The Richest Man In Babylon - Original Edition

by: George S Clason (0)

The Richest Man in Babylon, based on “Babylonian parables”, has been hailed as the greatest of all inspirational works on the subject of thrift, financial planning, and personal wealth. In simple language, these fascinating and informative stories set you on a sure path to prosperity and its accompanying joys. A celebrated bestseller, it offers an understanding and a solution to your personal financial problem. Revealed inside are the secrets to acquiring money, keeping money, and making money earn more money. This original edition has the original language, content, and message from George S. Clason as intended in 1926. It's all here, uncensored.

The Reviews

This is the best book I've ever read. I went from no money and near homelessness to an almost million dollar net worth. The concepts are simple and easy but we are not taught how to see money correctly in the mainstream. this book gives simple stories that show actual transactions and thought processes that we have all lived through even tho it was written forever ago. I give this as a gift often because it changed my life. It's a short book with the rules of money. A MUST READ

With "4 million copies sold" how is it possible that 4 million readers missed the hundreds of grammatical and spelling errors that lie on every page. This must have been some copy that the publisher took and copied to sell their "original" version.The story is wonderful, the lessons are powerful, and the original author is creative, but the publisher ruined the read. Yes, pick up and read this book, you will learn so many valuable lessons but maybe find one that doesn't sell a book with errors on every page.

My accountant had me read this book 35 years ago. I am now mentoring some beginning entrepreneurs and have bought a copy for each of them.It is a classic and still rings true.Highly recommend

Every high school student should read this. Do you want to work for money or do you want money to work for you? Once you understand this, you can be on the road for financial independence.

Great basic foundational wealth book. If you can't get these basics down... you'll be a victim your whole life.Writen in a story format, it's very similar to the first financial book I read - "The Wealthy Barber" either would be great to throw at a middle schooler.

Finally a clean edition with appropriately sized font. Easy to read. True to the original edition I read many years ago as a kid. Highly recommend the life changing simple lessons

Excellent book on the foundation of living within your means in the form of short stories. I truly enjoyed reading it.

- Invest 10% of your Salary Wisely, Seek out those that handle money well.-Use 90% of your salary for your estate , taxes, church, living expenses-Control your desire with a budget which also protects your investments from being diminished.- Babylonians gave each other 'micro loans' to those whom they knew and trusted and had a good plan for business and paying each other back. Honor was key. Good stories to show the wins and losses for various lenders as well as 'shark tank' the fitness of each business proposition.- Or monetary and lending system is not 'stable as the throne', and is not based upon honor.- We have a FIAT currency that thieves your purchasing power, which is different from the stable currency of Gold,Silver,Copper Babylon had.- We also have a welfare state which robs the wise and gives it to the fools.- Mass Federal Reserve Counterfeiting can buy-out good businesses or clone, undercut it for a time, drive it out. When the good management exits, the new management jacks up the rates fleeces the existing customer base. Outsources customer support to frustrate complaints. No honor.

I recently heard a radio host recommend this short book as a must read about personal finance and how to handle money. To be honest, I've never heard of The Richest Man in Babylon and was totally shocked to discover it has sold over 4 million copies!In a nutshell, this short book contains parables set in Babylonian times. Some of the language is dated and a bit clumsey to read in modern times, but it makes for an interesting read. Rather than just telling the reader to live on less than you earn and save 10% from your income for retirement, the book tells the tale of someone in ancient Babylonian times who struggled from paycheck to paycheck and sought the advice of the richest man in Babylon. The rich man goes on to share "secrets" to his financial success, which are basic, well-proven tactics for building personal wealth (eg, work hard, save for retirement, carefully invest your money after seeking the advice of wise men, never invest in a business you are unfamiliar with, etc.).I strongly recommend this book for teenagers and young adults, but it is also helpful for anyone desiring basic knowledge on how to save and build personal wealth. For more advanced readers, I'd strongly recommend The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley, Ph.D. or The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. 👍👍

This book seems like the source product for the good financial advice of our day. Dave Ramsey, Rich Dad/Poor Dad and many more all have foundations similar to what this book teaches. It uses multiple stories to illustrate the time tested principles, quick easy read. You can read a chapter(mini story) and put it down for a while without worrying about where you were in the book later.

Overheard a motivational speaker talk about this book so I had to get it. "So cheap you can steal your kids lunch money for it." Its just a great and simple read it spells it all out for you.

It is written very strangely as a story and in first-person; however, it does lay out much financial wisdom (you'll see what I mean about the strangeness factor). I highly recommend this book and sent a copy to my son after his college graduation. Now I just hope he reads it! The 4-star rating is only because of the odd story and how it's put together; the content is wonderful; Solomon would be proud.

This was discussed on a Dave Ramsey call so I purchased out of curiosity. What a gem. It’s short but a book you have to read slow and mark up as you read. I’d recommend to anyone who want to understand money and grow wealth.

The seven cure alone will change your life and there so much more to learn all leaders are readers

I wish I was exposed to this book in my youth, but I am afraid I would not grasp it as deep as I can now.

Get your money straight read the book.

I got one copy to reread and one as a gift. In my opinion, if you only read one financial advise book in your life read this one. It's short and informative and ANYONE can follow these principles.

I got this book after listening to Jim Roth, And I wish I could have known the gems hidden within the lines sooner. It has given me a new perspective on life.

If you're interested in simple principles for increasing wealth, this is a good read.

This book is a must!!! Thank me later

One of the best books anyone could read.

Quick and easy read with great lesson for life and growing wealth. Recommend to anyone!

Good information if followed. Wish it was written with easier names and modern English language.

This should be a must read for every high school student. This book literally explains how every person is capable of becoming wealthy.

Jim Rohn put me on. A lot of the principles I was already doing BUT it’s always a good reminder that I’m on the right track. Only thing I wish was that it was in today’s English instead of archaic vernacular

I can't say enough good things about this book. Lay hands on it in any addition and learn how to make yourself effective in the world of money. The lessons here are classic and eternal.Unfortunately the format of this particular version of the book is rather poor. The titles of chapters are hardly distinguishable from the primary text, and often appear at the extreme upper right of the page, making them difficult to see, and easily recognize when you have come to the end of a chapter or the beginning of a new one.There are other versions of this same text that are available for somewhat more money that are totally worth it in terms of a more legible format.I got these copies as a gift for a 20-something bridegroom and his party of groomsmen. Despite the mediocre formatting, I believe they will still find this illuminating and useful in their lives.

This book is kinda written like. A Wealth bible. I found it's 'parables' extremely thoughtful and well explained. It made me think about myself and my character. And what I might be able to do to better my situation. Is it the end all be all of wealth... No. But it is the greatest starting point. And at least leads you to the yellow brick road where you can begin the walk towards success yourself. If you are hesitant to read this little book don't be. It's wonderful.

This book definitely is thought provoking, allowing me to see things in another light. I love that each portion of the book shows someone’s struggle and their changes to reach their desires. Excellent read for the young entrepreneur or those who don’t understand the benefit of work.

As a keeper of journals myself, I found this book a wonderful insight into the life of this remarkable actor. It was published with care by his widow, Rima and with Alan Taylor, from the Estate of Alan Rickman, and taken from journals written between1993 to 2016, the year of his passing.The inner covers and fly leaf pages are actual images from the pages of his journals, but the book itself is in regular type. (Which is a good thing, as Mr. Rickman's hand writing is as sloppy as my own! ) They were likely not meant for others to read, but are delightful to see. The colorful images that he did in his journal show him to be a skillful visual artist on many levels. He would sketch as well as write on the pages as many of us journal keepers do!They share his thoughts as he was experiencing his rehearsals, plays and the process of making his many movies ... The Craft of being an Actor. The pages are filled with his joys and disappointments, insights and opinions as well as a his wonderfully dry sense of humor. The last chapter will have tears pouring down your face ... RIP Alan, you are still so sorely missed.

How can you not fall in love with Alan Rickman? I did watching him play the voice of God in Kevin Smith’s film, “Dogma.” He had played probably hundreds of role and was one of Britain’s most versatile actors whether on stage, television or film. He was a sought after actor especially after his performance in the 1988 blockbuster film, “Die Hard,” where he played the terrorist, Han Gruber.In reality, he was a one man woman. His soulmate was Rima Horton. Their relationship lasted since they were 17 year old graphic design students until his death in 2016. Alan had his share of female friends like Ruby Wax, an American who fled her overbearing parents, for a life in the United Kingdom. Alan and Ruby were lifelong friends too. He was a part of her children’s lives as well.Alan declined politely a CBE (Commander of the Order of the British Empire) in the Queen’s 2009 New Year’s Honours List. He deserved knighthood but I think he would have declined the honor, Dame Emma Thompson wrote a beautiful introduction and Rima finished the book. My sister saw him and Rima at a flower shop in New York City years ago.I have to say that he led a full life. I have to say that I’m exhausted from reading his diary. Despite not having a scandalous life, he led a very full and wonderful life. He was devoted to his friends, relatives and others. His loyalty and devotion was unsurpassed. His friendship was a blessing and a gift to those who got to know him.

If legibility is of concern I would advise ordering the Cannongate edition despite higher post. I got my copy through [a newspaper's bookshop] where I first read excerpts of Rickman's delightful work. Next I purchased two copies of the Holt edition for gifts state-side; however these have slightly less substantial thus less opaque paper quality. There are four colour plates in both versions (I do wish such details were mentioned in the usual descriptions). Most importantly, there are more pages in the Cannongate volume which affords a more generous font size, further enhanced by an italicised and bold font for the entry headings. Eager to dive into my copy tomorrow...

I wish I could be smart enough to understand the theatre references and people Alan Rickman knew and respected. I am so enjoying reading his thoughts and feelings about his days in theatre and film. Also, I'm happy to recognize and "know" so many of the actors he enjoyed being with and discussing the important parts of his life. I have been crazy about this wonderful man for years; I've watched his movies and been thrilled to be in his "presence." I actually fell in love with his Severus Snape character! So happy that he has shared his confidences with us.

This book is not for everybody but being a fan, I really enjoyed. All the initials were a bit confusing at times, but I felt fortunate to have a peek inside the diaries of a great actor. I would have liked to know more about his relationship with his beloved Rima, but the man knew how to be discreet. I finished the book with the impression he was always on the run from rather than toward something, maybe himself.

If you love Alan Rickman, this is a kill-your-hero kind of book. After years of setting Rickman up on pedestal for the amazing actor that he was, I was eager to learn more about the man, and I think I would have if this diary weren't so edited to exclude passages that might have given us more personal glimpses of Rickman outside of work.Instead, most of the entries are limited to his career and paint him as difficult, self-obsessed, arrogant, and hypercritical of his co-stars. This may have been born of his high standards for the craft, but the more you read, the harder it is to like him. There are several passages that really come across as blatantly sexist - one towards female journalists and another in which he complains about overweight women who wanted to dance with him. He also faulted Kate Winslet for not being encouraging to other actors when he regularly clashed people on the set. He also seemed to take a haughty, dismissive view of his fans.I assume his wife Rima made the ultimate decision to release the diaries and I respect the fact that she wanted to honor a notoriously private man by holding back the most personal information. From a reader's standpoint, however, the resultant impression is far more negative than positive.One caveat: if you are celebrity obsessed in general, an actor, or a theater major you'll probably find this book wholly satisfying. If not, it's just two decades of an actor grumbling his way through a stellar career, feeling largely dissatisfied with life when he wasn't eating or on vacation, and then dying at the end.

Finance is a hard topic for many people.This book gives you financial tips, but in a more storyline way. I could easily see this story being told over a campfire. The last quarter of the book I found to be kinda boring, but everything else is very solid financial perspective.

The lessons used in this book are timeless and should be read by everyone who is searching for the secret of success and living well.

Great book to start learning aboutFinancial literacy read 3 times man amazing.

Wonderful book. It will transform your mind.

Read this book years ago, short stories that really help with life lessons. Have had all of my kids, nieces and nephews read it.

I really enjoyed this book. The style of writing and the various stories made this an easy and enjoyable read. I was quickly able to absorb the financial lessons because they were incorporated into the stories and repeated at various points throughout the book. Another great thing about this book is the fact that it’s short. I plan to read this book a few times, and definitely recommend this to anyone interested in learning more about managing their finances.

Buy it, you need it. Easy to read. Fun, important lessons.

Lo leí en español y me encantó. Este es el regalo perfecto para mi sobrino. Después de este seguirå el de padre rico padre pobre

It’s excellent advice to start saving for the future

Basic principles on how to make it in life. I see why this is considered a classic.

Life changing principles in this classic reading. While the plot and sentence structure are u ique and may be somewhat hard to follow, the principles of money are invaluable. I've read this book well over 12 times and pick up something new every time. Should be required reading in high school!

Anyone whose rear rich dad poor dad has probably already read this or should read this next. I liked how short it was and simplified food money habits in an ancient setting. Buy it, read it, share with a friend!

This book was a very deep and made me think read. I enjoyed learning how to rethink when it comes growing financially.

greatly enjoyed rereading this timeless wisdom of industry and money, appropriate for men of all walks and stages of life. There is no low so low that you can not be restored, and no goal that can not be reached through diligent work, industry, and investment over many years.

I am an instructor at a University for the subject of financial planning. A casebook and other materials are required purchases for all students. "The Richest Man in Babylon" I offer free to the students. Why? because I want them to keep it. Almost all of the "knowledge" imparted to the students during the semester will be lost 10m after the final exam. The wisdom communicated by this Book I hope they will keep and act upon.The wisdom is simple, pragmatic, and summarized. That does not lessen the value of the Book. To the contrary, it raises its value.Knowledge is meaningless unless it is properly put into action. RMB encourages action by its simplicity, pragmatism, and summation of well known information.Do the math. If you follow the first principle and pay yourself 10% of your gross income per month, say $100 per month, from age 20 to 65. You will have amassed > 1M (assuming 10% annual interest compounded quarterly). This is cash over and above your other assets.Read, keep, and refer to this Book.

Best money book on the market, an original

This book is excellent for your home library. It is insightful, to say the lease.

I liked this book because it taught a lot of life lessons. I was actually able to picture myself in that time frame and see what was happening. It gave a great visual. It was so interesting it was hard to find a stopping point.

Bought this book to replace a copy that was yellowed and falling apart

This is a must read. Excellent copy!

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The Richest Man In Babylon - Original Edition
⭐ 4.7 💛 9900
kindle: $0.49
paperback: $4.97
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