The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life

by: Mark Manson (0)

#1 New York Times Bestseller

OverĀ 10 million copies sold

In this generation-defining self-help guide, a superstar blogger cuts through the crap to show us how to stop trying to be "positive" all the time so that we can truly become better, happier people.

For decades, weā€™ve been told that positive thinking is the key to a happy, rich life. "F**k positivity," Mark Manson says. "Letā€™s be honest, shit is f**ked and we have to live with it." In his wildly popular Internet blog, Manson doesnā€™t sugarcoat or equivocate. He tells it like it isā€”a dose of raw, refreshing, honest truth that is sorely lacking today. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k is his antidote to the coddling, letā€™s-all-feel-good mindset that has infectedĀ modern society and spoiled a generation, rewarding them with gold medals just for showing up.

Manson makes the argument, backed both by academic research and well-timed poop jokes, that improving our lives hinges not on our ability to turn lemons into lemonade, but on learning to stomach lemons better. Human beings are flawed and limitedā€”"not everybody can be extraordinary, there are winners and losers in society, and some of it is not fair or your fault." Manson advises us to get to know our limitations and accept them. Once we embrace our fears, faults, and uncertainties, once we stop running and avoiding and start confronting painful truths, we can begin to find the courage, perseverance, honesty, responsibility, curiosity, and forgiveness we seek.

There are only so many things we can give a f**k about so we need to figure out which ones really matter, Manson makes clear. While money is nice, caring about what you do with your life is better, because true wealth is about experience. A much-needed grab-you-by-the-shoulders-and-look-you-in-the-eye moment of real-talk, filled with entertaining stories and profane, ruthless humor, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k is a refreshing slap for a generation to help them lead contented, grounded lives.

The Quotes

True happiness occurs only when you find the problems you enjoy having and enjoy solving.

The desire for more positive experience is itself a negative experience. And, paradoxically, the acceptance of oneā€™s negative experience is itself a positive experience.

If you want to change how you see your problems, you have to change what you value and/or how you measure failure/success.

The more something threatens your identity, the more you will avoid it.

Action isnā€™t just the effect of motivation; itā€™s also the cause of it.

The Reviews

A great read. A very entertaining romp through philosophical thought by a skilled wordsmith, but I would say the age cut-off for this book is 50. Beyond 50, you've probably already learned most of the lessons in this book the hard way, however, I can see where it can be extremely helpful for a generation that spends most of its waking hours posting narcissistic selfies on their iphones. Manson gives you the blueprints to get your head out of your ass, (or out of your phone) take a hard look at yourself and the real world around you, and shed many of the illusions you've been slowly poisoning your life with. If you're a millennial, or even a disenchanted X-gen, pick up this book. It will give you at least a more healthy point of view. But, if you're over 50, you're not going to find anything new in here except entertainment.

What I like the most about this book is that my initial thought of; "This will be a good read- I'll probably get a provoking thought or two out of it", turned into, "Wow. This book has literally changed my life, for the better." Since I've finished it, I recommended it to four people, two of which have acquired the book, and I even got an extra copy as a gift for a friend. I intend to read this book every couple years or so for the times I need to be reminded of what improved my life so much in the first place. This is an easy read- yet written on a sophisticated level (despite the title), and I looked forward to every bit of free time I could dedicate to reading it. There were times I laughed, got teary eyed, and most importantly said, "hmmm, I never thought of it like that before..." I recommend this book to anyone who is open to changing their mindset, and can understand irony. Obviously the title is not instructing the reader to stop taking care in interest in EVERYTHING, so if that thought never crossed your mind upon reading the title, then I suggest you read this.

Save yourself some money and time. The only valuable lesson in this book is figure out the things that really matter, and not waste your time/energy getting upset about things that don't. There, done. Now you don't have to listen to a drunk dude rant about his explanation of buddhism and why he's so awesome.

I've read quite a few "self-help" books in the last 30 or so years, always curious to see what the writers have to contribute. I went in with an open mind, but could barely finish this book. While there were some good points made early on (such as, we should concentrate on things that matter, like family and friends), there was little substance in about 150 pages of this 200 page book. Mr. Manson describes in detail the thoughts of several deceased persons, from Beatles drummer Pete Best to a WWII Japanese soldier, but does not reference the sources of his information. He theorizes that many of women's accusations of sexual misconduct by men are "false memories" and that men have been harmed in the process without recognizing the impact of this very real phenomenon of sexual misconduct on our culture. Regarding his account of how sometimes his wife "doesn't look great", and he suggests she change her clothes/hairstyle....just, wow. We'll see how that works out when she attains some confidence.I have to think that his "wildly popular" blog is followed primarily by readers much younger than Mr. Manson. When his followers mature, I think the writer would be well-suited for a job in search engine optimization. He has figured out that the most commonly searched word is f *ck.Unfortunately, I bought a hard copy of the book -- will likely just throw in the trash.

I've never been more disappointed by a book. The constant generalizations. The pretentious tone of it all. The lack of any substance. Heres a synopsis, privileged guy uses his atypical life experience to tell you to care less about certain things and care more about other things you already know you should care about. Don't waste your time or money.

Sorry, not sorry, but not a fan. This book is pretty much written by a person who had crisis in their life (as many do) and wrote a whole book of life-advice based on their single experience. This book seems to be heavily influenced by taking what Mark learned from his therapist, based on his personal issues, and transforming that into a set of principles that will somehow act as a cure-all for everyone else's situations...with the word "F*CK added to be cool. This is pretty much a fad that will eventually fade away. Definitely not one of the long-standing classics. Good job to this guy for getting paid on it though. I'd get my money back if I could.Here are the parts that stick out to me in particular:1. The writing isn't that great. He drops the f-bomb here and there for emphasis which is attention getting. But if you're adding the f-bomb to writing that is not well developed...well you're just emphasizing poor writing. Personally, I'm not a prude and have no issues with the word. I just didn't think it was effective in this case.2. This book is not inspirational and there is nothing profound in here that most people don't already learn on their own from life itself when transitioning from late teen years to early adulthood. Waste of time.3. There are many claims about what psychologists and other experts believe. A lot of "Research shows..." but there are no citations! Ummm, what? How do we know what Mark summarizes is indeed what research shows. Where is the foundation on which the proof points of this book is written?"Sometime in the 1960s, developing "high self-esteem"-having positive thoughts and feelings about oneself-became all the rage in psychology. Research found that people who thought highly about themselves generally performed better and cause d fewer problems...Grade inflation, for example, was implemented to make low achieving kids feel better...Pastors and minsters told their congregations that they were each uniquely special in God's eyes...Businesses and motivational seminars cropped up chanting the same paradoxical mantra: every single one uf us can be exceptional and massively successful." Really? How about an example or citation of where this was pulled together."Numerous professors and educators have noted a lack of emotional resilience and and excess of selfish demands in today's young people...Speakers and professors are shouted down and banned from campuses for infractions as simple as suggesting that maybe some Halloween costumes really aren't that offensive. Schools counselors note that more students than ever are exhibiting severe signs of emotional distress..." Ok. Who? Where? What? When and where are these things happening? Where are the studies, examples, news references? Where is this guy pulling all of this from? My goodness a 5th grader could write a more complete current event report than the content of this entire book! The acknowledgements state "To Michael Covell for being my intellectual stress test, especially when it comes to understanding psychological research, and for always challenging me on my assumptions." Well good job for trying Michael!"Brilliant business people are often f*ckups in their personal lives. Extraordinary athletes are often shallow and dumb as a lobotomized rock. Many celebrities are probably just as clueless about life as the people who gawk at them and follow their every more." WOW! Stereotype much?

As someone who has given far too many f***s about far too many things their entire life, this book was exactly the wake up call I needed. Even as a child in elementary school, I would have a miniature meltdown when I got a bad grade or if a friend was mean to me that day. As an adult, I got better at hiding these emotional upheavals and intense reactions to the world around me, but they never really went away with my maturity like I had hoped. I took to heart every disheartening news article I read and every crappy thing that happened to me at work or in school. I'd let it consume me, because I was never told to live life any other way or that controlling my reactions was even remotely possible; I thought it was just a permanent part of my personality. I always knew that it was more of a vice than a virtue, but I felt like I couldn't fully control it.Mark Manson's The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*** employs a witty use of profanity laced with satirical comedy that's bursting with philosophical wisdom. Much of Manson's inspiration originates from nihilists, Buddhists, Albert Camus, and Charles Bukowski, but he brings those philosophies into a more modern and palatable perspective. He reminds us that life is too short to react so passionately about every little thing. We have a limited emotional capacity, and we often squander it on reactions to mean-spirited people or unfortunate events, completely forgetting that, although we can't control the world around us, we can control ourselves. This book has empowered me to exercise control over my reactions.Shortly after reading this book, my husband commented at how "zen" I've become. I'm no longer angrily venting to him about all of the various ways the world upsets me. I still allow myself to feel and talk about things that bother me (I'm not aiming to achieve nirvana as a Buddhist monk), but petty things no longer have a hold on me. I let the negativity wash over me now without letting it absorb into my soul, and my life has been much more enjoyable as a result.I was so inspired by this book and its philosophy, that I wanted a permanent reminder for myself to further ensure that I use my f***s wisely from now onward. For my birthday, I got this simple, but meaningful tattoo on my right wrist. The āˆž symbol reminds me of the infinite nature of time and outer space, and the 0 on the bottom represents humanity's relevance to time and space as a whole. It can also be translated as don't make something (āˆž) out of nothing (0) or a reminder that there are infinite opportunities to give a f***, but that I will remain steadfast in giving 0 f***s about things that don't really matter.If you're the type of person who's struggled to keep their temper in line or if you're like me and you find yourself on an emotional roller-coaster because you take every event in the world and within your own life to heart, I strongly encourage you to read this book. If profanity is so much of a problem for you, that you can't tolerate reading the first half of this book (the last half is much less profane) you're probably too narrow-minded to have taken away any of the many philosophical benefits this book offers.

The guy is good at telling a story and writing, and the book was humorous and made a few decent points. Kind of an interesting perspective on how to look at life. Itā€™s pretty short and easy and quick to read. Nothing particularly different or new per se, but was entertaining to read anyway. Bought because I am running out of nonfiction books and figured Iā€™d get some newer books with good ratings. More of a fun read than anything, and shows a different way to look at life than I have for sure, although I donā€™t think I can apply anything learned I donā€™t feel it was a waste to read or anything and I actually finished it which says something about the writing I suppose.

I liked it and was able to see a substantial improvement in my PTSD to the point that PTSD is nonexistent for 1 year now. It is something I constantly work on even when feeling great. Those leaving pretentious comments should know the more information obtained about why we behave the way we do leads to the cure. You are the master of your domain and may not be able to change chemical imbalances but you can in fact understand, evaluate and correct any behavior that disrupts your life.

It is a good reding, not deep or filled with complicated jargon. You can read this in a quiet weekend if you prefer I guess. Not a life changing book, as I said, it doesn't go any deep, so if you're looking for an easy entertaining reading, this is for you. If you want a deeper book, there are others, not this one.

This book brought me to tears at many points, because nothing has ever resonated so much. I have read hundreds of self help books, and nothing comes close to breaking the surface. Real. Deep. Actionable. This is a must read for every person on the planet. Truly life-changing.

This book was well written and definitely allowed me to look at life differently. Some real great life lessons; centered around the fact that we are alive. Itā€™s takes a shot at entitlement; and how we choose to care about things that are in deed trivial. It takes a shots at fear and the inevitability of death. Great read.

Before I read this book, I didn't realize that I was always thinking and pushing things too much. I cared too much on how certain things to be arranged, cleaned and look. Until it took tolls on my daily routines.Now I know to only care about things that really matters n just ignore everything else. It makes me feel lighter. I felt better doing what's important rather than exhausting myself doing all menial things

I just ran a book club on the book tonight and people either loved it or hated it but, the conversations about the book were really good and everyone was open to listening to different perspectives!! Would recommend the book!

This book was a nice compilation of stories to think about. It seemed to flow well. I personally like a little more directive in a book of this nature. I was able to draw my own meaning from the stories but the format is not what I trend toward. Overall quick read and relatable stories.

Couldnā€™t put down! Everyone else that has read this book and saw me with it, they all said the same: amazing book! Couldnā€™t agree more!

Mark Manson puts life in perspective with humor and logic. Can't argue with any of what this book says, makes so much sense.

Canā€™t wait to start reading. A plastic cover would help this to be pristine during delivery. Specially overseas.

This book was ironically recommended to me because of the cover and specifically because ā€œI donā€™t give a f*&@ā€œ. So, you might say this isnā€™t my subtle art, but my lifeā€¦šŸ¤£And, the title is the biggest curve ball, as, the book will give a very strong argument as to how us, humans, could better focus our life by the subtle are of GIVING a f*&@ about what truly deserves all that you are.Read it and may you ponder.

Se ajusta ajusta perfecto al cuerpo. La tela es mƔs gruesa a diferencia de las otras marcas. Muy suave por dentro. Me voy a comprar otro set

Good Buy

Great shirts I used them under my cycling shirt to stay warm

Don't buy won't fit extra large will fit a little kid.I got the xl but it's more like a small. I've it for myself but I end up giving it to my little kids that's how small it is

Great way to show that we worried every day for silly things.

Lo recomiendo a toda persona entre los 20-39 buscando su camino y objetivo en el mundo, muy enriquecedor y fƔcil de leer.

This book has motivated me to see things differently from a better perspective. Highly recommend

I like the way that it looks the same as the picture.

Very cute to put i heart something!

I got this for a friend as a joke because sheā€™s a crier. Itā€™s hilarious and perfect. She loves it

I loved this little gibbit ! As you can see on my left croc, it is just the right size and would definitely make a huge difference to your croc! But if you are looking thinking about buying it, I would definitely recommend!!

This looks amazing with my P charm. I ā¤ļø P 9/6/19 foreverā¤ļø

Super cute and fits just right

Since I I am a whole vibe and itself I decided to buy this jibbet; however, I think itā€™s a bit pricey just for one jibbet.Nice color!

First pair of crocs and first time with jibbitz,easy to get in,not so much removing them so make sure you know where you want them.

Interesting subject

This is the third copy of this book that Iā€™ve purchased after giving the first two to stressed-out friends. If youā€™re all worked up about everything all the time and you wish you could just chill out, this book will set you straight. Itā€™s pretty bro-y, but has good advice at its core.

There were parts that I lost interest in what I was reading; but otherwise a good book to read to help you get out of your head and make you think

Very good, helped me a lot. I recommend

Love this book. Suggest it to all my friends.

While reading this, I felt like I was talking to a trusted, good friend. Mark Mansonā€™s information provided me with tons of light bulbs illuminating over my head accompanied by numerous ā€œAh-haā€ moments. It highlights the concept of not being weighed down by all the old annoyances. A handy tool for a quick reminder when youā€™re stuck in The Feedback Loop from Hellā€¦Just read this book.

Literally made me laugh out loud so many times in the first half. Lost some steam in the second half, unfortunately. Got rather ā€œpreachy.ā€

If youā€™re looking to change your overall perspective on life READ THIS BOOK. This book Changed the way I think completely and even help with my depression! Worth the read very good points.

I loved this book. It helped me be more positive and focus on my own needs but remembering Iā€™m great the way I am.

Got this for my sister but I might read it next

I wish I could have read this book years ago. I feel like my life will be very different from this moment on.

Was a gift for a friend, they loved it!

The author does an incredible job of making the book applicable. It doesnt do it in a step by step manner, but asks the questions we should be asking ourselves when we come across a choice. It creates a lot of thoughts and the whole time I was reading this I thought about the questions I should have been asking when I did some of the things I regret.

Not going to spoil anything or try to write an in depth review but this was a great read, highly recommend. It's also one of those books I'll re read after a while

After listening to the audio version of this I wanted a "hard copy" so I could highlight and refer back too. You will never look at life the same way after reading this!

Es un buen libro y lo recomiendo abiertamente, si quieres aprender a darle importancia a lo que realmente la tiene y la mereceā€¦ Mi Ćŗnica queja? Pues que debiĆ³ tener un mejor encuadernado o presentaciĆ³n, para el buen contenido que tiene.

Tal vez el tƭtulo lo creas poco decente; pero cada pƔgina estƔ llena de profesionalismo y sabidurƭa. Con un lenguaje Perfecto y sencillo.

Recommend everyone to read this book!

Wow good read . Needs a second read. Touches on all aspects of life. And is a must for all

I would say the shoes fit a little small. I got a 7.5 and they are a little short for the toes. I get a lot of compliments when I wear them though. The lace detail is beautiful.

These shoes are extraordinary. They are beautiful - when I first took them out of the box, I gasped. They look like ballet shoes, with these lovely pink ribbons and the delicate lace exterior. I wore them to the Bridgerton ball and then to a friend's party, which means I wore them for eight hours straight, at least half of which I was on my feet. By the end of the night, the friend who had come with me was weeping and could barely walk because her shoes were so uncomfortable; I had nary a blister or even minor discomfort. Like many women, I always put bandaids in my purse on the day I break in a new pair of shoes; I didn't need to resort to my bandaid stash in these.Now, the one minor flaw: the ribbons are VERY smooth and silky. They do not stay tied. They came untied a couple times throughout the night. When I arrived home, I realized - I was wearing a floor-length dress - that one of the ribbons had come out altogether. I have no idea where I lost it. I feel like a modern-day Cinderella, except if some guy showed up at my door with this bedraggled pink satin ribbon, I would shut it in his face. That said, I don't know where it ended up, which is inconvenient to say the least. So if you buy these and intend to keep them, consider replacing the satin laces with grosgrain or something else. It won't look as beautiful, but at least the ribbons will stay put.

These shoes are a beautiful royal blue (I already have black, white, red, and ivory) and the ribbon closure makes it easy to get on and off and can expand or contract according to how my feet are the day I wear them. I have had to wear ugly chunky clog or slip on shoes because nothing fits and now I can dress nicely and have beautiful shoes to match. I will now order the red ones and complete my set. My only fear is that they will stop selling them and then I will be back to ugly shoes again. My white and ivory pairs came from a different vendor for 20 dollars more each, so these are a great bargain for me!

These look cheaply made and have a raw edge around the ankle that looks like cardboard. I also donā€™t like the shiny metallic sole inside. I followed other reviews to size up and that was a mistake. There was a huge gap between the shoe and the inside of my ankle. Everyoneā€™s feet are different sizes and shapes, so whatā€™s too small/large for one wonā€™t be for another.

I wore these for my wedding last week and they were perfect. I got them in a month in advance so I could break the shoes in, they are really narrow at the toe and I have wider set feet but all I had to do was get shoe stretcher and they fit perfect after that. I'm also a plus size woman and would never even think about wearing a stiletto heel but these are very sturdy and I had no trouble walking in them. I love that the ribbon is replaceable and plan on wearing these again in a few months as a bridesmaid and switching the ribbon for a red one. Will definitely buy another pair if I need more color options.

Absolutely beautiful, fit perfectly, and they even come with back of the heel and ball of the foot cushions for comfort!!

The lace is subtle and lovely

I was very pleasantly surprised when I got my shoes delivered today. The quality of the shoes is much higher than I expected; no rough edges, no loose stitches, no blobs of glue, everything is perfect. The style is great, high quality fabrics, no shortcuts taken. The fit and comfort are top notch too especially since I have had a dozen surgeries on my feet and ankles over the last 6 years. I thought I would be stuck wearing sneakers to my daughters wedding. Because the shoes are so great, I can finally wear something fashionable on my feet.

I absolutely live for this book in this Iā€™m gonna say

After listening to the audio version of this I wanted a "hard copy" so I could highlight and refer back too. You will never look at life the same way after reading this!

If only we knew a lot sooner

Love it

i like this book so much i have bought several copys to give to friends

Literally started reading sample pages because of the title. After reading the sample pages, I ordered the book. I haven't finished it yet, but great read so far!

3 for 1Wanted $70 for one at retailers

Fits perfectly. Would buy again

Water filters have no flavorā€”they are not edible.

After 1 month of use, no knocking sound from filter, unlike cheaper competitors.Easy to install.Fair price: less than OEM (which are hard to find) and more than some competing 3rd party products which induced a knocking sound in the water line when I used them.Recommended.

Water filter

The taste of my water improved with the install of this filter. It was easy to install and was priced right compared to other replacement filters. I will definitely by these again.

These filters are very hard to find in canada...the ones I found was double the price so Iā€™m glad I came across this fit my fridge perfectly

So far so good, filter is an exact fit and seems to be OEM quality. Set up is simple, very happy with this product.

Maybe I just came across this book at the right time in my life, but it has become my go to book. I recommend it to everyone, I have gifted it to friends and family, I come back and find myself highlighting new sections. A great read.

This book is very direct and to the point. He gives examples as to see how life is, and what people are always thinking. Then he gives you a reality check. Good book

Iā€™m liking the storyā€™s in it and the humor. Awesome book

This is one of the best books I have ever read. The information that is in the book is to scary and at the same way helpful. In the middle of reading this book I felt like, then what is the point on living? Why just don't die if we are going to do it anyways. I started to feel strange inside of me. I was scared because everything he writes about Is true. We all try to hard on impressing people. Try hard to make big goals and try to achieve them. But in the end we do it not for ourselfs we do it for the attention we will get in the result for that. We are not special, but in the same time we are. We are all unique bit not more special than the others. We live our life trying to be "successful" and convince ourself that it is because we want it for us. But in some cases we are not. We (and when I mean "we" I mean myself) try so much to achieve goals working hard everyday trying to come closer to that goal. But when I readed this book my eyes opened. I was wrong. I was not doing it for myself. I was doing it to prove others I am worth of their attention. Because I wanted to feel special because yeah. I always said to myself "nobody work hard enough for success so I am special I work harder than the others and that is why i deserve it more". I was every day working hard, I did not want to accept it but when I readed this book it really hurted me. I felt like he was 100% seeing through me. I felt like my life was pointless. All I did, the goals I was pursuing was only to make other think in the future. "Wow he is special. He worked hard to obtaining he's goals. He is inspiring". I wanted to show the people that made me feel bad about myself see me in the future and look up on me and say to themselves. "Well I think I am the real loser". But in this book I began to think. I was always looking at other people judging them about being at their 30-40 having a s***ty job, family, complaining about everyone and everything etc. Or the ones on my ages always working hard, making fools of themselves trying to get the attention of others. Or people screaming at others just to feel like they are better than the other person. I always felt sorry about them. When reading this book I realised I am exactly at them. We live our whole life trying to be somebody. When the real thing we should do is try to be the person we want to be. But it is not easy. The society always look up to successes and winners but never at the ones that are not that "successful" but are happy. And that make us all feel like we are not enough. Which we think is true. We give fu*ks about so many things that are not really important and that does not mean anything at all. The fact that we are going to die is terrifying. Not because we don't know what comes next, it's because, we thing yeah if we all will die then what is the point of trying? That's the reason this book is good it does not just make you unsure about all your beliefs. It also makes you realise that it does not mather at all if you are going to die. The real problem is what you should care about while you are alive. The old lady crossing the road in the pace of a turtle. Or the really fact that we are alive and are able to choose what we want to care about.Why did i writte a so long post? Well because if this can help somebody in my situation it will be nice. And the other reason was for myself. Because even if I say I don't care I actually care about what others think about me, and even if you don't know me in person. Knowing someone readed this and got the inspiration to read the book then it's enough for me. To feel like I did something good.And the third reason is because I liked the super hero "Disappointed Panda". He is cool and I would like a hero like that. Instead of the false super heroes that lies to others just to get liked by them.So this is an executive book. It gives a new way to look at things. I really recomend it for the people that are tired of this world and the humans on it, and even worst that tries way to hard to imprese those humans you hate, because you were told that is the right way to fulfill yourself. "You should do like the rest",they said. It does not help in the long run. It have never and will never!

Love how it puts life and true success into perspective. Plus so much more. Great book! Gonna read it again

Everyone needs to read this book! It definitely gave me a different perspective on my life and thatā€™s what I was looking for.

Profound insights and very entertaining writing style.

Great book for anyone looking for some insight into life or on their healing journey. Wonderfully written. Insightful, emotional, and funny. Will definitely read again and again.

Itā€™s an ok read. It has some ideas that differ from mainstream life philosophy which is good because it makes you question what weā€™ve been constantly fed.

Definitely worth the read! Has some great insights, and although there is a fair amount of cursing, the book is written casual and puts abstract ideas into more understandable terms.

Just as described...wrapped with note...nice touch!

Very good read so far highly recommend it also with the journal get both trust me!

An amazing book for anyone wanting a change in life or needing to embrace themselves fully. It was such an easy read and honed in on everything I needed to hear. Bravo, Mark!

The first time I ever "read" this book it was on an audiobook narrated by Roger Wayne. He REALLY is the perfect narrator for this type of content since it makes it feel soooooo less "self-help/psychological" and more of a humorous way to look at the crappy times in our lives. I honestly cannot count how many times I have listened to this on audiobook. I am currently n the process of trying to find a large print version of this in hard copy form as I am visually impaired.YES, there is some swearing in this book but it's not nearly as foul as the cover may make it seem. My mother is HIGHLY religious and conservative and I had no second thought of recommending the audiobook to her.PLEASE give this book (preferably the audiobook) a chance. If you are cautious about dishing out $$ on a book that you aren't sure you'll like, try your local library (or Libby app) which is how I found this book in the first place. This is absolutely in my top 10 books of all time and really has changed the way I think about my life. I cannot recommend this enough!!

Book opens strong. Simple msg. Loved it. Bought a copy for each of my adult children. His point: We care too much about too many things, netting zip. All gets watered down to lukewarm blah. We should care but for a few things.Very eastern take, apophatic, Buddhist like.I'd give it 5 stars but for his editors, who let the author use the same word -"metrics"-7 times in 3 pages. ( On Google search got me 30 synonyms. ) Manson is a much better writer than to have his handlers let him get lazy here.I bought the book because I loved the title and it got several times the Amazom Reviews as the awful writing, wildly successful, poorly edited 50 Shades.And, what better positive review than to have a reader buy a total of 4 copies!Well done.

If you can look past the author's blunt, frat boy communication style (Chapter 1 is insufferable, but he tones it way down after that), or the fact that most of his teaching examples use his own personal life, there's a lot of great wisdom in this book!Perhaps he was attempting to appeal his book to men who wouldn't be caught dead reading a "self-help" book or had "Buddhism teachings" anywhere in the title. Frankly, I could've done without this superficial coat of paint, because the ideas in the book stand on their own. But if that's what it takes these days to spread this wisdom to a bigger audience, all the power to him!So that's why I still give the book 5 stars. It's not flawless, but it's definitely one of the better self-help books with words of wisdom I want more people to be exposed to.

Mark Manson really tells it like it is in this book. It is chock full of wisdom and thought provoking points on living life to its fullest. The author does not presume to be too arrogant or condescending- in fact, he does so with a very down-to-earth matter of fact way where he does so humbly as possible; even to the point of being self-deprecating.The title is telling as to what kind of language is used- take it as a warning or encouragement, because he does so not in a completely vulgar way, but does so more in a conversational tone. Additionally, the title is not exactly telling as to what Mark Manson wishes us to do in life, at least not in the sense that you may think... read it and find out!Highly recommended for adult readers.

This book, was a great read, will always recommend.

Wonderful book! Highly recommend! Helped with a lot of my anxiety and stress. Really enjoyed this read will be buying more from this author

Itā€™s a great book to read in a flight šŸ˜

This book was truly insightful. Gave a better perspective on how to see the world we live in today. I think most should read this to gain that alternate perspective.

Don't let the title trick you into thinking this is smug hipster wise ass-ery, like I did for so long, passing it by again and again when it popped up in my feed or was suggested to me by an algorythm. "Consider this, won't you?" Finally, I did and I blasted through it. Mark Manson is not to be confused with Victor Frankyl. But make no mistake this IS important business. The Big stuff. The stuff that gives life meaning.

Donā€™t let the title or the language in the book stop you from ordering, reading, and gifting this book. Same message as the Serenity Prayer, but we all need to prioritize what takes our time and attention. This book helps.

I picked up this book (via Kindle) not knowing if I would like this. I understand his language may turn people off but this is so worth the read.Like another review stated after the first chapter is the substance. I will be buying a copy of the book for myself and a college graduate as there are many lessons here for young and old alike.

I stumbled upon this book accidentally and will admit the title enticed me to at least read what it was about. However, I loathe self-help books and have never, until now, finished one. Before even finishing this, I was recommending it to people citing, "No, this is different, you NEED to read this!" It's so good and absolutely worth the energy to read.

I'm not really one for new year's resolutions, but this book was a great way to gain more perspective for the beginning of a year. It was timely for my current state of thought and really hit home some points.Youre probably on the path to introspection already if youre looking at this book. Id recommend it as its a quick reas with extenely straightforward advice. Much like his superhero example, he provides a reslly impactful setup to get over yourself and reslly dig deep at what your motivations are and ought to be. Insightful, pointed, blunt, and practical. Good read.

I cannot say enough great things about this book! Mark actually touched on soooooo many topics that I've thought about and tried to relay to others for so many years. This books definitely causes one to view their life and other's lives from a completely different perspective. Admitting owning, and taking control of our faults and bad habits is truly difficult for anyone and this book outlines how to start doing it. I'm a firm believer that not all change is bad and that everything happens for a reason. Definitely a recommended excellent read!!

Everyone needs to read this book! The writing style is wonderful, as if the author is having a conversation with you. Not condescending, not like a ridiculous self help book. This is realistic and relatable. Everyone, regardless of sex, background, political, religious views, etc., should read this. It will help bring you back down to reality, how life should be. Simple.

I bought this book after having a fight, thinking it would tell me how to care less about other peopleā€™s opinion, but boy was I wrong. This book surpassed my expectations and gave me a new way to address things in life. The fight was over, but I kept reading it and it became addictive; Mark Mansonā€™s counterintuitive approach is just brilliant and it gave me the boost I didnā€™t know I needed!I loved the authorā€™s frankness and dark humor, and I feel it was very well balanced with groundbreaking realizations and immensely valuable content. I laughed and cried so hard, and now I feel like I just had an amazing conversation with an honest, good old friend.Thank you so much, Mark!

A wonderful book, giving a spin on the approach to life! I loved the way Mansen delivered his message with a lot of humor! It was a book that I couldnā€™t put down. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll be purchasing a copy, to refer back to. His theories resonate with my own beliefs on so many levels. I must admit however, itā€™s easy to forget and lose track of whatā€™s truly important. I would highly recommend and did recommend to my significant other, whoā€™s listening to the audiobook on the road! Iā€™m looking forward to read more from Manson!

Best book Iā€™ve ever read so far I love it and I love the way he thinks ā€¦ can I just say it was so amazing I wish I could buy it for everyone Forreal I feel like everyone should read this it was so good I had to buy the second book 10/10 I donā€™t regret getting this book and you wonā€™t either :)

The author lead a wild life and he candidly wrote about many of his behaviors that demonstrated really poor judgment. He builds on this long road of not caring for the ladies he slept with and even forgetting their names on the flight home. As the title indicates, brace yourself for bad language. Lots of humor helps the reader plow through his antics as a young man living a life focused on himself and his desires. Along the path, he finally manages to find a wife that he loves. He had developed the mantra as illustrated on the cover. Essentially, he encourages the reader to narrow his/her focus on what really matters and drop the endless attempts to be a people pleaser. I loved the book and finished it in 3 days. Notwithstanding the author's lifestyle, I do recommend the book. His recent behaviors seem to be professional. His recent efforts to help others are encouraging. Narrow your focus and build long-term relationships. It took him a long time to find what many find far earlier in life.

I go through several self help books a year in different categories (positive thinking, avoiding procrastination, organizing.) I don't expect much but I find reading them worthwhile enough to do it.In this case, I bought but never read SUBTLE ART. I watched the movie ten days ago, and it significantly impacted my work productivity. So that's head and shoulders over 90% of self help books. In part, it's basically the same message as Steven Pressfield books (War of Art or Put Your A** Where Your Heart Wants to Be), but the SUBTLE ART version was somehow more effective.

As someone who has given far too many f***s about far too many things their entire life, this book was exactly the wake up call I needed. Even as a child in elementary school, I would have a miniature meltdown when I got a bad grade or if a friend was mean to me that day. As an adult, I got better at hiding these emotional upheavals and intense reactions to the world around me, but they never really went away with my maturity like I had hoped. I took to heart every disheartening news article I read and every crappy thing that happened to me at work or in school. I'd let it consume me, because I was never told to live life any other way or that controlling my reactions was even remotely possible; I thought it was just a permanent part of my personality. I always knew that it was more of a vice than a virtue, but I felt like I couldn't fully control it.Mark Manson's The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*** employs a witty use of profanity laced with satirical comedy that's bursting with philosophical wisdom. Much of Manson's inspiration originates from nihilists, Buddhists, Albert Camus, and Charles Bukowski, but he brings those philosophies into a more modern and palatable perspective. He reminds us that life is too short to react so passionately about every little thing. We have a limited emotional capacity, and we often squander it on reactions to mean-spirited people or unfortunate events, completely forgetting that, although we can't control the world around us, we can control ourselves. This book has empowered me to exercise control over my reactions.Shortly after reading this book, my husband commented at how "zen" I've become. I'm no longer angrily venting to him about all of the various ways the world upsets me. I still allow myself to feel and talk about things that bother me (I'm not aiming to achieve nirvana as a Buddhist monk), but petty things no longer have a hold on me. I let the negativity wash over me now without letting it absorb into my soul, and my life has been much more enjoyable as a result.I was so inspired by this book and its philosophy, that I wanted a permanent reminder for myself to further ensure that I use my f***s wisely from now onward. For my birthday, I got this simple, but meaningful tattoo on my right wrist. The āˆž symbol reminds me of the infinite nature of time and outer space, and the 0 on the bottom represents humanity's relevance to time and space as a whole. It can also be translated as don't make something (āˆž) out of nothing (0) or a reminder that there are infinite opportunities to give a f***, but that I will remain steadfast in giving 0 f***s about things that don't really matter.If you're the type of person who's struggled to keep their temper in line or if you're like me and you find yourself on an emotional roller-coaster because you take every event in the world and within your own life to heart, I strongly encourage you to read this book. If profanity is so much of a problem for you, that you can't tolerate reading the first half of this book (the last half is much less profane) you're probably too narrow-minded to have taken away any of the many philosophical benefits this book offers.

I found so many new things from this author. I found myself feeling like I was reading a history book with all the new information about certain people. I like his pivotal point about his friends death. I wish he would elaborate more on all the places he lived and how many things he learned about the culture and how it help him or awaken some new in him. Can't wait to read more from him.

I have anxiety and have for decades and only a few chapters in and my anxiety has lessened 80% - we need to stop worrying about things that donā€™t matter and this book helped me understand how to do just that.My husband donā€™t read books but he ordered this and read it in 3 days over 200 pages and he loved this book.Life changing book 5 stars

Itā€™s rare that we think about the things we donā€™t want to think about because it takes courage and acceptance of those thoughts. This book forces you to dig deeper into your thoughts and change your ways for your own sake. 10/10

Iā€™m horrible at giving reviews. I just finished this book and Iā€™m going to reread it again right away. I love different perspectives on everything and yours is my favorite so far. Loved it!!!

Loaded with sarcasm and poignant stories that should drive self reflection in even the hardest shelled self absorbed a-hole. This is how every book on the subject should approach tackling ways to improve your present situation. Brilliant!

Fantastic book. Please donā€™t let the title scare you away here, the content is great. Written is a conversational manner - if that conversation was taking place in a bar with your favorite rock band, anyway. As a professional musician for over for almost 50 years now, itā€™s how most bands Iā€™ve been with talk to each other. A lot of swearing and attitude. Itā€™s not about not caring about anything at all, either - which you might think from the title. Itā€™s about making a conscious decision about what you focus your time and efforts on, and not caring so much about the things that we tend to get caught up in that in the long run arenā€™t meaningful at all. Highly recommended.

This book made me want to refocus On what matters in my life and not what capitalism urges people to focus on like climbing that corporate ladder to become successful which is a joke we're the punchline for. There's solid information in here who h I trusted there would be and the author delivered. Its not just raw language its a raw and honest journey and worthwhile to take. I'm grateful this author shared this with me. Thanks, Mrak!!

This book opened my eyes to ideas that I have never even considered or forgotten. It made me return back to myself and determine what is actually important in life. I think every person should read this book at least once it is very eye opening.

Over the last few years I've started reading a lot of self help books. Over the last few years I stop after a chapter or two. They can be boring or I can literally just feel like the info is crap. I read this whole book, thoroughly enjoyed it and highlighted lots of good stuff. I will look into his other books for sure!

I sat on this book for a year plus, and eventually fate wouldn't leave me be. I'm going to keep reading it over and over.If you've had issu...Screw this. Just buy it.Don't question it.Just do it.

Great book. So much useful information in this book. So many good points made about how little good it does to worry about things that are out of your control.

hello i am in seouli read this book twice(in korean) and now reading the kindle edition in englishthis book gave me a good chance to coordinating my left lifei took down the paragraphs in my reading notepad those tearing apart my heart in a good way.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life
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