Show Your Art: How to Build an Art Career Without a Gallery

by: Gita Joshi (0)

Create a life in art without a gallery and start building an art career online and offline!!

This book reveals effective and powerful actionable measures every artist needs to execute NOW!

Many artists still believe that the only way to be visible and get your art noticed is through gallery representation. Working with a gallery has always been the go-to avenue when it comes to selling art.

However, there are more artists than galleries could ever represent. As the modern market becomes more saturated, emerging artists have to explore non-traditional approaches to sell their art.

Show Your Art: How To Build An Art Career Without A Gallery serves the self-representing artist who’s ready to move ahead and begin creating a life in art even without a gallery.

For artists who want to take charge of their art career, Show Your Art reveals practical steps on how to write about your art to increase your visibility, share your stories and value, and reach your audiences directly without having to lose commission through a gallery.

It goes through the contemporary and dynamic ways of exhibiting and using your online channels to reach a global audience as a self-representing artist -- something that wasn’t even possible 30 years ago!

As an artist, YOU are the best advocate of your work.

Learn how to effectively talk and write about your art.

Make it easier to show yourself, your personality, and your value through the art you create, which is often the biggest stumbling block for new artists.

In this book, Art Business Expert, Gita Joshi, unveils a step-by-step model so you can build a life in art with no gallery needed. 

Inside Show Your Art, you will discover:

  • The single platform you need to explore to get your art seen by the right audience (hint: it’s NOT an art gallery);
  • The detailed bit-by-bit breakdown on how to improve your online visibility;
  • The biggest obstacle early career artists face in exhibiting their work;
  • The online platform most artists miss when building their audience and making their work visible;
  • The quickest way to have an exhibition or get your work into a show;
  • The skill most artists lack but ultimately need to grow an infinite audience;
  • And the one thing you need to have laser focus on when building a list of appreciative art collectors.

Follow these practical steps to create an art life without a gallery and build a life of success with your art. 

Show Your Art bares the fundamental actions you need to take as an artist to write about your art, effectively promote yourself across different platforms, whether offline or online, and ultimately take control of your art career.

This workable guide works to paint your own profitable path to success in the modern art world and sell your art even if you’re just starting out.

Art does not speak for itself, but with Show Your Art, every artist will be able to tell their story to the right people and turn them into appreciative and loyal fans.

Are you ready to write about your art and build your art career without a gallery?

Scroll up and click “Add to Cart” today!

The Reviews

This has to be the premier manual for skilled creators wanting to retail their own artwork and earn an excellent living while doing it. However, it also has lots of pertaining advice that would benefit practically any niche in today’s tech-heavy online world. Her method suggests opening discreetly and personably instead of aiming to sound highly intellectual in your public communication and marketing materials. In return, your esteemed audience will resonate much better over the long haul and self-identify with you. She carefully details why your own website is so important and how to set it up easily for the long term.How to write your first blog posts and keep its content lively and engaging. What exactly a mailing list does and how to go about setting one up and properly organized to manage your waiting customers. Naturally, she details why profiting from social media today is indispensable and how to share “currant happenings” with everyone else to help boost your social media status.Highly recommended to aspiring artists or anyone else wanting to produce much more from their online endeavors.

I am a fan of Gita Joshi's podcast because she's thoughtful, intelligent and warm, and her book satisfies for all the same reasons. Her tone is conversational and she makes things seem really doable in ways that other marketing experts don't always manage to convey. I finished this book feeling supported and motivated rather than overwhelmed.

I had been puzzled about my next steps for my craft business. This book was timely. I have begun to totally re-conceptualize how to present myself to the world, even WHY to present myself. I am writing my story in a whole new way and I look forward to using the advice in the book to send it out there. There’s really nothing missing here. Excellent resource.

This was a very useful book that laid out marketing in doable and sensible way. Most books focus on how to build your insta, but that doesn't garner sales.

I love how this book takes you through the finer details of marketing and selling your art. From journaling to websites to art fairs, Gita Joshi leaves no stone unturned. There are places to leave notes (and you will be needed to leave notes, trust me!) Highly recommended!

I am an artist and bought this book to help me out with the business side of things. She is able to wrap up concepts into an easy to understand morsels. It’s great definitely worth the read. Thank you!

I like the book, I was expecting it to be more in depth. However there are quite a few things you can learn if you have no prior ideas of how you can sell your art online.

She beautifully explains how “Artists are the best advocates of their work and need to learn to become their own agents” and this is even more helpful in the current environment.

This is a nice book to read in conjunction with many other books on art marketing. It gives you a basic framework to start. You will supplement these ideas by reading other books and through your own practice and experience. If you’re serious about this subject, give this book a read. The author speaks about her experience helping artist. Even if you think you know everything covered, you may learn something from her that you hadn’t thought of or experienced yourself.

I bought the Kindle version of this book, and I gotta say that this has been truly helpful for artists like me who are planning to use their art as a source of income. I have a huge passion for making art, but unfortunately I have zero experience when it comes to marketing. Gita gave very useful information and advice on creating a good foundation in order to market yourself and get your art noticed by people. I'm currently building my own website for my artworks, and I'm still at an early stage trying to make it in the art industry. I do hope that what I've learned from the book will serve me well on my journey as an artist. Thank you, Gita, for this book.

I bought the Kindle version of this book, and I gotta say that this has been truly helpful for artists like me who are planning to use their art as a source of income. I have a huge passion for making art, but unfortunately I have zero experience when it comes to marketing. Gita gave very useful information and advice on creating a good foundation in order to market yourself and get your art noticed by people. I'm currently building my own website for my artworks, and I'm still at an early stage trying to make it in the art industry. I do hope that what I've learned from the book will serve me well on my journey as an artist. Thank you, Gita, for this book.

Show Your Art: How to Build an Art Career Without a Gallery
⭐ 4.6 💛 133
paperback: $14.00
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