This book is a short read (should take you an evening or three if you allocate some time every night to read it). I'd say it's worth your while, for it changed the perspective I have around money. The perspective is this (warning: spoilers ahead). Money isn't there for you to save and horde. It isn't there for you to live until you're an old man or woman, then die a mediocre, unexamined life. Money enables you to enjoy enriching experiences. Money helps you to learn and do more so that you can be a more well-rounded, educated person, providing that body-of-knowledge and experience to other people, who will in turn reward you for helping them solve their problems. For example, I held off on purchasing a ham radio for over a year because I had a tremendous block around money. I thought it was foolish to spend several thousand dollars on a ham radio, along with antennas, tools, equipment, and other little nit-noids needed to operate. Basically, I was telling myself why it was stupid and foolish to spend the money. As a result, I talked myself out of enjoying radio for well over a year. This book helped changed my perspective around ham radio. It helped me to see that in the process of learning ham radio, I become a better engineer. It helped remind me why I wanted to get into radio in the first place: To learn about antennas and the magic of radios, those electromagnetic waves that go thousands of miles to other stations around the world, with little more than a piece of wire in my backyard. I had wanted to learn about electrical magnetic interference, the propagation of radio waves, and an intuitive understanding of electricity in general. These are things that I cannot get on the job because I'm mainly a software guy, writing code to interface with hardware, of which I have little understanding. By learning ham radio on the side, I build up this wealth of knowledge that in turn helps me understand hardware better. I become more marketable and in the process enrich my life. I hadn't realize just how much I would enjoy the hobby until I started to actually do it, and this book has helped me to overcome my stupid money barriers. If you have barriers around spending money, then I'd recommend reading this book to understand how to have more of it so that you don't have to worry about spending the money you have now, thinking you'll never see it again because of insecurities and fears around not being able to make more of the green stuff.