Mindful Self-Discipline: Living with Purpose and Achieving Your Goals in a World of Distractions

by: Giovanni Dienstmann (0)

If you want to live a life of purpose, build good habits and achieve your goals, there is one skill that is more important than anything else: Self-Discipline.

Self-discipline is not about punishment, itā€™s about self-respect. It is not about being inflexible, but about living your best life. It is the superpower of focus in a world of distractions ā€” allowing you to overcome procrastination, excuses, bad habits, low motivation, failures, and self-doubt. With it, you can stay on track with your values and goals even through the times when you are least inspired.

Self-discipline allows you to choose who you want to be and live by design rather than by default.

As a meditation teacher and self-discipline coach, Giovanni Dienstmann has helped hedge fund managers, CEOs, entrepreneurs, ambitious professionals, artists and pro athletes to live a more focused and disciplined life. Since 2014 he has been successfully coaching people to overcome distractions, procrastination, self-doubt, fear, and other forms of self-sabotage. Whatever self-discipline challenge you face, whatever excuse you are telling yourself ā€” Mindful Self-Discipline is a collection of all these years of experience, converted into a tool for you to use.

This revolutionary book is a comprehensive and practical guide for you to develop self-discipline in a balanced way ā€” without beating yourself up. It emphasizes the use of mindfulness and awareness as key components for building habits, rather than forcefulness and willpower. If you have tried other methodologies and failed, then this is for you.

This manual for living your life purposefully contains:

  • Over 50 step-by-step exercises
  • Over 100 illustrations and diagrams
  • Links to the scientific studies about each topic
  • Many, many examples ā€” all to make it as easy as possible for you to actually apply all this knowledge and transform your daily life.

If you have tried other approaches (Miracle Morning, Atomic Habits, Willpower Instinct, Tiny Habits, Discipline is Freedom, Hooked, Canā€™t Hurt Me) and didnā€™t get the results you were after, then this is for you. Mindful Self-Discipline goes much beyond building habits, time management, and forcing yourself. It is gentler, more achievable, and rooted in living a life of purpose.

Think you are not made to be self-disciplined? Think again.

The Reviews

In my opinion this is the best self-help book since Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.No hacks, no shortcut to nowhere but a comprehensive and systematic manual for living and flourishingĀ  as an authentic human being.The book does a great job at mapping the science of self-disciplineĀ  ( theory, principles and practices ) with a commitment to clarity and practicality , the author reminds us that self-discipline is the how and not the why.The book goes further than offering a set of tools and techniques (don't worry, they are all there). SkillfullyĀ  Dienstmann helpsĀ  me (the reader) identify my deepest values which translates in my fundamental aspiration (bliss, dharma), so no tough talk about willpower , no pushing to keep climbing the ladder to find out it's against the wrong building.Ā  Self- discipline as the author tells us is about self-respect and self respect is the driving force to self actualization. The choice is simple to live a designed life or a conditioned one.Ā  This is the journey of a lifetime and now there is a guide book you can trust to get there.The book is very well organized like a textbook (or a great travel guide) if I would recommend reading the whole thing it is not necessary since the table of content is comprehensive and easy to navigate, at the end of every chapter you will find a "Key Points" section that summarize as bullet points the substance of the chapter.I have really enjoyed this book and I know it will be a companion for many years to come.

Over the years I have purchased MANY self-help books. After having purchased and read Mindful Self-Discipline by Giovanni Dienstmann I have come to realize that it is the only self-help book I ever really needed. As Mr. Dienstmann assertsā€¦ā€¦..itā€™s all about self-discipline. Without self-discipline, what good is the multitude of other self-help books (many unread) I have on my bookshelf? The 1st step in any process is actually getting started. You have to DO something. And that requires self-discipline. I have followed Giovanni Dienstmann for several years now. I purchased his Practical Meditation Book several years ago, but not surprisingly it has remained un-read. I never had the self-discipline to read it, much less establish a routine for Meditation. I am a recently retired school teacher and the sudden lack of daily routine in my life has not been beneficial to my overall well-being. Lots of time ? YES!!! Any plan on how to use it? Not Really! Why? I lack self-discipline. The removal of so much structured time in my life left a void. This book has really changed my outlook for the future. Mr. Dienstmann has written a very readable, insightful book on developing self-discipline in oneā€™s life. The book is well structured with concepts that are explained in great detail. It is a step-by-step approach. As you read, it is plain to see the years of dedication the author has spent developing this practice in his own life and now he shares it with the reader. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. So well written. So insightful. So sincere.

This book is jam packed with the most helpful and insightful tips, processes and strategies for achieving any goal. I found this book not only extremely helpful for me, but also for my sixteen year old son that lacked the drive, motivation and direction for not knowing where to begin or even how to set goals. It's a book that I will refer to time and time again. Thank you Giovanni Dienstmann for sharing your wisdom and knowledge to the world.

Mindful Self Discipline gives you all the tools in order to work toward goals in your life successfully! The book is presented in sections that will build on each other, explained in a manner than you will comprehend the material, and have the desire and drive to work on your goals. Giovanni has written yet another book to help others to better themselves and their lives. He has did the research, developed the techniques, and presented the material for others to achieve their goals. If you think that I could never be able to achieve mindful self discipline, Giovanni has written this book for you, it is DOABLE! You owe it to yourself to become the person that you were meant to be, Mindful Self Discipline will get you to your goals.

MONUMENTAL. The missing thread amongst self development books. A variety of methods with step by step instructions on how to do things you know you should do (but don't), and stop doing things you know you should not (without beating yourself up).The strategies allow you to build confidence in yourself, and keep promises to yourself, eliminate distractions, so you can live life according to the values and principles most important to you.

I love this book because it a systematic guide on how to change the only thing that we can actually change in our lives - we can't change our genetics, the diseases to which our bodies and minds are predisposed, we can't change other people or their opinions, but we can certainly get lost in trying to change all of these other things that ultimately we have little to no power over. Meanwhile, we lose sight of the fact that the one thing that we have complete and total power over changing is our own mind. In fact, I think it is often presented as the only thing we can't change, which is tragically ironic. And this book breaks it down into digestible chunks, into portions that can be easily worked on and worked over until they're totally incorporated and then one can move onto the next chunk.I'm grateful to have this book in my library and I'm certain that it's going to provide a lot of fodder for spiritual and emotional growth in the next several years. Thank you!

Mindful Self-Discipline: Living with Purpose and Achieving Your Goals in a World of Distractions
ā­ 4.8 šŸ’› 313
kindle: $9.56
paperback: $15.50
hardcover: $29.95
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