Make More Money Selling Your Art: Proven Techniques For Turning Your Passion Into Profit

by: Eric Rhoads (0)

Inside this book you'll discover: 
  • The value of setting goals and creating routines.
  • Why marketing isn't evil and why every artist should embrace it. 
  • The "preeminence mindset" and how it will impact your art career. 
  • Why artists and works of art need a narrative. 
  • How to convey the emotional value of your art. 
  • How to pick a gallery, and why galleries in this type of location sell more. 
  • How to select print ad sizes and publications. 
  • Who you should be sending direct mail to and how often.
  • Topics you should cover on your website and in social media. 
  • The one thing you may be doing that you should NEVER do in social media.
  • How to develop your brand as an artist.
  • Techniques used by professional marketers to get more exposure for less money. 
  • How to make the most of a fine art fair.
  • The 7 things you should do to establish your position as an expert.

The Reviews

This book is great for an artist who is currently in a gallery and is not satisfied with how much they are selling. The book gives great emphasis on marketing and how it is the bread and butter of selling your work even if you are in a gallery to basically keep on marketing and staying in view of the art collector. For me im an artist that is not in a gallery and I don't have a lot of money to spend on advertising which is why I bought the book, trying to figure out how to get to the point in which this book would be very beneficial.This book taught me that advertisement is key to success. However, If you don't have money to take out monthly ads in art magazines what do you do? For me I started investing in online adds which got me more views but not enough to make a sale. For example I spent a few dollars and got 3000 impressions with 250 likes out of one ad, only 8 from the 250 went to my online gallery to see the cost of the painting probably out of curiosity. He does mention that ig and others hardly gets anyone sales and that they are good for art community knowing eachother rather than any real buyers or collectors on there.Perhaps you would need 200,000 impressions before someone inquired to buy your painting.Eric's target audience is well established artist that sell their works for 10k plus a piece not so much the artist that is looking to sell a piece for 3k or less. The book is intended for established artists with that being said I did learn a lot about branding and marketing and feel this book will be useful once im actually selling or in a gallery.The book is worth buying but it's not going to teach you how to get started, more like how to grow and go from selling 4k a piece making 15k a year to making 30k then 60k then 150k and so on... Basically you need money to implement most of his suggestions so if you have money you will find this book useful and you will make sales... It's all about

This book was a huge disappointment. I follow Mr Rhoads podcast and thought he would have a lot to say. He does, but not about marketing art in a real, practical,how to do it sense. I also find it condescending towards artists - indeed the first part of this so called marketing book is about how to visualize good results, then advice about not believing the starving artist myth. I kept asking when is he actually going to say something practical? It also reads like a first draft and should have been properly edited. Save your money and buy Maria Brophy's Art Money and Success instead - written by someone who actually has marketed art.

Not worth it. Most of what is in this book is obvious and superficial.

Eric Rhoads writes from experience, not just theories. His progression of how to create a mindset all the way to putting the proven points into action leads the reader toward success.This is a book I’ll reread frequently!

Excellent read full of great advice and antidotes about life and art. Many thanks for the author for sharing his knowledge and experience with us all

Well laid out and good marketing ideas and advise about selling your art work. It takes work and dedication to sell your artwork.

I recommend this book and the author. Great useful info.

Have not read completely yet...but so far it has been helpful.

a Bible of good marketing information--not just for artists.

Make More Money Selling Your Art: Proven Techniques For Turning Your Passion Into Profit
⭐ 4.1 💛 49
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