The DevOps Handbook: How to Create World-Class Agility, Reliability, & Security in Technology Organizations

by: Gene Kim (0)

This award-winning and bestselling business handbook for digital transformation is now fully updated and expanded with the latest research and new case studies!

ā€œ[The DevOps Handbook] remains a must-read for any organization seeking to scale up its IT capability and expand DevOps practices across multiple departments or lines of business.ā€ ā€•Mike Perrow, TechBeacon

For years, The DevOps Handbook has been the definitive guide for taking the successes laid out in the bestselling The Phoenix Project and applying them in any organization. Now, with this fully updated and expanded edition, it's time to take DevOps out of the IT department and apply it across the full business.

Technology is now at the core of every company, no matter the business model or product. The theories and practices laid out in The DevOps Handbook are tools to be used by anyone from across the organization to create joy and succeed in the marketplace.

The second edition features 15 new case studies, including stories from Adidas, American Airlines, Fannie Mae, Target, and the US Air Force. In addition, renowned researcher and coauthor of Accelerate, Dr. Nicole Forsgren, provides her insights through new and updated material and research. With over 100 pages of new content throughout the book, this expanded edition is a must read for anyone who works with technology.

ā€œ[The DevOps Handbook is] a practical roadmap to improving IT in any organization. It's also the most valuable book on software development I've read in the past 10 years.ā€ ā€•Adam Hawkins, software developer and host of the podcast SmallBatches

The Quotes

In DevOps, we typically define our technology value stream as the process required to convert a business hypothesis into a technology-enabled service that delivers value to the customer.

The Second Way enables the fast and constant flow of feedback from right to left at all stages of our value stream. It requires that we amplify feedback to prevent problems from happening again, or enable faster detection and recovery.

Instead of a culture of fear, we have a high-trust, collaborative culture, where people are rewarded for taking risks.

The Reviews

This book is a worthy sequel to The Phoenix Project, a kind of novel that illustrated the principles of DevOps in a similar fashion that Goldratt's The Goal explained a generation ago the principles behind lean manufacturing and the theory of constraints. It used a fictional story to help the reader understand the "why" of DevOps and what a successful end state looks like. In The DevOps Handbook the same set of authors continue where they left off, this time explaining the "how" of DevOps, how the three Ways (flow, feedback, continuous learning) are implemented in practice. This book lets you see through the current hype around DevOps, much of it coming from tool vendors positioning their various "solutions" as silver bullet, putting the technology in its rightful place beside people and process. While in the Flow section there is plenty on continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) that for most people is what first comes to mind when they think of DevOps, since so much has been written about this elsewhere I don't think this is the most useful part of the book. To me the most valuable section, because it's not covered so well elsewhere, is the one on the principles of feedback, how information flows back from production environments to development via telemetry and A/B testing. But perhaps what is most useful and by itself makes this book more than worth its price are the various case studies from the companies with the most mature DevOps practices, what problems they were struggling with at first and how they got to where they are now. The book ends on a great note with the appendix, which elaborates on the lean principles on which the theoretical framework behind DevOps is built, a how to guide on "blameless postmortems", and an extensive list of references, most of them with URLs, so that the reader can drill down on all the subjects covered.

Agility and continuous improvement : how to become a truly technology driven company. This is not a step-by-step handbook on creating a DevOps culture (Continuous integration, continuous deployment and a test driven environment) but an insightful guide as to how modern IT operations are run and operate. The reason why Amazon is so hard to beat is because they update and deploy new code every single second (and further accelerate this pace) - some e-commerce businesses I work with barely manage an update every week, despite their much smaller size. Their managers never heard of DevOps - if they would have read this book they will understand why their survival depends on them adapting DevOps culture and methodology.

Not so much as a handbook as more hype about DevOps. I mean DevOps is great and all that, but this book is not going to be much help implementing it.

I really thought this was a great Follow-up to the Phoenix Project. After reading that book I knew my organization could benefit by applying techniques that the team used in that book. However, I found myself wondering how to take the same type of steps that were being applied in that work. This hand book provides more description on how to set up your DevOps organization and some great case studies that show the success others have had with these processes.I'm reading this book with a few other leaders in my organization and we are excited to get started. We've already got teams doing Valu Stream Mapping some of our workflows with the largest organizational impacts.We are building on the success of our small 1.5 pizza software development team. They are doing awesome work that if like to scale to the rest of my organization.

This book is pretty much mandatory reading for modern organizations who either don't understand or know what DevOps is, or are in the midst of implementing it. Same book is used in the ASPE ICP-FDO class because it's pretty much the DevOps gold standard explaining how to make scalable and fast reacting IT possible, while simultaneously reducing risk to the business. Yeah it's full of bold ideas and it takes dedicated and competent people at your organization to implement, and don't expect to get it right the first time. But it starts with small changes and snowballs into huge gains as time progresses, given a trusting management team.

Great culmination of various works into one read. Highly recommend. This book provides a strong conceptual overview with a large degree of DevSecOps coverage, as well as numerous case studies, but don't expect specifics or how-to details. Honestly, that would require this book to be a volume series. Technical and non-technical audiences can derive value from the book, although the book doesn't shy away from some technical aspects. Consider this a capstone book with various other books to provide the details. If your new to DevOps, or want to get a vision for it's potential, as well as strong indicators for how to implementing it (without the implementation minutia), this is one of the best books I've found to date.

This book really helped me better understand the modern digital transformation that has taken place in software development and deployment. It explains all the modern processes- continuous delivery, integration, and deployment - and focuses the reader on the the importance of iteration and feedback through granularity toward producing better quality software, smarter and happier software product teams, and way more satisfied customers.

It's the perfect blend of technical jargon and business processes. This book also contains enough use cases that the reader will detect characteristics of their own organization in at least one of them. Essentially, by the end of the book you'll be smarter than you were before.

While The Phoenix Project is a fictional based story about DevOps and how to institute DevOps practices, the story takes place over 90 days. In many (larger) places, the ability to implement all that's in The Phoenix Project at that timescale is not realistic. But it still has value in showing you how an organization can use the principles to achieve what the fictional organization in The Phoenix Project ultimately achieved. This book then gets into the nitty-gritty details about the practices used in The Phoenix Project and how they're beneficial for transforming your organization. It's a great addition to The Phoenix Project.

Having worked in teams where DevOps is practiced and those where it is not, I can tell you from experience: This is the way to manage a software enterprise."The DevOps Handbook" offers a comprehensive picture of DevOps practice, giving just enough detail on each topic to know where to begin and what it looks like when you're doing it right. Examples are multitude, and the style is clear.I highly recommend this book for any one looking to improve their teams' ability to coherently problem solve.

I guess reading is fundamental. I should have noticed that the reviews were 95% business types. If you are a business type, this book might be helpful. If you are technical and trying to get a handle on how your job might change or how you might change to keep your job - not so much.

DevOps is a movement about the management of computer programmers. It basically says that Development (coding) and Operations (deployment and maintenance) should communicate more and better. Such workability allows for better error detection, swifter deployment of code, etc.Interestingly, Iā€™ve worked mainly in research environments where Iā€™ve been in charge of both Development and Operations at the same time. I worked in a corporation with separate Dev and Ops for a few years ā€“ and I worked on the Ops side then.I agree wholeheartedly with the insights this book shares. I like rapid, swift, and small deployments over heavy and charged deployments. That allows life to be better on the developers and the operations folk. I prefer to be able to roll-back a small change (that happens several times a day) instead of potentially disabling a system with a large change. Thatā€™s how I maintain my code personally, so I have no problem with asking an organization to do the same.Iā€™m continuing to read about the movement towards a combined DevOps role. Apparently, this group puts out annual reports and has been pushing this out since 2014. It is viewed as a successor to Agile Management of projects. I appreciate their voice and their contribution for the management of computer programmers.

I'm finding this book mostly small minded and hype for the DORA group.The first book "The Phoenix Project" was great and did a good job showing how the silos in tech companies can work together. I was hoping this book would go either deeper in the tech tools and show how to build workflow or more employee management (culture) to bring Sales, Ops and Dev together. Instead this book self conflicting and shallow.Example: "Myth - DevOpst Means Eliminating IT Operations or ""NoOps""". Then says.. "... the right culture norms, small teams of developer are able to quickly, safely, and independently deploy ... changes into production" That is the definition of NoOps.It also talks about building a trusting work place where Devs are allowed to make mistakes (because they can recover from them fast) but says nothing about the human aspect of managers firing Ops people because they missed a 2am alert and it escalated to his boss.It is also written with many absolute comments (sales talk) Like: in chapter 1 when FOCUS(ing) ON DEPLOYMENT LEAD TIME it implies all large batch work can be reduced. This ignores IT issues like conversion of big production data sets that can take weeks.This book comes with an code to "TAKE THE DORA DEVELOP X-RAY ASSESSMENT AND SEE WHERE YOU STAND". Marc Andreessen is famously quoted as saying, "The spread of computers and the internet will put jobs in two categories: people who tell computers what to do, and people who are told by computers what to do." Or, "automate all the things" and reduce work and work force. The Answer is - Get out of OPS go back to DEV and prepare to work on small meaningless bit of code.The one subject this book does cover that the Phoenix Project did not is SECURITY. However, this books still see the Sec group as outsiders writing tasks (after the fact), reviewing Dev code and training DevOps and creating DevOpsSec. It thinks or hopes security problems can be coded away with tools like Gauntlt.Conclusion: If you're looking for some good quotes about why / how you / 're company should / can move faster to build a minimum viable product (MVP) in the lease amount of time by WIP-ing works not creating it.... This book is for you.

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Iā€™ve read some other Sachs books. I find them easy to read and to be informational. It seems like the premise or thesis for this one is ā€œAn economy in which almost all the wealth and income flows to the very top is simply not sustainable.ā€ His advice is to focus on three big issues:1) Economic growth and decent jobs;2) Promoting social fairness to women, the poor, and minority groups;3) Promoting environmental sustainabilityHis pitch for promoting growth is that the federal government needs to stop with the tax cuts and to invest more in infrastructure, education, and more, including complex public projects. He has a chapter on federal debt, where he is critical of the Obama administration, as well as the Trump administration. He suggests cutting back on military spending. Easier said than done? He will also get to reducing health care costs, but never really has a sensible plan. He gets sucked into the Medicare for All scheme, which has zero cost controls. His pitch to reduce federal debt in this 2017 book, of course has been buried by the federal spending, so far, on pandemic needs.There was an age of canals, then railroads, then the Interstate highway system. Now, we are way behind in maintaining theseā€¦and more. He calls for a commission to come up with suggestions as to what should come next.As for economic inequality, he calls for the U.S. to build a plan to eliminate poverty all together. He says that federal policy has, in general, favored big business at the expense of the working class. He looks to Denmark as a country that has done good things, but also warns that the coming automation will make it tough to keep jobs and/or raise wages.He talks about the transfer of money from the rich to the poor. He suggests a wealth tax. He covers education that is needed to deal with smarter and smarter machines.Moving on to trade, he is, in general, a free-trader. But he wants those who gain to share their gains. He says that, initially, he was for NAFTA, but has turned against it. He does not want to end trade with China, but says that he opposes any loss of manufacturing jobs in the U.S. Not much new information here.On health care, he gives credit to Obamacare for increasing the availability of health care insurance to millions of Americans. But he calls it a flawed system. He points out some outrageous costs for services in the U.S. vs other countries. He calls for universal health care insurance and government controls over the costs of drugs.There is a chapter on energy, then on military spending, then on government spending on ā€œinnovation.ā€ He talks about the military-industrial complex, and that Big Oil has tons of lobbyists, but does not really suggest how to get out of all of this. He ends with a summary of the above and a reemphasis on ā€œsustainable developā€ for our country.So, this is a relatively quick read that covers some major topics involved in ā€œBuilding the New American Economy.ā€ It is more of a general overview book, than one filled with specifics. Having just finished Thomas Friedmanā€™s book, ā€œThank You for Being Late,ā€ I would turn to that for more specifics.

I believe our politicians and large part of mass media don't seem to highlight how far behind we have fallen c o compared to other developed countries. While America has great resources to correct these inbalances, our politics and policies need to change to utilise these resources. Prof Sacks both lays out what a ills our nation and offers the remedies. Highly recommend to everyone concerned citizen.

Great book - a rallying cry, a call to action. In this Trumpian era, this is a must read. I was particularly fascinated with the way this book hits on the three major issues of our times: IT (or technological progress), Fair (or the fight against inequality) and Sustainable (or defending our planet from pollution and climate change so that our children and grandchildren can enjoy it as we - still, if not for long - do)It is also a very easy read, nice and short, not your usual academic brick. Don't miss out on it. And I think that if you're American (I'm not) this should act as a wake-up call. You really can't let Trump destroy America's leadership of the world and this book tells you quite clearly how to stop him.

Jeffery Sachs starts the book with a proper introduction by Bernie Sanders. If you supported or support, now after the 2016 election , Senator Sanders or are interested in the road map that would have evolved if Bernie Sanders had become President then read this book.If you are not of this preceding opinion, read the book so you can be aware of what choices are available to the USA, and see if you can agree with some, if not all, of the well defined choices and how to reach them. And be part the solution!

The Author magically succeeds in presenting the complexity of the problemswe are facing together with the vision of what everybody has to learn in a short timein order to contribute all together toward a common global solution: as if we could behave as membersof a well-rehearsed orchestra,This is the challenge some birds, when the season change, appear to be able to meet.There is not any valid alternative: we must try our best.

It was a good overview of our major problems in the US while actually offering solutions. The book covered a lot of ground, and every chapter could have been extended into its own book. My only real complaint here is that by covering such a broad scope, it never took the time to take a deep dive into a topic before moving on.

Honest, humble and a forward thinker, Sachs is the exacttype of person we need leading the US right now. His deep understanding of economics, the individual and the world allows him to explain things in ways even I can understand.. I came away from this book feeling optimistic about the future and inspired to do my part to ensure people like Mr. Sachs are the ones leading our country and world into it.

If we are to become leaders once again, we first must face what ails us. However, this will not happen until we first face it. We are at the cusp of a new economic system. In broad strokes this book tells us some of the reasons whyI admit that was not the goal. But sustainable development requires we rethink the way we conceive of the economy.

Not an easy read for beginners but understandable if using it as a text/reference for a class. It has helped me grasp concepts quickly.

After reading The DevOps Handbook is a must-read for anyone looking to improve the way they approach software development. The authors, Gene Kim, Jez Humble, John Willis, and Patrick Debois, offer a new outlook on dev work by emphasizing the importance of collaboration and communication between development and operations teams.One of the key takeaways from the book is the concept of "Three Ways" - the principles of flow, feedback, and continuous learning and experimentation. These principles are crucial for achieving a high-performing and efficient DevOps culture. The authors provide a wealth of real-world examples and case studies to illustrate how these principles can be applied in practice.The DevOps Handbook also covers a wide range of topics such as infrastructure as code, security, and organizational culture. The authors do an excellent job of explaining the technical details in a clear and concise manner, making it accessible to readers of all levels of technical expertise.Overall, The DevOps Handbook is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to improve their DevOps practices. It provides a comprehensive and practical guide to creating a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement within an organization. I highly recommend it to anyone working in software development or IT operations.

The DevOps Handbook: How to Create World-Class Agility, Reliability, & Security in Technology Organizations
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