HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites

by: Jon Duckett (0)

A full-color introduction to the basics of HTML and CSS from the publishers of Wrox!

Every day, more and more people want to learn some HTML and CSS. Joining the professional web designers and programmers are new audiences who need to know a little bit of code at work (update a content management system or e-commerce store) and those who want to make their personal blogs more attractive. Many books teaching HTML and CSS are dry and only written for those who want to become programmers, which is why this book takes an entirely new approach.

  • Introduces HTML and CSS in a way that makes them accessible to everyoneā€•hobbyists, students, and professionalsā€•and itā€™s full-color throughout
  • Utilizes information graphics and lifestyle photography to explain the topics in a simple way that is engaging
  • Boasts a unique structure that allows you to progress through the chapters from beginning to end or just dip into topics of particular interest at your leisure

This educational book is one that you will enjoy picking up, reading, then referring back to. It will make you wish other technical topics were presented in such a simple, attractive and engaging way!

This book is also available as part of a set in hardcover -
Web Design with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery, 9781119038634;Ā and in softcover - Web Design with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery, 9781118907443.

The Reviews

I absolutely loved this book, so well-written and and such a nice print. I have decent amount of experience with other programming/scripting languages but I was a complete beginner in web development with zero knowledge of html and css. This book was an excellent start for learning both.The only small issue is that it was written when html5 was under development and although it covers many of the html5 features, the core of the book is not html5, especially with extensively covering subjects like flash videos. That is why an update would help a lot.Having said all that, if I want to recommend a book for html and css, it would be definitely 100% this book. You can build your base knowledge with this and it does a great job at that, and later you will be able to extend your knowledge with many other available ways.

Excellent book for any skill-level, but essential to all beginners! The content is laid out in a very fun fashionable way that will hold the reader's interest. The content is clear, concise and well-ordered. I once believed that once you've seen one HTML+CSS book, you've seen them all, but this one is truly one of a kind. The paper quality and design is bar-none a graphical artist's dream.HOWEVER...The build quality. Upon first time cracking this book open, you will feel how stiff and sensitive the binding is. I am very afraid to press down on the spine to get the book to lay down more flat to make reading words closer to inside the page simple. Judging by other reviewers, my fear is truly founded. But for now, all is intact. Will update if there are any changes to this current event...[update, 2019]Rather late, but this is something that I feel is worth mention & may help others:My copy is still intact (paperback) with no loose pages. Same goes for my hardback copy of the JS/SQ companion text. Both have been well-used during my autodidactic journey. The style-system Duckett has created here is what sets this text series apart from all other books I've read and own.I still recommend this book, however, there is no such thing as "the perfect technical book." I feel there are a few crucial lessons missing from this text: a chapter on media queries (mobile-first approach) and a decent overview of a couple CSS frameworks. While Duckett does introduce the ability to control min- and max- widths, and he offers a section on liquid layouts, mobile-first responsive pages are, more or less, the standard of today. This is not a complaint, whatsoever, but just something I felt it lacked and could use in a later edition, perhaps.STILL A 5-STAR RECOMMENDATION IN AUG. 2019!

I bought this as I'm in the process of preparing to transition in my career back to being a front-end or full-stack developer -- after about 15 years away from it. I'd been keeping current with HTML and CSS development, so this was a purchase intended to be a quick refresher and to get better acquainted with some of the things added with HTML5. The book itself is well-produced -- full color printing throughout, and well-organized, and it touches on categories beyond just basic HTML and CSS. The only issues I have are minor quibbles and related to outdated information -- no sense in including information about embedding Flash in a website, given that it's a dead tech and has been supplanted by HTML5 interactivity and video. Information in the SEO section is outdated as well, and isn't just the non-issue that the book implies -- it can actually have a negative effect. All in all, though, an okay book to get back to up-to-speed on front-end development, and a fantastic book for the beginner.

I was very nervous about taking a class in this stuff, because I am brand new to the subject, and I don't learn new things very easily. My college professor's lectures are nothing but jargon and nonsense, and I am lucky to get anything out of them. This book, however, explains everything in such a simple, organized way that I am able to use everything in it immediately.I am halfway through the book, and am only just starting the CSS portion. I don't anticipate the second half being any more difficult than the first, as it is the style of writing and the organization of the material which has been most helpful, and the author's approach does not appear to change in the second half of the book. Each tag has its own page, for the most part. Some similar tags will be two to a page. On each page of the HTML chapters, the HTML is written as you would see/write it in your source editor like Notepad++, and below the photo of the source editor screen is a picture of how it would look in a web browser. The descriptions are written along the side.The very first chapter shows you exactly how to make a basic web page, and then shows you how to display it in your browser, which makes you feel like you've accomplished something right from the start. I would recommend this book to a beginner. I really appreciate this author's style.

Guys I had a basic understanding of html and css when I bought this book. And guess what, I was blown away by the contents. There was soooo much new stuff in this book that I didn't find on youtube tutorials. Trust me...if you want to start web designing carrier here is the base that you should step on. The writer had put so much effort on it. It is colorful and detailed. For me the best thing was there was NO JUNK on it. Straight to the point. No zigzag and crapy stuff. This is how all books should be made. Thank you Jon. And please write some more on advanced levels. jQuery, Java-Script, github, Backbone Js, Angular JS, Unit testing....all you can cover. And please stick to the easyness and straight to the point. God bless

I am teaching myself Front-End Web Development and this book is one that has helped ALOT to understand some of the HTML and CSS principles better. I only have about 3 months of experience and have the ability to build a static webpage and currently working towards making dynamic ones hopefully by the end of the year or next. If you are a beginner then I would suggest this book. I got it in yesterday and already have read through 7 chapters of the book taking notes and applying everything I am learning. Not to mention that the book is extremely easy to read with diagrams and examples compared to other books I have seen where it is plain text on a page with an example.

Just a small minor glimpse of the book and I'm already in love with it. Very informative. It's in perfect condition. You can't even tell it's used. And I got it way ahead of schedule. Was suppose to arrive between 08/09 - 08/23. Got it 08/03. That's 3 for 3.

I'm teaching myself UI/UX from scratch.If you are in the same boat, this is a great book to start with. Sure, every bit of knowledge in this book exists onlineā€”but do you know what you need to learn? I didn't. There are so many online resources for learning html & css that it's overwhelming. Functionally useless for someone who doesn't yet see the big picture. So against common senseā€”I am recommending an old-fashioned book to learn a programming language. After reading this book, I have the general knowledge to read blogs/ tutorials/ guides and to understand their scope and place in the big scheme of web development.It's likely time for this book to be updated, yet it's the most current book I could find. Any book on this subject needs to be rewritten often, so thats not a mark against it. The fundamentals are all here. After I finished each chapter, I searched stackoverflow, w3c, etc... to determine the current best practices. For instance, @font-face has become much easier lately, as most developers have settled on .woff and .woff2 as a reasonable amount of coverage. You'll realize that these things are constantly evolving.

This is a great, great, book on html and css. I would have loved to have had this book years ago when I began learning web design. I leisurely read the whole book in a week (the layout of this book makes it very easy to go through), and I am already referencing it here and there for little things I can't recall off the top of my head. Definitely a good title to have in your library. I have the javascript & Jquery book pre-orded as well, and I'm looking forward to reading that one as well.

The best book on HTML and CSS I've ever read. It was such a pleasure and discovery to find this well structured, comprehensive and carefully written source at the time when I've decided to refresh my knowledge of the subject after more than 15 years. It really works for any level, and can be highly recommended.

Hands down the best tutorial/book I've come across. As a student with a non-existing budget I tried for a while to learn HTML/CSS through various YouTube-videos and other articles, however, I could't really get the hang of it. So I bought this book, and I don't regret it for a second! Duckett explains everything in such an easy way, and doesn't blabber on about stuff you don't need to know about at that point, or generally don't understand. If you want to learn HTML/CSS - how to use it, or just understand how it works - you need this book!

This review is for the softcover. The content of the book is excellent, 5ā˜…'s. The book itself, should I call it the hardware, is a piece of trash. I hadn't reached pg. 100 when it started falling apart. And as I read on, more and more chunks of it fell out. I'm at pg. 200 now and the book's in many sections; some sections consist of 30 page chunks and 10 page chunks and other sections are just a few pages clinging together. In an online response to complaints by other purchasers of this book, the publisher, Wiley apologized and assured us the next printing would be done by a differenl printer; whereas I'm happy for future buyers of this book, that doesn't help me. I feel that Wiley should have offered some kind of compensation. I would advise paying a few dollars more and getting the hardbound edition (hopefully the problem doesn't exist there.)

My son who is a beginning coder in HS, needed this book for his html class. I am an experienced coder, but not in html, which also makes me a beginner. Each of us with different levels of skill, were able to pick up this book and without any prior html experience write a rather sophisticated website. We created a floating menu navigation bar, search bar, background graphics, cool fonts, drop down box with calendar feature for appointments, click to email links, links to other pages and sites to name a few. Its easy to understand, the information is indexed well and easy to locate your specific topic, and the quality of the book is very nice. Good value for the price, too.

I bought this as a textbook for an HTML class in my Master's program. I have had a lot of good textbooks, and more often, horrible textbooks in the course of the degree. This book is easily my favorite text of all of my degree programs. I am not a novice at HTML nor am I an expert, but anything I needed to reference was easily located and the color coding to differentiate between HTML and CSS was extremely helpful.

What a great book. It has taken me into coding an HTML website far faster than I could have imagined possible. It is superbly written. The layout is stellar. It makes it easy to go back and find a previous bit of code.Could not give it a better recommendation. Sure, I'm sure everything in this book is available for free online but I really believe this is worth the twenty dollars. I will probably have this book long after I have coded my first elementary website.At this point in my life, I don't know how I will apply my knowledge of HMTL and CSS coding. I am sure, however, that I will apply it. I am very happy that I decided to buy this book.

I decided that although I use both GoLive and Dreamweaver that I need to get more into html5. This is excellently written in easy language and I am working my way through it. With technology moving so rapidly in the web category html5 coding is now the thing to use. Having learned other programs that Google and Bing don't acknowledge any more makes it more important than ever to get a good grounding in html. I am looking forward to putting into practice what I am learning.

Pair I got for hubby, quality not so good. He found an area towards the front of the shoe had the stitching coming undone, fraying after only a few months. Not used for sports, just casual. Most shoes last way longer. And on the inside, the cover to the sole starting breaking away and causing discomfort. Do not recommend, but this could have just been an odd pair. Sucks for us though.

I've been buying running shoes for more than 50 years - sometimes just to obtain a comfortable walking shoe, often for fairly serious running (10k a day for 20+ years, at about 38-40 for 10km). I did not buy these for running ( I use New Balance shoes for that), but I DID expect that these would hold up for casual walking of 5-10 km per day. They did not: just fell apart, starting with the front of the shoe, where the sole just detached from the upper after only a couple of months of gentle use. I tried to repair these, with no success. Sadly, they now reside in some sort of landfill somewhere - not what one wants to do with any item of clothing, or anything else, but what real choices do we have. FINALLY, I will never buy another product from this company.

These sneakers fit like a glove, yet are perfectly comfortable. I like them so much, I buy them every year. I wear them all day at work and by 5 pm I head out to the trails for my afternoon hike. How amazing is that? My experience with these shoes confirms what I've heard about Skechers - they're an incredible value. You can pay more for other brands, but why?

Price matched with other websites and on Amazon it was priced lesser. I bought a half size bigger and it was comfortable right out of the box. No need to loosen up laces or use blow dryers. Great cushioning on sole absorbs impact nicely. Very lightweight and it got delivered the very next day.Skechers doesn't make best-looking shoes but I tried them the first time and would buy again. Hoping them to last long a few years.

Very impressed with these shoes. These are my second pair. I am on my feet for hours each day and it takes its toll. I also have arthritis in my knees and hip, and a bulged disk in my back. I spent hundreds of dollars on shoes and insoles trying to manage my discomfort. Nothing worked as well as these Skechers. They are lightweight, comfortable, and affordable. The tongue has 2 loops on it that you can thread the laces through so I can put the shoes on like a slip on without having to tie or untie the laces. I wear them almost everyday and it took 2 years before they broke down and I had to get another pair.

My husband absolutely loves these shoes. Our son had taken them and borrow them and we turned around and had to buy him a pair great product great price 10 out of 10 would recommend. My son had a bike accident and cmhasny been able to walk properly is over 4 months. He put these shoes on and could finally walk without a limp. The memory foam is amazing. These will be the go to shoes for the men in my house

Ordered these for my husband who as a fisherman is on his feet for hours at a time. He wanted something durable, but comfy and lightweight, and these were exactly what he was looking for. He normally takes a size 11 but the size 11 wasn't available at the time I purchased so I decided to go with a size 11.5 and they fit perfectly. I have tried numerous brands and to date, these are his favorite shoes.

Bought them for my boyfriend for Christmas 2021 they are true to size and very comfy but I ordered the black ones and received the black and brown ones, I did notice the pic on Amazon changed once I paid for them, but these ones are a great looking shoe, they do come with an extra pair of dark brown shoe laces and they do look much better then the tan ones they come with. My boyfriend likes them and they look good on him.

I love this powder, goes on smoothly, a little goes a long way, looks great without any clumping or caking. Doesn't get greasy, isn't heavy, and doesn't make your face feel dried out, just nice and balanced and looking like you have a filter on in real life. The packaging could be better though, there was some powder/dust that was kind of messy when I opened it, but the powder foundation itself was in tact and undisturbed. Just didn't have any of the plastic seals and I would have thought it was used if I hadn't checked to see if there were any smudges or anything in the powder, but it seemed like it had been previously opened which seemed a little fishy.

I have been using this product for over 20 years. It works really well. Lasts a long time. Easy to use.

I'm 20 and have always been struggling to find a good makeup skin isn't horrible, but I do get breakouts from time to time, and also dry skin, and well..regular skin problems..but I saw this makeup tutorial and so far it's been working great..first i use a foundation base, then i use revlon photo ready makeup, then i use this powder! it turns out greatttt :D soemtimes when im in a hurry, i just use this powder, and it still covers up my flaws pretty well. although this is pricey, it's definately worth it. i never spend too mucho money on makeup, but i'll definately be buying this again!

Wife really loved it

I use this and a concealer because of my redness...but other than that, I love it. and for an added bonus I spay on a makeup finisher so it lasts longer on me. came nicely packaged and not broken.

The product and shade were exactly as described. Perfect and new, in the box and untouched. (I like to be the first one to make a mark!) Delivery was slated for 7-10 days, but I received my item the same week I ordered it. I am very pleased with my purchase and the whole purchasing experience from this vendor!

My caregiver and her daughter specifically selected this item, thus I bought for each. Thus far, they love the product, which was delivered nicely wrapped and on time.


I just received my book yesterday and began reading immediately!!! (I was super excitedšŸ˜†) This book was highly recommended to me and then I read the reviews, I knew I was truly on to something. I like how the author really starts from basics. For someone just beginning, like me, o would recommend this book and it also helps that it has an interactive website for practice. Hopefully I'll be back soon with an update!

I got this book a few days ago, I like it! I have no reason to give anything below 5 stars. I am satisfied with it for a few reasons which Iā€™ll list here.To the people buying this book READ THIS!This book requires no previous knowledge to understand it. Though itā€™s worth noting that it goes a bit fast on some pages. If you have a terrible memory and need tons of examples on 1 thing, Iā€™d go with the head first guide to HTML CSS & XHTML. That book goes over everything at a LOT slower pace. I read that book before this one and I still found things I didnā€™t know about HTML and CSS. I have been programming for a few months now and Iā€™ve learned a ton of helpful things from this book that I never knew before, which is cool. The book had 50-star quality! I bought my book new due to the complaints of people getting broken books. The new book option is worth it if you are a person that hates even the slightest dent in your book. If you donā€™t care about the condition and only want the knowledge then used is good too.The book is easy to read with examples that are labeled clearly. They give you a start code and an end code, both showing the start and end of the code and page to see where your at. Good colors in my opinion! Very informative and REALLY good for the price from what Iā€™ve seen! So yeah, Iā€˜ve enjoyed the book so far and Iā€™m on page 200 or so. I just bought the JavaScript version of this book itā€™s coming tomorrow! 5 stars. Good for beginners. It goes over the most important stuff plus extra, youā€™ll definitely be able to write a few lines of code after reading and have a good understanding of the language.

I like the cute designs on her and itā€™s little too big but she can grow out. Her current size is 7 since they do not have her size but it showed 6/7. This size is 8 half. Had to get her some for her first vacation on the beach and swimming pool next month!

These shoes work perfectly for our 1 1/2 yo granddaughter here in AZ. They are light weight and she can easily wear them in and out of the pool as well as on the hot pavement and rocks. Good quality and dry quickly. They work so great we bought the next size up!

The quality was good. However they are not true to size and they were too small I bought these last year and they were too small, so this time when I bought it I ordered a size bigger and they were still too small

Used these shoes one time in the pool and they ripped and got a hole in them.

I really wanted to love these. My daughter loved them for the water park. She wouldn't slip at all and they were easy to put on and they stayed on her feet. Just disappointed that they started to fray on the material portion after just one use. Other than that, they were great!

My pool patio gets hot for little feet so these are just perfect for the grandkids

They weren't worn until today and were too small!!!! The size doesn't match the correct size needed.... TOO SMALL ON HER FEET!!!!!

The liner falls out and the fit is strange at the heel. Other than the mentioned problems they work in water. Just be aware that you will be putting back in the liner each time .

Excellent book for any skill-level, but essential to all beginners! The content is laid out in a very fun fashionable way that will hold the reader's interest. The content is clear, concise and well-ordered. I once believed that once you've seen one HTML+CSS book, you've seen them all, but this one is truly one of a kind. The paper quality and design is bar-none a graphical artist's dream.HOWEVER...The build quality. Upon first time cracking this book open, you will feel how stiff and sensitive the binding is. I am very afraid to press down on the spine to get the book to lay down more flat to make reading words closer to inside the page simple. Judging by other reviewers, my fear is truly founded. But for now, all is intact. Will update if there are any changes to this current event...[update, 2019]Rather late, but this is something that I feel is worth mention & may help others:My copy is still intact (paperback) with no loose pages. Same goes for my hardback copy of the JS/SQ companion text. Both have been well-used during my autodidactic journey. The style-system Duckett has created here is what sets this text series apart from all other books I've read and own.I still recommend this book, however, there is no such thing as "the perfect technical book." I feel there are a few crucial lessons missing from this text: a chapter on media queries (mobile-first approach) and a decent overview of a couple CSS frameworks. While Duckett does introduce the ability to control min- and max- widths, and he offers a section on liquid layouts, mobile-first responsive pages are, more or less, the standard of today. This is not a complaint, whatsoever, but just something I felt it lacked and could use in a later edition, perhaps.STILL A 5-STAR RECOMMENDATION IN AUG. 2019!

I got this book a few days ago, I like it! I have no reason to give anything below 5 stars. I am satisfied with it for a few reasons which Iā€™ll list here.To the people buying this book READ THIS!This book requires no previous knowledge to understand it. Though itā€™s worth noting that it goes a bit fast on some pages. If you have a terrible memory and need tons of examples on 1 thing, Iā€™d go with the head first guide to HTML CSS & XHTML. That book goes over everything at a LOT slower pace. I read that book before this one and I still found things I didnā€™t know about HTML and CSS. I have been programming for a few months now and Iā€™ve learned a ton of helpful things from this book that I never knew before, which is cool. The book had 50-star quality! I bought my book new due to the complaints of people getting broken books. The new book option is worth it if you are a person that hates even the slightest dent in your book. If you donā€™t care about the condition and only want the knowledge then used is good too.The book is easy to read with examples that are labeled clearly. They give you a start code and an end code, both showing the start and end of the code and page to see where your at. Good colors in my opinion! Very informative and REALLY good for the price from what Iā€™ve seen! So yeah, Iā€˜ve enjoyed the book so far and Iā€™m on page 200 or so. I just bought the JavaScript version of this book itā€™s coming tomorrow! 5 stars. Good for beginners. It goes over the most important stuff plus extra, youā€™ll definitely be able to write a few lines of code after reading and have a good understanding of the language.

HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites
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