The Comprehensive Guide to NFTs, Digital Artwork, and Blockchain Technology

by: Marc Beckman (0)

The ultimate guide to the NFT revolution: How non-fungible tokens are poised to transform the digital world.

Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, are the most important digital innovation since the creation of blockchain and cryptocurrency. NFTs share the best elements of both of these, while also representing an entirely new step forward for technology. But how did NFTs arise, how will they impact art and business in the decades to come, and—perhaps most importantly—how can savvy entrepreneurs position themselves
today for success in the NFT-driven world of tomorrow?    This guide by industry leader and entrepreneur Marc Beckman delves into the underpinnings of NFT technology in a way that makes the subject clear and comprehensible to the layman, while drawing on Marc’s branding experience to explore exactly how NFTs are poised to change fashion, sport, fine art, and even social justice. In this book he explores how NFTs will create entirely new asset classes and investment possibilities, such as fractional ownership in dynamic works of art. And in doing so, he also tells the story of how he personally discovered and became entranced by this powerful new tool, and where he believes NFTs will take business and branding throughout the 21st century.

The Reviews

The first ten or so pages are the usual introductory stuff. Author intro, etc.I'm not new to blockchain technology but haven't taken time to look deeper into the NFT protocol and all the hype.This author, with apparent outstanding cred in the area, nailed it with this book. Sure, he describes the usual stuff about digital artwork and NFT. But, he goes far beyond that in opening your mind to the incredibly creative applications of non-fungible tokens.This book is not like other NFT books you might have read. It isn't about some magical journey of an artistic creator or chain developer. It offers a glimpse into the REAL potential of these blockchain tokens.

Beckman provides a comprehensive, easy to understand guide to NFTs and blockchain technology. He demystifies the technology and provides practical guidance to the reader - thus taking something seemingly overwhelming, and making it tangible, logical and easy to understand. A must read for anybody interested in this new emerging world and its practical applications.

I wanted to better understand NFTs. This was the perfect book. Easy to understand. Broken down into very “user friendly” sections. Finally feel like I understand NFTs & how they will impact the future. Highly recommend for anyone looking for a practical, comprehensive guide to NFTs.

Clean, concise, and utterly informative. Mr Beckman has delivered a solid read for both the novice, and the well informed NFT investor. If you're just dipping your toe into this technology, or taking a deep dive -- I highly recommend this book.

Marc did an excellent job of explaining NFT's in laymans terms and he made it entertaining as well!I came away from this book with a great deal of knowledge and insight on NFT's, blockchain and their future applications. The book explains clearly how NFT's are changing the landscape in so many industries. I feel much more informed on the inner workings of NFT's and how I can use them to invest in the future.I would highly recommend this book to anyone looking to educate themselves on NFT's and the investment possiblities.

I would recommend this book to anyone that wants to have a fundamental understanding of NFTs and how they may play out in the future. Just by reading this book you’ll be ahead of the game. Also if you are in the marketing or social media field, I would definitely recommend this book.

I picked up this book at the recommendation of a work colleague. I work in the fashion and beauty industry and needed to quickly get myself up to speed in the NFT and blockchain technology space. I was a bit intimidated at first but I found that this book really simplifies the technology into ways that the average (non tech) person can easily understand. I think it's an essential read for anyone in the marketing or creative industry. My husband is a CMO and he is reading it when I'm done.

The book was very well written and super informative in clarifying my confusion on this topic. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in learning more about blockchain and NFT's.

If one does not yet understand the value of blockchain technology, Marc Beckman's explanation of its growing intersection with our daily lives is the definitive explanation they are looking for. If one is already a subject matter expert, this book is valuable because it is a quick read and provides examples and expository that will truly endure. I purchased the hard copy (which I don't do much these days) and was pleased with the composition; particularly because the book had wide margins on the sides for annotations and flawless construction/printingAdditionally, Beckman's perspective relates this technology directly to his audience and expertise. The folks passionate about luxury, art, apparel, finance, and education are the ones who are going to read this book and keep itWhat makes this book different is that it completely lacks a prescriptive or instructive tone towards NFT's, digital artwork, or blockchain. All it does is efficiently explain the nature and implications of this technology to newcomers while giving new ideas to blackbelts at the same time. This is not a 'how to get rich' text or a business card book, but really something informative that one could hand to their grandparent that will be a really nice source to have as the years bring us more blockchain

As I read Marc Beckman's book, I felt like Arthur Ash was teaching me tennis - with patience, passion, and unsurpassed understanding. This is a book EVERYONE should read.

Love this book. Very informative in a very easy to read format. Definitely opened my eyes to the world of NFT’s. Never understood what this was all about. Highly recommend this book.

This book opened my eyes to the potential of what NFTs can do. Many industries will be affected so it's important to understand all the possibilities.

worth reading -

The Comprehensive Guide to NFTs, Digital Artwork, and Blockchain Technology
⭐ 4.5 💛 76
kindle: $15.59
hardcover: $15.15
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