The 48 Laws of Power

by: Robert Greene (0)

Amoral, cunning, ruthless, and instructive, this multi-million-copy New York Times bestseller is the definitive manual for anyone interested in gaining, observing, or defending against ultimate control – from the author of The Laws of Human Nature.

In the book that 
People magazine proclaimed “beguiling” and “fascinating,” Robert Greene and Joost Elffers have distilled three thousand years of the history of power into 48 essential laws by drawing from the philosophies of Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, and Carl Von Clausewitz and also from the lives of figures ranging from Henry Kissinger to P.T. Barnum.
  Some laws teach the need for prudence (“Law 1: Never Outshine the Master”), others teach the value of confidence (“Law 28: Enter Action with Boldness”), and many recommend absolute self-preservation (“Law 15: Crush Your Enemy Totally”). Every law, though, has one thing in common: an interest in total domination. In a bold and arresting two-color package, 
The 48 Laws of Power is ideal whether your aim is conquest, self-defense, or simply to understand the rules of the game.

The Quotes

Never take your position for granted and never let any favors you receive go to your head.

Never waste valuable time, or mental peace of mind, on the affairs of others—that is too high a price to pay.

When it comes to power, outshining the master is perhaps the worst mistake of all.

The Reviews

This book has controversy, but most of it stems from reviewers that believe all people are good inside and unicorns deliver their vegan low fat cappuccino with cream. Well, most people aren't kind, and this book prepared me for reality. It doesn't teach one to be self absorbed or evil or a heretic. It teaches one to stand your ground and to protect yourself from taking unnecessary burden, unfair treatment, and manipulation from corrupt people.

there seems to be a lot of love and hate surrounding this book, so if you are curious but unsure, this review should help you decide whether or not to buy the book, and how it will impact youFirst, to understand the 48 laws of power, you must know two key ideas1. you CAN NOT escape the power game. thinking you can "not participate" is as foolish as thinking that you could somehow escape gravity or make the sun stand still. Robert Greene explains why in the intro with some excellent examples2. the 48 laws of power are neither good nor evil; they are just LAWS. If someone pushed a man off a cliff would you blame gravity for for his demise? This is the mindset you must adopt in order to learn a lot from this book.Things I Liked- NEW PARADIGMafter reading the 48 laws, you will never see the world the same way again. once you understand some of these laws you will see many underlying currents and motives you did not see before.- INCREASES POWERone of the main reasons to buy the book. you wil become exponentially more powerfull by knowing and understanding these laws-CRYSTAL CLEARevery law is clearly outlined with "transgression" of the law, "observance" of the law, keys to power, and a "reversal"-GREAT STORIESthe 48 laws are packed with mindblowing and sometimes humorous stories of people in history practicing these laws. this is helpful as some of the concepts are quite abstract.What I didn't like-RISKYan old proverb says " A man who plays with snakes will eventually be bitten". If you begin to use the 48 Laws improperly, you could get yourself in some dangerous situations, lose friends, piss off a lot a people, and destroy relationships- REQUIRES DISCERNMENTif you you are looking for a highly concrete book that the says "do xyz and you will accomplish vyx" look elsewhere. the Laws require good judgement and and and prospecting nature to practice and apply-NOT FOR EVERYONE If you are aghast at the idea of manipulation and deceit then read with caution.OVERALL: If you want to have more power or a better understanding of why different situations turn out the the way they do, you should definitely read the 48 laws of power by Robert Greene. If you want to be naive, easily manipulated, weak, you should ignore this book and go watch some netfilx.Thanks for reading

All ethics, decency, courtesy and fairness falls out of the Golden Rule - "Treat others as you would like to be treated". So the question is what happens when we are all those things, for the best of our ability, but we get treated poorly by a narcissist that abuses our kindness. Do we the embrace the psychology of our abuser and accept that is how the world is and that it was OUR fault for being naive?These rules are the revenge fantasy of a wounded child archetype. They are highly dysfunctional in any healthy community, relationship, friendships of family. If you practice them, you will end up losing the most valuable of friendships and other relationships that would have helped you out the most in life, and keep you in that hell.If you want to be able to recognize psychopathic indicators in others, read up some books on modern psychology that addresses that directly. It is not very hard to recognize such people.I heard this is the most popular book ordered in US prisons. That should tell you something.

Not everything in here is pretty, good, or pleasant. Then again, this is about power, not about being a "good person", whatever that means.I wish I had read this when I was in my teens. It would have prevented me making a lot of naive mistakes as a young man.

This book takes the worst parts of the human mind and drags them down into the abyss. And then thrives there. When you open this book, it's akin to stepping at the edge of the cavern. You don't notice how its stalactite-filled ceiling echo the horrors and the gore and the piss and the vomit of others that came before. Its passages are full of the bodies of good men and women who were caught by the beasts that live there. You know you should turn back after seeing the first mangled corpse, but you're enthralled by the journey. It may come off as exciting. "What harm can it do?" you might think. "There's treasure at the end," you might think.Then you see the first demon of forty-eight. It doesn't do anything. It stands, however, at the centre of the first level. It stares at you, its black eyes full of emptyness. You may grow scared. And you'd be right to. Or, like a fool, you will approach this horned burnt skin creature. It stands tall and appears almost as if it were a part of the cavern itself. Its transparent nature, made to lure you into thinking it does not exist, makes it even more dangerous. And when you are well within its reach, it seizes you with its mighty clawed hand and eats you whole. But something strange happens. You don't die. You fall. And you fall far.When you finally come to, your body, full of pain, and soreness, and that horrible feeling of nausea explodes inside you. As if a piece of your soul was eaten away. It takes you a while before you realise that you are now deeper into the abyss. There's less light. But you still hear some of the comforts of nature. The rushing water into the bodies of aqua. The sound of drops from the stalactites. The distant birds chirping. You would think that what you saw was some illusion. That you slipped and fell. Or that some other thing occurred. A bad lunch; a meal that made you ill. If you were smart, you'd turn around and go home. But most people aren't smart. They keep going.You hear a fox's cry suddenly. You can't believe your ears. A fox? Here? And you follow the sound. When you arrive to where the fox sits, its back to you. You might say, "Oh you poor creature. Are you lost? Do you need any help getting out?" Then it turns. It's not a fox. It's animal in the normal sense. The world around you suddenly grows colder and darker. You may take a step back. But the fox, with red eyes, eyes that are bleeding and putrid and full of maggots, follows you. It's screeching. Loudly. And you cover your ears. But that doesn't help. And when the fox reaches up to you, it lunges at you. And eats its way into your heart. And you black out. When you awaken, the cavern is different. As if you were moved elsewhere. The walls are growing a faint red. Your chest feels like it's on fire. And you can't feel your arm. But it slowly begins to regain its feeling. Then you puke out blackness. It's not a puke like anything you've seen. The human body isn't made to expel something like this. Something is clearly wrong. That was the second demon. You might panic and run. Or you might not. If you were smart, you'd turn around and go home. But most people aren't smart. They keep going.You rub your head, then your arm. You get up to your feet and look around. Things seem hazy. Much darker than before. You're confused. You don't know what you saw. You look around. Maybe try and find a way out. Suddenly you see a light at the end. You decide to follow it. And you spot an old man sitting on a small mound. He had a long flowing white beard, a grand white gown with the names of holy people written and he wore a crown. Much rather, he wore seven crowns made of gold, silver and copper, and each crown was full of diamonds of various colours and shapes. His eyes were gentle. And smiled, like a father does to his child. His presence gave off something warm about it."Who are you?" You might ask."I am the last of all that is good. Turn ye back and never return. Ere thou too shalt be consumed," the mysterious fellow said, in a loud and booming voice. You might think the old man mad, others might think the old man illogical, and finally others might say that he's ignorant or outdated or that he can't understand the intricacies of the new world, the modern world. He is a relic of the past, with all those pesky morals and traditions. We can't have morals or traditions in the future.If you heed the advice, you may yet be saved. If you don't, then your soul will slowly be consumed. Until you too are no different than the demons you should rightfully fear. Even if you were not a religious person, it would be obvious to see how unethical this book is. You will become a spawn of evil. And no amount of prayer and church-going will ever be enough. Because you have been done the unforgiveable knowingly.If you wish to learn how to use power for good, then I would recommend Aquinas's De Regno, Vincent of Beauvais's The Education of Noble Children, Cicero's De Officiis, Seneca's De Clementia, and the King's Mirror by anonymous. There are many more on the observation of power and its use in business, but these work. And you don't need to be underhanded in order to do so. The best businessman is the one who can keep his soul intact, and thinks of the good of others. Not himself.

Many of us are told growing up that the world is a utopian place and to adjust our behaviors accordingly. We told to "treat others how you want to be treated", "turn the other cheek", "everything happens for a reason and works out in the end" and "pardise awaits us after we die".Most people realize that this view of the world, especially once they leave the nest, is in fact false. There is suffering and death occurring on scales at the moment that are beyond human comprehension (nature has a 99% extinction rate). People are, and quite willing, to hurt and use you for their own ends. And that if you expect to get anywhere in the world you have todo more than work hard and be kind, you must hustle, be lucky and sometimes use and push people aside.Robert Greene in "The 48 Laws of Power" is first and foremost making you aware of the way the world is. Not as we want it to be but as it is. He goes through 48 "laws", which are really just techniques/actions, that people use to protect themselves, advance their own interest and "gain power". Each chapter starts with short description of the law and then proceeds to detail the law through accompanying stories and reasoning.Overall I feel the author has created an absolute masterpiece. He's engaging, articulate, funny and smart in his writing. Personally once I really got into the book I couldn't put it down. I found myself reflecting back on my own experiences, those close to me and society at large and I saw people utilizing the laws all the time (whether they know they are is a different story). I was also suprised, in a good way, at just how diverse and applicable they were to so many different areas of your everyday life.The only real downsides I found with the book is that it is long (probably unnecessarily so) and a bit depressing (since the laws can and often are used for evil). But that's a complaint about human nature, not the authors fault.So what is the real purpose of the book, what do people take away from and use it for? Well the laws are really just like a diverse tool kit to be used at different times in your life. So first and foremost it's about awareness and protecting yourself. Even if you don't use the laws, or at least don't intend to use them in a bad way, other people will try to use them on you and you can adequately defend and protect yourself. As they say "a ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" to any problem/conflict.Second it's about using them to advance your own interests. And this where the negative reviews are entirely unwarranted. Any weapon or tool, such as a car, is not itself good or evil. Only the person wielding it is. So you can use them for good or evil. And at the end of the day really is their anything wrong with protecting and advancing you own interests (if they are noble)? The answer is no and if you want to do anything meaningful in life you must both defend and attack.Another thing, for those still hesitant on reading the book, is this. In recovery from any major problem there is typically five steps people go through (whether they know they are going through them or not). They are "Denial", "Anger", "Bargaining", "Depression" & "Acceptance". This is what you will likely go through with this book. At first you'll "deny" the laws, you'll become "angry" as you see that they are in fact true and be utilizing people (how awful they are for doing so), you will start to use them for yourself and see results ("Bargaining"), "depressed" as you come to terms that they really work and used for evil in some cases (why does it have to be this way) and lastly you'll "accept" that this is just how the world works and your better of knowing about them and using them for both defense and offense.Do you want to be a victum the rest of your life and be used, abused and hurt and left behind? Or do you want to Man (or Woman) Up to the world so you can survive and thrive in it? The answer is obvious. I have seen people, including myself, get used, abused and hurt (in some cases ending in death) because they were unaware of these laws or refused to let go of the utopian/disney view of the world. Grow up or get left behind.As Saint Paul said "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.".I would recommend you check out Greene's other books in particular "The 33 Stratgies of War" and the "The 50th Law" (with 50 Cent). The help complete your personal technique arsenal for effective defense and offense.My last piece of advise is to follow the unwritten "49th law" which is "to not talk about the laws of power". It is to your advatge for others not to know this stuff as they will often use it agaist you or they will resent you because they may think your using it on them. (This is the real motivation behind a lot of the negative reviews, they don't want you to know them because they put themselves at a disadvantage). I would only educate perhaps your children and a long term significant other as you want them to be protected and thrive as well. However if you can be sure you safe from harm you may want to pass it on (as someone likely did to you since your reading this review). But again be wary, when so many other people suck it makes it easier for you to stand out. As they say a good magacian never revels their secrets.

Some parts are from a mind of a bitter man. I don’t think to be that cunning is necessary. He influenced a lot by con men. I think he was in a bad place while writing some parts. It’s like when you are in a bad place and want to dream of becoming a criminal, like to watch Scorsese movies😀. I loved the book anyways.

I am still in the early parts of this book but I enjoy reading this book for all the insights it has to offer. The best part about this book I think is all the fables and short stories of the past that show how these laws can stand the test of time. Lots of great things to learn from. You can use these as fun bedtime stories for kids!

People say its not good or it may not be well for people to read. But it is interesting if you read it with an open mind and try to understand a little more than what the author is saying. I really recommend everyone try and read this book at least once.

I received this book in the mail today, so excited to read this amazing book.. there was no creases when it came in the mail and the delivery driver was awfully nice and delivered it in hand !

I feel this book is monumental and timeless. It has many anecdotes that aid the lesson being taught. I'll probably never read it again but will refer back to it religiously.

Good Principles From Many Traditional Sources & His Own. I recognized Lao Tsu, for instance. Tiny type. I haven't read it word for word yet. I read the outline of the 48, many I was familiar with. Thick book for having such tiny type, but I haven't gotten far enough to find if it is extensive and pithy, or just verbose.

If your into esoterics, philosophy and the ancient occult this is excellent dark psychology, if your super religious with blinders on it is not for you. It has excellent historical events that can be verified. I'm carrying it around like a Bible.

It’s a lengthy book - but it needs to be. This is the second book I picked up by Greene; the first being the Book on Seduction. I found this one even more captivating. I made the habit to read one chapter minimum every day until I finished the book and it has been one of the best reading decisions I’ve made. I highly recommend this to people my age (mid-twenties). Greene’s ability to present the law, give key examples of its prevalence in history, while also describing the key elements to the law is a phenomenal. I found myself connecting these laws to people and events that have occurred in my own life and it made this book more impactful. If you do pick it up, take your time with it and digest the information. We all relate to this book in one way or another. I plan to use the knowledge here to retake power I gave up in my own life while also preemptively defending myself from those seeking to bring me down. This book is not evil, if applied appropriately. I would like to thank Robert Greene for creating this literary marvel. This book will live on for ages.

want to protect yourself from people's manipulation tactics, you got it. want to manipulate people? you got it. this book has the perfect balance of tactics that will help you manipulate and prevent you from being manipulated by people.

Another great book by Robert Greene. Full of powerful and practical information that can be put to use in your own life. I highly recommend this book to those that are interested in learning more about the human nature and how it functions and to anyone looking to further understand themselves. Check out his other book, LAWS OF HUMAN NATURE - superb!

I wish I read "48 Laws of Power", and for that matter, another one of Greene's books, "33 Strategies of War" when I was a teen or a young adult, ready to make my way in the big bad world. This book would've helped alot.Using entertaining, real-life, historic examples, Greene shows how his collections of real-world-tested laws and strategies paid off when used correctly. If anything, his books gently lift the curtain on the illusion of how we all WANT the world to work, and should work, to how it REALLY works.After the facts-of-life talk, this is the book parents should hand their age-appropriate kids next, and have a discussion about it.

The amount of information and knowledge that Robert Greene brings to this book is tremendous. Though the book gets deep into each law I do think the author could have made his point with at least 100 less pages.The first few laws are definitely laws that one should learn in order to know if they are being used against you. After law 20 the book goes to a lighter less dark side of power.Definitely a must read to anyone in power. But be careful not to use some of the laws to manipulate people as they will definitely sense it and start to look for ways to take you out of power.Great book overall. I will be reading the other main books from Robert Greene.

The book gives. A good perspective about what is the Man and what we want as a human being, revealing what is our true personality out of the social and accepted rules, and our believes that what is good or what is bad, what is the accepted behavior and what is the behavior that we could take as a person that want achieve an objective.

This book is the consummation of years of study. With reservation, I highly recommend this book. It is great for understanding social interaction as a defense against being manipulated in certain situations--BUT--it has the potential for great misuse if one were to use it as a handbook for how to manipulate others in various situations. Great as a defense--not so much as a how-to.

I LOVED this book! In the pursuit of becoming your best self and gaining “power”, each Law will make you reflect, grow and learn. I have highlighted and written in this book more than I did in my textbooks in college. Mr. Robert Greene’s first book is a masterpiece! He laid it out straight with many historic examples and lessons. I will use, recommend and reference this book forever. Although not for the faint at heart, you will not be disappointed.

Edit: when I changed to a thicker/denser pillow, they definitely aren't loud enough to be heard clearly. Going to try the one that is advertised as including an amplifier.Original: So far, they have lasted a few months. I do like that when they are under a standard size pillow, they are thin enough to not be noticeable. Like many other reviewers, I do wish they could be set to a higher volume, but for my purpose they are good enough at the right price.

I don't hear well in my right ear, but my left ear is fine. If I put the speakers under my pillow, I can hear them fine with my good ear. To hear them with my right ear, I have to put them on top of the pillow, under my pillow case. I sleep on my sides so this is no problem. I don't know how they'd work for someone that sleeps on their back or stomach. I have to have them right at my ear to hear them, but I do have the volume turned down to medium.

These look just like the speaker inserts in a pair of headband earphones I bought on Amazon, so they were a good replacement so I didn't have to pay twice as much for a new headband. I use the headband for sleep every other night, and the new speaker inserts lasted about 3.5 months.They're pretty comfortable. When I lay on my side, I moved it a little so I wouldn't lay directly on it, or else I'd wake up with a sore ear. But compared to other sleep headphones I've had, they were more comfortable.This is the headphone headband I used them for as replacement speakers: Enhon Twisted Headband Headphone for Women, 3.5 mm Jack Wired Soft Elastic Headband for Sport Gym Exercise Sleep Air Travel Meditation with Thin Speaker Comfort Headphone Without Mess Hair

Use these to sleep as I hate things going in my ear. The biggest issue is the wires are cheap and tangle, twist, and snap within a month or less. If they made these with better wires, this would be a great product for people who like to fall asleep with headphones but hate the soreness and pain from ear buds.

I gave this a rating of three stars because I bought two sets. Once it worked fine but the other set didn’t work at all. So I returned it.

I love the comfort and have ordered several... I see if they have a warrant inside a year. These have already broken, ordered in August and broken in October. I would like a replacement sent to me.Thank you. Linda Wolfe

I've lost count of the number of sleep-headband headphones (CozyPhones, SleepPhones, etc.) I've gone through thanks to my cat's insatiable appetite for the cloth-jacketed wires those headphones use. She won't touch normal rubber-jacketed wires, but something about the texture of the cloth coating is like kitty super-crack to her.I've tried the wireless Bluetooth variants but the rapidly-waning battery life coupled with the jarring "YOUR DEVICE IS CONNECTED" and "YOUR HEADSET IS DISCONNECTED" signals that disregard volume settings and jar you awake just as you're drifting off make the BT models an unworkable solution. I've tried diligently wrapping my headphones up in a drawstring bag every morning when I wake up, which worked for a while until one night she just chewed them up in my sleep. I've tried dipping the wire in bittering anti-chew spray, but have fun with that when you accidentally get the wire in your own mouth as you roll over on it in the middle of the night. It was a long-running game of cat and mouse (no pun intended) and I was losing badly, to the tune of $20 or more per pair of headphones she ruined.Enter these little bad-boys. They do the same thing the original speakers do: sit flat and output sound. The kicker, though, is that the wire is thicker and uses a different coating from the OEM speakers. Still cloth, but coarser and heavier. Enough so that my cat has no interest in them. I've left them sitting out on the bed, no drawstring bag, for weeks and she wants nothing to do with them.You're not going to get B&W or Paradigm or Klipsch quality sound out of these and they're not going to blow you away, which is probably a good thing since you're ostensibly wearing these to go to sleep. For the price, they work and sound great - indistinguishable, to the best of my ability to tell, from the original speakers. They're stereo headphones with a bog-standard 3.5mm connector, tried-and-true, nothing fancy to go wrong, age-old technology that's had all its bugs hammered out decades ago. Plus, if my little gremlin does eventually develop a taste for them, they're much less expensive to replace and you can keep using the same cloth headband.These are a no-brainer.

These aren’t the nice flat ones I wanted to replace. If you fall asleep on these they can hurt and give you a headache.

Great read. Informative and entertaining Read and think how the law# have been used against you. And how you have used them. It’s not an evil book. It just tells how it is. It’s realistic even if we don’t like it.

This book dives into places that can be relatively dark, especially in the case that it falls into the wrong hands. However it’s an excellent read with incredibly practical techniques that can be used from a day to day basis. Robert Greene wrote this book with organization, beauty, darkness, practicality, and pure genius. I would recommend this book only to those who are wise enough to use it properly. Other than that small group of people I would treat it as if it were a part of the movie “Fight Club,” in which the first rule is to not talk about “Fight Club.”

This book was a good read.I learned many new things from it.The book is helpful in life.If you are naiive and have been conned in life, perhaps reading this will aid you in your navigation through life.

I love this book. It is certainly a hefty read but if you are reading with intention you will get what you are looking for! This book is filled with knowledge and references to clarify the ideas. It is clear a vast amount of research and time went into the preparation for this book.

This book can easily be mistaken as a guid for manipulation however thats not is goal. What it does do is use stories of different historical figures to demonstrate the the ways people can take advantage of one another. With that it will also educate you on how to counter this. So if you find yourself being power played you can use these tactics to protect yourself and even gain an advantage so they can no longer do so and let you be. The flip side is if you are in a position of authority you can protect yourself from those who want to harm you due to your position. Keep in mind that this knowledge itself is not bad or wrong. How you use it is what really matters. Read to expand your mind not to confirm what you either know or perceive as true.

For the expert game u get from this book for 11 dollars is insane! Completely life changing book, and though I don't really remember the laws directly they're tied to my subconscious in helps me navigate life everyday. My theory is that u don't forget ANYTHING, it's just stored deeply into your brain, so as I said you can be doing something u learned without even realizing it. Great book, and I recommend for anyone thats what's the world delivered to them raw, as it is, no sugarcoating.

Regalo de baby shower perfecto. La s zapatitos estån divinos parecen zapatillas de ballet de verdad.La tela cómoda y fresca ideal para recién nacida

Se lo regale a mi ahijado y esta hermoso el conjunto, cuando lo usa si prevé un pequeño rockstar, lo ame!!!!

Es muy grande, pedĂ­ el 12 que segĂșn yo deberĂ­a de ser 12-18 y me mandaron el 12-24 pero bueno, asĂ­ le dura mĂĄs, estĂĄ muy bonito, todo, hasta los zapatos aunque todavĂ­a no le quedan a mi bebĂ©

Lo pedí para regalo, estå amplio y la tela se siente bien, los zapatitos estån bonitos y para el bebé le va a quedar muy bonito!!

Tardaron bastante tiempo en enviarlo, aunque cuando llegĂł fue tal y como se ve en la foto. Realmente bonito.

La talla de la ropa es como se espera estĂĄ sĂșper bonito y de algodĂłn, ademĂĄs por el precio que lo adquirĂ­ muy bien, solo los zapatitos vienen mĂĄs amplios pero super comodos

Muy bonito el conjunto

fué para un regalo de un familiar y estuvieron encantados con el regalo, de buena calidad

I am an avid reader 78 years young, at first I was overwhelmed by the size of this book, I find it to be very dense and the print is small which causes it to seem denser when I opened it it was like my God what have I gotten into!Unless one has nothing else to do this is a good read, I still work part-time and have no help at home, so with this book, I have had to select points of need to read/interest shall I say.I have trouble with my only sister who is a retired psychic nurse and thinks that she is my mother, and this book has helped me understand the way to deal with her and others.I would recommend it, I give it 4 stars because at first, it is overwhelming, but one has to adapt. I think that it would be a much better book in a condensed form! Because we all have different reading skills.

The actual quality of the book is phenomenal. I was surprised how great of a condition the book was in. I bought this book because a friend of mine recommended it. I checked the reviews on Amazon and was convinced to buy this. I am not a reader, as a matter of fact, I do not like reading. But after reading the first law, I couldn't stop reading. This book has made me reflect on who I am, how I behave, react, and think. It is teaching me how to be a better person and has changed me in great ways! I highly recommend this book to everyone.

I ordered Power by R. Green. Not a cheap book, but I found it by this seller for a good price. The copy I got probably has never been read! As far as the book content, the actual Preface of the book provides the best summary. It is great for people who study power dynamics and leadership. For people who just want to have fun reading it, "A warning... It might be better to turn back. Power is endlessly seductive and deceptive in its own way." If you are religious or virtuous, it will challenge your beliefs. If you have been dabbling in the internet, you will soon learn about one of the places where all these "gurus" get their information. As for being a Reference book, it is great to use as a sort of tool, as you can easily thumb through the 48 laws as stand alone articles. My recommendation is to read it slow and in full, while reflecting carefully. Please do not try anything you see in there without consulting someone or at least praying a great deal about it. These laws can make the difference in whether you get hired, fired, promoted etc. Be careful with them. It probably should be treated more as a list of things not to do than to do. What are you waiting for? Stop reading this, and dive into some R. Green!

the first thing I noticed about the book was that it was very well organized and had many secret details hidden on the front and back cover. this book is very helpful for people who need to learn when and how to do things t make them look stronger mentally and physically, I would definitely recommend this for younger people and older people.

Excellent book, it is well written. I saw it at the book store and looked into it and was intrigued. I finally decided to purchase and Amazon was quick and easy

Absolutely a great book! I can not put it down. I'm not trying to take over the world but its tips and techniques are useful in all situations not just in war. Wish I would have came across this book in my youth. I highly recommend giving this book a read!

A MUST-READ!!!Political ActivistPolitical LeadersRich ElitesWill use these strategies against you.Have you ever called someone a "Conspiracy Theorist" before?If so...You might be calling them because they are detecting the laws being played out from this book.

there seems to be a lot of love and hate surrounding this book, so if you are curious but unsure, this review should help you decide whether or not to buy the book, and how it will impact youFirst, to understand the 48 laws of power, you must know two key ideas1. you CAN NOT escape the power game. thinking you can "not participate" is as foolish as thinking that you could somehow escape gravity or make the sun stand still. Robert Greene explains why in the intro with some excellent examples2. the 48 laws of power are neither good nor evil; they are just LAWS. If someone pushed a man off a cliff would you blame gravity for for his demise? This is the mindset you must adopt in order to learn a lot from this book.Things I Liked- NEW PARADIGMafter reading the 48 laws, you will never see the world the same way again. once you understand some of these laws you will see many underlying currents and motives you did not see before.- INCREASES POWERone of the main reasons to buy the book. you wil become exponentially more powerfull by knowing and understanding these laws-CRYSTAL CLEARevery law is clearly outlined with "transgression" of the law, "observance" of the law, keys to power, and a "reversal"-GREAT STORIESthe 48 laws are packed with mindblowing and sometimes humorous stories of people in history practicing these laws. this is helpful as some of the concepts are quite abstract.What I didn't like-RISKYan old proverb says " A man who plays with snakes will eventually be bitten". If you begin to use the 48 Laws improperly, you could get yourself in some dangerous situations, lose friends, piss off a lot a people, and destroy relationships- REQUIRES DISCERNMENTif you you are looking for a highly concrete book that the says "do xyz and you will accomplish vyx" look elsewhere. the Laws require good judgement and and and prospecting nature to practice and apply-NOT FOR EVERYONE If you are aghast at the idea of manipulation and deceit then read with caution.OVERALL: If you want to have more power or a better understanding of why different situations turn out the the way they do, you should definitely read the 48 laws of power by Robert Greene. If you want to be naive, easily manipulated, weak, you should ignore this book and go watch some netfilx.Thanks for reading

The book is exactly what it claims to be. Each chapter is enlightening and useful whether you are seeking power for yourself or are wary of being suckered by those who are.

Personally I haven’t read it myself but it’s a gift for someone else. I did hear that it’s a great book.

High marks for the wonderful book, but a word of caution: if (like me) you hoped to find it on audio CD as advertised, be aware that it comes as an MP3 version, not regular CD. I was disappointed, because I hoped to play it in the car. Now must find an MP3 player instead.

I’m so happy that I finally got this book! I just got it today and already I’m moving into Chapter 4! So so good! Me and my bf love to read together, and tonight we had to bring out the highlighter! Lol this book had us locked in at the preface!

The book presents many examples for each law using world history. It was want difficult to read or comprehend. I will add that I had personal conflicts with the reading because some of the laws have every intention of either hurting others or putting them in positions that could ruin their lives. I read this book as a guide of fair warning to be able to look out for the laws of power so others will not be able to use them against me or my family. If you plan on using the laws of power, you must fully commit or they will not give you the results you desire. Just be cautious and willing to accept the laws for what they are
positions of power.

I was confused by mixed reviews of this book. But finally started to read because wanted to know what cunning people are thinking and does people really think that way because I always believed everyone on earth are simple, honest and truthful. But after reading I am convinced that cunning people are always there waiting to deceive you for their benefits. You better read this book and be prepare yourself to survive and thrive in this world.

Tl;dr Great defense tactics for empaths against predatory manipulators. I’ve never been motivated by power, and I don’t really even believe in its existence considering our mortality. So, I ended up laughing through the sheer sociopathy of the first few pages. I do HIGHLY recommend a rundown of these rules for people who suspect that they are dealing with manipulators that lack empathy. Some of the rules listed greatly helped me combat a sadistic narcissist whom was desperately trying to get control overme–namely, not letting him know my position or letting him onto the fact that I’d figured him out. That probably saved my life during his grooming process. He eventually discarded me, and I ran free. So please do take these rules to heart as a defensive strategy even if the offensive strategy doesn’t appeal.

The 48 Laws of Power
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