Resonate: For Anyone Who Wants To Build An Audience

by: Alex Wolf (0)

Nobody understands how Alex Wolf built a cult following of over half a million millennials for her first brand in less than a year. Nobody understands why she left it all to become a writer either. RESONATE is Wolf's informative and occasionally hilarious look at the intersection of human nature, technology, and how understanding both can help anyone creative build a following of their own.

The Reviews

The title of this book is the reason I finished it the day I received it in the mail! I RESONATED so much that I stayed up all night because the words FELT good. This book is rich in personal experiences from Alex, research on resonance as a concept, and witty humor. Even if you aren’t trying to build an audience, this book will benefit you. It gives you an insight into understanding why you care about the things that you do as a human being. Alex explains that this isn’t a book specifically about marketing but, human nature and I think she hit it right on the nail. I highly recommend this to anyone who wants to understand why they get goosebumps and feel moved as well as to the creatives who want to connect with their audience more. Alex’s tone is intelligent, funny, strong, and approachable. You don’t feel like you’re being talked at but rather, talked with -- there is vulnerability and honesty. It feels like you're in a Brooklyn cafĂ© talking to her about the mystery and allure of resonance. Her words are unfiltered and clear yet striking. This is a real treat for your soul!

I’m 28 and have always acknowledged I had “artist traits” but after reading this book I admit I’m just down to my bones an artist. I published my first book 2 years ago and after being frustrated with outline I started over and typed the entire thing in a week. I used to think the urgency came from launching my book around me birthday to get more sales, around Thanksgiving where people would be around family and share the launch; but I wrote it and published it in a week because the artist in me wouldn’t allow me to go another week without sharing me story. This book confirmed a ton for me. I don’t have to be all business man where I’m skilled in operations and leadership or all artist where I’m skilled in words and correlations. But I can be a business/artist-person thingy as Alex puts it. In a world that’s so noisy; read this book to provide extreme clarity articulated in an intellectually swaggy way!

From the moment I picked up, “Resonate.” I found myself lacking the willpower to put it down. It had me laughing and nodding throughout as if Alex Wolf and I we were having an actual tabletop conversation, with her teaching so much from the stories she tells subsequently creating a true readers experience. Alex Wolf RESONATES with her readers using a certain mastery that only she can express so eloquently. She does an excellent job of breaking down the human condition and explaining it universal terms, all while guiding us down a path towards becoming better human brands and human beings. Alex’s amalgamation of thoughts and principles has been so finely molded into this book and resulted in what could come to be called a millennial branding-manifesto and a creatives guide to building an audience.

Basically, this is a book (less than 200 pages, so it's very short) written in a very conversational manner about social media marketing and the need for people to be authentic and write more meaningful content that speaks to peoples' needs and wants and feelings. She shares anecdotes about growing up, how her parents exposed her to the internet from childhood, dating different people, talking to her friends, and so on. She uses lots of quotes from historical figures and artists. Lots of quotes. She uses lots of double-spaced doodads, and so on.For a first book, it's fine. For a young person it's great. But to learn how to write better, more impactful content, to acquire a higher understanding of marketing, the actual meaningful impactful content she preaches on so much just is not here. It's all hype in the reviews, she's an attractive young whatever her age is, who's trying to be known as a "subject matter expert" by telling stories about adolescence, her childhood, girlfriends, and so on. She cites sources, quotes, but if you want specific "how to" help or something deeper on actually how to do something, or how to write, there are many other books much better.I applaud the young lady for what she's trying to do, what she has done, but this book ain't the oracle it's depicted to be.

This book was such a gem. Everything it taught I felt. FELT as in the words moved me to implement what Alex was sharing. Read this book if you want to be more of you and help find others like you.

I absolutely loved every minute of reading this book. Alex elegantly weeved between life stories and getting straight to the point. It was so intentionally written to be raw, authentic, and supportive. She won me over from the beginning and it ended leaving me with the feeling that I made a new friend who's got my back.

Through her colorful depictions, and matter of fact guidance, you’ll not only gain insight into how to grow an audience, you’ll learn how grow beyond whatever’s been holding you back from being authentically you. Which inevitably brings the mass appeal necessary to build an audience.

This book is wonderful for so many reasons. If you are a creative person and want to make an impact in the world this book is definitely for you!! Alex does a great job explaining what we need to do, how we do it and also letting us know up front it's not what everybody thinks it is but it is what is impactful! LOVED this book!!!

Resonate: For Anyone Who Wants To Build An Audience
⭐ 4.6 💛 79
kindle: $11.99
paperback: $12.72
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