Programming Rust: Fast, Safe Systems Development

by: Jim Blandy (0)

Systems programming provides the foundation for the world's computation. Writing performance-sensitive code requires a programming language that puts programmers in control of how memory, processor time, and other system resources are used. The Rust systems programming language combines that control with a modern type system that catches broad classes of common mistakes, from memory management errors to data races between threads.

With this practical guide, experienced systems programmers will learn how to successfully bridge the gap between performance and safety using Rust. Jim Blandy, Jason Orendorff, and Leonora Tindall demonstrate how Rust's features put programmers in control over memory consumption and processor use by combining predictable performance with memory safety and trustworthy concurrency.

You'll learn:

  • Rust's fundamental data types and the core concepts of ownership and borrowing
  • How to write flexible, efficient code with traits and generics
  • How to write fast, multithreaded code without data races
  • Rust's key power tools: closures, iterators, and asynchronous programming
  • Collections, strings and text, input and output, macros, unsafe code, and foreign function interfaces

    This revised, updated edition covers the Rust 2021 Edition.

The Reviews

The book is thorough and importantly goes beyond the basics. What I did not expect was for to be as engaging as it is and contain prose that makes its reading enjoyable. It's actually a bit of a page-turner.Well done. Strongly recommend for those wishing to go beyond the basics.-Mathias

Succinct yet explains concepts extremly well, cover gottchas, great overall content. Highly recommend over "Rust in Action" and "The Rust Programming Language"

I highly recommend this book if you want to learn Rust. Coming from a C/C++ background this book was great, because it mentioned a lot of the similarities and differences between Rust and C / C++. For example, it had a table of the common Rust types and the analogous types in C / C++. I read the official Rust book first, and this book was a good next step to dive deeper into the details of some aspects of the language.I read the book front to back and learned something in every chapter. Even with the early chapters, where I was already familiar with much of the content, I still picked up useful details and learned things I didn't already know. Each chapter can be treated as an individual unit, so it isn't necessary to read the entire book for someone already familiar with Rust. The book dived into the how and why for a lot of the features and benefits of Rust. I liked how they often showed the memory layout / representations for different scenarios. The book covered a lot of interesting topics, including async, FFI, macros, and closures, in addition to all of the basic language features. Even after reading the book, I still see myself continuing to use this as a reference in the future.

I thought the free resources were plenty to learn the language from, but I kept hitting roadblocks from my lack of clarity on lots of details around ownership, references, etc. If I could go back, I would have started with this book. But even if you're up the learning curve a bit, you don't have to get far into it to find some enlightenment. And it's very well organized for later use as a reference.

Covers the language and builds on concepts in a way that made sense to me. One of the best technical books Iā€™ve read in a long time.

This is a go to book once you read The Rust Programming Language (ā€œthe bookā€). Itā€™s very well written, with great examples and explanations. I gave me a much deeper understanding of the power of Rust.

The 1 star is for the Kindle version which has no Table of Contents. Come on, this is a reference book, why bother to release it without a Table of Contents?

Like many other coding books, super hard (at least for me) to read a book in dark mode because of the dark blue font on black background. While the Kindle app sucks all around, I wish the authors would take the time to preview their books in dark mode.Not even sure if they can change the font colors, because again, the Kindle app blows and Amazon's drm will not let you open the books in any other reader. Fun fact: you do not own any books you bought with the 'Purchase now' button!

Even after learning Rust for a year, each chapter had me learning something entire new. The text does not seem too daunting to read too. Readers coming from garbage collected languages like Python might understandably find the last two chapters dealing with unsafe confusing.

This book dives deep into the details of Rust and helped connect the dots for some of Rust's unique features.

This book has what you need to get up and running in Rust, but it is not for the faint of heart.

A great book on Rust, both explaining basics and internals. Explains main parts of Rust that are hard to grasp well with examples. I think both beginners to Rust and intermediate Rust programmers can benefit from this book. I ordered to Turkey. Packaging was too simple amd weak, so the book has some small defects.

Like many other coding books, super hard (at least for me) to read a book in dark mode because of the dark blue font on black background. While the Kindle app sucks all around, I wish the authors would take the time to preview their books in dark mode.Not even sure if they can change the font colors, because again, the Kindle app blows and Amazon's drm will not let you open the books in any other reader. Fun fact: you do not own any books you bought with the 'Purchase now' button!

This is well written. After reading the official book this is a deep dive great as a next read. It starts with projects that explore the breadth of using Rust. Then each chapter is a deep exploration of different aspects of Rust. Complete with comparisons to C/C++ but also Python/JavaScript. So no matter where youā€™re coming from you can compare/contrast. Once again excellent.

They cover all the important aspects of the language well.They frequently compare to c, c++, java, python, etc. This helped me absorb the info faster.There's a refreshing amount of humor sprinkled throughout. :-)This book is worth every penny.

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I just shake the curtain after showering to remove water. Weighted at the bottom, so curtain stays in place. No mold or mildew. Very good curtain.

I have a thin clear liner between this and the shower so I don't know about its water resistance but everything else about it is good.

These curtains work great for a couple of large windows that have a super small rod. I got them to cover the old metal blinds in my new place and they work great. They came with shower rings yet they have metal grommets that are the perfect size for the curtain rod, so I don't need the rings. They're light weight and simply cover the old blinds. They work perfectly, especially for small spaces with large (100 inch wide) windows and without weighing the light weight curtain rod down like regular drapes would.

Does the job, 3 months after install shower curtain rings are rusted. Shouldā€™ve known better, Iā€™ve always bought my shower curtain rings from Del Griffith, tried to go cheap this time. Look him up

I can't think of anything I don't like about this product. I'm sure I'll grow tired of it after time passes, but as of right now I'm still very fond of it.

Purchase for the temporary curtain until the glass door comes in. The hooks that come with it are very cheap and not worth having if you plan on using them for an extended period of time. If you plan on using this long term buy some decent stainless steel hooks.

I recommended to use it

The book starts out with Mandlebrot fractals. Don't let that stop you.The balance of the book steps through the big things you need to understand Rust that you can't get through video tutorials or blog posts. I picked up Rust this past year and used it to create an API for my iOS application. I've been programming for forty-seven years, and this book gave me information in a way I've not experienced during my long career.I reread many sentences, paragraphs, pages, and chapters to lock in what the book teaches. Rust is a beautiful language that produces great results. As you will read many times, it's a steep learning curve. This text is your rope line to a higher plane.

Great book

I'd thought I knew most of it and had a great handle on the syntax, and I was still learning things- this is far more complete than most of the online articles I've been reading.Well-worth the cash

I upgraded my phone to an iPhone. My first in a long time and didnā€™t realize it would not have a charger block in the accessories that came with the phone. And none of my old blocks were c cables. Great blocks and super fast arrival from time ordered. Next time Iā€™ll get a larger quantity

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As is described


Works Great!

just what i needed, works great

I got the 3 fast charging cords for the price of one. I thought they would like cancel the order because it was a glitchā€¦. Canā€™t beat the price like I said before.

These work great and they are fast changing.

Programming Rust: Fast, Safe Systems Development
ā­ 4.7 šŸ’› 424
kindle: $30.65
paperback: $16.26
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