JavaScript from Beginner to Professional: Learn JavaScript quickly by building fun, interactive, and dynamic web apps, games, and pages

by: Laurence Lars Svekis (0)

Start your journey towards becoming a JavaScript developer with the help of more than 100 fun exercises and projects.

Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free eBook in the PDF format.

Key Features

  • Write eloquent JavaScript and employ fundamental and advanced features to create your own web apps
  • Interact with the browser with HTML and JavaScript, and add dynamic images, shapes, and text with HTML5 Canvas
  • Build a password checker, paint web app, hangman game, and many more fun projects

Book Description

This book demonstrates the capabilities of JavaScript for web application development by combining theoretical learning with code exercises and fun projects that you can challenge yourself with. The guiding principle of the book is to show how straightforward JavaScript techniques can be used to make web apps ranging from dynamic websites to simple browser-based games.

JavaScript from Beginner to Professional focuses on key programming concepts and Document Object Model manipulations that are used to solve common problems in professional web applications. These include data validation, manipulating the appearance of web pages, working with asynchronous and concurrent code.

The book uses project-based learning to provide context for the theoretical components in a series of code examples that can be used as modules of an application, such as input validators, games, and simple animations. This will be supplemented with a brief crash course on HTML and CSS to illustrate how JavaScript components fit into a complete web application.

As you learn the concepts, you can try them in your own editor or browser console to get a solid understanding of how they work and what they do. By the end of this JavaScript book, you will feel confident writing core JavaScript code and be equipped to progress to more advanced libraries, frameworks, and environments such as React, Angular, and Node.js.

What you will learn

  • Use logic statements to make decisions within your code
  • Save time with JavaScript loops by avoiding writing the same code repeatedly
  • Use JavaScript functions and methods to selectively execute code
  • Connect to HTML5 elements and bring your own web pages to life with interactive content
  • Make your search patterns more effective with regular expressions
  • Explore concurrency and asynchronous programming to process events efficiently and improve performance
  • Get a head start on your next steps with primers on key libraries, frameworks, and APIs

Who this book is for

This book is for people who are new to JavaScript (JS) or those looking to build up their skills in web development. Basic familiarity with HTML & CSS would be beneficial.

Whether you are a junior or intermediate developer who needs an easy-to-understand practical guide for JS concepts, a developer who wants to transition into working with JS, or a student studying programming concepts using JS, this book will prove helpful.

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started with JavaScript
  2. JavaScript Essentials
  3. JavaScript Multiple Values
  4. Logic Statements
  5. Loops
  6. Functions
  7. Classes
  8. Built-In JavaScript Methods
  9. The Document Object Model
  10. Dynamic Element Manipulation Using the DOM
  11. Interactive Content and Event Listeners
  12. Intermediate JavaScript
  13. Concurrency
  14. HTML5, Canvas, and JavaScript
  15. Next Steps
  16. Appendix ā€“ Practice Exercise, Project, and Self-Check Quiz Answers

The Reviews

I'm a sysadmin that really has gotten into Powershell. With the rise of API's, containers, cloud and web based applications and more, I felt I lacked knowledge in HTML, PSS and API's and also wanted to learn a 'real' language. Javascript for me was the obvious choice.I have had some wonderfull learning books like 'Learn Powershell in a month of lunches' and this book is much in the same league. You really have to learn a language by doing it and the examples and assignments really show this and give you plenty of practise.It really takes you from beginnings to very knowledgable so it is a book you will spend some time with since there is no quick path to understanding besides practise and good source material. And this book will give you all you need!

I love this book.As a beginner I've been struggling to find good books on JS. Compared to languages like Python, there aren't many books around for beginners, and most recommended books are at least 5 years old. The most recommended one (starts with in "E"...) is super confusing and goes from easy to very hard to follow (for beginners) within the first 3 chapters. This book, however, is different.It's a true book for those new to Javascript and holds your hand, without insulting your intelligence, all the way. The in-chapter exercises are great for reinforcing learning, with end of chapter projects that are fun and practical and challenging in a way that doesn't make you want to rage quit and throw the book through your computer screen (like other books do). It provides detailed instructions on what is expected. The best part is that ALL the answers are at the back of the book for reference, so no frustrating googling or pulling answers from github.The code examples in the book are easy to follow, however sometimes it goes over two (or more) pages which can make it somewhat difficult to follow. This is a problem with most books though, and I wish they'd include line numbers to make it easier.The layout of the book makes it easy to reference and I find myself coming back to it to go over concepts and syntax again when building projects. Sure you can search online, but you can make notes in the book, which is why I love books and often find it more useful.In conclusion, if you're a noob, then you should DEFINITELY get this book. It's one of the most up-to-date books on the language (although for some reason they still use 'var' when 'let' and 'const' are deemed to be best practice these days, but it's not a deal-breaker since 'let' and 'const' best-practice is fairly recent and you'll encounter 'var' in the majority of code you'll come across.I love this book, and so will you.

BLUF: Unlike other references that immediately throw you into the deep end, this book guides you gently through the shallows until you're ready to take the plunge for yourself.PROS:- Examples throughout and practice problems at the end of each chapter: Though most of it was review for me, beginners will find the exercises extremely helpful to cement concepts.- Thorough and logical walk-through of concepts: I found the chapters ordered in a very logical manner. Furthermore, though many concepts were covered, none were bludgeoned to death. Just enough time was spent on each concept to be able to move on. It's not the written equivalent of a Udemy course but it respects the reader's time.- Color and graphics: As always with eBooks, I appreciate color. It just makes all the code examples ten times easier to understand.- Discusses data types and structures: This may seem obvious to a seasoned developer, but you would be surprised how many references completely ignore data structures or more in-depth discussions about data types. In the real world of data analysis or web development, data is messy and it pays to know your stuff.CONS:- Nothing obviousDISCUSSION: This book is less quirky than other JavaScript references (e.g. Eloquent JavaScript, any YouTube tutorial) but it gets the job done and doesn't make you want to rage-quit JavaScript in favor of something "easier" (like Python). I would absolutely recommend this book to anyone looking to learn JavaScript with either no prior knowledge of programming or if coming from another language (like Python). :)

This book is awesome! I don't have any work experience with JavaScript,but I have been curious about learning more. This book has been a greatway to do that. I started off doing the code exercises in Chapter 1.Very quickly, I learned about the browser console (hit F12), and wrote anHTML file, using Visual Studio Code as the IDE, which contained js codedirectly and also referenced js code in a separate file. The book touches onJavaScript for the front-end and the back-end.I like that each chapter includes a Self-check quiz and Chapter projects.After the Intro in Chapter 1, the Basics are covered in Chapters 2-8.Chapter 12 offers interesting Intermediate topics such as regularexpressions, debugging, cookies, local storage, and JSON. Chapter 15covers Next Steps such as Libraries and Frameworks, and Learning theBackend - APIs, AJAX, and Node.js.This book makes it easy to learn and to get started with Javascript. I highlyrecommend it!

If you want a book that makes you learn, this is the one. Read through the explanation, see the examples, and try the exercises. I didn't think you could actually find a language specific book that qualifies as an easy read, but this read seems effortless. Having several books on JavaScript that are very good in there own right, this is the first that seems specific to the learning experience itself and helps to maintain your attention and improve retention as you progress. If you need to pick up JavaScript as an additional language I would recommend this title to start with.

I PURCHASED THIS and three other of their books . I have been TRYING to Learn JAVASCRIPT for about 10 years now. I understand Math ( Algebra Geometry Trigonometry Physics ) I understand HTML CSS SQL PHP and more But unfortunately for me JAVASCRIPT eludes me. I am apparently not smart enough to learn Javascript and I have NEVER found anyone who knows HOW TO TEACH javascript. EVERYONE displays or orates the same Canned information of JAVASCRIPT which -- TO ME -- is all a bunch of gibberish and then somehow waalaa in the end we are supposed to know how to write websites and games and all sorts of things with javascript. I have read this book 3 times through and although each little tidbit of information isn't too complicated in the first 6 chapters but yet I cant use any of it to do anything because they use gibberish to explain it in the first place. After the first 6 chapters I keep pushing on but it only sounds like Gibberish compounded upon Gibberish. I honestly think People who can understand Chinese taught in Greek and can extrapolate quantum mechanics out of it all can understand this book. MONEY DOWN THE TOILET for me. I wish you all the very best of luck. I guess I give up on life and go pan for gold instead because learning JAVASCRIPT is alien to me taught by Aliens who cant understand why people like me cant understand what the HECKFIRE they are even talking about.

Pros:This book progresses from the usual language syntax basics through concurrency and DOM scripting for HTML5. It concludes with a chapter on current JS libraries and frameworks. The text flows in an engaging presention, exercise, and quiz format. The exercises are interesting and practical, with solutions provided. I find the book easy to follow and fairly timely, given the evolution of JavaScript.Cons:I did not see a discussion on various levels of JavaScript, a language that has evolved added syntax and functionality over the past eight years or so. On the other hand the book covers later features such as the spread and rest operators (but not all them; generators, for example).A couple of places claim that any var statement is hoisted to the top of the file before processing the file. I believe that a var is hoisted to the top of the containing function or to the global scope. A file could represent either case or both. Not to worry, many of us stopped using var a few years ago .Iā€™m surprised to find no mention of the ā€œthisā€ pointer, bind, or protypes. Maybe we donā€™t bump into those things as much nowadays in functional React or Node programming.Overall:The pros outweigh the cons. I recommend the book for the beginner or intermediate JavaScript programmer. Iā€™d suggest that the beginner have previous computer language experience.

Un libro con el cual se puede aprender y se siente el resultado Gracias

Very descriptive, with lots of practice problems, and very detailed.

I have 7 JS books, this one is the best! very practical.

So far so good

This book is current and relevant to the skill of learning to code javascript.

Great Book! tried several and this is the best!!!

JavaScript from Beginner to Professional: Learn JavaScript quickly by building fun, interactive, and dynamic web apps, games, and pages
ā­ 4.7 šŸ’› 177
kindle: $18.49
paperback: $44.91
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