Python for Everybody: Exploring Data in Python 3

by: Dr. Charles Russell Severance (0)

Python for Everybody is designed to introduce students to programming and software development through the lens of exploring data. You can think of the Python programming language as your tool to solve data problems that are beyond the capability of a spreadsheet.Python is an easy to use and easy to learn programming language that is freely available on Macintosh, Windows, or Linux computers. So once you learn Python you can use it for the rest of your career without needing to purchase any software.This book uses the Python 3 language. The earlier Python 2 version of this book is titled "Python for Informatics: Exploring Information".There are free downloadable electronic copies of this book in various formats and supporting materials for the book at The course materials are available to you under a Creative Commons License so you can adapt them to teach your own Python course.

The Quotes

The Python interpreter is written in a high-level language called "C".

An expression is a combination of values, variables, and operators.

Variable names can be arbitrarily long. They can contain both letters and numbers, but they cannot start with a number.

The Reviews

There is no answer key for the exercises in this book. There is also no answer key if auditing the course at coursera. The only way to get the answers or grading is through the fully-paid version at coursera. There are deliberate trick questions that the text does not address, almost forcing a student to buy the paid version. For example, chapter 2 exercises require certain input() and float() expressions that the text does not address. Spent about two hours finally getting it, but only with internet searches. I paid $10 for the printed book instead of the free e-book, and one would think the $10 book would at least provide an answer key. In summary, this is a deliberate attempt to confuse a student and nearly force him or her to upgrade to the paid version in order to get the correct answers to the exercises.

I purchased this book because it was required for online Python courses taught by the author. I have not found a better beginner Python book out there. Plus, now that I am a professional Python programmer, I find myself constantly referring to this book to clarify certain points and reinforce understanding of basic principles. (I may be a professional, but I'm still a rookie.) I've purchased a few fat, expensive Python programming books with animals on the cover, but these tend to collect dust. In short, I have a new-found appreciation for this book and how much work went in to writing it. Thanks, Professor Severance!

This book is not intended for professional programmers, and that's a very good thing for the rest of us. His primary motivation is to help readers understand how large amounts of data and information can be readily analyzed using Python. Another good point - he tells us that Python vocabulary is a rather small set of 'reserved words' with special meaning to Python. Unlike English, there is no ambiguity about what these words mean in Python.Severance then describes how to start a conversation with Python - after first installing the Python software on your computer. Much/most of that information is offline, accessible through a link he provides. Continuing, >>> is Python's way of asking 'What do you want me to do next?' and the need for parentheses surround the description of what you want your computer to do. Python, like other programming languages, is very picky about syntax.Then on to labeling/describing data to be used. Etc.Overall, this book is a good overview for someone seriously interested in becoming a python programmer, not so good for someone just wanting to get a sense of what Python can do and how it would go about accomplishing such.

Excellent! The book is definitively for beginners who have no idea or know nothing about Python before. The author mixes basic concepts, without going deeply enough in some subjects. In addition, author provides teaching materials online You can design your own learning path while having fun to navigate through the online course.I have learnt many programming languages and read many books how to program. This is my favorite one because it is the easiest to read. The coding examples are easy to understand for the beginner. I am highly recommending this book for all non-programmers who want to learn the programming concept and to understand how program code works.

This is an excellent book. It is well thought out and easy to read. There are lots of genuinely useful links and some complete and useful data-handling examples. My sole objection is the title, implying this book is for "Everybody". I felt that this book would be a great text for a second-year course in any major involving data handling. It would not be ideal for an introduction to computer science class, nor for most computer science majors. It would be too focused on data handling for the former, and too easy for the latter. Anyway, this is nit picking. It's really a very good book.

A must have manual for anyone that wants to create applications but has no experience writing code. Python is great tool for developing your ideas into working applications and this book is perfect for learning how to do just that without becoming tedious and boring. This isn't a book you just read, it's a book you form a partnership with that will allow anyone to successfully write applications while understanding how it all works. You may even find yourself having fun using the terminal window in your computer. Another nice benefit to buying this book is that along with getting the actual book you also get the Kindle version with it.

Good intro to Python. Great companion and resource for the Coursera Python courses. The author and instructor is a master, making it easy to learn basic programming principles and Python.

This book is good for learning basic concepts, but I would recommend taking the online companion course in conjunction with reading the book.The book itself has multiple formatting errors (images out of place, text referencing examples that aren't printed or are in the wrong place, entire sections missing), which makes it extremely difficult to follow at times. If you have no previous experience with Python, these errors make it difficult and frustrating to follow along with the book.The format of the chapters can also be confusing, as the author frequently references concepts and/or vocabulary that are not introduced until later in the chapter/book. This also made trying to understand new concepts difficult and frustrating. It was a good supplement for the online course, but on its own it can be difficult to follow along.I ended up buying other Python course books from different authors so that I could have better reference materials. You can also access this book online for free, so that would probably be a better option than purchasing a physical copy.

I am just starting with Python but know a couple other programming languages that are used in statistics. This is a great intro for people with little to no programming background! A little basic for those who already know some object oriented languages, but you can move quickly through the chapters and push yourself to do more. Builds confidence with easy to follow examples and the author does a good job of keeping you engaged-not boring at all! Highly recommend as a stepping stone to begin your Python journey.

I've been taking Dr. Chuck's course on Coursera, this is the book he uses with it. I've found it to be very easy to follow and quite informative for the newbie coder.

Great book to learn Python. I have been using to follow along in his o line class and it has made a world of difference.

got it quick and as advertised a very good deal for the price

Amazing! I'm shocked and grateful that people put this material out. Such a high quality product (the book plus the podcast). I can't believe these lessons are next to free! Great way to learn Python. Very accessible and efficient with learning time.

Easy read and low cost. Good book for beginner. I am reading it several page each day and with to finish it by the end of this month

Good basic book however, with so many different specialized algorithms from manufacturing to flying drones to driving cars this book is not going to do anything for those people. I got that this book is basically for those who would use software to manage files used for business.

Read the book online, and this is a very nice book. So I ordered one for the later chapters.However, it's just a printout of the free PDF that is published on author's website in black and white. The most interesting thing is that it was printed ON DEMAND by Amazon. On the last page it says that it was printed on November 17, 2019. I received it on 11/20/19.

I'm new to programming, and to Python.I'm only about halfway through this book and feel confident about the knowledge I've gained so far.It has gotten me step-by-step through the various concepts, and the exercises are just challenging enough to build confidence without being frustrating.This book takes you by the hand through each step.Before you know it, you'll be a snake lover. ;-)

I have used several books and most are about the same. They get you to a certain point and then you don’t know how to get to the next level. This one takes you through the whole process from start to finish of completing a project that you can use. Pair this book with the Professor’s videos on Amazon and you will have a great learning experience!

The simplest and clearest explanations out of nearly a dozen introductory python texts I have collected. Artfully crafted instructional progression with by far the most relevant and amusing analogies and example cases. It is interesting to note that this is basically the third formal edition of a constantly improving open-source resource that was initially restructured and reworked by a very gifted teacher to teach data analysis and data mining; if you have tried to work through Think Python you should be able to recognize the refinement resulting from the writer's having used previous editions of this text to teach tens of thousands of students. I keep going back to this book as a reference as well. It really does contain the concisest explanations, and I am recognizing more and more that the code blocks and larger processing methods he describes are paragons of industry approaches. Starting here will make your life so much simpler and your learning immediately so much more productive: you won't get lost in all the technical asides and theoretical maelstroms so many datascience Python texts seem to love to spin into and through. (I have also found the text to be a very helpful foundation for integrating all the open source videos and resources the author put together while teaching his classes through Coursera [and the University of Michigan]).- A data analyst from a non-datascience background learning Python for the first time.

Python for Everybody: Exploring Data in Python 3
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