Just Keep Buying: Proven ways to save money and build your wealth

by: Nick Maggiulli (0)

Everyone faces big questions when it comes to money: questions about saving, investing, and whether you’re getting it right with your finances.

Unfortunately, many of the answers provided by the financial industry have been based on belief and conjecture rather than data and evidence―until now.

Just Keep Buying, hugely popular finance blogger Nick Maggiulli crunches the numbers to answer the biggest questions in personal finance and investing, while providing you with proven ways to build your wealth right away.

You will learn why you need to save less than you think; why saving up cash to buy market dips isn’t a good idea; how to survive (and thrive) during a market crash; and much more.

By following the strategies revealed here, you can act smarter and live richer each and every day. It’s time to take the next step in your wealth-building journey. It’s time to
Just Keep Buying.

The Quotes

The most consistent way to get rich is to grow your income and invest in income-producing assets.

The end goal should be ownership—using your additional income to acquire more income-producing assets.

If you want to save more, the main point is to tighten up where you can, then focus on increasing your income.

The Reviews

I have read over a hundred personal finance books in the past five years. (Thank God for libraries.) Just Keep Buying by Nick Maggiulli is the best book yet. This book replaces I Will Teach You to Be Rich on my list. Nick is a much humbler narrator, who invites you to learn from his minor mistakes. He also argues against the hyper-rationality and Uber-frugality demanded by so many of the other personal finance gurus. Maggiulli successfully combines the mathematics of pro-index tomes, such as A Wealth of Common Sense by Ben Carlson, with the behavioral economics, exemplified by books like The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel. At the end of Keep Buying, Maggiulli lays out the rules of the financial game we are all playing:1. Saving is for the Poor, Investing is for the Rich2. Save What You Can3. Focus on Income, Not Spending4. Use The 2x Rule to Eliminate Spending Guilt5. Save at Least 50% of Your Future Raises and Bonuses6. Debt Isn’t Good or Bad, It Depends on How You Use It7. Only Buy a Home When the Time Is Right8. When Saving for a Big Purchase, Use Cash9. Retirement is About More Than Money10. Invest to Replace Your Waning Human Capital with Financial Capital11. Think Like an Owner and Buy Income-Producing Assets12. Don’t Buy Individual Stocks13. Buy Quickly, Sell Slowly14. Invest As Often As You Can15. Investing Isn’t About the Cards You Are Dealt, but How You Play Your Hand16. Don’t Fear Volatility When It Inevitably Comes17. Market Crashes Are (Usually) Buying Opportunities18. Fund the Life You Need Before You Risk it for the Life You Want19. Don’t Max Out Your 401(k) Without Considerable Thought20. You’ll Never Feel Rich and That’s Okay21. Time is Your Most Important Asset

Just Keep Buying is one of the best books on money that’s been published in a long while. In fact, it’s now at the top of the list of books I’d send to any adult who is trying to navigate important, foundational saving and investing decisions. What’s special about this book, compared to so many other weaker attempts, is that it doesn’t direct the reader what to do, but how to think. Nick Magiulli has an easy style that teaches or reinforces the basic idea that evidence is your friend. So many books on money overstate what the “right” thing to do is because they fail to take into account the personal, situational factors which make the translation of conventional wisdom wrong, inappropriate, or even dangerous. By the same token, it’s often understated what the *informed* thing is to do, which is where this book shines. There’s a classic piece of wisdom that “chance favors the prepared mind.” What Nick has delivered here is the opportunity to prepare our minds to make better decisions. If we devote the time and attention into these data-informed views on the different topics he covers, we’ve improved our chance to end up in a better spot. I believe this also applies for supposedly sophisticated, experienced investors who should periodically revisit and challenge their own beliefs. That’s easier said than done and Nick does a real nice job through his calm, friendly, facts-based narrative of giving such people that very opportunity.

I'm a fan of Nick's blog and have been reading it for a while along with his Twitter feed. My investment approach is to look at the business, financials and management for individual stocks. However for most of my portfolio which is moving towards indexing now, it is purely data-driven.I like to look at the data of markets and business cycles and listen to what it tells me. I want to ignore any emotional trading or get caught with any cognitive biases hurting my long-term investment returns.Nick brilliantly illustrates, using actual data, what are the probable outcomes of dollar cost averaging vs buy now. Waiting for the dips vs DCA or buy now. All the various permutations for HOW you could buy and what you should buy are covered in this book using actual data.So at least when you do invest, you will know the likely odds that you will outperform one methodology over another looking back through history. Of course, history doesn't guarantee all future results but the data explains this and ways you can invest so this doesn't matter over time. Or at least so you can get whatever share of the gains the market has to offer over a specific interval.Nick also covers the various topics about saving money for investing as well as the use of debt. Buying vs renting.Overall a well-rounded book for newcomers, or experienced market veterans like myself, who like to take a look at the actual data and turn that data knowledge into meaningful & actionable investments. I very much enjoyed the book and it is something to lean on if your emotions or cognitive biases ever start to push you in a bad direction.

I've been following Nick online for a few years, so I expected this book to be good. I can say that it truly delivered. I love that Nick just doesn't take the standard advice and repeats it. He is a first principle thinker who goes to the data and draws conclusions from first principle thinking. This book offers up a lot of practical wisdom that may sound counter-intuitive at first (such as DON'T max out your 401k). However, he presents a logical argument to back up his advice.Overall, it's a great, thought-provoking book.

It's an easy read but the basic theme of the book is dollar cost averaging. that is not exactly a revelation.

Nick has a gift for cutting through the noise. Every sentence in this book packs a punch. There's no fluff, no fuss, no fanfare. Just actionable financial advice backed by research studies and the numbers, sometimes with data going back over 100 years. This is a must read. (And even more impressively
 a fun read!)Something from the intro that rung true as I was reading this book: it’s designed to 1) provide value for wherever you are in your financial journey, and 2) not waste your time.As someone who’s comfortably in the investing stage, I assumed that I’d get the most value out of the later chapters and might even skip the first few, but I honestly found that each chapter provided me with a new lens (and practical tools/formulas/philosophies!) for how to see my money and what to do with it. Both right now and later on. Honestly, I wish I had this book when I was in college. It would've been a game changer.It’s an impressive feat to write financial advice that can resonate with anyone. Nick has accomplished that with this book. He’s among the best thought leaders in finance and I never miss his weekly blog, Of Dollars and Data. I’ll be first in line to buy whatever he writes next.

This book was a very interesting read. I enjoy books about investing and finance in general, and this book was recommended to me. What I liked about it was the author backs up different claims and ideas with real data and numbers. One example is whether it's better to invest one large lump sum versus dollar-cost-averaging. The author claims it's historically better to invest one large lump sum and gives multiple examples throughout history to back these claims up. He proves that those who invest one lump sum make on average 4% higher gains 68% of the time than those who dollar-cost-average. I found this very helpful as I've often wondered which approach to take.This is just one example of many that I found helpful. He writes about saving for a savings account, about investing in real-estate and the pluses and minuses, as well as many other financial topics. Overall, I highly recommend this book and I'm going to continue to recommend it to anyone I know that's interested in stocks, investing and finance in general.

“Just Keep Buying” was an excellent book. Nick has a unique ability to support his advice with data, while also not boring you. Wonderful job of writing and analysis. And an even better job of making himself relatable.

I consider this mandatory reading for everyone. It is very easy to read, but it has a wealth of knowledge and is applicable to your life immediately. I can't recommend this book enough. The only other book that compares is Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel (which you should also buy). Please do yourself a favor and buy it now.

Finally, found a finance book that makes practical sense and is deeply backed with historical based data and science. Having read the majority of finance books out there, Nick has really nailed it. With no mention of latte's or avacado toast! This should be the finance book of record for anyone who is serious about getting ahead. I look forward to seeing what he does in the future.

It’s all about “Dollar Cost Averaging.” The author is into Mutual Funds and ETFs while my preference is individual stocks. However, his case is instructive and compelling.

This book is great and I highly recommend it to everyone. Dose not matter if this is the first finance book you buy or if this is the 100th, either way you will learn something new. The author is relatable to all types of people and the structue of the book is easy to find the information your looking for.

Lots here for new and seasoned savers and investors alike.

Loved it and can’t wait for Nicholas’ next book!

This is the most practical book about personal finance I have ever read. If I could tell beginners in finance and investing to read only one, it would be this one. A lot of financial books forget to lead with practical takeaways that the lay person can go apply. They tend to get off in the weeds with dry technical material that beginners will not be able to use in their lives right away. This book is different. It keeps giving the reader action items and practical takeaways. It also shares another thing that is lacking in many financial books--personal perspective on why people invest in the first place, and how our feelings and attitudes about money drive our decisions and paths in life. One more thing that makes Nick’s work a breath of fresh air (go read his blog too at ofdollarsanddata.com): he emphasizes evidence-based investing over emotions and impulses. He is the only financial professional I can think of who links you to his code on Github. For non-programmers, what this shows you is that Nick is not holding out on you, trying to hide things to trick you like some financial professionals. Instead, he shows you his methods so that you can try them yourself. I wish there were more people who had this attitude. Buy this book. Spending twenty dollars on it now could make you a lot of money long-term.

Nick, provides valuable and objective wealth building principles for everyone based on objective data and his own brand of analysis. Great practical advice on conduct and behavior towards investing.

Must read for all who invest in the market.

Nick has done a great job in breaking the concepts of savings and investing for us to understand and improve financial health.

Really nice looking flamingo it’s attached well looks great, handband does slip- maybe you could secure with Bobby pins.

Nick reassures long term perspective and the involvement of human tendencies and behavior on investing and saving decisions. Thanks for providing this perspective in a turbulent time.

If you’re serious about your finances and want solid information about invest, stop reading this and buy the book. His blog is stupendous, his book and intellect and philosophy stunning. Very readable and approachable; minimal jargon; rock solid information. I sent my copy immediately to my children!

Good book, just a bit repetitive, dld not cover some of the basics, recommended if you need to get started

Really wonderful product. Works on more than just my Samsung tablet.

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Use with tablet which has smaller keyboard. This is easier than my fingers

To expensive but it works.

Good book, just a bit repetitive, dld not cover some of the basics, recommended if you need to get started

I can’t say enough great things about this book. An absolute must read, page turner, that I couldn’t put down. Opened my eyes to so many things and has completely changed my way of thinking towards saving/investing. Bravo, Nick!

Good information for a beginner investor. Really enjoyed the last few more general chapters. Provides a basic understanding of stock investment in.

FĂĄcil de leer y con buenos consejos para prepararse para la jubilaciĂłn. Entre las joven lo leas mejor oportunidad de hacer cambios tangibles para el futuro

Great book for those struggling with feeling good about their financial future. It’s good to know that some things they I have been doing are working

This is a great read. The author is straightforward and is able to put complex material into easy to understand sentences. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to better themselves financially.

Just Keep Buying: Proven ways to save money and build your wealth
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