Hands-On Python BEGINNER: with 162 Exercises, 3 Projects, 3 Assignments & Final Exam

by: Musa Arda (0)

This book is an in-depth and activity-based introduction to Python programming. It follows a step-by-step practical approach by combining the theory of the language with hands-on coding exercises including quizzes, projects, assignments and exams.

We begin by setting up the development environment and cover the basics of Python language like comments, operations, data types, variables, functions, conditional statements, loops, strings and comprehensions. Further we cover all the main data structures in Python like Lists, Dictionaries, Tuples and Sets in detail. At the end of each chapter there is a coding quiz of ten questions. We build three projects which are Turtle, Words and Snake Game and after each one there will be an assignment. And finally we have the final exam, which will let you to test your Python level.

By the end of the book, you will learn all the fundamental concepts of Python in great detail by writing thousands of lines of code. All the supplementary resources (
code files, quizzes, assignments, final exam etc.) are available for download at the Github repository. The link for the repository is provided in the book.

Here is what you will find in this book:
Theory: In each topic, we will cover all the Theoretical Details with example coding.
True/False (42 questions): We will have True/False questions at the end of the sub-topics.
Coding Exercises (120 questions): At the end of each chapter, we will have Coding Exercises that is a Quiz of 10 questions.
Projects (3): We will have 3 Projects in this book. You will learn how to apply Python concepts on real-world problems.
Assignments (3): After each project, you will have an Assignment. These assignments will let you build the project from scratch on your own.
Final Exam: At the end of this book you will have the Final Exam. It is a multiple choice exam with 20 questions and a limited duration.

1. Introduction 2. Getting Started 3. The First Program 4. Variables 5. Functions I 6. Project 1 – Functions 7. Assignment 1 – Functions 8. Conditional Statements 9. Functions II 10. Loops 11. Strings 12. Project 2 - Words 13. Assignment 2 – Words 14. List 15. Dictionary 16. Tuple 17. Set 18. Comprehension 19. Project 3 - Snake Game 20. Assignment 3 - Snake Game 21. Final Exam 22. Conclusion

The Reviews

Highly recommended book for Python beginners. It heps a lot.

I don't like how it's dependent of third party software and that software is integral throughout the entire book. It doesn't show examples and then the results or ask you to use your preferred environment to determine the results, it strictly relies on their selected app.

This is a good book but make sure you buy it for the programming and not for raising snakes. The title can be a little misleading. I got this book thinking that it would help my nephew Brandon with raising his snake. He has a snake name sleepy joe. Right now joe lives in a white cage but we think that is too good for him. (That snake is no good, always biting. We call him Biting Joe. After all, we bought a different animal, but somehow that didn't turn out. We are trying to get him back tough). Anyways, I love this book. It teaches you now to program in Python. Just know that you don't always get what you want, just like in real life. It still trump all the other python books out there. Last I check, it is #45 on the most popular list of python books. Highly recommended.

Hands-On Python BEGINNER: with 162 Exercises, 3 Projects, 3 Assignments & Final Exam
⭐ 4.6 💛 36
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