The Divine Design: The Untold History of Earth's and Humanity's Evolution in Consciousness

by: Lorie Ladd (0)

Do you wonder who you really are, how you can navigate the current times, and why are you on the planet right now? The Divine Design will help you find the answers, guiding you on a journey of deep remembrance, and bringing into your awareness the ancient knowledge and memories buried deep inside your cells.

The Divine Design reads like a sci-fi movie, yet it is a groundbreaking account of the courageous and complicated history of Earth and Humanity. Get ready to witness the design and creation of Earth, the human body, and all living organisms; the fall of humanity from a 5th dimensional state of awareness to a 3rd dimensional state of awareness; and the last 10,000 years of evolution as Earth and Humanity slowly shift their consciousness back into a 5th dimensional state of awareness. Such concepts are complex and can be hard to grasp, but Lorie Ladd has a unique gift to make them understandable and easy to apply in your daily life.

The book includes timely information that will empower you to navigate your human journey and the shifts in your consciousness. It will open your heart and bring clarity about why you incarnated. This book will also enable you to:
  • gain a deeper understanding of life
  • remember who you are and reclaim your infinite personal power
  • get unstuck on your spiritual path
  • navigate challenging times
  • accept and love yourself just the way you are
The time has come for you to embrace the power of remembrance and express your full potential, and The Divine Design is your faithful companion on this lifelong journey. Whether you’re looking for daily guidance or long-term clarity, each passage will reveal something different every time you read it that serves you exactly where you are in your human evolution.

The Reviews

The Divine Design is one of the most powerful books I have ever read. It absolutely activates your body and soul. Even holding the book gave me a jolt- that’s never happened to be before! Reading the book was an interactive experience- I was talking to the book the whole time- saying things like, “I knew it!”, “I always felt like that”, “This is incredible!”, and many more! What a validating experience to find- in print- so many things I had always wondered about.I learned so much from The Divine Design. As soon as I finished reading it, I started it over again. There’s so much information to absorb. It’s absolutely fascinating!I have been enjoying the author’s social media channels and learned so much from those channels. They absolutely go hand-in-hand with the book. Having the book now, as well, is quite wonderful.I feel like everyone needs to read this book.

Please do yourself a favor and buy this book. It will change your life!

Lorie Ladds book Divine Design! One of the most activating books of all time. Initiating a rememberance that is hard to explain. There's soo much within this book I recommend it to everyone. It's literally the history of earth 🌎. I'll probably keep the book forever. And still buy the audio book.

Being a part of Lorie Ladd’s online community - Evolve on Patreon for almost two years now, I’ve heard a lot about this book and finally it’s out and I can dive into it! Lorie has already changed my life with her teachings and guidance. With this book many more people will have access to the pure wisdom that channels through her as she assists humanity in shifting into higher states of consciousness. Remembering the Divine Design💜

So very excited for this book!!! Lorie speaks about extraordinary things in simple terms and is pure love and truth!

Can’t wait to read this

This is the book I have been waiting for many months now! When Lorie in a video revealed the downloads of the book concerning how we got from 5D to 3D and how the enslavement of humanity was possible and how much it has been done to get us back to 5D and beyond
 a huge weight went away from my being. The remembrance of the knowing that we weren’t created to experience this level of duality and darkness, something I always struggled to accept. But rather it was something that happened on the way, and to know how and why, gave me the peace I was looking for since I was aware of the darkness. Thank you Lorie for your mission, bravery and honesty. Thank you dear sister.Lucía.

Wow I’ve just started reading and I can’t put the book down. Thank you Lorie for this gift! I highly recommend reading this book!!! Don’t miss out.

The Divine Design: The Untold History of Earth's and Humanity's Evolution in Consciousness
⭐ 5.0 💛 14
paperback: $21.21
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