Your Most Important Number: Increase Collaboration, Achieve your Strategy, and Execute to Win

by: Lee Benson (2022)

Do you know your most important number?

Numbers make or break you. Ask any bankrupt business or successful startup and they’ll both agree, numbers don’t lie. Unfortunately, most teams focus on too many numbers or the wrong numbers or maybe no numbers at all!

Author Lee Benson knows numbers. He grew his business from 3 employees to 500 with 15 consecutive years of 20 percent compounded average annual growth. Friends and families asked for his secret. He told them it came down to Your Most Important Number.

Jack Welch, the former CEO of General Electric and “Manager of the Century” raved about Lee’s MIND methodology (Most Important Number and Drivers). Welch said, “It is the best business management operating system I have ever seen. Had I used it when running General Electric, our results would have been exponentially better.” Because you can’t scale complexity, the power lies in its simplicity.

In this breakthrough book get ready to:

  • Set your Most Important Number (MIN) so this new North Star empowers everyone on your team to move in the same direction.
  • Craft Drivers to improve your number so you create winning outcomes and results.
  • Do the right work at the right time so everyone knows how to contribute to your team's success.

Tap into this simple method to increase collaboration, achieve your strategy, and execute to win, starting today!

The Reviews

From reading this book, I discovered that although every business has numbers, not every business knows it’s numbers. Good business know their Most Important Number. Lee Benson shares when businesses identify their Most Important Number, that’s when amazing changes occur. This book is a valuable resource with practical tools for entrepreneurs, business owners, or organizations.

A simple, yet profound way to approach business. When I transitioned into consulting, it was difficult to see the impact my contribution was making. I would come in to address strategy, continuous improvement, or L&D initiatives, and once the project was completed, the most I could do was hope the client sustained what I had worked to develop.With the MIND Methodology, not only am I able to contribute to what's most important to my client at any given time, but I now have a way to sustain it over the long haul and see the impact by watching the clients' Most Important Number improve. I truly wish I'd had access to this Methodology 15 years ago.

As a seasoned consultant, I have approached this book out of curiosity more than anything else, to learn another approach to dealing with clients with my consultative skills. It has been a long time since any business approach has impacted me and made me ponder in how I separated the various aspects, the 'moving parts', of any client scenario. What the book has made me do is think and look more closely in how to develop a focus of rationality of what really counts and to give a stronger stance in achieving objectives. It has taught me to separate 'the wheat from the chaff' and to develop how to achieve the 'North Star' in which to follow. It is a prescriptive book up to a certain point and will allow you develop the framework in how to deal with what is needed to be successful.

What you'll find here are solutions to run a successful business based upon not only years of learning by doing but also countless hours spent researching how one might apply what Lee learned to other businesses. He's pulled out the most important parts and put them into a framework to be applied anywhere, by anyone. Lee wrote this book how he ran his business - with intention, humility and consistency. I enjoyed reading and learning just like I'll enjoy putting these concepts to use in my day to day. Thank you, Lee!

This book had me right from the beginning. I have been an admirer of Jack Welch for many years. I have read his books and have worked in organizations who have tried to implement his philosophies. So to have Jack say to Lee that the MIND Methodology is the BEST business management operation system he has ever seen, I knew this book was a must read.The methods Lee teaches are simple, actionable, and effective for any size organization. His insights on profits and its positive impact on the world, or how culture needs to be valued and is a critical component to financial success made a particular impact on me as I think about my current organization and what we could be doing better.If you are going to read one business book this summer – this is this one!!

In a dynamic environment it is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day need to respond to the latest problem. Before long, the day is gone and one begins to question what, if anything, was accomplished. 'Your Most Important Number' offers a methodology and framework that articulates a path to focus on what matters most in your work. The book makes a compelling argument that in doing so, the mission and purpose of the organization is fulfilled and employee satisfaction improves. Not only is the text concise, but it offers online tools to help implement the MIND technique yourself. A very valuable read for leaders who are seeking methods to improve efficiency, effectiveness and employee engagement and satisfaction.

This is a must have for business owners and leaders. It’s as straightforward as an approach to business can get. Highly recommend.

I love winning, but sometimes in business it's hard to know if you are winning during the day to day chaos of running a businesses. The MIND Methodology allows teams to get laser focused on what's most important so that you know if you are winning or loosing. As a result of the MIND Methodology the day to day chaos also seems to fade away because you are working on the right things, in the right order at the right time.Lee has done a great job writing this book in a manor that is easy to understand and apply right away. I have already recommended it to several friends!

Lee Benson’s MIND methodology has enabled our teams to stay focused, driven, & excited. MIND allows us to be proactive towards our KPIs while boosting overall morale. I really enjoyed the interviews in the audio version which gave tremendous insight into Lee's overall thought process behind the methodologies. It came as a shock that Lee recommends 80% of top level executive time should be on dreaming, planning for and solving long-term problems versus eating, solving short-term issues. He recommends eating and dreaming at the same time. This book will give you many gold nuggets, but is a organizational framework that can give you exponential returns on your Most Important Number.

Your Most Important Number: Increase Collaboration, Achieve your Strategy, and Execute to Win
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hardcover: $26.73
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