How to Become a Voice Over Artist: Make a Living from Home with Your Voice!

by: Natalie Roers (0)

(Edition 3) This book was updated to an entirely new version as of June 5th, 2021.
While this book is available for purchase in all countries, please note that it is written by an American and details her experiences in the American market. While general business and equipment advice relates to everyone information regarding taxes, coaches, and other specific resources may not apply to actors in other countries.

Interested in voice over? Want to make money from home using your voice? Or, maybe you're curious to get insider information on how to start and develop a voice over business. This step-by-step, easy to understand guide from industry veteran, Natalie Roers, details everything she did from the equipment she used, to how she broke into the business, to how she built her client base to become a full-time home-studio voice over recording artist. Whether you're simply interested in what the field entails, are looking to do voice overs as a hobby, or are ready to take your voice work to the next level, this guide addresses your most pressing questions quickly and clearly.

The Reviews

This was a short book, I finished it in less than an hour, but it is full of valuable information! As a semi-established voice over artist, I already possessed much of the knowledge Natalie so kindly shares in her book, and I completely agree with her suggestions, and whole-heartedly recommend her book to anyone who is just beginning their voiceover journey and at a loss of where to start, or what to do. She even shares her preferred equipment and editing programs, with the added note that you should research the options, and discover what works best for you. I continue to seek out voiceover books because I enjoy reading about how people got their start, and what mistakes they may have made along the way. Also, because we should never stop learning and assimilating knowledge in our chosen field. There is always more to learn!

This was an excellent purchase. She gave just enough groundwork to get moving in the right direction. Starting with essential tools like microphones and recording booth setup, she eventually moves into resources to hone the craft and develop it into a marketable and profitable career. I had studied VO years ago, so I went into with a bit of a background knowledge to start, but I think anyone realistically interested in pursuing VO would benefit from this book, regardless of any previous knowledge or experience. Worth buying.

I really liked the part about when to turn this adventure into a business! This book is a great beginners jump point as i know nothing about the subject matter. I trust what the author is stating and it creates a bit of excitement for me as I anticipate my next step! Thank You Mrs. Roers (roars) lol. Take care!

If you're just starting to investigate voice over and voice acting, this is a nice primer. You will need to go much deeper should you decide to pursue further, but it's resources like this that help you make those determinations.The book is well written, realistic but encouraging. If looks like at least some of it might be from her blog posts, but I appreciate having it organised and am happy to pay for that.

Thank you Natalie. As someone new to voiceover I was looking for something that would give me a good description of what the business is like. Your book is straightforward and not complicated but covers all the bases from start to big time. I especially appreciate the advice at the end. Made me think seriously about whether or not it is what I want to do at this time in my life. It is exactly the introduction that I needed.

I purchased this for someone interested in voice-over work. It was short enough that I read it as well. It's well organized. Appears to have very useful information in a condensed format that is easy to follow and understand. It's a good choice.

First book downloaded. Easy read. I now have a long list of objectives to complete to see if this childhood dream could come true. Thank you for sharing a bit of yourself to help people like me. All the best Natalie.

This is THE BEST book I have ever read about voice overs. I wish I would have found it when I was just starting out!!! It is so unintimidating, straightforward and literally contains thoughtful answers to every question you're too embarrassed to ask when you're new to the industry. I will recommend this to every new voice over artist I meet. Especially because it's not Natalie trying to throw around terms and buzz words to show how knowledgeable she is. It feels like she wants to actually HELP.If you are just starting out, BUY THIS BOOK NOW. If you're a veteran voice artist, buy it anyway. I can't say enough about this easy to read, gem of a manual.

How to Become a Voice Over Artist: Make a Living from Home with Your Voice!
⭐ 4.5 💛 171
paperback: $2.99
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