Small Business BIG RECRUITING: How to hire in any labor market and within any market.

by: Alex Shattuck (0)

Are you an entrepreneur or small business owner struggling to recruit? Do you want to learn how to hire in any labor market and within any budget?

Small Business BIG RECRUITING will help you win the battles within the Talent War we're in. The pandemic changed everything and small business owners are struggling to recruit more than ever. This book will put you in a position of strength once again. You will have what you need to go out and not just compete with, but BEAT out the "big dogs" that we are losing the Talent War to at this time. This book will position you to go out and hire your championship team regardless of the labor market you're experiencing and all within your budget.

Inside, you’ll discover:

  • Why recruiting is the most important part of your business.
  • Insights on how to leverage the changes the pandemic caused us as small business owners.
  • How to locate top talent in any labor market.
  • How to land top talent in any labor market and within any budget.
  • Detailed instructions on how to interview candidates in a way that will drastically increase your ability to hire A players while in a competitive situation where the candidate may have multiple offers.
  • And more…

Get Small Business BIG RECRUITING today!

The Reviews

You need to go buy this right now!! Especially if you are a business! Even if you have the best people on your team, you need this! If you are struggling to find the right person for your business, you need this! This is a great book and it will teach you and help you recruit for your business. Go get it now! You won't regret it!

Recruiting for your business can be so hard. This book has helped me learn to always be recruiting and given me great ideas on how to succeed in getting the right people in the door! Great read and worth any small business owner who may be struggling to find the right person for your business!

If you are a business owner this book is a must have! When recruiting for your business you may not know where to start or what to look for in quality applicants, this book will answer all your question and send you in the right direction to fully staff a successful business.

In the recent job market it is difficult for small businesses to keep up with hiring high quality employees. Alex has proven that it is possible and now he is sharing his knowledge with the world! Take his advice and you will upgrade your B team to an A team.

Do you have a small business? Struggling to recruit? Then you MUST READ “Small Business BIG RECRUITING” this book will help you win battles within the talent war we’re in! Discover why recruiting is the most important part of your business & more!

This book is fantastic for business owners to implement into their business. It provides a wealth of knowledge, tips and tricks to enhance your business strategies and grow your business without the stress of overworking yourself.Must read!!!!

Al is an excellent author, coach & business owner! If you are looking for sure fire ways to improve your recruiting process & experience success, you want to get this book.

If you own a business, and want the best recruiting tactics for building an all-star team...this is the book for you!

Small Business BIG RECRUITING: How to hire in any labor market and within any market.
⭐ 5.0 💛 37
paperback: $8.09
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