SysML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Systems Modeling Language

by: Lenny Delligatti (0)

The Systems Modeling Language (SysML) extends UML with powerful systems engineering capabilities for modeling a wider spectrum of systems and capturing all aspects of a system’s design.  SysML Distilled is the first clear, concise guide for everyone who wants to start creating effective SysML models.

(Drawing on his pioneering experience at Lockheed Martin and NASA, Lenny Delligatti illuminates SysML’s core components and provides practical advice to help you create good models and good designs. Delligatti begins with an easy-to-understand overview of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and an explanation of how SysML enables effective system specification, analysis, design, optimization, verification, and validation. Next, he shows how to use all nine types of SysML diagrams, even if you have no previous experience with modeling languages. A case study running through the text demonstrates the use of SysML in modeling a complex, real-world sociotechnical system.

Modeled after Martin Fowler’s classic UML Distilled, Delligatti’s indispensable guide quickly teaches you what you need to know to get started and helps you deepen your knowledge incrementally as the need arises. Like SysML itself, the book is method independent and is designed to support whatever processes, procedures, and tools you already use.

Coverage Includes
  • Why SysML was created and the business case for using it
  • Quickly putting SysML to practical use
  • What to know before you start a SysML modeling project
  • Essential concepts that apply to all SysML diagrams
  • SysML diagram elements and relationships
  • Diagramming block definitions, internal structures, use cases, activities, interactions, state machines, constraints, requirements, and packages
  • Using allocations to define mappings among elements across a model
  • SysML notation tables, version changes, and sources for more information


The Reviews

Good book but aged and over distilled..... as is the OCSMP training it's associated with, and needs stereotypes.Too close to the excellent, but also aged 14 part training. Docked a star.The book is focused on SYSML 1.2... new paradigms of dependencies (<<uses>>) are not covered. Needs a revision 2nd to 1.6 or 1.7 and discussion of SysML 2.0. The Pillars of SYSML is a useful paradigm in tying up the interdependencies in the model elements.A critical flaw for even beginning modelers is the lack of training on stereotypes. Why? Because most mature organizations will need to develop stereotypes to make Sysml meet goals of one fact in one place. It is not an advanced topic, but an integral part of SYSML.Stereotypes are key to meeting the organizational needs of the modeling tool, not just for generation of code but also to create the DSL extensions we are required by our customers.Unlike the deeper books in SYSML, one of the concepts of stereotyping is the use in generating from the model.A

SysML Distilled is a great reasonably short introduction to the SysML language usage best practices. As a long term UML designer, this book was very helpful to guide my UML work to be more compliant and engage with SysML modeling problem spaces.I wholeheartedly encourage anyone, whether UML experienced or not, to purchase this book and read through it to get up to speed and become productive in SysML modeling.- Dr. J.W.M

I bought this book to use for a new program I am starting at work. Whether you read the book from beginning to end, use it as a companion to Lenny Delligatti's online course (which also great so far--especially if you are planning to take the OCSMP certification), or use it as a reference when working with SysML models for work/study, the book is well-organized and formatted for quick discovery of the important topics.My company paid for Lenny's course for me so I am working through the course and using the book as a companion. In the meantime, I am referencing the book for the satellite models I am studying at work. Lenny uses a satellite model for his example so it's even better for my situation. He also makes an example SysML model available for free so you can work with the example model as you learn.What is also not emphasized in the book and the example model (but probably should be) is the elements of good style when creating SysML models. How you organized your element structures, how to maximize repeatability, and good naming conventions are other benefits that you get when you use the book and the associated free SysML model. Highly recommended and an amazing bargain in the technical book market space.

This book is just exactly right for someone looking to be introduced to SysML. It prepares the reader for the OCSMP Model User and Model Builder Fundamental certifications. Mr. Delligatti perfectly "distills" what is otherwise a broad, daunting topic down to its most essential elements, making it accessible to certainly anyone with an engineering background, and even to many without an engineering background. It focuses the reader on what is important for the exams, but also prepares them for real-world model implementation through tangible examples. Lenny uses a single SysML model he created himself as an example for the entire book, making the reading more relatable to actual application. Finally, Mr. Delligatti himself is an expert in the field with years of experience in SysML and application of MBSE tools in industry. He also has training and experience in the art of teaching. His experience melds perfectly in this book to deliver a resource that provides insights that will impact a modeler's actual ability to do their job. This book is the gold standard for SysML beginners. It accompanies a course (which I also took) that comes as highly recommended as the book.

I highly recommend SysML Distilled to anyone learning the language and/or preparing for the first level of the Certified System Modeling Professional (CSMP) exam. This book provides a great overview of the language and can serve as a fine desk reference for experienced modelers.After introducing the “Three Pillars of MBSE” (languages, methods, and tools) it wisely focuses on the SysML language, which is the subject of the CSMP-User exam. The book’s organization reflects the structure of the SyML language. While each kind of diagram has a dedicated chapter, I really appreciated how a single recurring example – the design of the “DellSat-77” satellite – was used to build upon the techniques and insights developed in previous chapters.The book was just right for me, an almost breezy 250 pages, including copious diagrams. Thanks to skillful editing and a conversational writing style, it’s an enjoyable read that provides just enough theory without getting bogged down by abstractions. With moderate effort, in about a week you’ll gain a well-rounded appreciation for SysML that positions you for further study.For those interested in further study, the author points the way with plenty of references for alternative languages (e.g., UML, UPDM, BPMN, MARTE, SoaML), as well as for popular modeling methodologies (OOSEM, SYSMOD, or IBM Telelogic Harmony-SE) and tools (Cameo, Rhapsody, Enterprise Architect, Modelio, et al).I’m familiar with most of the previous SysML books on the market. While no single book or reference can completely prepare you for the CSMP exam, I would highly recommend this book as your starting point.Note: as of this writing, the publisher offers free access to the Safari online version for 45 days.

SysML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Systems Modeling Language
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