Python (2nd Edition): Learn Python in One Day and Learn It Well. Python for Beginners with Hands-on Project. (Learn Coding Fast with Hands-On Project Book 1)

by: LCF Publishing (0)

(2nd Edition: Covers Object Oriented Programming) Learn Python Fast and Learn It Well. Master Python Programming with a unique Hands-On Project

Have you always wanted to learn computer programming but are afraid it'll be too difficult for you? Or perhaps you know other programming languages but are interested in learning the Python language fast?

This book is for you. You no longer have to waste your time and money learning Python from lengthy books, expensive online courses or complicated Python tutorials.

What this book offers...

Python for Beginners

Complex concepts are broken down into simple steps to ensure that you can easily master the Python language
even if you have never coded before.

Carefully Chosen Python Examples

Examples are carefully chosen to illustrate all concepts. In addition, the output for all examples are provided immediately so you do not have to wait till you have access to your computer to test the examples.

Careful selection of topics

Topics are carefully selected to give you a broad exposure to Python, while not overwhelming you with information overload. These topics include object-oriented programming concepts, error handling techniques, file handling techniques and more.

Learn The Python Programming Language Fast

Concepts are presented in a "to-the-point" style to cater to the busy individual. With this book, you can learn Python in just one day and start coding immediately.

How is this book different...

The best way to learn Python is by doing. This book includes a complete project at the end of the book that requires the application of all the concepts taught previously. Working through the project will not only give you an immense sense of achievement, it"ll also help you retain the knowledge and master the language.

Are you ready to dip your toes into the exciting world of Python coding? This book is for you.

With the first edition of this book being a
#1 best-selling programming ebook on Amazon for more than a year, you can rest assured that this new and improved edition is the perfect book for you to learn the Python programming language fast.

Click the BUY button and download it now.

What you'll learn:

- What is Python? - What software you need to code and run Python programs? - What are variables? - What are the common data types in Python? - What are Lists and Tuples? - How to format strings - How to accept user inputs and display outputs - How to control the flow of program with loops - How to handle errors and exceptions - What are functions and modules? - How to define your own functions and modules - How to work with external files - What are objects and classes - How to write your own class - What is inheritance - What are properties - What is name mangling

.. and more...

Finally, you'll be guided through a hands-on project that requires the application of all the topics covered.

Click the BUY button and download the book now to start learning Python. Learn it fast and learn it well.

The Quotes

Variables are names given to data that we need to store and manipulate in our programs.

Every time you declare a new variable, you need to give it an initial value.

Individual values in the list are accessible by their indexes, and indexes always start from ZERO, not 1.

The Reviews

If you want to learn to code, don't hesitate and pick this book up now. Not only is the book well written, Python, the language the book is written about, is one of the most simple programming languages in the world. Being simple doesn't exactly make it weak either. Python is an incredibly powerful language. PCBs such as Rasberry Pi uses Python as its programming language. The book explains things well enough that they can be understood. However, older concepts are not rementioned, so taking notes is almost a necessity if you want to clearly read this book, which can be a little bit of a hassle. Some of the things you learn are:ValuesOperatorsVariablesFormatting StringsType CastingLists and TuplesDictionariesInteractive ProgramsSpecial CharactersCondition StatementsIf StatementsLoopsFunctionsModulesExternal FilesClassesObjectsPropertiesName ManglingSelfChild Classes & Objects: The Concept of InheritanceBuilt-In Python Functions for Objects.All of these are written clearly enough. I don't understand what others mean by "not for beginners". The concept of coding is quite complex. Unlike Scratch, we don't get a list of a syntax whose names tell us what they do. Explaining coding easily is a very difficult task. Somebody said that there were better Python coding books out there. There are plenty of people that would say that these "better books" are worse than this book. Don't just read it like a normal book. You will not know how to code because you read this book once. Think about it. If you simply read over a textbook like a novel, you would not have memorized the concepts and diagrams. This book is not built to be read like a novel. Some people say that it was difficult, but I have not seen many problems with this book.

I'll say it is a good book, but only for programmers who need to switch from another platform.If you are a novice to coding and want to start with Python (a great language and gateway to everything in the realm of computers) I'd suggest other publishing.There are thousands of youtube threads that will teach You what is in here for free.

Good: Book is a very good and well organized way to get started with python. Well written and easily understood.Bad: Kindle for Windows, gets worse with every implimentation. Issues are quite simply bad window sizing logic that forces you to constantly readjust the size of your viewing page and window. Does not auto size to the view screen properly on a tablet when you drag the bar to the top of the screen, with the top control bar the page the close, collapse and full screen icons are off the screeen to the right, even though there is plenty of space for them - just bad coding.. Once you manually adjust the screen size, if you choose to view the notes or table of contents, it then resets the screen width to the overfill the screen again. When you close these side panels, it doesn't restore the application width to what you previously spent a minuit or two setting it to properly fill the screen. And worst of all, it automatically reduces the with of the reading pane by about an inch on each size, so you have to manually increase it to full width again. This would be tolerable if it was only used to read short stories (like comic book length), but is a complete waste of time when one is employing a reference book.Final Grade: Book- A+++, Kindle - F---------------------... (you get the idea )

Great book for beginners like me. I did so programming many years ago using basic for the pc. I also wrote simple programs using Commodore v20, c64, Amiga 1000, basic programming for those computers.I want to write a few programs for personal use, using python, like a database, inventory, home budget, and games. I want to write my own text adventure, like zork. One of the other things I like is, python is a cross platform language. I mean it will run on pc, apple, etc. without having to change any of the code.If you take your time to read and to enter in python example code, you will be writing code period. Type in the examples so you will understand how it all works. The title of the book says.It all. You read do the examples you to will be ready to program in a sho

Supposed to be for beginners but didnā€™t seem like it. Iā€™m not a dumb person by any means but have little coding experience beyond some very rudimentary flash and html. This was over my head and thus useless.

Although it will probably take more than one day this is a very good beginner's book due to complete examples and not rushing the subject. Watch for typos but easily fixed and not a serious problem.

Excellent, very readable and accurate. One issue was that older versions such as 2.7 require slight differences, such as including (object) when defining classes or the setter/getter properties don't work. Overall, everything works and nicely presented.

This book is better than some of the Python books that claim quick knowledge of a computer language. Python is a powerful language and any claims to learning it in one day is a stretch. This book teaches the reader how to manipulate "strings", make simple computations, display results to the screen and gives you the very very fundamental feel of the language. If this is your first computer language than this is a good book for you and that is what I believe the author was trying to accomplish. However, loading the Python language interpreter can be a challenge maybe even frustrating since the links the author asks the reader to use didn't work on any of the computers I tried. The IDLE that is required does not get loaded with the authors link. I had to resort to loading a PYTHON Compiler which allowed me to create code, save code and execute code. On a positive note this book is better for a very first coding reader than other Python books I have reviewed. It is unlikely you will truly learn the language in one day but in a week you may have a decent handle on the very very basics. Good coding!

I have learned some Python in the past, but was unsure what I knew and what I didn't.I loved this book because it quickly explained eveything in such a way that I am now confident of my knowledge and know where I need to invest more. I didn't have to waste time on long, boring videos or couses to get up to speed.

I have been trying to find an easy intro to Python for a month now and this book is by far the BEST one that I have seen for beginners to programming with Python!! A must have!

Covers Python well and has very good explanation. He goes through every sample code line by line and explains what it doing and why. He really knows his subject and knows how to explain it to the non initiated. In my case it was especially his explanation what classes are an how to write and instantiate them with great examples and explanations.

The format of this book is very friendly to ADD. The text is broken up well and the instructions are short and exact. The book offers the right combination of hand-holding and explaining how to research your own information. The only thing I would change is the font to arial or verdana.

Excellently written. Starts out extremely easy for newbie like me, but obviously goes into very complex topics by the end. I love the way it is written. Although it covers the topics quite thoroughly, carefully and simply for the beginner, it feels as though it moves along at a most desirable pace. It seems to stay interesting, despite a relatively dry subject and I have not ever felt as though I want to stop reading because I am too bored or can't stay inspired and motived to learn more. I highly recommend it!

This is a good book for beginners. It teaches the basics of Python programming in an easy to understand method. I would recommend this book to anyone looking to learn the basics of Python programming.

As the title says. A great quick reference. Good purchase. Wish they had more of these kinds of books.

Presented in easy to learn bits. The examples you should work through all work and give you enough knowledge to get to some of the other parts of Python that aren't covered. Even Object Oriented Programming lessons are well understandable. It's even ok for an older brain.A good book to start with if you want to learn Python.

Really enjoyed the presentation and flow of this book. Includes all you need to get a great start and keep learning

It can serve to someone well but as to me, some things are described too wordy in 1 example instead of or 3 short examples. Free sources on web always helped me better and quicker when not sure If I understand well.

The explaining the rudimentary aspects of programming (data type, control structure, loops) are mixed in with what is specific to Python. There should be a separate chapter for what is different in the syntax with these features for people already possessing that basic knowledge, so they can skip those chapters. I dock the kindle version next to Visual Code Studio for quick access to reference while following a tutorial video on YouTube whose window is also docked. For me it's a good reference, with dumbed- down explanations when I need them.

I've only got to use this computer for one ride so far, but it works just as well as my Garmin Edge 1000 but with a smaller form factor. However, the shrunken size in no way impacts the readability of the screen. This new computer has some new features as well. The one thing I like is how it imported my ride data from my old computer via Garmin connect, smoother than an iPhone upgrade, that's for sure.

This gets used 4 to 5 times a week and it's been rock solid. Has all the features I want and need and many that I haven't even dove into.

Fairly easy to use. Has a lot of options to it. I use for bicycling. Battery (rechargeable) last for many hours. Easy to read and mount on my bike and the sensors are easy to use. Makes keeping up with my bike ride information a breeze

First thing is that I recognize a lot of people love this model. I donā€™t, it's good, not great. I ride about 150 miles a week. I do about 75 on an E as a trainer and work out 75 miles on both a 'regular' mountain and road bike. I like to explore and ride in small groups in new locations on and off road. Ok, why the four stars? The unit feels technologically antiquated and not user friendly.The unit has far too many functions that most of us don't care about but clutter up and add more annoying layers. Personally, I want a cycling ONLY GPS that easy to work with, simple and not loaded with gizmos and extras. Furthermore, the dashboard, AKA Garmin Connect, is just 'OKā€™, not easy to follow and so many useless functions. GARMIN TIP: Allow to user to remove any/all unwanted items on both the Dashboard and the 830. They currently allow you to remove a few widgets.Lastly, the 830 pages get 'stuck' sometimes or can't locate the GPS. Solution is to reboot. Not pleasant. Also, I've had some issues with "return to start" and the unit comes back with a "you don't have this function" (paraphrase). On a positive note, the GPS has saved my butt a time or two so I give it 4 stars.Iā€™m hoping that software updates will rectify this.p.s. The more you work on the 830, read the manual, and experiment, the easier it gets. Practice because you donā€™t want to learn this while youā€™re riding.

The touch screen really does make this easier to use, I'm glad I sprung for the extra $100 to get the touch screen version. Arguably, "easier to use" = "safer" so use that for justification if you need to. Customization of the screens is pretty good as well although I would like still more control (probably via a phone app), but realistically, I have the info I want in pretty much the size/position I want.This is the first bike computer I've had with navigation and downloadable route support. That's quite useful at times, especially when I'm riding through the maze of neighborhood streets. Setting a route in Strava through an unusual area and then just following the prompts is nice too. I did have trouble once with a route where I had a waypoint set at the exact intersection, but that intersection is now a roundabout so I "missed" it. Which the Garmin was unnecessarily diligent about trying to direct me back to.Do you need a computer this expensive to ride? No you don't. Is it nice though? It sure is!

I purchased the 830 for my communter/mountain bike. I have a 1030 for my road but didnt want to keep switching the unit between bikes and wanted a smaller unit without the bells and whistles. The selling point for the 830 is the color touch screen. The 530 has no touch screen. I had initially purchased the 130 but it was too small and black and white screen was difficult to see for me. (it has all the other bells and whistles). Although I didnt want the bells and whistles, I use the varia radar (a must for riding on the road) and it was more visible on the 830. So I took the bells and whistles as well, even though I dont need. Overall the unit is ostensible a smaller 1030. Th only issues are the blue tooth connections can be "wonky".(with all the devices). Sometimes they dont recognize my iPhone and you have to start a new connection. Then the old connection is still there, and the unit gets confused. Then you delete the old one and the new one doesnt work. A little frustrating when it occurs but thankfully not frequently. Many company's forgo quality at the expense of profit, but Garmin keeps offering a quality product. I hope this continues. Although I attempt to be "low tech" and stay off the phone addiction thing, I have purchased just about every Garmin product. (Fenix watch, S2 smart scale, rally power pedals, 1030, Varia radar-a must for cycling safety).

This is an upgrade from the 520 Plus for me. I briefly tried the 530, but Amazon sent me one with Euro maps, and finding addresses with the buttons on the side seems impossible. The touch screen is such a huge improvement. It makes life so much easier when Iā€™m on the road. Plus, typing in addresses is soooo much easier. Forget the reviews that say the 530 is better. Pay the extra money and get the touch screen.

A lot of good incites in this book. Gave me a "stretch" I needed in my journey to learn Python.

Racism Without Racists explores the type of racism that exists in contemporary America. Eduardo Bonilla-Silva labels this new racism as "color-blind racism" because it involves the perpetuation of white dominance and privilege in a more passive way than racism was carried out in the past, and often those who display color-blind racism think they are not racist. He sheds light on the subtle methods by which white people subconsciously subdue minorities, and that the effects of this passive racism are very real. The color-blind techniques are outlined very explicitly, including fable-like stories meant to explain a stereotype, abstract liberalism in which people ignore the fact that minorities are underrepresented, and diminutive language. Bonilla-Silva is very thorough in his examination of modern racism in America, which makes it very acceptable and easy to understand for the target audience: the white majority. I greatly appreciated Bonilla-Silva's organization throughout this book. Each chapter starts with a brief outline of the points he will be making, and he elaborates on each point in turn, then finishes the chapter by tying the new information he has presented into the larger theme of the book. His ideas were easy to follow and insightful, with the statistical backing to make them quite convincing. That being said, many of his studies are from the mid to late nineties, and in our ever changing world and culture I found myself questioning the relevance of some of these studies that were done almost 20 years ago. I found Racism Without Racists to be an enlightening book in many ways. As a part of the racial majority I find that race is not a subject that demands my attention because it is not something I have to face and deal with every day. I recognize that I have played the part of the color-blind racist in my life, and would not be able to acknowledge or understand that without this book. I found Bonilla-Silva's forecast of a Latin American-like racial stratification system in America to be very interesting. I hadn't noticed this trend previously, but it seems very apparent to me now. I also enjoyed the new chapter on Obama, mainly because I was one of the many who perceived a black president to signal the end of racism in America. Obama's lack of focus on racial issues, his lack of activism in social movements, and his avoidance of anything that makes him seem too black, as outlined by Bonilla-Silva, have convinced me that Obama is just another political puppet who is not as change-savvy as we all hoped. Ultimately I would recommend this book to other white people because it shows racism today for what it is, and systematically eliminates the justifications for color-blindness in a country where minorities are still very much under-privileged.

Prof. Bonilla - Silva definitely presents a view that is different than how people of non-color status view the world.His work has changed my view of prejudice. However, I do not completely agree with everything. It seems that hecontinues to blame non-blacks for the current situation that black people find themselves in. I believe people havea certain amount of personal responsibility. A person can take steps to change some things on their own. A goodread.

A different way to look at racism.

met my needs and received timely manor a a a a a aa a a a a a a a a a

I have not finished the book, but so far, so good. The author draws primarily on face-to-face interviews to build his arguments.

It came exactly the way it said it would. It came on time. Got what I needed. Great book. Nice!

I am using this book as a resource for my MA thesis. This book's author is writing from a sociological perspective but I am using it under the philosophy education umbrella regarding a law that I believe was designed to purely to hold back minorities and poor whites.

I love this book and recommend it to everyone.

This book is good for people with no coding experience, or those who are adept coders but don't have Python experience. The formatting of the book seems a little strange to me, but it's an easy read and easily searchable if you need to go back and find a word or topic. Recommended for folks who want to get into Python but don't know where to start.

This product does what I expected it to do. I didn't learn in one day because I'm never left alone for a day, but it was interesting to see the coding development.

Python (2nd Edition): Learn Python in One Day and Learn It Well. Python for Beginners with Hands-on Project. (Learn Coding Fast with Hands-On Project Book 1)
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