Memory Power 101: A Comprehensive Guide to Better Learning for Students, Businesspeople, and Seniors

by: W. R. Klemm (0)

A neuroscientist provides over 200 tips, grounded in research, to help you retain information.
  Billions of dollars are spent each year on herbs, vitamins, and drugs that can supposedly help you build a better memory or preserve the skills you have. With over 200 well-researched tips and 300 scholarly references,
Memory Power 101 is an effective and affordable way for students to get better grades, professionals to build confidence, and seniors to take control of their brain health.
  Dr. Klemm explains the different kinds of memories and how they are stored and accessed in everyday situations. He offers advice on learning how to focus and pay attention so that key pieces of information are more easily used. He talks about the importance of cues and stimuli both when learning and in recall, and discusses repressed memories, Freudian slips, the roles of both exercise and sleep in building a better memory, and more. With his advice, you can improve your memory of names and faces, as well as information you’ve heard and read; keep better track of numbers and places—and even remember where you left your house keys and where you parked your car.

The Reviews

There is so much in this book for a first time memory study and beginning 'practicer' like me that I keep it where I can review the helpful tips frequently. I like his writing style.

I bought this book for my husband. He loves it. He is constantly reading exerts from the book

Great book. still working thru the exercises.

I'm a neuroscience physician and scientist. I read this book to learn techniques to improve my learning and memory. Although I have a very academic background, I've actually always struggled on standardized tests and learning large quantities of information quickly in school. That is why I picked up this book.This is a practical read. For someone like me who has knowledge of neuroscience it provides a concise and practical review of important memory concepts and this is adequately simplified for the reader with no neuroscience background. The neuroscience described in this text has immediate real-world application and is practical.The memory techniques described have a range of applications from someone who is looking forward to taking their boards again (me) to younger students and the elderly who feel their memory is declining. The book dispels many common myths, which is helpful. There are outlines at the end of each chapter that make concepts easy to review.For me, this book had more applications than I anticipated. I use it not only to study, but to remember things about patients, my family, and friends.

Memory Power 101: A Comprehensive Guide to Better Learning for Students, Businesspeople, and Seniors
⭐ 5.0 💛 8
kindle: $2.39
paperback: $10.96
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