Linux Basics for Hackers: Getting Started with Networking, Scripting, and Security in Kali

by: OccupyTheWeb (0)

This practical, tutorial-style book uses the Kali Linux distribution to teach Linux basics with a focus on how hackers would use them. Topics include Linux command line basics, filesystems, networking, BASH basics, package management, logging, and the Linux kernel and drivers.

If you're getting started along the exciting path of hacking, cybersecurity, and pentesting,
Linux Basics for Hackers is an excellent first step. Using Kali Linux, an advanced penetration testing distribution of Linux, you'll learn the basics of using the Linux operating system and acquire the tools and techniques you'll need to take control of a Linux environment.

First, you'll learn how to install Kali on a virtual machine and get an introduction to basic Linux concepts. Next, you'll tackle broader Linux topics like manipulating text, controlling file and directory permissions, and managing user environment variables. You'll then focus in on foundational hacking concepts like security and anonymity and learn scripting skills with bash and Python. Practical tutorials and exercises throughout will reinforce and test your skills as you learn how to:

- Cover your tracks by changing your network information and manipulating the rsyslog logging utility - Write a tool to scan for network connections, and connect and listen to wireless networks - Keep your internet activity stealthy using Tor, proxy servers, VPNs, and encrypted email - Write a bash script to scan open ports for potential targets - Use and abuse services like MySQL, Apache web server, and OpenSSH - Build your own hacking tools, such as a remote video spy camera and a password cracker

Hacking is complex, and there is no single way in. Why not start at the beginning with
Linux Basics for Hackers?

The Reviews

I know that there are many good reviews for this book already and that I will be lost in the shuffle. However, I would like to give you my opinion.The book is not three inches thick. I don't have time to read a three-inch book.The book moves along at a great pace with just the right level of detail. If I want more detail on a subject, I've got the internet at my disposal.The book is not a tutorial. You can turn to any chapter and get instant value. I've been coding for 37 years. I hate tutorial books. I don't want to follow some tedious example for two-thirds of a book. I want the flexibility to learn at my own pace and learn subjects in the sequence I choose.The book says "hackers" and "Kali" but it is not. I wanted to learn enough Linux quickly in order to find my way around and be productive on that operating system. This book gave me that. I use Ubuntu desktop and server.

If you have little to no experience with being a white hat hacker, or even Linux, this is a great book to get. You'll have an awesome jumping off point that not only explains the core commands (the ones people tend to use the most), but you'll also see them from the frame of a hacker. If you're getting started in Linux, and you have already read introductory books, still consider this one as you'll see them from a different frame. I'll use myself as an example.I've been using Linux as my primary OS for about a year and a half. I recently passed the LPI Linux Essentials exam, which generally means I have enough in my head to be a power user. One might assume this book is too basic . . . but it's not. I got a chance to see some of what I already knew in action in a different frame. Actually, I kind of wish I had read this before I took the exam as there were aspects that probably would have been easier or more understandable.You'll also get an introduction to Kali hacking tools like aircrack-ng. You won't do anything too crazy, but you'll get a starting point. That's the key. From here, you'll be armed with enough knowledge to know what you're looking at as you continue to gather resources to expand your knowledge of white hat hacking and the Linux environment in general.This book specifically focuses on Kali Linux, which is a Debian derivative. Coming from Ubuntu (which is also a Debian derivative), it's relatively easy to get comfortable with Kali.

This book is great for getting started with KALI linux. The beginning of the book goes over the basics of using linux which is really not useful if you are a current linux user such as me (25yrs). The book is great if you are starting to use linux and how to set up KALI on your computer using Virtual machine. The author's goes into how to use the system without being boring and has screenshots of the processes. He also gets into writing python scripts in which you will have to use as a part of working with network security. I also suggest to do the exercises at the end of the chapters so that you can make sure that you grabbed the concept of the content. I would also suggest to visit the authors website so that you can expand on what you learn out of this book. I really like this book the only thing is that is missing is that there is no reference to using Wirehark, which is a very important tool in using for diagnosing network traffic and spotting attacks. If you are serious about getting started in cyber security get this book.

I really liked this book and it was a great read, not too long, not too short, it was the perfect amount. Coming from a programming background and already knowing a bit of linux, I found the chapters to be quite informative and well presented, and will take you anywhere from 15 to 35 minutes approx, many here have said that the book will not teach hacking, and that's half true, it will teach you all the basics of linux and some bash and python scripting, and in my opinion that's enough, you will never be able to hack by reading a book, but this book will give you all you need to get started in your journey. My only critique of this book is that the python scripting chapter is a little on the smaller side, having had experience in python programming, I didn't have a problem, but an absolute beginner to the world of infotech might have some difficulty.

I was a skeptic when I saw it. This book is not going to make you a super hacker or anything like that but it is well written, has practical and useful information. The chapters are the perfect length, not too long, not too short. You can read each chapter in about 30 minutes. I will be keeping my eyes open for any future books written by this author. If you are on the fence, take the plunge, it's a great book.

This book was well written, easy to follow, and relatively concise. I think it creates a decent base of learning some of the general functionality of linux, but I would absolutely not recommend beginning your linux journey with this book. While Kali is a great tool (note the use of the word tool,) it is designed to be run from root, uses a modified kernal, and you will likely need to install loads of software in order to make it a daily driver OS (since it isn't one). It's sort of like if you wanted to learn how to drive, and found a concise, well written driver's instruction course for driving a forklift on the interstate. I hate to penalize the score because it truly is a well written guide, just not the guide I would recommend using. Keep Kali on a bootable USB or VM, but maybe try Mint or Ubuntu first.

This is a great book that teaches the absolute basics of Linux. There are a few great chapters in here that are specifically geared towards hacking, however if you are looking for a book on hacking you may want to look elsewhere. This book is best for somebody with no Linux knowledge.I purchased this book to see if there were any tips or tricks that I could pick up on. It is a really easy to read and follow book and has a great format.

My copy of this (Linux Basics for Hackers) book just arrived. I was going to wait for my bedtime to start reading; but knowing it was written by OTW, I knew it would be an awesome book so I started reading right away.As far as I can remember, I don't recall having ever written a review for any Amazon-purchased product. I am almost at the end of the first chapter and had to stop to review this book now.As I was reading the first chapter, I stopped and quickly scanned the rest of the book because right from chapter one, he starts teaching you the basics of Linux while simultaneously making you practice those newly-learned skills specifically for hacking.I started noticing that pattern in the first chapter and scanned the rest of the book. I noticed that the "teach and immediately practice hacking" format is repeated all throughout the book. I am loving this book so far and highly recommend it to any aspiring Cybersecurity Specialist/ hacker.I believe that this is a must-read!!!

I've only just started my Tech journey so I'm definitely an empty cup, but this book is totally worth it and breaks things down into terms and explanations that are easy to understand and follow. I bought the spiral bound to make it easier to set it on a book stand and have it stay open to reference while I'm learning. Each chapter ends with a mini practical exercise to reinforce what you just learned. I liked this so much that I bought the Master Hacker book just a few days ago as well!

This book is great for beginners and is really easy to follow. I recommend to any one that is learning Linux.

I teach Cyber security to HS students and this is a great resource that I would consider adding to my class.

This should be your first book when it comes to CyberSecurity and Ethical hacking.

What the title says

This book is a must for all Linux users pro or beginner!

This book is a great overview of the Linux system and provides concrete information on how it works. I like how the author simplifies each concept and is not like other technical books I've read that get stuck on mundane details. One thing I will note is that when doing the exercises with the later chapters, the tools such as aircrack-ng can't be used on VirtualBox simply because VMs don't work with the internal Wi-Fi adapter unless you buy a USB Wi-Fi adapter for $20 or so. Other than that I think this is great information that has set up the foundations for my career.

This book starts off great, and get's into it appropriately. Great book! Already reading it, and just got it the other day.... arrived promptly and in good order. I'd buy from you again.

3 stars since it is well written. Linux intro book. That is all.Minus 2 starts because there was no need for Kali, ubuntu wild have been just fine. No reason for using the word hacker in the title.

Great Book.

Linux Basics for Hackers: Getting Started with Networking, Scripting, and Security in Kali
⭐ 4.7 💛 1476
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