The 5AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life.

by: Robin Sharma (0)

Legendary leadership and elite performance expert Robin Sharma introduced The 5am Club concept over twenty years ago, based on a revolutionary morning routine that has helped his clients maximize their productivity, activate their best health and bulletproof their serenity in this age of overwhelming complexity.

      Now, in this life-changing book, handcrafted by the author over a rigorous four-year period, you will discover the early-rising habit that has helped so many accomplish epic results while upgrading their happiness, helpfulness and feelings of aliveness.

      Through an enchanting—and often amusing—story about two struggling strangers who meet an eccentric tycoon who becomes their secret mentor, The 5am Club will walk you through:

  • How great geniuses, business titans and the world’s wisest people start their mornings to produce astonishing achievements
  • A little-known formula you can use instantly to wake up early feeling inspired, focused and flooded with a fiery drive to get the most out of each day
  • A step-by-step method to protect the quietest hours of daybreak so you have time for exercise, self-renewal and personal growth
  • A neuroscience-based practice proven to help make it easy to rise while most people are sleeping, giving you precious time for yourself to think, express your creativity and begin the day peacefully instead of being rushed
  • “Insider-only” tactics to defend your gifts, talents and dreams against digital distraction and trivial diversions so you enjoy fortune, influence and a magnificent impact on the world

Part manifesto for mastery, part playbook for genius-grade productivity and part companion for a life lived beautifully, The 5am Club is a work that will transform your life. Forever.

The Quotes

“All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.”

the soreness of growth is so much less expensive than the devastating costs of regret.”

Take excellent care of the front end of your day, and the rest of your day will pretty much take care of itself. Own your morning. Elevate your life.

“The moment when you most feel like giving up is the instant when you must find it in you to press ahead.”

The Reviews

Let me start by saying this is only the 2nd time I have EVER reviewed anything on Amazon. I am usually loathe to say anything bad about anyone. But, I heard his podcast on Lewis Howes and was SO excited to read this book. Spent $17 or so bucks on the Audible version, and it is so awful. I'm going to plow through it because I spent the money, and I do believe there must be some nuggets of wisdom underneath the tedious writing, especially since I've been trying to get up earlier and earlier. Also, the narrator is one of my favorites (I adored him in "Daily Rituals: How Artists Work") but it is so horribly overwrought. Ugh. I'm breaking all my rules here about being critical of others, but I truly feel ripped off, and I don't want anyone else to waste their hard earned money. Listen to the podcast. Great ideas. I so wish he'd just stuck to the non-fiction laying out of such great info. Sorry!

I'm halfway through this and so far, it feels like 5% amazing guidance/advice and 95% fluff (or at most 10/90) Great advice, but after the first 5 chapters or so, I just had to go to a skim/scan approach - just too long-winded and repetitive. BUT - there's some really wonderful and inspiring guidance in there, if you don't mind having to wade thru the mediocre story-telling in between.UPDATE: Just finished it. Wow. Writing that is often so bad that I laughed out loud; fiction is NOT Mr Sharma's gift and hard to understand how his editor would allow this to be published in it's current form. Forced dialogue, shallow characters, overall clumsy storytelling. (And I just read another reviewer say it's the best book he's ever read !??!!!??? He must be fairly new to reading, or otherwise have not been exposed to any skillful storytelling.)And yet - there are some lovely, powerful ideas here. Nothing new - all of this familiar and timeless advice is available many other places - but a decent compendium of useful guidance and tips on achievement, habit development, life in general and a variety of personal growth/development ideas. This would have been a GREAT and really useful 20 page eBook guide if stripped of the shallow, repetitive, awkward storytelling.So I guess I'll stick with my 3 star review, tho if there was a 2.5 option available, I'd have chosen that.PS: Recently finished James Clear's "Atomic Habits" - excellent. The scope of that book is narrower than this book, but TERRIFIC habit formation and related advice.

I couldn't get through 100 pages in this book because it's so bad. The content is delivered through a story of people looking to make radical changes to their lives, the only problem is that it's not relatable, poorly written, and complete derails for the message of this book. I watched a YouTube review of this book to get the basic principles of this book:1. You need to push yourself outside of your comfort zone2. You need to wake up an hour earlier and dedicate that time to your growth3. You should split up your "extra" morning hour to 3 20 minute chunks where you move/sweat, learn, and reflect

What amazes me most is the severe negative reviews by some. I can only assume they were hoping to buy a book that actually gave them a SIMPLE solution to build a better life. It's mind blowing when you read some of them. It's very clear that either they can't read, or didn't read much of the book. But I go back to the fact that like many....They are looking for an easy way to build an epic life. And for those of you hoping that just getting up at 5 a.m. will transform your life??? It's better than wasting away like many do getting up at 7,8,9 or 10......But.....NO, the act of getting up at 5 a.m. or early will be a step in the right direction but it's only the start.For those that have ever read or listened to Robin you will find just about EVERY principle he has ever taught in this book. You will also find WHY those principles WORK. There is a reason Robin is not only living an Epic Life, but has helped lead many to that life. It starts with WORK.... Yes you have to Work. But it's also important to understand the physiology, psychology, and neurology by those that are at the cutting edge in these areas. YES that stuff is in this book. It's also vital to understand, as Robin mentions in the book it takes 66 days to form habits. By the fact the book has only been out a couple of weeks, apparently the results for the negative reviewers after a few days of implementation wasn't enough to transform their lives. I am laughing as I type this (hahahaha). I guess reading Arnolds book on Body Building better give me the results I've always wanted after a week or NEGATIVE reviews for his book will be spewed by day 8. I am only focusing on the negative reviewers because it's a joke the way they have analyzed The 5 a.m. Club.I will simply close with the advice I give my patients and those I coach in the real world. Do the work and SEE if it works!!! It's as simple as that. The knowledge and tools are all in this book. The effort to follow Robin's guidance will be MONUMENTAL if you do it. It won't be easy but it will transform your life. Don't believe me. Do it for 66 days then write your review.

I will just start off by saying this is quite possibly the best book I have read and I am an avid book reader. I would give it 10 stars if I could. In addition to the life lessons that I took away from this book, the story was incredible. I was waiting for this book since I pre ordered it and in no way did it disappoint and it even exceeded my exceptions. I haven’t read all of Robin’s other work but what I have read is The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari and the Secret Letter’s of the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, both amazing books and would highly recommend those as well. I am very excited to start implementing Robin’s teachings in this book to transform my life. In addition to the book, you also have access to an app that will help you on the journey to mastery that is offered for FREE. It is a no brainer to purchase this book if you are serious about taking control of your life. It might be hard at first to implement change but as Robin pointed out, all the legends and heroes and icons of society went through some type of suffering to get to where they are. There is so many more lessons you will get from this book I promise you that if you study it. I can’t wait to pay this book forward to anyone I can

What amazes me most is the severe negative reviews by some. I can only assume they were hoping to buy a book that actually gave them a SIMPLE solution to build a better life. It's mind blowing when you read some of them. It's very clear that either they can't read, or didn't read much of the book. But I go back to the fact that like many....They are looking for an easy way to build an epic life. And for those of you hoping that just getting up at 5 a.m. will transform your life??? It's better than wasting away like many do getting up at 7,8,9 or 10......But.....NO, the act of getting up at 5 a.m. or early will be a step in the right direction but it's only the start.For those that have ever read or listened to Robin you will find just about EVERY principle he has ever taught in this book. You will also find WHY those principles WORK. There is a reason Robin is not only living an Epic Life, but has helped lead many to that life. It starts with WORK.... Yes you have to Work. But it's also important to understand the physiology, psychology, and neurology by those that are at the cutting edge in these areas. YES that stuff is in this book. It's also vital to understand, as Robin mentions in the book it takes 66 days to form habits. By the fact the book has only been out a couple of weeks, apparently the results for the negative reviewers after a few days of implementation wasn't enough to transform their lives. I am laughing as I type this (hahahaha). I guess reading Arnolds book on Body Building better give me the results I've always wanted after a week or NEGATIVE reviews for his book will be spewed by day 8. I am only focusing on the negative reviewers because it's a joke the way they have analyzed The 5 a.m. Club.I will simply close with the advice I give my patients and those I coach in the real world. Do the work and SEE if it works!!! It's as simple as that. The knowledge and tools are all in this book. The effort to follow Robin's guidance will be MONUMENTAL if you do it. It won't be easy but it will transform your life. Don't believe me. Do it for 66 days then write your review.

I finally finished the book. It was challenging to read but has a lot of insights, worth reading. I do wish it had less mystical stuff in the story as I found it annoying at times besides that I would recommend it for bringing structure to the day

What a great book. I’ve read many books on the subjects covered in this book. I enjoyed the style of the authors way to include the messages into a story. I enjoyed the story and the topics are top notch. One of my most favorite books, defiantly will be reading this one again.

I first listened to this audiobook. It was difficult for me to get into at first, but about half way into the book I began really enjoying the information shared. I decided to buy the paper copy to be able to highlight important information and have on hand during my 5 am journey. I have been able to implement some of the practices and look forward to rereading the book and implementing additional practices.

I am recommending this book to everyone I know. Best book I have read in 41 years and I can sure read❀

First of all, The 5am Club is written like a fictional story, and that threw me off a little when I started reading it. The fictional story got a little over the top silly at times, but it kept things interesting, I guess.Basically, we start with a seminar that’s happening and then follow two main characters as they go on a life-changing trip learning from a billionaire and the teachings of “the Spellbinder.” Again, Sharma keeps things interesting!The basic idea of the book is that you’ve got to get up at 5am and start your day off right. Doing this will change your life. He goes into what to do with that time in the morning and then how to kind of focus your day.I found it inspiring. When I started reading it I was already in the habit of getting up around 5am and doing an hour-long workout program. Since the program is for 80 days, and I don’t have an extra 40 minutes after my workout to do the other two pieces (besides exercise) that he says to do in the morning, I can’t quite start doing what he recommends, but I’m doing my own version of it. I was so inspired by this idea that I am now reading The Miracle Morning as my follow up.I am NOT a morning person as some people have asked me when I mentioned reading this book. I love my sleep and I hate waking up early. However, as a busy mom with a full-time job and lots going on in my life, I do see (and have experienced) the benefits of getting up early and taking time for yourself in the morning. I am starting to implement some of the things he teaches and hope to continue this practice through the year to see where it takes me!I didn’t love the style of the book, but I did love the message and recommend this book for anyone interested in personal development.

Excellent book. I am following Robin's 20/20/20 program, except I couldn't figure out how to do everything in 60 minutes, so my program is 90 to 120 minutes.

Una historia simple y en ocasiones infantil, pero como pretexto para llevarte paso a paso por distinciones y técnicas aplicables y pråcticas muy poderosas ! 100% recomendado

Waking up at 5am (or before sunrise) has had immediate and amazing benefits for me. As counterintuitive that it may have been for me to force myself to do it (by my logical or self reasoning) changing this one thing has without a doubt led to massive upgrades on all levels.I now wake up ready to be inspired. All it took was my willingness to receive any benefits it had to offer. The results are out of this world. 🌎 đŸȘ

Hope that I can be a better person. That I can change my life for the better and hopefully help others too. This will go in my collection self Improvement books and hopefully pass on to my Family members when the time is right. You just have to WANT to be better to execute all that is taught in this book! Do it! You will not go wrong reading this at all. Love it!

Excellent read!!! Encouraging!

The 5 AM Club is, much like all of Sharma’s work, a book for anyone looking to breakthrough to the next level. Here’s what I love about Robin Sharma, much like Patrick Lencioni and Paulo Coelho, he uses a fable style to deliver incredible content in a way anyone can consume and enjoy. As a business owner and leader, he offers a different way to learn leadership lessons, hundreds of quotes and takeaways, and language that is compelling and different. The genius exists in telling a story about a powerful orator instead of personally taking ownership of the material himself. The entrepreneur, the artist, and the homeless man in the book go on an adventure that is closer to reality than fiction. Richard Branson and many other billionaires of our time create moments and opportunities like this for people in their lives and vulnerability, authenticity, and a little luck can create these opportunities for others. In 2013, a client in our clothing store created a moment for my wife and I that changed the course of our lives and it started from a brief conversation and simply asking a question.In 2014, I read the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. I was an attorney who had finished law school and knew I wanted to pursue something different and I did not know what. The book helped me commit to the career path I chose, in real estate (not becoming a monk), and as wild as it sounds, like the Alchemist by Coelho, instilled hope and adventure back into my imagination. My wife read The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari in one sitting at a time where she was looking to find a path and focus. Then we read The Leader Who Had No Title and in 2015 I lost 55 pounds, took on another vertical position of growth in my company, and committed to getting up at 4:30 AM each morning to run, read, and journal. Robin’s books and his material have driven my wife and I to take the risks and challenge ourselves the way we have. Was it just Robin’s content? No, and yet his books, podcasts, and YouTube videos stick out as watershed experiences on a path to creating our life by design. So much so, that I have borrowed the phrase “with love and respect” from Robin more than a few times. Business books and leadership content could all be the same and it would be boring. A step by step how to wake up at 5 AM and live your life would have been useful and very short. The truth is, like Jim Rohn said, “when enough is enough meets massive action your life will change”. The 5 AM Club tells a story that you need to see, hear, and experience. Just surrender to how wild, crazy, and silly it can be at times to think events like this could occur because when you do allow yourself to imagine that this could be you, one day it will be. Potential mentors, gurus, and masters in your life are more available than you know and when the student is ready they will appear. Robin Sharma outlines the value of getting up at 5 AM, the value of being open to opportunity and adventure, and the value of vulnerability and connection with others. The book is laced with countless business, leadership, and life lessons. It may be the most quotable piece of material from Robin yet and that is saying a lot. This is a great book, and like all of Robin’s content, a must for anyone looking to breakthrough to another level.

This book should not be read only, but studied, embraced, and applied. It is life changing! My life is already improved 14 days in.

I'm about a third of the way through and can't put it down. The first chapter or two was a little bewildering to me as it's written different from what I was anticipating. I was then pulled in, and, well you know, I can't put it down : ) Very highly recommended!!!

Lots of teaching

I've been looking forward to this book coming only to receive it finally and it's damaged. While it doesn't stop me from being to read it, it would've been nice to receive it in a condition that at least looks new. It arrived pretty banged up and torn.

I have had this jacket a week and, due to where I live and the current time of year, I have been able to test it in different weather conditions. Rain, snow, cold wind, mild spring weather 60F to 30F. It is definitely wind proof and water resistant. Down around 30F with wind, I needed a sweatshirt/hoodie as a second layer. At 34F (light wind and heavy snow) and above it is fine with just a t-shirt.I usually buy 3xl jackets and hoodies because I'm big and I like extra room for second layer versatility in different weather conditions. Based on other reviews I purchased this jacket in a 4xl and I'm very glad I did. A 3xl would have been too snug in the shoulders, especially if I wear a hoodie or thick thermal shirt under it.I took 1 star away for the ridiculous hood design. To stow it, you have roll/fold it into the collar. There is a flap with velcro that keeps it rolled up. What you end up with is an uncomfortable thick, stiff neck cushion. The hood should either be detachable or designed to tuck down inside the jacket.Everything else including the pockets and zippers I'm cool with so far. We'll see how it holds up down the road.

For the money, this is a very solid jacket. It feels well made, it looks good and the fitment is good. If you are of an athletic body type who plans on using this jacket as a general use, all weather jacket, there's no reason to size up. I am 6'2" 160 lbs, broad shoulders and long arms and I initially ordered a large based on the many reviews stating to size up. Got the first jacket in the mail and it was way too big. If I was going to wear 3 sweaters under it, that would have been fine probably, but I have an actual snow jacket for that. Sent it back and ordered a medium. Fit is perfect, compliments my build well and is more comfortable for me because of it. Like some other reviews have mentioned, the people needing to size up probably aren't of an athletic build and are more pear or apple shape. It's easy to tell that these jackets are made for people who are physically fit and/or in some type of career requiring physical fitness.I'll now make a general list of pros and cons for less reading.Pros:- Inexpensive compared to many competitors jackets- Nice, athletic fit- Feels well made with nice materials- Fairly versatile, adjustable, and customizableCons:- Hood is not removable but instead rolls into a somewhat uncomfortable "collar"- A little uncomfortable to wear initially (This may change once the jacket breaks in)- Collar ends protrude a little too much for my liking when jacket is worn open unless you tuck them in towards your collarboneOverall having just received this jacket on the date of this review, I am impressed with the quality of the product for the price. There are some nitpicks already, but I believe some of them might change with use and after a bit of a break in period. I will update this review after a few weeks on how it's breaking in and my usage of it.Update: I have now owned this jacket for over 2 years. It has been used a solid amount since purchase, initially as a duty jacket and now lives in the back of my SUV as a part of my backup storm kit. It has held together very well overall, with little wear to speak of. The only thing that has gone wrong with it, is the elastic drawstring around the waist if the jacket broke around the 1.5 year mark. Jacket is still 100% usable though. Collar is still a little uncomfortable, but it's definitely softened up, and if you wear a balaclava or neck gaiter with the jacket, it's a non issue. For the money, this jacket is a great deal.

Used it for a day hike in the Grand Canyon at 30 (F) degrees This was all I needed for the cold weather. There are a lot of pockets on this jacket which helped me to carry many small things required during the hike, knife, gloves, phone etc.

I got this jacket recently as a mid weight jacket for climates that might have a bit of rain. Have only used it a few times but so far, so good and its everything as advertised. Not sure how it would be for colder temperatures as I used it at around 60 degrees and it was fine but not sure it would do well nearer freezing.

Not a bad jacket, definitely blocks jet exhaust on the flight deck

Wore this for a week in all elements, freezing, snow, rain it worked and worked well. Until i was unzipping it and the plastic bit on the end of the zipper broke. So the zippers fell off and no longer zips up.Other than that I still wear it. Is as advertised.

Durable, multi functional pockets keep your hands free.

If you're looking for a decent off-brand condor tactical jacket this is a very good option. I've only had it for a short time and I imagine next year will have more to say. I work nights in the Washington DC area for perspective.Quality:I've worn it in a drizzle once, I didn't get wet after an hour on beat; I'll try to update on a heavier rain.The zippers seem to work good, and there's zippers for your underarm. The zipper can also unzip from the bottomWear:Fairly true to size, I'm 5'6 but wear a 44 suit coat and a Large fits well with some extra room.I wear under my vest and still feel comfortable; I leave the hood out of the top of the vest rolled up.Chest zippers are at a comfortable height to tuck your hands (so tactical).I tuck the jacket into my pants as well, fits like a heavy sweatshirt.Warmth:so-so, good for above 40 day, above 45 night alone. I wear a UA 4.0 underneath and it was good down to about 25 night. (again 1 hour beats; realistically my biggest problem was wind up my pants not my upper body)Cons:The hood does NOT come off... hasn't been terribly annoying thoughPockets on the arms are a little small for the bigger phonesI'm all for saving money when reasonable and after buying several Free Soldier products I believe this is a brand you can afford to save on.

This book is so incredibly good! It’s amazing how you get so into it! History is so much easier to get related to and makes sense. I do recommend it!!!

Lo utilizo para practicar mi ingles leido y aprender nuevo vocabulario.

Pros- this is a solid wood stool with steel legs. Easy to assemble, feels very solid. No wobbling or anything. Overall, I am pleased with the make of the stool.Con - I bought this stool for my bathroom and it is not sealed against water. Within a week, the lamiate on top started peeling from water dripping on it when the little ones stand on it to wash their hands. The bottom is raw wood.As it is a nice stool otherwise I sanded and coated with a sealant so it is now water safe for my bathroom, but this was a step I didn't anticipate needing to take.So great stool in a dry environment but be aware the top dark laminate coating will peel when wet.

I looked at several of these types of step stools and am very happy I purchased this one. It came unassembled and was carefully packaged to prevent any damage during shipping which I very much appreciated. The assembly was quick and easy, I did it myself without any problem. This step stool is sturdy, light and of good quality and looks great. It adds a bit of decoration to the room.

I bought it to place my CPAP machine on. I needed a surface that sits lower than my mattress, because of condensation CPAP machines can get. Most bedside tables are at mattress level or higher. I had a two step one I was using until I bought this single level one, and it works out completely. My crystals even fit but beware because the surface can scratch easily with rough contact. Love it.

Sturdy, easy to assemble, beautiful stoole

I needed a step to get into my tall bed and this worked perfectly. It was easy to assemble and slides under my bed when not in use.

I bought this item to help me get into our bed, which is to high for me to get into with out some kind of step. I wanted something a little studier than the plastic step I had been using. This step matches our bedroom set pretty well and is very sturdy. My only complaint is that the top can be very slippery especially if you have socks on. I have put the non slip shower treads on mine. Not the most attractive to look at but I feel much safer getting in and out of bed now.

This looks exactly like advertised. Super easy to assemble and very sturdy despite being light weight.

I actually use this as a stand for my turbo fan beside my bed.It works perfectly.

I have 3 of these pans and they are the best I have ever owned. Easy to handle, easy to clean, great for roasting or casseroles. I highly recommend these pans.


Perfect size, perfect depth. Wiped right out. Love the color, finish, easy to clean!

This pan was just what I wanted. Unfortunately it's not non-stick. Every time I wash it with soapy water, the color bleeds onto the dish cloth. It's very disconcerting to think the dye is getting into our food.


and that is a big seller for me. nor did the weight collapse the pan. The food just slid out without any prep for the pan. The clean up was easy peasy and now I wonder why I have been searching for a foil roaster every time I decide to bake ziti or a lasagne..I can never find the right size. mostly they overflow or my food is lost in the turkey roasting size. this is a wonderful pan and if I have to replace it in a few years for $25 I would have spent more than that on the wrong size foil pan.

I purchased roaster to use on my kamado grill for roasting whole turkeys and turkey meatloaf. It fit perfectly and worked really well on its first turkey. The roaster cleaned up pretty well with only a little scorching left behind. Overall, way better than the one-use aluminum roaster pans I had been using.

Love this pan going to get another one I've bought the cookie sheets to love them great buy

I loved that the author wrote these words of wisdom in story form. It made the lessons all that much more meaningful.

Everybody needs to read this book! It's a life changer! LOVE IT!

Obviously any book that has sold 15 million copies was/is very successful. As someone who has read personal development books regularly over the years, I believe that I have personally enjoyed books that have less fluff than this. All the “supernatural” occurrences, love story, felt childish. Miracle morning was more my cup of tea.Honestly felt like 85% of the book was all this build up, and 15% was actual practical advice.As someone who is busy, is a book like that actually worth your time? For me, it wasn’t.Check out miracle morning if you want a book that 1/2 as long, and 4x more practical.

This was a self-help book, wrapped in a great story. So much applicable wisdom and insight. This book was truly life-changing.

There are several valuable points that i will definitely adopt but i found the writing style not an easy one to appreciate/read. There were also some thoughts that may not be realistic in this fast paced meeting packed world like the 90/90/1 rule. I will hasten to add that these "rules" can be tweaked as you seek to elevate your life!

I like it it’s cute and cracks easily

These are a great design and I keep getting compliments on them. But they don’t come wide enough for my thumbs, and I had to settle for a slightly wrong size on a couple other nails so I could get the color arrangement I wanted. I also filed the chunky/sharp parts of the tips, which means they started chipping the first day. I probably won’t buy from this manufacturer again, but I might for another really special design.

The nails are beautiful and sturdy. The nails look just like the picture. The downsize is that the colors will chip off easily. Must put a clear topcoat on to make sure the nails do not chip. I have had the nails on for two months and they are worth the price for sure. I will be ordering from this company again.

They are sturdy and the design is just like it is pictured. Good quality

The nails were extremely sturdy. My only issue is that the polish started to come off within 3 days of having the nails on. Otherwise i really like the length and shape of the nails.

These were extra durable compared to a lot of press ons. Definitely thicker. I loved these, great design, and I filed them down slightly because they were little longer than I thought.

Got the pastel French. They were too long for me so I glued them on and filed them down the next day. They’re definitely a medium length. So the picture is the length after filing. They didn’t hold up perfectly from the filing. There’s like a clear coat that kind of flakes off. I don’t know if they claim you can file but it was they only way I was going to wear them. Going on almost a week with them on. Glue is decent. Worth the purchase for a weekend event. Would buy again if shorter.

used different glue so i can't speak to that but the nails themselves were great this is straight out of the box no filing or cutting great length and shape

I first listened to this book on audible. Wanted a hard copy to read & mark encouraging passages. Highly recommend. 👍👍

I wish I read this book five years ago. I have really enjoyed the book and am also looking forward to applying some of the concept outlined.

The concept makes sense, waking up early gives you an extra three hours of focus time.Before joining the 5AM Club, my mornings were spent reacting to everything around me - notifications, emails, slack messages, family etc. I was overwhelmed.Waking up at 5:00am everyday (including weekends) changed my life. I feel 100% more productive, happier and organized. The days of feeling overwhelmed, anxious and unproductive are long gone. I'm grateful to have found this book and highly recommend if you have been itching for a routine change but don't know where to start.

This book has great stuff to teach however I was not a fan of it writing in a story like way. I would much rather just get the information I need than read the story. It’s definitely been hard to stay interested or continue to read the book because it’s taking long to get to that main point. It also has a lot of extra’ness that in my opinion makes the book longer but is not necessary.

I LOVED this book. I picked it back up at every chance I got. Full of wise antidotes and practical step by step instructions. Love the biography style story telling of the billionaire's life and not leaving a stone unturned in the end.

We all have something to take away from the many teachings in this book.It should be in schools core curriculum.

I have long had this ‘one size fits all’ nightgown given to me as a gift long ago. It has been such a favorite that I literally wore it out. So I ordered this new one to replace it, and though it is also ‘one size fits all’ it is not big enough to fit me, unlike it’s predecessor.

The best gift ever for a cat lover. I gave this to a friend of mine. She loved it. Can't wait to wear it.When looking for something special. This item showed up only the week before Christmas. Thanks it came in time

Full of great insights and take always! I’ve been implementing these strategy into my everyday life and have noticed enormous change.

Rather than a textbook style approach, the authors magical storytelling keeps you enthralled wanting more. This read was super hard to put down as it keeps you wanting to continue through. Well done!

This is an excellent book for anyone who wants to rise above the mundane. It is thought provoking and presents the reader with trajectory changing challenges to help become all you were created to be.

I originally purchased this book because I was looking to master my mornings. That goal was more than met. This book is exactly what we all need if you have similar objectives. It provides a great structure to jump start your day and fuel your creative mind. It puts you in the perfect headspace to come from a place of service and be as impactful as possible in your field.The 5 AM Club goes far beyond just giving you a successful morning routine though. The teachings Robin Sharma brings to the table about mastering your 4 interior empires (amongst other teachings in the book) will expand your mind and help you to grow into the person you’ve known you always could become.

If you are focused on bettering yourself and gaining structure this book is for you. So much beautiful information and amazing quotes inside. I am a morning person that has been trying to perfect my morning routine for years, and this book brought me such clarity and inspiration. Highly recommend!!!

I Highly recommend if you are ready for the next level of personal development.Thank you so much Y’all and be blessed!

This book gives so many great principles and quotes, stop me from screen shots to save to my notes. I really enjoyed this material.

It has been a long time that a book has affected me so much. This book is up there with the 7 habits of effective people, conversations with God and The Alchemist all rolled into one. He weaves fiction, virtue and concrete steps into making one join the 5 am club. I actually cried when I finished reading this book because it spoke to the deepest parts of my being.In summary, this book is the adult version of the Neverending Story.

The book makes a great effort to engage motivational topics in a creative way. Ultimately it falls short by pairing characters that aren't relatable with way too many principles and philosophies for application. Still, because of the format of presentation, there's enough here to recommend the book to novice-level entrepreneurs as a precursor to other books that spend more time tackling these concepts in a more focused manner.

I’d practiced about 25% of what’s in this book for most of my adult life — this gave me the missing pieces and inspiration on how to be better. I recommend this highly for those who want to live an intentional life to elevate the best part of their lives.

Well, it is the 5am club. You know how it is.

Love this book! So inspirational! I really needed this .

The 5AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life.
⭐ 4.5 💛 25213
paperback: $9.00
hardcover: $6.05
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