Success By Design: The Essential Business Reference for Designers

by: David Sherwin (0)

Want to make your design business a success? Start here.

Fellow Designer,

In your career you may have been like me: Trying to keep projects on the rails and clients happy. Digging through blogs for useful advice. Wondering if there was a better way to handle all of the demands of being a design professional and running a creative business.

The wisdom contained in Success By Design: The Essential Business Reference for Designers will help you become a stronger businessperson and better plan your career path as a design leader. This book was born from in-depth interviews with a slew of successful designers, studio directors, project managers, and client service professionals across a wide range of creative industries. It contains the business secrets I needed the most when I started as a designer sixteen years ago.


The Reviews

This book is full of realistic, actionable insights for tackling the business side of providing client services as a designer. As someone who recently started working independently after several years working for sprawling agencies, David Sherwinā€™s book has helped me wrap my head around ā€“Ā and begin to effectively manage ā€“ the myriad tasks that have to happen before, during, and after ā€œthe design workā€ in order to actually make a living at it.Sherwin goes into an appropriate amount of detail on the nuts-and-bolts of business development, contract negotiation, scheduling, client relationships, and effective review and delivery. I say ā€œappropriate amountā€ because he touches on some areas that are the subject of whole books on their own (listed in the ā€œResourcesā€ section) and some ā€“Ā such as contract negotiation ā€“ that are simply imprudent to take on without at least some form of legal counsel (with to-the-point explanations as to why this is the case).This book also includes bigger picture concerns of market positioning, leadership, and studio culture, as well as dozens of vignettes and examples from Sherwin and others. Itā€™s an easy to understand, engaging read ā€“ and one that I imagine Iā€™ll keep coming back to as my own practice grows.

This book provided comprehensive information about the various segments a Graphic Designer might work in. The book also discussed running your own Studio.I would suggest that anyone wanting to work in the Graphic Design Industry as an employee or freelance read this book. There was a lot of information presented in a logical way in the entire book.

Over the years I have been a freelancer and a part of ad/design agencies, but I was reading the book because I'm trying to grow in my leadership position at an in-house agency. The majority of the information included in this book will work for freelancers, agency designers, and in-house designers. What makes the information so valuable is that it is information that you don't learn in design schools, it's usually learned on the job.

This a useful book for experienced and new designers alike. Guidelines for running your business--details for proposals, contracts, spec work, deliverables, etc. A great book to keep handy.

I've only read a few chapters so far, but I would absolutely recommend this to any design professional thinking of heading out on their own, be it freelance or a new firm.

I like the theme through out the book about "valuing" your work and not allowing work or specific lines in the contract to work against this.

Great book, and better than most at describing the world of design. The author also takes a very lighthearted approach to explaining everything so it doesn't read like a text book. The only reason I didn't give a 5 star is because it didn't cover some topics as well as I would have liked it too.

I loved how this book prepares you for all of the questions you will have after you graduate from college. This book is a must read if you have no experience outside of schooling.

This book covered a good amount of ground. It might not be for every business model, but sets a good example for what a good design studio should strive to be. Worth considering if you're trying to understand how your studio can be more efficient or if you're trying to start your own business.

This book have excellent tips and tools that i wish i have 2 years ago. When i was reading the book i was laugh fin to my self and said "i have made this mistake, etc". I recommend this book to any entrepreneur designer.

The color of the mechanical pencil is cute, however it felt cheap when writing and not very durable.

It was great also lilac color is so beautiful:)Love it!! Thank you so much!!! Great quality!

I bought it because I heard good review of it off social media, but was really surprised when it was $12!! It broke after like 6 months of use and I have no idea why. I still love the design so came back to buy another one and they cut the price down by $4. ToT

Just what I was looking for

Love it! Very comfortable in hand! Itā€™s Ā«TriangleĀ» shape Not cylindrical!

Success By Design: The Essential Business Reference for Designers
ā­ 4.6 šŸ’› 45
paperback: $1.48
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