear durable enough, and the grommets are adequately pressed. There was one little flaw of what appeared to be a mild burned area (?), but it's hidden out of sight.They work well enough and we appreciate the color selection. The photos are pretty close to the actual material color.

I was a little skeptic because of the price but the reviews were good so I gave them a shot. The curtains were for my daughters room because she likes it dark.The curtains arrived faster than expected and came with some tie cords that you can use to tie them to the side. I washed them before putting the up and they did really well in the washer. They are keeping my daughters room super dark. She now doesnā€™t know when itā€™s actually daytime so would probably sleep all day on the weekends if I wouldnā€™t kick her out of bed.Even though the curtains are made in China (unfortunately most of the stuff you buy is) Iā€™m super happy with them and will purchase them again in the future for our dining room or basement.

Self help is not a genre of books I read very often, but I made an exception for David Allenā€™s Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity. One of my goals for 2017 was to become better organised and to be more productive. I first learned about the GTD methodology through Carl Pulleinā€™s YouTube channel that I follow. Iā€™ve been working on this for around six weeks now, so itā€™s too early to tell, but Iā€™m happy with what Iā€™ve learned so far.Getting Things Done, or GTD, is a productivity methodology based on a few deceptively simple concepts. Now, Iā€™m still very new to GTD, but this is how I see it. One of the fundamental ideas behind GTD is that the human brain is excellent at processing ideas and being creative, but not a great storage facility. A key part of GTD is getting all ideas, projects and commitments out of your brain and into a trusted system or external brain.There are five activities to GDT: Capture, Clarify, Organise, Reflect and Engage. If I can take from the GTD website, this translates to:Capture: Collect what has your attention. For me, this means adding all my ideas, commitments and to-dos in my list manager application of choice, Todoist. I really love this application and regret that I donā€™t have it at work. I try to capture everything from my doctorā€™s appointments, to buying cat food for Lushka to a reminder to ask my husband if we have picture hooks. Iā€™m planning a trip to Europe this summer, so any time I think of something like oh, I must remember to get Swiss francs, into Todoist it goes.Clarify: Process what it means. Here I canā€™t be any more concise than or as clear as the workflow diagram on the GTD website:GtdHonestly, if I take away nothing more from my experience with GTD than the two minute rule (if you can do it in two minutes, do it now, otherwise delegate it or defer it) and the discipline to define the next physical action to move a task along it will have been worth it.Organise: Put it where it belongs. This is probably the area of GTD thatā€™s least intuitive for me ā€“ Iā€™m not very organised! At the very least, I try to put any appointments on my calendar, any tasks in the appropriate section of Todoist, and potentially relevant non-actionable information in Evernote. One interesting aspect of GTD is the use of contexts. This means organising your tasks not by priority but by the tools, location, and/or person you need to be able to complete them successfully. So, for example, in my Taxes 2016 list I have an item; pick up tax receipt from pharmacy. I tagged that as ā€œpharmacyā€ along with other items like pick up Polysporin and drop off new prescription. So when I go to the pharmacy I just check that tag to be reminded of all the things I have to accomplish while Iā€™m there. Similarly, while planning my trip to Europe I have a context of Susanne, the friend Iā€™m visiting. Any time I think of something I need to ask her, I add it to that list of things to discuss next time I call or email her.Reflect: Review your to do list and calendar frequently. The idea here is to keep your ā€œexternal brainā€ current with everything that you need to accomplish. If you donā€™t add to it or clear our stale items, your real brain will no longer trust your system and it will break down. Most GTDers do a review at least once a week.Engage: Simply do. Pick the tasks that are available to you based on your contexts and get cracking!The book itself is very well written and the edition I have was updated in 2015 to include discussion of new technology (not specific applications) and how it impacts the GTD workflow.if you are interested in improving your productivity and generally getting things done you could do a whole lot worse than to check out this book.I gave Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress Free productivity five stars out of five.

The book is him talking about this for 267 pages. Look at the graph. You don't need 267 pages to understand how to use this.

I read this book after feeling anxious about all of these things I need to do, want to do, and should be doing. I really appreciated how the book focused on each step of Getting Things Done in a positive and insightful way. I read through the book at its entirety without stopping to do each step, just to know the whole process. I now plan to go back through and listen to each of the steps while I do that. I recommend this for anyone looking to have a better sense of getting things done in their life and having their expectations managed. It does take time, as mentioned in the book, to trust the new method. However, I am going to do it!

I have bought this book for myself and for my staff. I really appreciate what using the GTD method has done for my work and personal life. People are always surprised by how much I have on my plate and how I manage to keep it all straight. This has been a game-changer for me and for my staff. because the formatting choice. It's paragraph after paragraph without enough separating, bolding, etc. for things to stand out. I really had to focus on reading line after line to pick up all the good information. Otherwise, it's a great book!

Summary: For anyone new to GTD, go ahead and buy this 2015 version, or save some money and buy the paperback original for $1.50. For anyone who already has a GTD book, just reread it and take a pass on this one, there's really nothing new.I purchased the original in March 2001 for use with my Palm Pilot. I subsequently purchased the Outlook add-in around 2007; and my company had a GTD consultant onsite and provided us access to GTD Connect in 2008. I've found the workflow and methodology useful. The underlying original strength of GTD is that the book not only states "what" has to happen, but through a specific methodology also "how" to make it happen.I was so excited about this 2015 update, with my expectations of entry to the digital age that I pre-purchased in Nov 2014. Just received the book today and I'm sorry to say that David is essentially punting on digital-age specifics in favor of generalities. Further, David admits that this is not a rewrite (though he did "retype the original manuscript").I'm actually fine with the retype vs rewrite though - as he states, the core ideas and methodology of GTD remain the same. But the reason I went to GTD in the first place was that it provided specific workflows incorporating paper and pencil and Outlook and PDAs - he had done the work to figure out what works and I was happy to adopt his recommendations.Since the original release there has been a profound shift in the use of technology - hardware, software, mobile and cloud. 2015 finds us in much more diversified and integrated data input/output environment than what the Palm and MSOffice suite offered in 2000, and so there is a very good reason to update the "how" part of the equation to manage this new information capture and task-list ecosystem.In the new edition, the author provides some digital guideline feature specifics (software outline program should allow for sub-headings, expand/collapse ability), even more generalities, but mostly just derails the digital conversation of any 'how' by sweeping particulars under the carpet with a few ambiguities of "what" needs to be done, not "how" to do it, "Make sure you create comfort with the [computer] applications ["used for developing and capturing project plans and collateral"]. It will behoove you to do regular reviews and updating of this content and keep it current with consistent purging and reorganizing."Punting on digital specifics of today's workflow world because, in his words, ā€œthe rate of innovation in this area means that any specific software program can easily be outdated, upgraded, or undermined by the next new thing", and that he has admittedly "hopped out of the fray, opting instead to provide a general model for how to evaluate the usefulness of any tool" is, for me, not useful. I *know* there is a plethora of digital tool options, and I wanted him to do the work and figure out what works. Fine, publish a revision when the tools change, I'll buy it. That's why he and his team get paid the big bucks. But if I wanted to spend my time figuring the complexity of tools out myself I'd have done that from day one. To me, this would be like Lonely Planets back-peddling on restaurant and hotel reviews. "Oh, there are just sooo many these days, let us tell you what to look for instead,,,, try to find a restaurant with lots of people in it, and look for a hotel with clean sheets." Uh, yea.The original methodology and task-driven workflow remains true in the 2015 book as in the original. The "psycap" and other psychological drivers and underpinnings are interesting in the new book. But whereas I was confident that I had a pretty holistic system set-up as a result of the original book (and actually, as much a result of a smaller digital footprint, and I know I'm not the exception), I now feel, with this "completely updated" edition, that I have half a system with a digital divide, a "black hole" as the author even alludes.I understand all the high reviews, the methodology is still very good as described, and yes, freshened. My rating of this book is as a version updated for what we would all agree is an increasingly digital world and unfortunately, whereas the "what" might be explained, I find the book lacking on the "how". I agree that it has helped me refine my thinking about how to use GTD in the digital age,,, i.e., I now think that I cannot rely just on this one book as a holistic model of how to get it all done ;)For anyone new to GTD, go ahead and buy this 2015 version, or save some money and buy the paperback original for a $1.50 and you'll learn the essentials that have not changed. For anyone versed in GTD, I offer David's statement from this new book: "...whenever anyone loops back through the material, they invariably have a response like, "Oh my God, this is totally different information and perspective" than what they had remembered from earlier, "it was a totally different book each time!" So if you have an earlier GTD book? Just reread it and you'll likely get the same "new" experience and fresh perspective as from this 2015 book, particularly given that there really are no digital age specifics that many of us were hoping for.

GTD is an extremely important concept of great potential value. That said, I found this book to be a frustrating read: It is extremely wordy, takes a long time to get to the ā€œmeatā€ pod the book, and is extremely redundant (which is quite ironic when you consider the subject!). Worst of all, the authorā€™s key GTD concepts tend to be buried in all this muck.I recommend going online to get a quicker, more focused exposure to GTD (e.g., one of the authorā€™s interviews or TED talks).

I think this is required reading for the modern knowledge worker. If you ever struggle with how to manage all your commitments, David Allen has broken down the essentials of that problem and provides an effective, comprehensive solution that actually works, if you do the techniques with the attitudes and understanding he describes in this book.

What he recommends works. I wish I had found this book when I was younger. I highly recommend this book.

I like it Iā€™m applying some of the techniques I learned here and helped me to organice and be more efficient at my work

It really is about the basics. Many of the things suggested here I've done for years to organize, just hacks I've made up over the years. But this book provides a system, a framework to put it all in. It's easy to get started in the GTD system while you read the book and see instant results. I'm already experiencing big changes and relieving stress in my life.

Itā€™s been 1 week since this collar arrived. Upon opening the package, all was packaged neatly, all parts included and easy to identify.Instructions were detailed and explained operations sufficiently. Although, I highly recommend a new user for this collar type to watch some basic and command videos on YT before using. As a new user myself, the last thing I wanted to do is scare my dog and myself.This collar should not be used as discipline rather, it should be used to train your dog. To date, we have not used the shock feature at all- we havenā€™t needed to. While the settings do advance to a high setting, do not assume because of size and breed of dog one must use high settings! This is a common misconception and itā€™s explained very well in the videos we watched from Upstate Canine Academy. I highly recommend these videos and encourage all to watch as they explain the collar, itā€™s benefits and how easy it is to become ā€œpack leaderā€ with this collar. We like these videos for many reasons but one that stands out to us is food or treats is NOT used for reward. We donā€™t want our dogs to gain weight and use food as a means of reward. Food is not always available in certain situations and if not available to reward your dog, your dog will become confused and lose its understanding of training. Dogs love to please us so affection and verbal praise is all they need. This collar allows you to do just that!It has been 1 week since we received and powered on the collar. Our dog wears from 7am (1st outside visit after sleep) to 11pm (when itā€™s bedtime for the entire house). We do not leave on 24/7 as we want our dog to sleep comfortably as well as bark for intruders, fires and general alert events we cannot identify while sleeping. So for 7 days at 16 hours per day on, not once have we had to charge the collar and remote! This is astounding as others weā€™ve tried needed recharging overnight every night. Note: to lengthen and preserve battery life, One only needs to charge when the red light indicator on the collar blinks or the battery icon on the remote appears almost empty, which at the time of this review appears full!How We Use This CollarWe have a hyper, easily distracted and disruptive mix breed rescue. To say this dog is exhausting on all levels is an understatement. This collar was a last resort for us after failed attempts at more instructive hands on training attempts. We can honestly say, after 5 months of adoption we spoke of rehoming often during this last month. With just 1 week with this collar weā€™ve been able to learn more of our dog and heā€™s been able to learn from us - a win win for all as now we find ourselves enjoying him and heā€™s not as frustrated! Those videos we mentioned above were a key component to this successful week! He also has less anxiety, quickly learned whatā€™s expected of him and we are pleased meaning he is not sensing our stress and frustration either.We do not use the Shock Setting option - this will be saved for an extreme situation like breaking the lead and taking off down the busy farming highway we live on. We rarely use the Vibration Setting now although we did in the beginning when our dog was too wound up in his own space and we could not get his attention with the Audio Setting. The Audio Setting is all we need now! And we should mention - all three settings are at Level 2! You read that right - 2, not 10 or higher.Watching those videos teaches you any collar like this one should be a tool to aid you in training, not punishment. We use this collar in conjunction with our own household verbal commands and expectations. Our dog is responding very well. There have even been times already at 1 week we have not needed to use the remote and he has responded to our verbal redirection successfully! This brings us joy as prior to owning this collar all we did was cuss and mutter discontented feelings to one another. Now our dog sees us happy and heā€™s happy too!I should also mention, just having the collar on commands his attention. He is much calmer and well behaved simply putting the collar on - he learned very quick and knows what it means!There is only one, wish we have for the remote - an included lanyard. Not all wear clothing with pockets each day and itā€™s very hard to navigate a leash, the dog, a cup or car keys with two hands and a collar remote. A lanyard for around the neck would be a positive feature for those with busy days and incorporate training simultaneously.Overall, for the price, quality and functions, we recommend this collar and will purchase again if the need arrives. We will update this review in a month or two if we notice anything noteworthy that differs from the above.Update - 11/10/2020 - itā€™s been almost 2 months with this collar and we have total success with this collar. Our rescue who was bound for a rehoming is now a permanent family member. Itā€™s hard to explain how one can adopt to give a rescue a chance and not be wanted. We feel guilt in these feelings but the dog we adopted was beyond our reach without help! Not one trainer would train this dog. All spent 5-10 minutes with him and said, ā€œtake him back.ā€ But how do you take a cute dog back to a shelter after he was already abandoned in a garbage dumpster? And what kind of life do they have in the shelter with never the same diet, no cuddles and love sessions, sleeping on cold concrete and listening to large breed dogs bark 24/7, afraid, cold and lonely with no toys?? We saved $3,000.00 in dog training fees with trainers that didnā€™t want to train him. And we saved him from returning back to a miserable life we saved him from. And now heā€™s a cuddly, well behaved pup who has melted our hearts and blended into our environment with ease.We only had to use the shock option twice - once for a deer across a field and once for bicyclists passing by our property. As a result he sits and watches the deer and cyclists without running and barking after them.The vibration option is only used when heā€™s so focused and canā€™t be redirected with the audio feature but we should also mention - the vibration setting still remains at 2 as does the shock feature. We have not had to elevate the setting. As stated in our previous review - just having the collar on produces acceptable behaviors. He knows!We have not been paid for this review; this review is of our own free will.

I have the cutest, sweetest Cavachon (Molly) you could ever imagine. She loves all people. She doesnā€™t destroy anything in the house. She never has an accident. I canā€™t imagine a better dog in every way, except she has one unbearable issue... she absolutely despises ALL DOGS (except her Maltese sister, who she adores). When I say itā€™s unbearable, I really mean it. Our entire family loves this dog as if she were human. We truly cannot imagine a day without her, but over the past 3 years, there have been times that weā€™ve wondered how much more of her barking we can take before we lose our minds. You see, we live in a suburb of Chicago. Our lots are small and neighbors are plenty. Every house in our vicinity, except for 1, has a dog. Theyā€™re all extremely well behaved. In fact, they love Molly. They sit adorably by our black metal fence and smile at her, sticking their nose through the fence posts, playfully wagging their tail, wishing they could come over and play in our yard. But Mollyā€™s not having any of it. She instantly transforms from a perfectly groomed beauty into a deranged, viscous misfit at the mere sight of any dog, sprinting over to the fence to scream and bark in their face incessantly, non-stop. I can only imagine the awful things sheā€™s saying as I watch in horror while my neighbors are mortified that their sweet pooches are being treated so horribly by the neighborhood bully. The toughest part is that she goes into a trance during these episodes of erratic behavior. No matter how loud I call her name, she ignores me. Sometimes Iā€™m not outside. Sometimes Iā€™m not even dressed. But the only way sheā€™ll stop is if I run out there and pick her up and carry her inside. Well, thatā€™s crazy inconvenient. Weā€™ve tried everything, but nothing has worked. My neighbors are all so sweet and kind, but they must absolutely hate her constant barking. I mean we do, too.Now that you have the back story, let me get to my product review. I bought this collar without ever having the intention to use the shock feature, but wanted the option. I couldnā€™t be happier that Iā€™ve never had to use that feature and never will. Molly stops barking IMMEDIATELY just from with the sound or vibration. In fact, the has such a strong reaction to both, that I think the vibration is more humane. The sound feature makes her shake her head a couple times afterwards. That tells me it really bothers her ears. The vibration feature literally made her jump 3 feet straight in the air. It broke my heart! I assumed maybe the remote was malfunctioning and I accidentally shocked her. So, I removed the collar and tried it on myself. The vibration feature is COMPLETELY HARMLESS. It does exactly what youā€™d expect...vibrates. Somehow, this completely benign action really startles her and thatā€™s a great thing. She immediately stops barking, turns around and walks away. I swear! I sounds absurd, but itā€™s true. Iā€™ve had this now for about a week and it works like a charm every time. In fact, I can see Molly is already showing her own restraint and oftentimes doesnā€™t even bark to begin with anymore. Iā€™m having a pinch me moment. First, I feel terribly guilty that my poor neighbors have had to endure her crazy barking fits for 3 years while I couldā€™ve simply resolved this issue humanely with a $25 product from the get-go. And, second, Iā€™m just shocked that she is reacting the way she does to this harmless vibration action. I couldnā€™t be happier or more appreciative. This little device has saved our sanity and stopped us from having to constantly yell at our beloved little pooch! Molly will be happier for it. We are happier for it. Our neighbors are happier for it. Itā€™s a win, win, win! YAY!!!Now, if I can only make one suggestion to the manufacturer...the remote needs a wrist strap!!

I assembled it myself and I have a low skill set for assembly. I love the black finish. My only comment is, I wish it had a drawer

Arrived quickly and in excellent condition. Itā€™s exactly what I wanted. Itā€™s good quality for a good price. I would definitely recommend.

We bought this table for between out couch and recliner which sit on an angle. It fits perfect. Showed up without a blemmish on any of the pieces. Easy to put together. Very sturdy and stable.

We went around to a few different local furniture stores looking for 2 wedge shaped coffee tables and were going to have to order them and they were not only going to be expensive but were going to take quite a while to get here. We thought that we would give these a try and they work great. The got here in like 2 days and were a breeze to put together.

Pretty easy assembly although I had a cam lock break during assembly. I emailed them and had a response in hours that new ones were on the way. Great service! It fits perfectly between our living room chairs

This product has sturdy parts but after assembly it is wobbly and unstable

Table delivered on time. Easy to assemble. No damage. Looks great in my living room. Would buy it again.

Very pleased with this side tableā€¦good fit between my sofa and angled lounger. Clean design. Well packaged, quality hardware, easy to assemble. Feels solid. Even came with a touch up/filler stick, though it wasnā€™t needed.

Really fantastic book. Highly recommend

Innumerable life lessons in this book, any number of which will improve your quality of life even if you don't incorporate them all.

In addition to being a great book, I love how readable this edition's format is.

Read it - and reread it! Youā€™ll want this in your library for improving organization within your office and work. Great ability to implement as much as you want at the speed you want.

The shoes are beautiful. Sturdy and came on time. However if you have a wider foot, I highly recommend you size up. Iā€™m 6ā€™0ft and wear a size 11, but with a wider foot, they fit very snug on my toes. I hope this helps. Overall, theyā€™re adorable(using them mainly for a Halloween costume).

Pros: the packaging was really pretty and thoughtful. There was extra padding for you to put in the shoes for comfort and there was also a complimentary artificial rose which was really sweet. The shoes were very stable and gorgeous and had a nice cushiony sole. I have pretty muscular legs but the shoes really slimmed them out and made them look super feminine and elegant. I tried them on with some small fishnet tights and I felt like a showgirl.Cons: Although I am usually a size 7 ordering shoes online, these definitely run small. I recommend sizing up as I had experienced pain trying to fit my toes and I wouldnt be able to fit the extra cushion if I wanted to. If I had sized up, they would've been way more comfortable and the cushion probably would've helped fill any extra room that would come with getting a larger size.Overall: I was impressed with the quality and consideration so I will definitely be returning these and reordering in a larger size. I personally feel that the price is worth it.

Yes, I am a guy and yes, I do wear high heels (because heels were originally made for guys!) Know what size you are (in heels) because I am a size US 10 in men, size US 11 in women but in high heels, this is the second pair of heels that I own and I am a size 9 in men, 10 in women. The moment I tried the second pair (sizing down from your original size) they fit like a glove and I can surprisingly walk in these without major issues. If you happen to buy a size or two too big and thinking about purchasing 'heel grips', don't bother - you're not going to be happy in the end. If the heels 'fit like a glove' - you're going to be happier in the end and know that your feet aren't going to move around too much causing you to fall. 100% recommend these high heels and the customer service is top-notch and they will help you with any issues that you may run into!! Thank you!

Got lots of compliments on them, but they were painfully tight In the toe box. Used a shoe stretcher on them and their better, but they will never be a long wear shoe.

Purchased these high heels for my wife and she loves them, puts her up at the sexy Amazonian height ! Excellent quality, packaging and price, highly recommended !

I Love my shoes! Their sturdy and so Cuuute! If you Love 5-6in heels/strap around the ankle.?You will them alsoā¤ļø

A surprisingly comfortable easy walking pair of shoes. I now have four pairs: White, Beige, Wine, and Blue. I normally wear an 11W, so I order these in 12 (medium) and they fit comfortably snug enough to dance in (for me, 12 is sometimes a little too loose). I would guess that in this larger size range they may be a half size small, so order yours accordingly.

They are super cute but painful to wear. My toes were squeezed (I don't have a wide feet either) and returned them as soon as I tried 1 shoe on. Maybe good for ladies with skinny narrow feet.

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