Unlock It: The Master Key to Wealth, Success, and Significance

by: Dan Lok (0)

After ten years since his last best-selling book, Dan Lok, founder of Closers.com is finally unveiling his new book!

In Unlock It, you'll find the strategies and methods Dan used personally to go from being a poor immigrant boy with $150,000 debt to becoming a global social phenomenon and the leader of the largest virtual closing organization in the world.

If you are struggling financially, you'll learn how to develop skills not taught in schools that will increase your income and Financial Confidence.

If you are building or leading an organization, you'll get an inside look at how Dan Lok strategically scaled his organization through a combination of digital media and Social Capital, High-Ticket Closers, and an unbeatable team culture.

Wherever you are, Unlock It will show you how to find your own way to achieving wealth, success, and significance.

The Reviews

eliminate procrastination, laser beam focus, self management

If you are still using old business strategies or looking to find the answers to modern techniques, then this book is for you.

Just like the title says, I've never read something so profound!The Unlock It! book is written just like how anyone would talk to a friend. And it's packed with great business acumen and insights that I got addicted reading it from front to end!Through this book, Dan lok doesn't only give you the key to success but also...⚡Understanding more about your personality, attitude and current situation to achieve success⚡The 3 Ultimate skills that'll get you anywhere in life⚡Step-by-step on how to Successfully close a deal (and why the old school sales method no longer works)⚡How multimillionaire entrepreneurs scale their business today and how you can do it too⚡And more. Much more...You won't stop after having read the first page. (You'll see what I mean.)I've been following him for more than a couple of years and it always surprises me how much knowledge he has and how much wisdom he has in terms of life, business and finance.If you don't know Dan Lok, he is a multimillionaire business magnate that emphasises on having a High-Income Skill (a skill that generates $10K or more per month) and has helped scale many businesses.I'd highly recommend this book to anyone with the will to make a change in their lives and anyone who seeks Financial Confidence. Regardless of whether you're an entrepreneur, in office, or a NEET.Just buy this book...You're welcome.

I have read this book twice and even reviewed it on YouTube. This is a MUST READ for any entrepreneurs. Here are the top things you will learn from this book:1) What a High-Income Skill is and how you can use it to gain power in your life.2) How to double what you charge .. and maybe double again.3) Why Passive Income is not a good mindset to have. Success requires EFFORT.4) The Wealth Triangle and how you can use it to map your journey to abundance.5) How to calculate your magic hourly number.6) How to take back control of your days by scripting them.7) How to close better.8) The key stages of a High-Income closing call.9) How to grow your business using attraction, retention and optimization.10) What Social Capital is and how to use it properly.The last point - Social Capital - is the best insight in the entire book.Nice work, Dan!

Dan Lok is the most inspirational speaker and writer I've ever encountered!His passion and intensity make you want to take action and change your life. Last night I spent 8 hours studying his material, and found it hard to fall asleep because of how I excited I felt.Dan Lok's aggressive style might be offensive to some but, at the same time, it wakes you up and makes you take notice. His approach can be very effective for those who need to get fired up in order to stop procrastinating and take action.If you suffer from low self-esteem and lack of confidence, you need to read this book and watch Dan Lok's videos.After buying dozens of useless self-help programs, I've finally found someone who gets me and has the strategies I need to overcome my fears and chase my dreams.

Super informative. Helpful in growing my digital marketing carrer.Thanks Dan!This will have a great deal of influence in growing my business and personal life 😀

Very helpful foundational book, great ideas and full of "ah-ha moments", no bs, no filler. Even get a few of my friends to buy the book. 10/10 recommend, for $15 I've made a 1000x ROI in my business already from this info.

It was good... It gave a lot of perspective. But the whole time I felt like I was on the edge of my seat waiting for the "key" to "unlock it." It definitely got me interested in copywriting and high ticket sales. Would recommend as a good starting point. There are more informative options out there.Overall enjoyed the read. Easy to read.

Unlock It: The Master Key to Wealth, Success, and Significance
⭐ 4.7 💛 627
kindle: $2.39
hardcover: $15.55
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