Witty, entertaining, fun and full of honest advice on how to get rich.If you are looking for the get rich fad of the month, look elsewhere. This is one of the more honest, truthful books about obtaining (and keeping) wealth you will find. The information is presented in a lively, entertaining manner.However you will quickly find that Felix offers no shortcuts. Nor does he lead you to believe that it is easy to get rich or that anyone can in fact get rich. Actually on more than one occasion, he advises that getting rich is not all that it is cracked up to be. And before you make all the sacrifices you should do some real soul searching about the cost and the benefits.So what is the secret to getting rich? While there are no secrets, there are plenty of things you must do if you really want to get rich. The first is you must be "utterly determined". Most people will not get rich because they are not fully committed to getting rich.Felix defines rich a little different than most "get rich gurus". His definition is someone with a net worth greater than one hundred fifty million.The book is brutally honest about the value of ideas. Ideas are not important. Execution is "one thousand times more important than a great idea. The day to day follow through, doing the work, sticking with an idea long enough to make it work, these are the traits which can make anyone rich. However most people will not stick with an idea, they will not put in the effort. We have become addicted to "instant results". Expecting instant results is folly.We have become a nation of information gatherers. Most people are highly knowledgeable. But as Dennis quotes Emerson, "No matter how much faculty of idle seeing a man has, the step from knowing to doing is rarely taken." And therein lies the problem. We know but do not do. Getting rich is all about doing.The premise of the book is very valid. "Times change but people basically do not change." Therefore business models must change with the times. The bright shinny objects that we spend our money on will change, but the reasons, the emotional needs for spending the money do not change. If you wish to get rich, you must understand this basic concept. You cannot chase last years money maker. You need to be looking forward.The major reason that people do not do better, do not in fact get rich is fear. Not just fear of failure, but fear of the "embarrassment of failure". If you want to get rich, you must stare down all your fears. You will not banish them, but you must conquer them or they will surely conquer you.The most important line in the entire book, in fact the essence of the book is this: "Getting rich comes from an attitude of mind. It isn't going to happen if things drift on pretty much the way they are right now." If you truly want to achieve extraordinary wealth, you must adopt an attitude of mind that makes getting that wealth the most important thing in your life.But instead of letting a desire for wealth rule our life, we let fear rule our life. As long as fear rules our lives, we will be timid, we will hold back.You will get to know a lot about the man by reading this book. He freely admits to making many mistakes. But he also learned from them.There is so much wisdom about life and business in the book. It would be great if all entrepreneurs could read the book and thereby gain the wisdom. But I am afraid that each of us still needs to learn the hard way. It is like Michel de Montaigne said, "We can be knowledgeable with other men's knowledge, but we cannot be wise with other men's wisdom." There is much wisdom in the book. Perhaps by reading it, you will gain a short cut to wisdom about what is important in life.